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Posts posted by renewed_mind

  1. Although I know every surgeon has different guidelines' date=' the differences are NOT that great. If I'm understanding correctly, you're claiming they told you it's "no biggy" that you had SOLIDS on your way home right after surgery... And that the only reason they didn't want you to have SOLIDS was to keep you from puking (btw, there's no "E" in puking)... I highly doubt that ANY surgeon, no matter how lax his rules are will be ok with that, so STOP LYING!! What are you, twelve, that you can't take CONSTRUCTIVE criticism?? Because that's what you've gotten in each and every answer, right up to the point where YOU become the "bully" you've accused others of being. For the most part, I like to give people the benefit of doubt, and do not like to "offend" anyone, but you, my friend, have serious issues. I suggest that right after you "delete your account", you go and sign up for anger management therapy, and most important, for an English 101 course, because, honey, your grammar needs a BAND!![/quote']

    Well you see thats where you are wrong you don't understand and you damn sure aint my friend it was not right after surgury I had surgury on froday stayed all day and night and left in the afternoon on satuday but that was irrelevant to it because all I asked was did you wait or not but everyone decides rather than answer one simple question to chew my ass for not doing what they think I should have done and b***h I aint liein I saw my doctor today and she sait it was no dig f**king deal and was amazed at how iver reactive all of you u are as for my spelling I will spell anything any god damn way I please if you dont like it then don't read it because yall have made such a bif fussy over nouthing that I just type back on my phonw I xould care less if it right or wronf or slideing in backwards and sidways 7 days till sunday up your ***** like that damn hucklebur is that has u in such a tisy so again I say f**k OFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

  2. You know what? I've not been anything but civil to you' date=' and apparently you are not at all capable of being the same. If anyone hasn't been nice in this thread, renewed_mind, it's been you. You are truly one sad human being if you think that how you have behaved is appropriate. And I, for one, am not wasting one more second of my time on you any further.[/quote']

    No no of course not your absolutly right insuuateing that I am similar to some chick who would go to mcdonalds and chew up burgers and spit them out because she was so desperate to eat them that was so cival... not goodbye as soon as I figure out how to deleate this I will

  3. I guess I'm a little taken aback by your reaction OP. Perhaps everyone misunderstood your intention: did you only want people to tell you it was ok? That you weren't potentially doing enough damage to yourself to not only cause long term problems' date=' but perhaps even kill you? If that's what you were after, I'm sorry I offered any advice and I would have stayed out of this thread if I knew that to be the case.

    I don't know you, you certainly don't know me, so except for the fact that you're a fellow human being and I don't like seeing others get hurt, I don't actually have an investment in you or your success. I only know my own success and the lessons I've learnt along the way the last 5 years. I made mistakes too, and if I can help someone NOT make those same mistakes, I try to. So I give advice freely, but whether someone takes it or leaves it is no skin off my nose.

    If you want to eat now, and believe your hunger is somehow worse than anything any of us have felt, well ok. It sounds like nothing anyone can say will convince you otherwise anyway. Good luck whatever you decide to do.[/quote']

    Lady it was a question of did you or did you not if you didnt how long did you wait it wasnt me asking is this ok if I did this if it had been me askibg is it ok if I eat I would expect someone to be honest while still being poliet and stateing I was told not to fo x ammount of time not to be rude nore did I ask or seek approval for something you deem wrong.. also please dont put words in my mouth I never saod that my hunger was worse than anyone elses so get of your high and mighty pedestal and try being nice to people

  4. Wow. Some one has their panties in a bit of a knot.... Stating the obvious is not being negative.

    So you were made aware of what was expected of you before hand. You at a BURRITO.... So you did disregard the rules. Do you think that we all weren't starving after our surgery? Omg I was. But I knew going into this that I would face tuff times.... But I signed up for all this. Just like everyone else did

    So too answer your question: no I did not eat till I was told I could. Guess I just wanted it more than you. Guess that's why we are all successful LB patients. Can't wait to see how your doing in a year.

    Oh well im so glad to know that I will fail so misurabully because I just dont want it as bad as you did! Drat I guess I better just go have it taken out thwn cause obviously I just dont give two shits didnt study dudnt research or nouthing anything about this I just went to some quack who threw me under a knife and put it in without ever haveing a psych eval as to weather I can and will be abel to stick with the dietary requirements... I dont know why im just not as smart as you.... now maybe that will make you happy ya f**king goody two shoes because all of that was sarcasum but thanks for condeming me the way most others on here seem to do regaurdless of if your a successfull bandster or not its not an ekiet club that has no more room for members and frankly of this is the way people act after being banded then I dont wanna be in this little club with you... I will worry about me my health and my band and what ny doctor says and yall can take a flying kiss at my ass cause im done argueing about it with you

  5. There are so many posts to this thread I may have missed it' date=' but does your doctor know you are eating this soon? I think I speak for alot of people on here when I say none of us probably chewed really well right off the bat...it's something you have to learn and it can take time. Some of us had to learn the hard way when we didn't quite chew well enough. I'm getting that your doctor did NOT prepare/ educate you on the lapband. Many basics you should already know, beginning with you DO have a pouch. Your doctor should have shown you a model or picture of where the band sits. You are not stupid, don't think that. It IS a very serious thing that your not following the instructions regarding the diet . Go to lapband.com. Lots if great info there.[/quote']

    My doctor educated me and yes my doctor knows I am eating atleast one solid or mushy meal a day why just today I had chicken and dumplings she said I have progressed very well and rapidly and is very proud of me she actually gave me two stickers "like im a child" to congragulate mr on a job well done because since my surgury even while eating solid foods I have managed to lose anouther 5 lbs in a weeks time I was also told before I had the surgury that they atrach the band to the upper portion of yoyr stomach and as they fill it with saline it creats a snall pouch about the size of a golf ball and for right now she isnt as worried about the ammount of food I eat as she is me healing up but once thw inject the saline and restrict me and create the pouch then I will have to cut back on the ammount but for me that wont be a problem because im not eating alot as it is anyway I am eating much smaller portions and and following the caloric Protein fat carbs and sugar intake that I will have to later

  6. Renewed_mind' date=' I feel your pain. I just had my surgery last monday and was starving after being on a liquid diet for the week before. I didn't go full solid food but I did "mush" on wednesday after my sugery because i wanted something besides sweet Protein shakes and Soups so bad! I didn't have any problems with it at all. I'm still doing mushy foods after almost two weeks and don't get nauseous or anything. Just listen to your body. Take a bite wait a little and if all goes well continue. Everyone's different and you will gain sucess in your own way. Don't let people piss you off just scroll past their comments and keep going. Also, so I'm not a person thay didn't answer your question...my doctor's office said it was to get your stomach used to eating solid foods again and let the swelling go down before you fill it with solids. Hope thus helps some. Good luck![/quote']

    This is exactly what my doctors office said they didnt want me to eat solids and get sick and puke putting all that pressure on this fresh stuff that I was already in pain over but since I handled it well it was no biggie ..... thank you very much for a normal rational and nice responce with an answer to the question instead of an irrational rude criticism of me and basically saying im dumb and have no clue what im doing I appriciate that

  7. I have a friend that keeps stretching her pouch out because of drinking with meals. I too bend rules sometimes but I tend to learn that they are there for a reason. Fortunately you are now able to adjust your eating and drinking and get your pouch back in shape. That's a valuable lesson learned and one that I think many people disregard out of all of the rules. Thank you for sharing and for your informative post.

    I made sure it went down day one with liquid because I wasnt sure but since I spoke with them and was told it was more for the benifit of not getting nauseated and pukeing rather than anything else it was fine and since then I still act as though my food is being held in a pouch and slowly filtered through so I dont drink before during or for 30 mins after I eat and I make sure I chew really well... so that part where I thought it would be a hard adjustment hasnt been so bad I catch myself reach for something to drink while eating every now and again though lol

  8. They want you to wait because you're swollen inside' date=' and because your stitches have not healed. If you eat solid food, it will sit in the pouch above your band (as it's supposed to) and go down slowly. However, putting pressure on the band before you have healed means there's a very real chance that the stitches will tear right through your stomach tissue, causing your organs to tear, and the band to shift or slip...

    Organ tissue is different than skin. It stays moist all the time and doesn't heal as quickly as skin. This is one of the reasons the sleeve is a riskier surgery than the band. With the band, you just have stitches, but when they cut your stomach open for the sleeve, the staples up at the top don't always fuse shut, and your stomach juices ooze out through the wound.

    So the post-op diet is intended to make you wait till your swelling has gone down, your stitches have healed, and your body has gotten used to having a foreign object in there before adding pressure and irritation to your organs.

    I was on liquids for two weeks. I was supposed to be on mushies for two weeks, but asked my doctor (after being on mushies for a week) if that was 100% required because I was getting hungry a lot. He said it was, but after doing a checkup and a fluoroscope on me, said that my band was so wide open that he would approve my eating a small amount of mashed fish a few days earlier. But that was the only food he was willing to let me eat earlier.

    I'm rebellious and don't like to follow rules, but also don't want to hurt myself. So I've been selectively following the rules that relate to my not hurting myself, and figure the ones having to do with calories and weight loss are on me. So sometimes I have candy. Sometimes I have juice. And I figure if I lose weight a little slower, that's ok with me because this is a long journey...

    That said, I messed up.

    I was told that you shouldn't drink with meals. My doctor was VERY clear about that. But I thought the reason was so that you didn't push food through your band quickly, thus causing you to be hungrier earlier... Ok, so most of the time I didn't drink with meals, but sometimes I did. I even asked the nutritionist once if that meant I could never have wine with dinner again and she said it was fine to sip a little sometimes...

    But OOPS!!!

    I didn't know that the reason was not just about pushing food through faster, but ALSO so that you didn't increase the overall volume of food above your band. Because I wanted to drink, I only heard "it was fine." I didn't hear "a little" or "sometimes" because I wasn't listening for that...

    And now my pouch is dilated. Not a lot, just a little. And I caught it early so the doc said it should go back to normal after I do a few things... But I really do wish I had followed the rules on this one and not tried to pick out what I wanted to hear, and what I thought the reasons were. I'm not a doctor. What the hell do I know?

    All I know is that i got this surgery because I wanted to lose weight. And I have lost a lot of weight!! In fact, if I never lost another pound I'd still be happy... But if I gain it all back I will not be happy. And if I stretch out my pouch, cause slips, and mess up my internal organs, I will end up right back where I started...[/quote']

    Did they put fuild in you band right out of surgury or not? Because I dont have a pouch yet my band has no Fluid in it whatsoever

  9. Well obviously some pwople have experianced the same thing as I have people on here would rather condem and critsize than be supportive and at the very least polite in their responce and instead of saying things like I dont know why people have this done with a complete lack of discipline or respect for the band or your just simply not ready you need to meditate on what you want in your life and what is nore important yada yada yada..... they cant just say I waited untill my doctor said it was ok which was x number of days or weeks ect because obviously every doctor and clinic is different since I have reado some posts on here that people had saline in there band right after surgury some people didnt have as long of a preop diet and many other differences so why be so rude stuck up and snobbish why not just simply answer politly?

  10. Also no need to the vulgar language or name calling.

    Then people shouldnt be judgemental and just answer the damn question ... and besides that id rather use vulgar languages and be honest and non judgemental then sitting ther behind a screen telling everyone else how wrong they are and not useing vulgar language

    As I said it dosebt matter I will be deleating my account from this as soon as I get to a computer because I want no part of a forum where people have nouthing better to do that criticize and tell others how wrong and unprepared they are I have heard that my entier life which is what lead to the being overweight to begin with and will not stand for it any longer

  11. why do people get the band ... knowing the rules and the long road ahead.. only to disregard them? I think maybe some self reflection on what you thought life with the band was/is going to be like.

    Did you doctor/NUT tell you what diet you were going to be responsible for after your surgery? If so' date=' why didn't you ask that question at that time? Did you say: Why do i have to wait? What could be the complications if i don't and eat?[/quote']

    Yes I was made well aware of my diet after I begin getting my band filled which has not and will nit hapoen for anouther four weeks also I did not get the band and disregaurd the rules at all I simply ate a meal because it was all I had in a 4 and a half hour trip home I had to have something so a barrito with tiny egg bits that I could chew up sounded reasonable its not like I went to kfc and got a 10 peice of extra crispy chicken and scarffed it all down... also I have a very good Idea of how life with the band is/will be as I have already given up smokeing sodas and the majority of foods I love to follow the dietary requirements for the pre oprative surgury but for now untill I begin getting filled eating the way im supposed it is exactly what im doing I watch portions ammiunts caloriores and carbs and fat on a daily basis and never consume nore than a thousand calories so how dare you who has no idea about me even pretent to know by one question how misconstrued my notions or preceptions if the band are or how well or horrible I will do with the band... stop being so negative and f**k OFF!

  12. It is very medically necessary to follow the post op diet to a T! Your doctor wouldn't give the post op instructions if you could really have solids within days or even weeks after a surgery like this.

    You chewed it up well and nothing happened? What if something would've happened... Is it worth the chance of SERIOUS complications? I would think not.

    I would think you should answer the question and not be so f**king rude? Hiw about that?

  13. from what i understand it is due to the swelling.

    Although you didnt answer the question posed atleast you were not rude and persistant that I was completly disregaurding all knowledge of how the band works or that the band dosent do it for me and that I was trying to kill myself or any one of the ither stupid comments made on here

  14. It was close to 4 weeks before I was transitioned into solids.

    I'm sure you are getting the hint that what you did was not only a huge mistake' date=' but a huge risk to your health and life.

    It scares me when people are educated and advised on their surgeries, the risks and the postop instructions and they agree wholeheartedly and sign consent just to turn around and ignore everything they were told.

    lellow was kind enough to link you to a recent post about another bandster who abused her band and it damn near killed her. And some people have indeed lost their lives due to complications. Question is, was it the band or the abuser?

    Sorry for the irrate tone of the post, but it is absolutely infuriating to hear someone be so careless and than come onto this site looking for fellow abusers to soothe their guilt. I'm just not interested in hearing it.[/quote']

    I am not looking for a fellow bandster to sooth my guikt I have no guilt what soever and if you wrent so much of a tigh ass snob you wouldnt have even thought that either im not stuid if you followed ur preop diet to a t you would be stareing to death like I was which is why I was given premission on my final all liquid day to drink a soda and have mashed potatoes because of the saver malnurishment that I was experianceing... also I have not received a bunch of info then turned aeound and choose to totaly ignore it as you imply I simply didnt do onw thing since I have been banded and if you will read further in this I was told it was ok so to you as well get a life and find something else to do rather than get on here and criticize and look down at everyone else... in other words take a flying kiss at my ass and f**k off

  15. You start does not bode well long term for your commitment to the band. Yes you will be hungry' date=' but some of that is head hunger. I would talk to a counselor about your wants versus your needs. It is so very important to follow doctor's orders. Complications in those who do not are common. You have to want this more than anything to make a go of it. Sorry to be harsh, but need to own up to your own failings. We can all eat around the band... ice cream goes down really well, but it will not make you healthy or thin.[/quote']

    This was not head hunger this was my whole intestinal system geowing and grumbleing and me haveing one hell of a headach because I hadnt had foor for over a wekk so dont sit there and pretend to know from the get go how well I will or won't succeed with the band its not like im back to eating the same foods and same ammounts I ate before you rude ass jerk I still watch what I eat and never get near the calories carbs or fats that I used to consume so.... f**k OFF and get a better attitude

  16. I really love how people choose to ignore questions in here and rather rant and rave about how everything somwone does is wrong! What is wrong with you people that you have nouthing better to do that to criticize people and tell them what a horrible human being they are and why they shoukdnt do something do u think just because u have a band ur in some elite club and dont want anyone else to join? And fyi all of you who have done nothing but criticize me since I joined this forum just to get tips tricks ect I have had the surgury I am doing just fine im not like that lady who got her band so damn tight and was chwoing down on a burger and fries I havent even gotten any Fluid in my band yet and they at the hospital wrrent even following their own rules of clear liquid onky for 2 days hell the day after ny surfury they were giving me coffee and red pop sickles so I had a couple of regular food meels... I had a 4 and a half hour drive with nouthing at all to eat so I stoped got me one thing and chewed the hell out of it so it was liquid and would slide down and on top of that part of the reason I did it is because I was so saverly malnourished that I had droped 5 lvs over night the night before my surgury and was sick as a dog I am currently eating one regular meal a day the rest is liquids but it dosent matter because I called after I posted this here and was told the reason they want to ease you back to solid foods is because of the fact that you have went a week without them and just had surgury they are worried about me getting nauseated and pukeing thereby putting pressure if I puked on the stomic and the band which never happened and the fact that I wasnt nausated and was holding down solid food already was an excellent sign and nouthing to be worried about as long as I followed the chewing part .....

    but again none of it matters because noone on this site cares to givw support tips or tricks or suggestions all they care to do is tell someone how horrible of a person they are and how unready they are for this life changeing surgury... and I have news for you... you are not me never will be me and have no idea how ready or not I am so...... f**k OFF!

  17. So I was told after I was released from the hospital that I had to stay on Clear Liquids for one more day and then advance to all liquids then after ny one week followup I could advance to pureede foods... and I didnt follow that I was starveing and got some real food after I was released yes I chewed up really well and was drinking with it to make sure it went down and I havent had any problems so why do they want us to wait and how long did you wait? If you didnt did you have any complications?

  18. I take a shower now I peeled off the big bandaid but the surgi bandaids are still there they said just let them fall off on there own... so im doing that I go Thursday to see my doc and make sure they are healing well... and hopefully find out when I can maybe go see a chiropractor because at some point after surgury I guess getting in and out of bed I poped my back out of place and my lower ribs wont let me take too deep a breath without a sharp pain which sucks

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