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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Lori45

  1. So sorry to hear ur past abuse. Sounds like u are looking out for U now and I hope the future is bright. My journey is I was always "little " 99 pounds when I got married 25 years ago and was always small even after having kids. I was diagnosed with RA couple of years ago but took 6 years to diagnosis so lived with terrible pain and steroids. The prednisone put alot of weight on me, then depression/eating for comfort , isolating myself because I was embarrassed about my weight, blood pressure high, sleep apnea and not having energy to be a good mom or wife. Decided I needed to get my life back . Best thing I ever did! Been banded since may 29th and down 50 pounds . Getting my life back again . Wishing u good luck.
  2. Lori45

    Problem Foods??

    I can pretty much have anything except big lettuce leaf salads even if cut up I have hard time with salads. Which is a bummer cuz I used to enjoy them so. Everything else is a go for me!
  3. So excited for u!!! Isn't it fun to see that scale keep going down??? Wow! Be proud of urself. I've learned if u don't toot ur own horn noones going to toot it for ya!!!! Keep up the great work
  4. Lori45

    Not perfect yet, but...

    Look at that little waist! Wow. Enjoy ur new figure u have worked hard!!!
  5. U so deserved that treat for urself!!! And look wonderful. U do not look in ur 50's!!! :-)
  6. Lori45

    50lbs Loss

    Congratulations doesn't it feel great ? I just hit my 50 pound mark too? When were u banded? Mine was may 29th. Keep up the great work and enjoy the new u! For the first time in along time I enjoyed getting dressed up and going out with friends last weekend . I'm sure u feel the same. It's nice to feel good in ur clothes again..... Goodluck Lori
  7. I've lost a bale of hay so far! Still have an Irish setter to lose to meet my goal!! How funny. Puts things in perspective for sure!!!!
  8. Lori45

    So very confused...please help.

    I had similar experience and feel ur frustration ! When u are ready u want to get it done and scheduled especially when u have been thru time and expense getting all preop stuff done. I'm just in Lil kansas so not near NYC but I finally went to the nurse manager and told them they were about to lose money as my insurance was approved and preop done. I told them I would take my business an hour down the highway and they would be glad to schedule my surgery. Clinical manager called me back within 30 min and scheduled my surgery for 2 weeks later. Keep calling and advocate for urself, ask for person in charge and say ur frustrated with no return calls . Goodluck!!! Lori
  9. Lori45

    August Challenge

    Started jogging and I can see pounds dropping faster down 2 more pounds today! Now at 192. I will take it yay !!!
  10. Lori45

    August Challenge

    Checking in at 194 today!!! Down 5 more pounds yay !!!!!
  11. The reality is we can't stay on a liquid diet forever! I truly felt the same when I started losing preop but knew it would be short lived and when u start introducing solids again the weight loss slows unless able to keep portions at a minimum. Just really think it through. For me I did not want to prolong getting healthy and starting a new life anymore , I wanted to begin ASAP!!! Now I'm few months post op and have no regrets !!! On my way to a new me. Life is short and I wanted to start living again!!! Think it through. Sorry but when u feel so good u want to share that feeling with people so they too can feel it.
  12. I had the same thoughts but what the band does is help with the process . Takes care of that urge to overeat, and those times when we get hungry and lose our self control . I was banded may 29th and down 46 pounds already . Yes I have to be focused everyday and make smart choices but the band is a wonderful tool to keep my appetite and desire to overeat at bay. I wonder now why it took me so long to decide to do it!! I love my band. Goodluck to u and just know the band is a tool to a healthier happier life!!! I have so much energy and am getting my life back. My life does not focus around food anymore !!! Goodluck and stay the course. Lori
  13. Hi ginger . I too was 240 pounds with BMI of 39-40. I chose the lapband and love it!!! Only little over 2 months postop and have already lost 43 pounds!!! In the one hundreds now. Was back to work in one week. No complications or problems. I eat around 600-800 calories a day and am very satisfied with only one fill so far. My insurance did pay due to sleep apnea, hypertension, and R/A. Which by the way my b/p is down to 117/70's, my R/A pain is much improved due to less weight on my joints. Whatever u decide , goodluck and u wil be starting an incredible journey into a healthier U!!! Lori
  14. Lori45

    A new me!

    Isn't that a great feeling !!!! U look great. ! Congrats....
  15. Lori45

    1400 Calorie a day

    Fashionstylist ur doing great!!!! Congrats!! I relate to pushing the water I'm not good at that either but trying to do better. I've only had one fill on July 12. 2 cc's I think. Keep up the great work!
  16. Lori45

    1400 Calorie a day

    Stay between 600-900 calories a day with exercise. I physically cannot eat anymore than that. I'm very satisfied and never feel hungry . Banded may 29th and down 43 pounds. Keep track of my calories and log food on "calorie counter".
  17. Lori45

    Severe Sleep Apnea

    Hello. I too have severe sleep apnea and as a nurse could not wait to get my cpap machine! Not because I was Looking forward to wearing it but it scared the hell out of me that I might not wake up the next morning . As a nurse I can't tell u how many Pts die due to noncompliance or undiagnosed sleep apnea. What can happen when u stop breathing for a period of time ur heart can go into a fatal arrhythmia and U can go into cardiac arrest and not wake up. I'm just voicing my reason for being compliant and wearing my cpap every nite! Yes it's inconvenient , not attractive etc etc but I think of my boys and family and my motivation to get healthy and LIVE a happier healthy life . I too am Hoping as I lose weight I will no longer need. Hope this helps explain the importance . Nothing to mess around with. Goodluck.
  18. Banded May 29th and down 43 pounds!!! Feeling great!! No hunger only one fill so far. Can't complain at all so glad I did this!!!!
  19. Lori45

    Ultimate Goal?

    Wow!!! So u lost 80 pounds in bout 6 months???thats amazing!!!
  20. To tell u the truth I never puréed anything ( I am big on textures when I eat ) used small curd cottage cheese and just cut up my scrambled eggs "very fine". Hope that helps.
  21. Lori45

    Calories & meal ideas

    Yes. My dr. Says nothing to drink 30-45min prior to meal and 30-60 minutes after meal. They say this helps u stay full longer. They do not want food getting "flushed" out of pouch and not keep u satisfied. This did not start for me until j was in the solid food stage, but they want u to get into that habit. Hope that helps . It's hard to do at times .
  22. Lori45

    Ultimate Goal?

    First of all congrats on ur weight loss ! Ur doing great!!! I am 5"3 starting weight 239. Banded may 29th down 41 pounds at 198. Now in size 16 was 22. My goal weight is 125, size 5-6 or so. That may not be reality for me anymore but would really like to try !! Most of my teens, twenties and early 30 was 120's. would sure love to se those days again . But that being said every pound I lose I gain energy, more confidence and feel soooo much better, healthier!! As long as scale is going in that direction I'm good!! Put alot of my weight on being on prednisone for my R/A.
  23. I sooooo feel ur pain!!! I was banded may 29th and I too had 4 straight weeks of liquids only!! I just alternated sweet ( protien shake) to salty ( chicken broth ) but to this day have to really "spice" up my chicken broth !! U will think cottage cheese and scrambled eggs never tasted so good!!! Hang in there by my last day of liquid I could barely gag broth down anymore. SF Popsicles helped think I was chewing stuff! I had alot of those. Good luck. It does get better!!!
  24. Lori45

    stress not good

    So sorry to hear ur struggling with stress. Plez take care of urself!!! Hoping things get better soon . "This to shall pass" hang in there!!!!
  25. Lori45

    August Challenge

    Forgot...., I'm 45 years old and from Salina, Kansas.

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