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The Icy One

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by The Icy One

  1. Thank you I will. At the class they said it wouldn't be primed but she also showed a small band.

    Different surgeons have a different process. Your surgeon may not prime bands with Fluid. All surgeons will put Fluid in the band during surgery to check for leaks and to be sure that the band is functioning properly. Some surgeons then drain the band, completely, others leave a little or a lot of fluid behind. It just depends on the individual surgeon and, I believe the feel the surgeon has for the individual patient. My surgeon left a LOT of fluid in my band. He must have had a feeling about me, a reason for doing so. And his decision seems to have been the right one because it has been working for me. :)

    Just trust your surgeon and the process. He or she will do what they feel is right and right for you. :)

  2. Yep, we were in the drive through (hospital) at Breakfast and back out of it after lunch. I didn't feel pushed to leave. We were hardly on a table. Mostly in a recliner.

    Actually I think the registration we did the week previous took us longer...

    The drive through hospital. :lol: I like that. I didn't feel pushed to leave, either. I was ready to go. I was perfectly stable, feeling pretty good, happy, in fact. I had requested an extra bump of the good stuff, for my long ride home, which they gladly gave me and I was ready to blow that pop stand and go home to my recliner and let my husband pamper and fuss over me. :D

  3. Research is your friend. knowledge is your armor. Read everything you can find on weight loss surgery, research the various procedures, not just the one in which you think you may be interested. Read up on ALL of them! There is no such thing as having too much information and as you go through the process of research and information gathering and even seminars and so on, the procedure you begin thinking you want, may not be the one that turns out to be right for you,

    A few years ago, I was 100% sure that Gastric Bypass was the Golden Ticket for me. Guess what? I'm sitting here with a Lap Band around my gut and I couldn't be happier. :lol: I attended a RNY seminar, did research on that procedure, did the prelim paperwork and hit an insurance snag. A few years later, with better insurance, having done even more reading and research, I came to the conclusion that Lap Band was my surgery of choice. Would I have been okay with the RNY back then? Probably. But I believe that things shake out as they do for a reason. :D

    What I'm trying to say here is, knowledge is power and you can't have too much power when you advocating for yourself and your healthcare decisions. WLS is a HUGE decision and it is permanent. So if you are going to do this, you need to go forward armed with all of the information you can get, making the best decision for you, for your body, your health concerns and your lifestyle and what you are willing to live with. Don't take this lightly. Don't let it scare you but don't jump until you know just what you are jumping in to! :)

  4. If your surgeon is putting in an Allergan band he will have both sizes available. He/she wont make a decision as to the size until he/she sees your stomach. The shape and lining thickness of the upper part of your stomach will help determine the size.


    I asked my surgeon about the size band he would place and he told me point blank he wouldn't know until he got in there. I have a 10 cc. AP (Advance Platform) Allergan Lap Band. It was primed with 5 cc of Fluid by my surgeon during my surgery. Between that prime and my hernia repair, I was Green Zone for a full two months, after my procedure and have only had/needed one tiny 1/2 cc adjustment, since. :)

    As soon as you wake up, ask what size band you received and the Fluid in it. Write it down, you need that information, going forward. :)

  5. Thanks everyone for commenting. It's currently 4am and I've gotten up every hour to 45min to pee. Very annoying lol. I've done my fair share of walking but still having very painful shoulder gas. It's probably been the worst so far with any other surgery pains today. After my swallowing study today I can go home.

    Dude! They kept you overnight? I went in to the surgical center at a quarter to six in the morning, was the first patient of the day, (yay! no waiting!) in for my surgery, fast recovery, (I am a good patient, I bounce back like a Superball) and they threw my ass out by a quarter to ten. With our drive home from Tempe to Prescott, I was chillin' like a villain in my recliner by lunch time. :D I am always amazed at how different facilities do this surgery. :lol:

  6. Well, my day is coming, Friday the 27th. I am excited to be finally taking the next step but still read all these issues that people are having and pray that I avoid them. My doctor told me that I will not have much pain yet others in the forum say they have major pains. I truly hope not. Hiccups, choking, all kinds of other problems. I don't want to be sick or have the issues just good results and a healthier life.

    I am focusing on the positive, those that are happy with this decision and the outcomes. I figure I have made it through the first challenge, hopefully I make it through the rest.

    This has to be a positive move for me so I hope all the challenges are not so difficult.

    Everyone is different. But what I can tel you is, if you have a smooth, easy procedure, you shouldn't have too much post op pain/discomfort. Mine was very minimal. I didn't even crack open the bottle of prescription pan meds I had to fill before my surgery. All I experienced was discomfort that I alleviated with walking and moving around. Seriously, just not letting myself stiffen up was the best medicine, post Lap Band surgery! :lol: I did have left shoulder pain because hernia repair, it bugged me more than I thought it would, a heating pad and a little liquid children's Motrin helped to knock it down, as did gentle rotation exercises.

    For me, fatigue was the biggest factor. For the first three days, I. just. wanted. to. sleep. :lol: I would get up, move and walk, do a little very light housework, drink my clear liquid nourishment, use the bathroom, take care of my incisions, what have you, then cuddle back into my recliner, watch a little tube, read a little and crash out. Gone. Wake up, rinse and repeat. Did that for three days. On day four, all of a sudden, I was feeling great. Full of energy, ready to hit the ground running. I just had to listen to my body, give it want it wanted. And what it wanted was movement and sleep to help it heal. :lol:

    Anyway, don't let what you read about post surgical feels scare you. Put it out of your mind, be prepared to experience your own and deal as it comes and you will be just fine! :D

    Good luck!

  7. The Icy One:

    My hubs just doesn't think that I am over weight. He asked if I really thought I needed it. I politely reminded him that I have tried just about every weight loss option out there, told him that I literally hate the way I look and pointed out that that was why he hasn't seen me naked in a while. It's not him totally me. I think once he knows I'm serious about it he will show a little more support. Hell the man supports me with any endeavor that I set out on. I really think he is just worried about the money aspect of it all. :(

    I feel you. I just get stabby when I read posts where I perceive husbands/wives/partners are trying to control medical decisions being made by their other half. I get my back up really fast when I think something like that is going on and I tend to spring to the defense of the injured party. :blush:

    The money aspect is a big issue. Even with our medical insurance and we have good insurance, we had to lay out a couple of grand, out of pocket, when it was all said and done. We don't have co-pays or any of that racket but we do pay a percentage on the back end, just like any insurance and when the dust cleared and everything was paid by our insurance, it was our turn to pay our share. Between True Results, my surgeon, the surgical center, the anesthesiologist... Still it was worth it. And, my husband is a good negotiator and he was able to call and talk a few of the bigger bills down a few clams so we ended paying out less out of pocket than we otherwise would have. Also, when the bigger bills rolled in, we called and asked for a little time to pull the money together, which they were happy to do.

    We aren't wealthy people. Financially responsible but not wealthy. My surgery and the bills that came with it were a big concern for us and it took some wrangling and number crunching and making calls and negotiating to make it happen and make it work. But, my husband knew how huge this was for me, he knew that this would help me regain my life, my health and he was determined to help me make it happen and he has worked just as hard in his way as I have, in mine, to bring it all about and I am so grateful to him, every day. :D

  8. Finally out of surgery. My mouth taste horrible

    Lol and a sore throat but other than tht only a little pain thanks to the dilaudid! So happy I did this. A little annoyed the anesthesiologist was telling me she would See me next year to get the band removed cuz it's not successful. I kindly told her I'm only interested in my doctors opinion. Geez the nerve of some ppl.

    Wow. The nerve on that woman! :angry: Even if she doesn't believe in the band, it isn't her job so say things like that to her patients. How unprofessional can she get?

    Anyway, congrats on your successful surgery and cheers to a swift and uneventful recovery and a happy and successful banded life to come! :D

  9. Congrats on being so successful. I sort of lurked on this site for a while w/out posting bc I couldn't remember my password to log in...... That's why I should only post on the the 50-something board.......LOL.

    I hate it when I forget passwords. I finally made a notebook with my passwords. I know that it's a bad, no-no but I just can't keep them all in my head. :lol:

  10. Did you where a tummy band?

    Nope. :) I Just got a feel for where Mr. Porty was and learned to support my tummy when straightening, (I would get a sharp pain when straightening up, if I didn't hold under my gut) and move just right, side to side until the site where my port is stitched in healed and settled down. Took about three weeks or a month or so. :)

    I suppose that you could wear a tummy support band, if you wanted to. I just didn't feel the need for one. Once I got the hang of how to support my gut when I needed to, I was just fine. But everyone is a little different and needs to do what works for them. :D

  11. Thanks for replying Arlene! I hope to get a lot of information at the seminar! My biggest concern at the moment is my husband he doesn't seem to want me to get it. He's not out right expressing it but giving off signals.


    I know a "signal" you can give off in return. :angry: So what if he doesn't want you to get WLS? He has two choices here: He can step up and be supportive or he can step back and STFU. Either way, it's your body, your health, your decision. He has no say in the matter and he needs to learn to respect your right to your person and to be your support and your cheerleader, not a hindrance.

    I don't know... Maybe I'm a hopelessly spoiled wife. But from the moment I told my husband I made an initial online appointment for a Lap Band consult right through every pre op appointment, my surgery, every after care appointment... My husband has been nothing but supportive, helpful, sweet. He never complains, he would never assume that he has the right to approve or not of any medical decision I make. He is just... Here for me. I return that respect and those favors when he requires medical care. I always assumed that was part of being married. :)

    /end rant/grumble/

  12. It's finally here. I'm currently getting registered for it and I'm so excited. So many thoughts going through my mind. Don't knw wether to laugh or cry. Can't wait!!!!! Biggest fear=pain :(

    Everyone is different, of course but really... It's not bad, at all. I didn't have any real "pain" after my Lap Band surgery. Some discomfort but I wasn't in what I would describe as pain. I never even touched my prescription pain meds. Didn't need them. I was able to get around easily, with a little care get in and out of my recliner, sleep comfortably... Use the bathroom. I even did simple little chores around my house. I had no gas pain. I did have some rather deep discomfort in my left shoulder because of my hernia repair. A heating pad and some liquid children's Motrin helped knock that down.

    Walking and moving, not letting myself get too stiffened up helped me stay most comfortable. I found that if I got lazy and didn't get up, walk and move around, I hurt. Movement, activity was the best medicine for me, during my recovery. :D My biggest "ouchie" was my port site. I was reminded, rather sharply of it's presence when I forgot myself and moved without care. :lol: Once I got the hang of remembering to support my tummy and how to bend and twist in ways that didn't piss it off, I was fine. :)

    Don't be afraid of the post surgical feels. It's really not that bad. :)

  13. Every airline has their own policies but most will ask an obese passenger to buy two tickets if they need two seats. It's a racket, since they like to make their seats so obnoxiously small. Squeeze those people in like cattle, you know... Okay. not going to rant. :lol:

    Anyway, Call or go on the airline's website well in advance of your planned flight, research the policy and book your tickets as early as you can and have your hard copies and seat assignments in hand when you get to the airport so that check in and boarding goes as smoothly as possible and there are no questions or debate at the gate and no one can raise a stink or humiliate your guy.

  14. You are AMAZING and an inspiration. After 2 years I have lost only 30 pounds and am profoundly depressed. I started drinking sugary liquids to fill myself, out of a fear of getting stuck and throwing up (which happened to me very severely). I am trying to start anew and thank you for being such a role model.

    Have you had your Fluid level checked? It sounds to me as if you are in your Red Zone and far too tight and that is why food is making your throw up, you are filling up on sugary liquids and afraid to eat and not making any progress. That is misery and no way to live with a band. And it can be harmful to you. If you haven't, get in, get your band checked, adjusted and see the possibilities of life with a properly adjusted band.

    Remember, it isn't about "restriction." It's about being in your Green Zone. Your band is a tool, not a punishment. Make it work for you, not work you over. ;)

  15. Mine was 12 months, so maybe you can look on the bright side and appreciate that it could be twice as long? haha its all worth it. 3-6 months supervised seems to be the norm around here.

    12 months? I'd have gone out of my ever loving mind! :lol: I thought five, start to finish was bad. :lol: I admire your fortitude! :D

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