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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by SarahRN482

  1. Wow! Your story is my mirrored life. If I didn't know, I'd swear I wrote that post. I have an appointment with my surgeon on September 3rd. I hope I get answers. I will share what I find out.

    As much as this whole situation sucks for both of us, it's nice to see someone else who gets what I'm going through. Honestly, the not sleeping is getting to me the most. Last night I went to bed at 10pm and was up at 2:30 literally gasping and choking to the point it woke my husband up. I ended up just getting up because there's no point in trying to go back to bed when I just wake up choking again. It's so frustrating to know that something is not right with your body but no one will listen to you.

    I put a call in to a different bariatric surgeon today, so I'm hopeful that they will take me. One of my friends/coworkers is best friends with this surgeon's PA so he said he would put in a good word for me. The surgeon's nurse called me back this afternoon but I missed the call, so I have to give her a call back tomorrow. I'm still keeping the appointment with my primary care group on Friday, that way I'll have all my bases covered. I hate to be "that" patient, but I can't go on living like this.

  2. I am almost 1 year post op and initially, I was doing fantastic. As far as weight loss goes, I have done very well, I'm down 147 pounds in 11 months. In February of this year, I started having issues with acid reflux. Prior to that I had had a fill in December and did well for 2 months, then bam, acid reflux. I went to my surgeon and had a slight unfill, but still continued to have problems, which I told my surgeon about. He blew me off and told me I wasn't following the band rules, so I took it all down to basis, continuing to still have issues. In March, I started having major pain, which turned out to be my gallbladder. My surgeon tried to blow me off about that too until I literally called their office everyday in misery because I couldn't even keep Water down. Finally, on April 18th, I had my gall bladder taken out. Surgeon says that gallbladder issues will not cause acid reflux (which I've confirmed with several other doctors as I'm an RN), yet I continued to have reflux to the point that a week after my gallbladder removal, he removed all the Fluid from my band. My lapband has been totally EMPTY since April, so 4 months now. I went back to my surgeon one more time after he removed all the fluid and he basically blew me off, told me it was all in my head, and sent me on my way. I AM MISERABLE. I continue to have acid reflux every single day. I wake up coughing and gagging, choking on regurgitation and even have it coming out of my nose. I have coughed bits of food up out of my lungs. I have constant nausea and a full feeling in my throat, like I have food stuck in there. I don't eat badly, I follow the lap band rules, and despite having an empty band for 4 months, I've lost 30-40 pounds in that time. I have tried EVERY OTC medication for acid reflux (Prilosec, even Rx from the doc, Nexium, Zantac, Prevacid, Tums, Rolaids, etc etc etc) and I've even resorted to drinking baking soda in water (which is absolutely the most disgusting thing I have ever tasted in my life). None of it works more than a few hours. I'm lucky if I sleep 3-4 hours uninterrupted at night. I'm happy with my weight loss, but I am sick and tired of living like this.

    I have not been back to my surgeon since the end of April. I also have not heard one single word from his office. The crappy part now is that it's going to be very difficult to find a surgeon in the area to take me on as a patient because they don't want to take on someone else's "mess". I had an appointment scheduled with my primary doctor in early September but I called today and moved it up to this Friday with whatever doctor could see me in their group. I don't know if they will refer me to a GI specialist or another bariatric surgeon, but something has to be done. I really think I have a hiatal hernia, and honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if I had it before the lap band and my original surgeon did nothing about it. I'm 99% positive I haven't had a band slip because I don't have severe, sharp pain, just a gnawing ache below my sternum, and I am able to eat, although the amount is totally inconsistent.

    Any insight or opinions are greatly appreciated, even similar stories. Thanks y'all!

  3. Well I ended up getting my unfill after all. He didn't take it all, but I pretty much have no restriction... And it's scary. I'm so afraid I'm going to gain a ton over the next month, which is how long he wants me to wait. I'm on 40mg of Prilosec twice a day for the time being also. He said he really doesn't think the problem is with my band, but my symptoms have him stumped. He did if I still have the problems when I follow up on April 7th,he's going to have to do an EGD to see if I possibly have an ulcer even though he didn't think that's the issue either. Hopefully it's just irritation from something I ate and I can start my fill schedule again after a month.

  4. I'm beyond frustrated right now. They told me to be at the hospital at 11 for my procedure. Get there, wait an hour in a gown, then they come tell me my doc can't come until after 1 pm. So I can either wait or reschedule. I have an hour drive and my kids get out of school at 2pm,so there's no way I can wait. What am I supposed to do??? I can't eat anything without pain and reflux. I'm so freaking sick of my surgeon, he sucks and my aftercare has sucked too.

  5. If I had to speculate...and I mean speculate...I would say it was irritation....when that happens with me I go all liquids for a few days....My Dr. recommends the same but will take Fluid out to many people because he feels they will not follow his instructions...so taking Fluid out allows them to continue eating and gives the band a rest at the same time...

    Don't have the slightest idea what your situation, cause may be...but having some fluid taken out will decrease the chance to continue to irritate it, and give it a chance to heal....

    B, in my heart of hearts, I really think it's just irritation too, but you know how the brain works, always thinking of other possibilities. I really don't think my band is too tight, because I've been steadily losing since the last fill (about 40 pounds). I remember eating a pita chip the evening that the reflux started, literally one chip, so maybe that's what did me in. It could have been too hard, maybe I didn't chew enough, anything is possible. I should have gone on liquids then, but I didn't, and I'm regretting that decision now. At this point, I have reflux from even drinking Water, so the thought of trying to drink a Protein shake makes me cringe.

  6. Please explain all of your issues to them, don't just ask for an unfill. From the sounds of it your pouch may be dilated, which could resolve on it's own but you need to rule out more serious complications. Good luck to you.

    My surgeon was the one who said I needed to have some Fluid taken out, so who knows. I really hope it's not dilated, I don't know how it could be. But I guess anything is possible. I'm just tired of the constant heartburn and not being able to sleep!

  7. So I posted last week about the reflux that appeared out of nowhere, and how I was going to have an unfill but then talked my doctor out of it and had him give me Carafate instead. Yeah, so, it's not helping, and the reflux is worse now. I haven't hardly slept for two days because I can't lie flat without choking and aspirating bile. I can't eat without pain, it even hurts to drink. I'm going tomorrow at 1130 to have some Fluid taken out of my band.

    I just don't understand it. I had my last fill in December and I was fine until last week, so over two months. How the hell can the band get tighter on its own?! I'm frustrated to say the least.

  8. I called today to schedule my day-long orientation about WLS (end of March). The woman who helped me commented that I'm at the highest limit where the surgeons like to do Lap Band. She said they've found from experience that Lap Band is less effective at a BMI of 50 or higher. Mine is 50.9. *hides in shame*

    I've looked around at a lot of posters here and I don't see anyone who started with as large an amount as me. I'm brokenhearted that I crossed the 300 pound mark back in November. I am fighting hard to get back under, but it's just not working. I log all my food on Sparkpeople, let them do the math so I know I'm in the right ranges...only to fluctuate between 303 and 306. When I saw 306 again just two days ago, I was despondent. I've been hungry for two weeks, fought it to stay in my ranges, and I gain three pounds? What's up with that?

    Anyway, I'm wanting to know who started with a BMI of 50 or higher, and wondering how you are doing with it. From my research so far, I prefer Lap Band over the sleeve. I don't want to permanently alter my stomach like that. The woman at the clinic said I could elect to have whichever surgery I wanted, but she just wanted to tell me about their findings. They scared me. If I have to, I'll go on a liquid diet and get under 50%. That's gotta work, right?

    I don't want to have WLS and have it not work either. I think I would be beyond despondent then. I need something to work. I've been morbidly obese for 22 years and I hate living in this body.

    My BMI the day I had surgery was 59. At my heaviest (before my pre-op liquid diet) it was 63. I am 5'6" and my highest weight was 407 pounds. My surgeon was hesitant, but confident, and did tell me that I had the highest BMI of any patient he'd ever done lap band on. I had my surgery on Sept. 24th, 2013, and I've lost 75 pounds. My BMI is still not at 50, but I feel 100% better, and my surgeon couldn't be more pleased with my results thus far.

    If you are not comfortable with the surgeon you consulted with, seek a second opinion. It could be that that surgeon is not experienced enough nor comfortable enough to operate on someone with a BMI above 50. Good luck!

  9. So here's my update!

    I called my surgeon's office this morning and spoke with his nurse prior to my IR appointment. I told her again my symptoms and how I really do not feel my reflux is due to the band being too tight. I told her the only time I have issues is when I eat (literally as soon as I swallow a first bite, the pain is there). I told her that I think I may have gastritis (I'm an RN, so she knows I kinda know what I'm talking about even though I work with heart patient's and not GI stuff lol). I asked her to please talk with the doc before I went into the hospital to get registered and dropped $650 to get Fluid taken out of my band and then that not be the issue. She said she didn't blame me for wanting to try the least invasive treatment first, so that's what we did. I'm currently on carafate 4 times a day, and even after one dose I've had so far today, I can tell a HUGE improvement.

    Tonight, I had another thought though, while I was TMI!!! on the toilet. I have had MAJOR Constipation issues. I have tried everything possible to help, from Miralax to Colace to Sennakot to Fleets enemas and suppositories. I've even started eating chia seeds in the mornings in my yogurt because I've heard that helps. I drink at least 64oz of Water per day, most days closer to 100oz, so know it's not a hydration issue. Before my surgery, I could drink 2 cups of coffee and poop every morning like clockwork. Not so much now! After I had a BM tonight, I felt SO much better. I almost wonder if the constipation isn't exacerbating the reflux?

  10. YES! I met my goal..and I've lost 100lbs since my surgery in September. I'm beyond thrilled :) So is my doc. He was grinning like the Cheshire Cat yesterday at my appointment!

    Thank you for the kind words! I'm now going to start weighing only once a month...so no more weekly check-ins beginning in March. I was starting to see a bad habit forming of weighing more than once in the week and stressing over the numbers...it's not about the numbers for me. So, bye-bye scales.

    Happy Thursday to you all!

    Congrats!! I also had my surgery in Sept, I'm down only 75 pounds, but still..we are AWESOME! My surgeon had the same reaction when I saw him last month..and I've lost another 15 pounds since then! We're rockstars!!

  11. So I'm just under 5 months post op from my surgery and I've been doing AWESOME. After 2 fills, I reached green, and have been steadily losing (I'm down 75lbs so far). My last fill was December 4th and I have had no issues since then...that is until this week. Sunday night, I started to have HORRIBLE reflux problems and pain after eating. I have had constant heartburn since then. Prior to my surgery, I had bad reflux and I was on Prilosec daily for years. Since I had the surgery, my reflux had totally disappeared and I hadn't had to take anything for it. I've eaten so many tums in the last 5 days and nothing touches it. I've tried taking Zantac twice a day with no relief, and today I started back on my Prilosec, which will take days to work. The pain is weird...I will be fine as long as my stomach is empty, but as soon as I start to eat, the reflux starts up with a vengeance. I don't think it's an ulcer because typically ulcers are the opposite; pain until you eat, then relief. I called my surgeon's office and they were unable to get me in today, but I'm going tomorrow at 11am to IR and they're going to look at it and do what they need to do. I'm hoping I just need an unfill and that's all. Please say a little prayer for me that it's not a slip, although I have no other slip symptoms (no vomiting, severe pain, etc). My stomach/throat just feel like they are are FIRE.

    All you vets..what do you think?? How could I be fine for so long after a fill and be having issues now?

  12. I understand your fear, especially since someone you know personally has had a band slip and the thought of that is fresh in your mind! I'm sure that you're starting to notice every little gurgle/burp because of the worry. It honestly could be from something you've eaten that's causing you to be gassy/bloated. Try not to work yourself up or jump to conclusions. Go into your appointment Wednesday, do the upper GI, and hopefully all your worries are for nothing!

    Have you had any of the classic slip symptoms...reflux, coughing at night, pain, vomitting?

  13. I have a hard time finding this thread with the new format...but it pops up every once and a while and here you all are!

    Things are moving along really well and was happy to go shopping and fit into size 16 skinny jeans....emptied my closet this weekend of every 18, 20, 22 and 24 pair of pants I own and now I am left with the 4 new pairs of pants I bought and a couple of stretchy 14/16 which I can still wear and not have them look like clown pants. Wasnt sure if I should get rid of all of those clothes and then I figured I am NEVER going back to those sizes again...so clean, clean, clean I did. And it felt GOOD!

    I still have not had a fill and I believe the plication has a big part to do with that. I'm feeling satisfied with what Im eating and not deprived at all...and that is the key for me this time!

    Have my 5 month check up coming this Friday so we will see how that goes. Can't believe its been 5 months already!

    Wishing you all a great day!

    Congrats to you!! I also purged my drawers of all the too-big clothes just this past week, and I hauled 5 garbage bags to Goodwill. I had a split second of "man, I should hang on to these" and then I told myself "NO. You are never going to fit in these again!" It's an awesome feeling.

  14. I went to the doctor today because I'm sick (clearly NOT the NSV) and I had forgotten to take my blood pressure meds prior to leaving. I've been on meds for my bp since I was 18 years old, so almost 14 years. A lot of the time, even with the meds, my bp was borderline high. Well today, without my meds, my bp was 114/62! Since I'm an RN and I work in a cardiovascular surgery ICU, I know how important it is to keep your bp in check. I'm really excited to follow up with my primary doctor in a couple weeks so she can see how well I'm doing. I was sad I had to see another doc today, but the office staff were all just amazed at my progress! Thank you lap band!!

  15. Name, real or screen~ Sarah

    Goal weight for February 28th~ 325 lbs

    Weight on February 1st~ 336 lbs

    Age~ 31

    City/State~ central Illinois

    Dietary goal for February~ Try to get my Protein requirements

    Exercise goal for February~ Get to the gym at least 3 times per week

    Personal goal for February~ Try to reconnect with my husband and step up our intimacy

    Date banded~ 9/24/13

    Total weight loss since banding/pre op diet~ 69 lbs

    Do anything special for Valentine's day?~ It's my husband's birthday so I'm sure we'll do something!

  16. I have PCOS so my periods were always wonky anyways, but about 9 months prior to being banded they had started to somewhat regulate. Since I've lost 70lbs in 4 months, I've skipped a couple cycles in there.

    I have noticed that my PMS symptoms haven't been nearly as bad, and honestly, the only real symptom I've been having is the ravenous hunger I always had before, but the inability to eat much of anything due to being sooooo incredibly tight. The tightness lasts for the duration of my period and then once it's over, I'm back to normal. Talk about craving control!

  17. Let me start by saying-- I'm not complaining, just commenting and looking to see if other people have experienced this.

    Through a painful and expensive (to my insurance company) process, I have discovered that I've developed an intolerance to gluten or a gluten by-product (unclear). I don't have Celiac's, but products that are wheat based (bread, flour, etc.) give me an unusual amount of extreme gas bloating, pain, and Constipation. I did not have this intolerance before I had my band and cut most wheat products out of my diet for almost two years while I followed my low-carb band diet. But I definitely have it now. I'm wondering if this is a coincidence, or if there is any anecdotal evidence that severely restricting wheat-based carbs for a couple of years could have triggered a digestion issue when I reintroduced them. Anyone else have problems?

    A little more info: I am 3 years post-band and I've lost and maintained a 100lb+ loss. I spent the first year pretty hard-core low carb via doctor instruction, and the second year I slowly added carbs and non-band friendly foods back in until I was eating pretty much anything, including bread and (drinking) beer for a good portion of year 3. Over the year, I put on 10 lbs. I also had a consistent and really painful issue with bloating and gas. When I went to see an urgent care specialist for chest pain, he sent me for a CT scan of my chest and abdomen to check my lungs (pain consistent with a pulmonary embolism) but it came back clean, including no band issues and it was chalked up to referred diaghram pain from surgical adhesions. About 4 months later, I was in Asia and had to go to the emergency room for chest pain and severe abdominal pain that came on in the middle of the night, and they diagnosed it as gas/reflux. I thought, "huh". And also, "good, no surgery in Asia required!". Then, back at home 3 months later and I've been dealing with this horrible constant bloating and piercing gas pain that isn't responding to any otc medication, so I go to my pcp. She did an x-ray to check for an obstruction, given the degree of pain and bloating. Her words: "I have never seen someone's entire digestive track extended like that without being able to see an obvious large obstruction." So, worried that I had a small obstruction that an X-ray wasn't picking up, she sent me for my second CT scan in a year. Which again came back clean. So basically, it came down to testing reactions to various foods. Started with lactose, and didn't seem to be an issue. Then, just by happenstance, I decided to get those 10 lbs I'd gained back off by going back to low-carb. I cut out all carbs for a week, then added in just low-glycemic fruits and veggies. . . and, symptoms disappeared. Completely. No pain, no bloating, no gas. So we started "testing". I seem to be able to sometimes tolerate low amounts of gluten, as long as I don't overdo it but it's a bit of a gamble. Bread is a definite no-go. I'm not allergic, but wheat-based carbs digest a lot differently now than they did in the 34 years I lived before the band.

    It is a relief to know what is going on because I can control it by diet, and heck, it's in my band's best interest to cut out the bread crap anyway :)

    So, yeah. That's my story. What do you think?

    You took this question right out of my head! Since being banded in September of last year, I can not tolerate grains at all. Rice I can tolerate on occasion, and only in the former of a rice cake/chip, but as far as anything wheat based, no way. I tried to eat one pita cracker with my lunch and was writhing in pain in a matter of seconds as soon as I swallowed. I haven't talked to my doctor about this yet, but I definitely have the confidence to discuss this with the dietician at work (I'm a nurse), and I'm curious to hear her take on this!

    Just know that you aren't alone!

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