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Posts posted by Monica74

  1. It's been great reading all the mini-biographies. Here's mine - I'm Monica in San Antonio, TX - had surgery a year ago. My heightest weight was 259 and I weighed 132 tonight :) San Antonio is great - lots to do and see. I'm a business operations analyst by day and a balloon artist on the weekends. It's been a great journey and I'm looking forward to my husband healing up from back surgery so we can really begin to go out there and live and experience all the things we couldn't before because of the weight! Good luck to all on their way to surgery & congrats to all of us who have made it this far - we rock!

  2. All these great posts about surgiversaries is so encouraging! Just what I need to hear today. I'm waiting for results of a biospy (sp?) I had done yesterday and my husband goes in for back surgery tomorrow. It always seems like everything happens at the same time. My surgiversary is 6/20 and I am 6 lbs from my goal of 135 at a year out. I'm very happy with where I am with my weight loss and look forward to getting out there once I've nursed my husband back to health! Keep up the positive attitudes and thanks to everyone who posts here - truly inspirational everyday!!

  3. Hi All - quick update - I picked up my number & tshirt for my first 5K. I'll be walking it as I simply hate running & have no desire to do that. The kicker about it is that my co-worker who was handing out the shirts just looked at me and said why did you order a large--you're gonna be swimming in it! He said he thinks he had an extra small I could swap mine out for. Why did I order a large? Think I still can't beleive what size I am. When I ordered it I remember thinking bigger is better than too small - but I need to get over that mentality. Just had a moment & thought I'd share :)

  4. Reading about what everyone is doing is so inspiring! I'm going to go out and buy me a bike. I haven't ridden a bike since I was a kid but I'm so looking forwd to getting out there with my daughter and showing her how to live an active life! My plan is to take the bikes with us on vacation to South Padre Island in July and ride all over the island. We go every year and what a change it will be--I was 2 months post op last year when we went to the island. Can't wait to do all the things I never dreamed I could and take a boat load of pictures :) I'm so thankfully for this forum - other than my husband, it seems that nobdoby really wants to hear about how I'm down to a size 8 from a 22 and feeling faboulous. Thanks to all for you for sticking with this forum it's really been a great source of support !

  5. Ok so on a separate issue - it seems like there are a lot of different views on life after gastric bypass and I know we have a newbie here on our forum so I'm just gonna put this out there. My insurance didn't require a whole slew of stuff before my surgery. I just had to prove I had been morbidly obese for more than five years. Then I had to lose 10 pounds prior to the surgery per doctor's orders. But after that it was all up to me. So my advice on this subject is do what you have to do to get your surgery but don't put too much pressure on yourself. My surgeon didn't give me strict guidelines just the standard after surgery soft diet etc. So what I chose to do was to eat what I could when I could so that I wasn't constantly stressing myself out over food. It's been almost whole year now of trial and error and I still lost the weight. I'm just gonna say it - I still drink soda because I can but what I can't do is drink the quantity of soda I used to. I still eat bread but it's toasted and in very small amounts. I eat pizza but it's homemade and 1 slice cause anything else makes me sick. The reason surgery works is because there is no way you can eat what you used to eat in the quantitiles that you used to eat--at least that has been my experience. Even a year out I still try to eat something I shouldn't and don't dump but have an instant stomach ache and that helps me to remember next time not to do that to myself again. I know it's different for everyone and we all have our own path to follow - I admire all of you but just wonder if I'm the only one just taking it day by day and not obsessing over all the "rules"? I do drink with my meals in small amounts, I do drink with a straw, I do take in limited sugars, etc. It's important to note that I religiously take my Vitamin regime and make sure I eat protien. Just want to encourage the newbie that though this journey is a long and hard one it doesn't have to be completly rigid and overwhelming. Does this make any sense?

  6. Hi All - I get updates from this site everyday on my phone but can't figure out the app so I don't get to respond on a regular basis so here we go. First I appreciate everyone's posts - I feel like I get support everyday just hearing about your experiences. I'm down to 141 from 259 and think I'm getting ready to go into a size 8 - which I can't even begin to believe...I was stuck at a 12 forever & was happy there but I started taking in more protien like all you guys have posted about and that seems to have allowed my body to get over the hump. I read about some of you having issues at work and am so sorry to hear you are being treated unfairly. I feel like we all took a bold step to take care of an issue we had that was literally killing us day by day. They wouldn't feel the same way about someone who had cancer and got the treatment they needed. So screw them - if they want to take out their feelings of self-hate on you that just isn't right. You have a right to be upset but at the same time you can't let people's negativity take the joy out of your experience. Remember you've put a lot into this and you deserve all the joy in the world :)

  7. I've been inspired by all of you to start working out. I've gotten down 109 pounds and feel amazing but tired all the time. All this time I haven't worked out at all and have been feeling like a slacker compared to all you guys! I guess my weight watcher mentality of whatever you do to lose it you will have to do to keep it off won out and I wanted to see how much I could lose just from the change in eating. Even with food I've eaten what I wanted/could I have the occassional onion ring and french fries but of course nowhere near how I used to eat that stuff. I always hated working out because I was so aware of being the fat one in the room. But today I took a big step foward & I'm really proud of myself. I went to a body pump class at my gym - it's strength training. I really loved it and couldn't beleive how easy it was for me. I guess not having that extra hundred pounds to move around makes a big difference. So, I've decided this will be the week I get going and start toning up. I'm wondering what you guys eat to compensate for all the work outs? I typically have yogurt & granola for Breakfast & at lunch have either a salad or weight watchers frozen pizza and then dinner is usually some sort of healthy stir fry no rice or Pasta since I just can't take that. I guess I'm looking for suggestions on what tweeks I'll need to make to my diet to compensate for the working out. I can't process egg so that is one protien that is out for me. Thanks in advance :)

  8. Hi All - Just checking in as I've seen all the comments posted but can't respond via my cell phone - I can't find a bariatric pal app for my windows phone :( I'm down to 151 from my original 259 & size 12 are getting loose! All the posts on swimwear inspired me to go and get that over with so I did. I'm happy to report that I found something on my first try - in the old days I had to shop for weeks and usually ended up wearing a tshirt over whatever I brought anyway. Not this year--but I do need to tone up my thighs - it's not very pretty! Anyone working on that issue? Any ideas? We are planning a trip to the beach in August so that leaves me three months - wondering if toning will even help with the loose skin but I'm guessing it couldn't hurt - has anyone had any success with that?

  9. Hi All - haven't posted for a while but have been reading posts that pop up on my phone. Sounds like we have all gotten to the point where the weight isn't falling off anymore. I've been at a stall but haven't been exercising or drinking enough Water so it's not a surprise. That said I have officially lost 100 pounds and am comfortably in a size 12. That is only one size away from what I was my senior year in high school...:0 I can't beleive that! I have to say this is pretty much the best decision I've ever made. I know I'm healthier over all and have already seen positive results career wise. It's amazing how people judge you because of the extra weight--not fair but that's how it is. I haven't kept any of my old clothes--no room with all the new ones! I passed them on to others to wear so they wouldn't go to waste. I'm actually looking forward to taking pictures at my work wiinter social this Saturday. I can't remember a time when I was excited to go shopping for a dress--but boy am I. Hugs & kisses to you all - we are rocking this!!!

  10. Just sitting here recovering from yesterday - luckily I get to work from home today. This past week has been a crazy rush of wrapping, working and prepping. I had been so busy I hadn't weighed myself but I did this morning and I'm down to 170 from 259. What a difference! I took on the role of the head tamale maker this year as I didn't want to lose that tradition as my mom has not done it for the past few years. I don't think I'd have been able to do that at 259. I didn't sit down for hours yesterday & that never would have happened before. My hubby got me a full length mirror for Christams--I would have killed him for that present in years past but not now :) I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and I can't wait until New Year's Eve!

  11. I don't have the app working on my phone yet :(

    Went shopping today…. Went in wearing a size 18 jean came out wearing a size 12 pants from one store and a size 14 jean from american eagle… holy cow! I'm in shock!

    I had a similar expereince this week while shopping - can't beleive I'm in a 14 from a 22. Blows my mind. Congrats on your success!

  12. Hi Junies! Miss you all! Just have some not-so-fun news to share... So goes the saga of what gastric bypass does to the body and on Monday I have to go in to get my gallbladder removed. I have a lot of stones, have been very sick, and in a lot of pain... I'm really down. My fiancé and I always go up to his family's place for thanksgiving and the week after, but now I won't be able to join him due to not having enough pto. This will be my 3rd abdominal surgery this year. I'm just really sad... Sorry to be a Debbie downer. I feel like it's always 3 steps forward and 5 back...

    Sorry to hear about your complications. Hubby and I had the surgery a month apart - I had no complications but he has had lots of ups and downs. At one point he was at home stuck to an IV for weeks. Stay strong you will get through this and the best is yet to come. Hope you are feeling well very soon.

  13. So yesterday was Halloween and I didn't even have one piece of candy! In the past I would have eaten at least a dozen! The trial and error over the past few months has taught me that its just not worth it. I've been working a second job so I think that has helped keep my mind off food. Looking into dance classes for me and my daughter today. I hate the gym. What are you guys doing as far as exercise? Any suggestions for things not gym-related?

  14. So today I turn 39 and feel like I'm just really starting to live life. Went shopping last night for a dress to wear tonight and what an experience. I've lost 72 pounds so far and just can't register how much smaller I am. I guess it takes the brain a minute to catch up to the changes. I am now in a size 14 dress from my all time high of size 22--that's four dress sizes! I was amazed and didn't leave the store depressed over that fact that nothing fit. I can see how people transfer their food addiction to a shopping addication :) Thanks for all the support you guys show on this board it really helps!

  15. My first birthday since surgery is coming up and I need some suggestions! I have a large family and as per the usual routine we all meet at a restaurant for a lovely meal. However, this year I would like to change it up and NOT make food the focus. Any ideas/experiences you guys can share?

  16. I just realized today that I no longer hate my body. RNY 6/3, 65 pounds down. Now that's something.

    That is something for me too! I no longer avoid mirrors and smile instead of frowning when I catch a glimpse of myself - down 72 lb from my all time high - feels good!

  17. Hi All - sounds like everyone is progressing and having bumps in the road like we are supposed to! That sucks but it's a journey so I'm good with my bumps! I'm happy to report that I've broken the "onederland" mark and currently at 191 !! I'm down about 2 pants sizes and can get in to medium/large tops! So excited to be shopping in the regular sizes so many more options! On that note, I now have a ton of clothes that I can no longer wear. Is anyone on this board local to the San Antonio, Texas area? I have clothes in 2x 1x, 20, 22 - tops and bottoms. All in good condition and I'd like to share them with someone who is going through the same change I am. Any thoughts on how I can accomplish this? I know buying new clothes is pretty expensive--I just went on a shopping spree at the second hand store cause I know they won't fit for long :)

  18. Girly I stalled for 2 weeks - my surgeon said I wasn't getting enough Water in. So, I can tell you as soon as I started drinking 60+ ounces of water everyday the stall ended. I've lost a pound a day for the last two weeks. Keep up the hard work - everyone stalls throughout the journey so just keep on keeping on knowing you will get there when you get there :)

  19. I have been very open about having had WLS. I'm 9 weeks out from surgery and am down 49 pounds. Before surgery I told only my closest family members. I was afraid that I would be deemed a cheater. But now, I KNOW I'm no cheater. All of the pain and both physical and mental adjustments on top of the diet and excercise we all have to follow far exceed all the efforts I've made before. I previously lost 50 pounds throught diet and excercise and gained it all back plus 24 pounds. So, depending upon the situation I'll let them know. I don't see it as "admitting" to WLS but about educating people about what it is and isn't. No miracle cure but lots of hard work physically & mentally. Of course, I understand the flipside too - it really isn't anyone's business what or how much you eat. I think this is a totally personal decision that each one of us has to make for ourselves. I say do what's most comfortable for you. We don't need to deal with any more than we already have on our "plate"!

  20. So today marks week 8 since my surgery and I was super hungry today. Missed Breakfast because I had to take my son to the doctor & didn't plan well. So at lunch I ate a whole yogurt and two cheese sticks! I can't beleive I was able to eat the much in one sitting. My tummy was definitely full after that but not painfully full. Is that normal? Last night I could barely eat a small piece of flounder. Has anyone else had this experience?

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