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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by sweets27

  1. Thanks for your kind words and support. That was truly a rough time for me, but luckily I was able to get the Rx and that helped a ton. Plus some gas x helped greatly with getting it out. However I do have a question. I'm a little over 2 weeks post op and I just had my first fill this past Friday, but what am I supposed to feel? Is it supposed to be tight like it was right after surgery? I have some restriction I guess because I can't eat as much as before, but I'm not sure if it's me being mental because I'm scared to eat due to fear of getting " stuck" or gaining back the 20 lbs I lost or because I physically can't because of the band.

    Oh and can I get some suggestions on other means of Protein that's soft? I just got braces and eating meat is not gonna happen right now and I'm sure I shouldn't be surviving on mashed potatoes and apple sauce.

  2. Thanks for all the support!! Day 3 post op and the gas is still trapped but it is moving, slowly but surely. I haven't been eating/drinking much because I'm nervous and the gas has me full all the time. Is this normal?? I really need to be back to myself soon I have a date this Saturday and he has no idea what I've just done????

    Some solid advice would be nice! Thanks guys!

  3. Hi All

    Day 1 post op and I'm miserable!???????? The trapped gas didn't get to my shoulder but it's all in my stomach. The only way I can sleep is sitting up. This is far more worse than when I had my caesarean. I have been walking but no meds. Walgreens nor CVS carry it; only hospitals. I'm about to lose my mind. I was so not expecting this! I hope this ends soon.

  4. I just needed to release the tension I have today. Every other day has been pretty good, even the first day. But today? Hell. I am so irritable right now and I would just like to eat something...or someone... Or just some form of meat or carb ( bread, Pasta, etc). Please tell me this gets better! Or that my life is just that pitiful that my happiness is based somewhat on what I can eat! The struggle is real and it's eating at me and I'm jealous!

  5. THE Best article I have yet to read about this whole process!!!! It really gave me insight as to the process of eating and hunger and HOW you eat affects it all!! I haven't been banded yet but soon I will and this is sure to help me greatly! I want to print it and post it everywhere! I think I'll start incorporating good eating habits now (ie, chewing slower and waiting in between bites, oh and using smaller utensils to take smaller bites). Thanks do much!! Happy Banding to all!!

  6. Thanks ALL for your comments and words of encouragement! I had my psych eval back in September and this Friday is my 6th apptmt with my nutritionist. I had a consult with my surgeon at my very first apptmt so I'm not sure if I will or am supposed to have another before everything is said and done. I thank you all again because your reassurance has kinda calmed my nerves...oh God what a mess I'll be the night before surgery! LOL Many congrats to all of you that actually have dates set or have been banded!!! I've waited 6mos, heck what's a few more weeks right?! LOL :wacko:

  7. Okay party people I need some insight here...I have my last consultation with my Nutritionist this Friday and I would like to know what lies ahead. Patience has never been my forte so I need to know what I'm up against so I don't get my hopes up for a huge let down (really hate those). Any who, is there anyone out there in the Chicagoland area that had or is having their banding done at Day One?? With BCBS insurance?? If so how long was your process?? Was it 6 mos or less?? At your last appointment did your get your date or did you have to be approved first?? How long did it take to be approved?? I will greatly appreciate any and all input or insight. Thanks so much for your comments! Oh and if you like we can be band buddies! Lol Did that sound creepy? I'm not a creeper, lol. Honest! Just want to be one step ahead of where I currently am and a friend that understands would be nice for the journey as well :0)

  8. I have my last apt with my dietician (She's been such a doll) on the 1st. I'm hoping to be on the table by the end of November!! (Fingers, toes and everything else crossed) I'm in Chicago as well! Anyone else from here care to share where they're having their procedure done? I'll be at Day One in Downtown Chicago. Anyone else?? Mega congrats to all you definite November bandsters!!! It's been a long journey and we made it (well sort of for me) I'm soo excited for you all!! Living vicariously through you until it's my turn!! Yaaaaaaayyyyy!!! :0) :0D

  9. I was surprised the pre-op diet ended up being easier than I had imagined. I was able to have 3 to 4 Meal Replacement shakes, 1 Protein bar and all the Clear Liquids I could handle. I did learn some about my relationship with food (still am), but I couldn't believe how well I did even my husband was surprised. I found that as long as I had something in my mouth I was ok. So maybe I never got pass the sucking thumb phase :lol: , but it is true I have to be chewing or drinking something so I've replaced the food I use to use with crystal light and gum. It has been working so far. Sounds like you have a good handle on things you should do great. Good luck. And by the way I was all over the place a lot before my surgery.


    Thanks Stephanie!! I'm glad to hear how successful you were!! Congrats to you!! Did you miss eating food during that time, though??

  10. Okay sooo...being the anxious one that I am I decided to do a fast. I have my 3rd appointment with the Nutritionist tomorrow and I decided to fast for a few days. (hoping to shed a lb or two before my next weigh in) Anywho, my fast is basically made of liquids and prayer...much emphasis on the prayer part! I only drink chicken broth, crystal light, a couple Slim Fast shakes, and plain Water. I'm trying this out also in prep for when I'll have my pre- op diet. This is really teaching me about my relationship with food. This is just my second day and I feel ok, I guess. Kinda like I'm on auto pilot...I'm on the plane, but not flying it. Is that normal? For those of you that have actually done the real pre-op liquid diet, how did you feel by day two? I only plan on doing this for another day (totaling a whopping 3 days) and then I'll be back to solids, but if I can handle this I think I might make this a monthly or weekly thing... just to push myself. I feel like this whole banding transition is like an extreme life change and the fact that I can never seem to do anything in moderation has led me to want to fast just to really put into perspective the change that is to come. Am I doing too much too soon? I apologize if I may seem all over the place, but this is truly the longest that I have been off of solids since I was an infant, lol lolbvvs! Any and all input is welcome. (Oh but please be nice, after all I haven't eaten and I'm liable to fly off the handle:0) Okay time for another sip of broth. Later!

  11. Wow!!! Well Congrats on your completion of your 6mos of torture!!! I'll have my 3rd appointment with the nutritionist on Thursday...halfway there...halfway crazy!! What helped you not go just bonkers waiting for your 6mos to be up? What type of insurance do you have, if you don't mind? Also, what is the pre op consultation?? Is that the beginning of your pre op 2 week diet?? Sorry for all the questions, but it feels good to hear from someone that's on the same road as me... and not being banded in like two weeks like a lot of other people on here (No offense to them).

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