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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by vincereautmori

  1. Just got sleeved 8/19, everything went well, but they wanted me to start urinating later in the day and I had a hard time with it. So they decided to catheterized me and had a hard time getting the catheter in, I'll go thru ten surgeries before I want to thru that again. It turned out my prostate had swollen, so now I'm on meds to shrink it and walking around with the catheter until next week. I hope it's a small complication and we button it up quickly, still no regrets. Any one else have that problem?

  2. Am 3 days out and I still struggle to barely pee drops. My stomach is swollen. Any suggestions about how to get this to pass?

    I would ask my surgeon about it, I take it you are female? I couldn't go much the next day and they found my prostate had swollen, they didn't want my kidneys to back up so I had the pleasure of getting a catheter. But they did say they want to see that there is Water in and Water out before I left the hospital. So maybe put in a call? You don't need kidney stones or bladder infections while you're trying to heal.

  3. I just went on this site to say the EXACT same thing - I can not do this pre-op diet and it scares me so much. I don't even have a difficult one - 2 shakes a day, a protein/veggie dinner, and 2 high Protein Snacks if needed. But the shakes me me sick and leave a horrible taste in my mouth all day. I also have a stomach ache off and on and also headaches off and on. I feel like a total failure. I am forcing myself to have one shake in the morning and then having deli meat/cheese for lunch instead of a second shake. Trying to drink a lot of Water - Water with lemon squeezed in has been my go-to. Tomorrow I will try again to get 2 Protein Shakes in. So please don't feel like you are alone!

    One thing I hated about the shakes was the sweetness, all were too sweet, so I got unflavored Protein and flavor it with extracts like vanilla, coconut, rum flavoring. Give it a try, it helped me.

  4. hey everyone..

    is anyone else nervous about being put to sleep? I have never been put to sleep and for now thats my only anxiety...Can any of you all that have already been sleeved share some positive insight please????? My surgery date is Monday August 25th!!!

    I was sleeved the 19th, same for me, first time going under. So, the anesthesiologist said, are you ready? I said "let's go", the next thing I remember is coming to and thinking, "I've got to get up for surgery today, hey wait a minute who are these people around me, holy cow is it over?" That was it, you'll do fine. Good Luck.

  5. Tomorrow is surgery day for me! It seemed forever getting here and now it's almost time. When I look at myself in the mirror tomorrow morning it will be the last time I see that same person. Will I miss him? I don't have any regrets, I've had a lot of good times with family and friends, eaten a lot of good meals, never really paid a heavy price for my overindulgences. But obesity is a slow killer, it takes its toll on the joints, heart, and overall health. The damage that's been done is done, I can't do anything about it now but I can do something about the future. I have to take responsibility for my health if I want to live life to the fullest in my remaining years. So, I'll easily say goodbye to the "me" of my past, and I won't really miss him because the new me isn't careless about life, a new sense of respect for my body and optimism. What do you think you'll see in the mirror on that day?

  6. Where are all the losers who've had their surgery in August. I got my sleeve Aug. 4th. When did you get yours? I've lost 12 lbs since the operation. I'm not going to lie, after I had my surgery I thought I made a terrible mistake. I was in a lot of pain. My nurses told me I (like most men) suffered from 'BigBaby-itis'. Whatever....they didn't know my pain. Don't judge me! I loved my nurses. They made me walk every few hours no matter what I was doing. The next morning I was feeling a lot better. Matter of fact I returned to work by the end of the week. How is that for being a big baby? I'm still on a mostly liquid diet, but I don't have a problem sticking to it. I have had the most vivid dreams about food lately though. The other day I dreamt that I was at a Kenny Chesney concert and he had the most delicious looking Brisket on the jumbotron as he sanged. Your probably wondering what song was he singing while the Brisket was on the Jumbotron. I was wondering what the hell I was doing at a Kenny Chesney concert....Anyway. That it's my testimony. I would live to hear from my fellow August Sleevers.

    Kenny Chesney and brisket on the Jumbotron! That's hilarious. I'm on deck for Tuesday the 19th, so I'll join you guys in a few days. But thanks for the smile and good luck to you orlando.

  7. Yes, that does help. It is like looking into a mirror when I read your response. Your experieces are the same as my experiences. The reason I started this process IS because I wanted to have the rest of my life lived as a thin, healthy person. I am just so sad it has come to the need for this tool to get to that place.

    We can't do anything about the past, but we are doing something for our future. Great optimism in that.

  8. I start my pre-op diet tomorrow. Sleeve surgery is 8/28. I am 63 and can not believe I am going to let someone remove 3/4 of my stomach and risk all the complications because I can not control my weight! I have lost 25 lbs in the last 6 months and wonder if I should just cancel the surgery and see what happens in the next 6 months. I am currently 225 and have all the obese related diseases. I am not frightened about the surgery, just everything that comes after. I think if I did not have to wait so long for the operation day, I would have gone ahead with it. I just want to run away and forget all of this.

    I know what you mean, I'm in the same age bracket and I'm losing on the pre-op diet, so maybe wait? But, I've been here before, I've lost count of the times I started a diet with a bang, and 8- 10 months later I'd be back to where I started. So I'm looking at this like I don't have that many years left to play with, so let's fix this problem once and for all so I can enjoy the rest of my life whether it's 5 years, 15 years, 20 years, or more (hopefully). And, don't forget, those co-morbidities don't go away and stay away unless you can keep the weight off. Does that help?

  9. all i can think about is getting my sleeve.

    all i want to do is read and write on the forums.

    the only things in my calendar that mean anything to me are the appointments for my pre-op tests... everything else is a waste of my time.

    is my obsession unusual? i'm finding myself less than engaged at work, which is a first. i usually forget everything else while i'm at the office, i've always been very good at compartmentalizing. i resent the time spent doing anything that does not lead toward my surgery.

    can you relate?

    I don't know if it's an obsession, but the surgery definitely consumes my thoughts. A characteristic of a lot of obese freinds and family, is that they tend to be selfless, always thinking of helping others. For me, family, friends and work comes before my needs, not that I don't do things for myself but I tend to put other things above me in priorities. For once I'm making myself the number one priority, I can't help everyone with everything right now, work is not my number one priority, my health and my focus are my priority. Is that an obsession? Am I unusual, or do some of you feel the same?

  10. With this pre op diet is anyone feeling really exhausted? I really don't have any energy and my tummy is grumbling it really hungry. Omg!! Wat am I going to do?

    How many calories are you getting? If they're too low you might want to talk to your doctor. My surgeon's pre-op diet allows us to combine shakes and real food, but real low fat, about 1000 calories a day but I'm actually only reaching about 800. I've become very sensitive to how long those calories last which is about 3-4 hours then I start feeling "strange". Definitely makes me aware of the difference between real hunger and head hunger, my body reacts to the real thing. I don't think I was aware of that before. I actually prepared for the worst, but feeling good.

  11. My surgery date is set for August 19th. I am on day six of my pre-op clear liquid diet. There is a list somewhere on here of what you will need at the hospital. I found that interesting. There are definitely things on there I would have never thought of like chapstick and gasx. I will get everything ready for surgery this coming week and weekend. A friend of mine is driving two hours to stay at my home and take care of the kiddos while I am at the hospital (with the Mr.) and my church has put up a sign up sheet for meals for my family for the week after surgery (they don't all know what surgery, just that I am having surgery). I have been cleaning non stop for the last week to get the house ***** and span so I can come home to a relaxing environment (if that is even possible with a four year old and eight year old, lol!) How is everyone doing here?

    Sounds like you're getting great support, same date for me and I'm doing the same, final preparations. I think it's great you're dealing with it at a young age, good for you and you won't regret it. Good luck and see you on the other side.

  12. 13th here...second guessing myself after losing 18 lbs during pre op diet...

    I hear you Troy, I'm going in on the 19th and so far I've lost over 10 lbs., so why go under the knife? But I've been here before, everytime I've tried to lose weight, I've been successful, how about you? It's not about losing the weight, it's about keeping it off, hopefully the sleeve will give us a tool to use to help us through our weaknesses. Best of luck, you will do it this time.

  13. I've been obese nearly all my life. I was athletic, I had friends, I coped well with the mean comments and jeering whispers that go along with being morbidly obese. But as I aged, the weight started tearing on my joints, and, having an hereditary malformation at L4-L5 L5-S1 in my lumbar spine, I'm in constant pain, and mobility is becoming a huge issue. I think it took me so long to embrace WLS because I was embarrassed and ashamed that I could not control my weight on my own. But, when my pain specialist, 2 orthopedic surgeons, and a neurosurgeon all recommended that I have WLS, I had to consider it.

    I had started the process with my insurance company back in October, 2013, but put it on the back-burner when I tried, once again, a futile attempt to lose the weight myself. I reached a point with my pain that I knew I had no choice. I contacted my insurance company again, and, having my history of pain treatment on hand, they allowed me to restart the process where I left off. It was a series of God-moments that made me realize I was doing the right thing. My pain specialist was begging me to have VSG, but I told him I wanted to see one more back surgeon, and if that surgeon said "No", then I would consider it. Turns out the surgeon I wanted to see was my pain specialist's teacher during his residency, and he told me the man was brilliant, that I had made a good choice. I went to see the neurosurgeon, and he agreed that I definitely needed back surgery, but I was not at emergency state, so he recommended WLS, too. He gave me the name of the Dr. he recommended, and turns out that physician was the ONLY physician my insurance company covered in this area. God-moments...

    So, I get sleeved on August 21, 2014. I'm on my liquid diet and doing well, and I'm excited about my future. Blessings to all of you!!!

    Same here leenie, I'd been researching WLS for about a year and at the same time nursing a bad hip and knees. My orthopedic doctor diagnosed it as moderate to severe arthritis, then I asked what I could do about it, he said, too late the damage is done. That's when it really hit me that my weight was really doing damage to my body, first one hip, how long until the other one, how long before I'm moving around in a scooter or a walker? I was crushing my joints, I'm on meds to control BP, cholesterol, and sugar, pretty obvious where this is going. So, after years of futile attempts to lose and keep it off, I decided to reclaim my health. August 19th for me, already 4 days into pre-op and actually, its not too bad. Good luck, and cheers to a healthier life.

  14. I figured it out. Going out for a nice filet and martini. Not Capital Grille, but second best. Burton's does a good job.

    All ready entered in MFP with calories left over.

    Wanted something I'd enjoy and not have again for a long time. Looking forward to it now :-)

    Same for me, in a year I hope I can enjoy food for it's flavor and quality and not the quantity. Best of luck to you.

  15. So, my surgery is on Aug. 19, so I start my 2 week pre op diet tomorrow and my wife asks me what I want as my last meal before I make a change for the rest of my life. What do I decide? A big heaping bowl of spaghetti and sausage. It's comfort food, it looks so good in a big pile, it tastes good, it reminds me of family meals together, it's cheap to make. It kind of represents how I've eaten for too many years, big helpings of tried and true, high carb, high fat foods. Tomorrow that changes.

    What was your last supper?

  16. I go for my last supervised weight on 8/08...then surgery will be scheduled....I've been eating everything I can get my hands on....I know that if I don't stop they wont do the surgery because I'll be showing that I am not committed to the program and I wont be successful...what do I do? how can I stop this?

    So, you are eating why? Is it emotional? If it is, the surgery isn't going to help, you have to do that part yourself, the surgery will only help control your portion size. You can do it, see yourself a year from now, think of the fun stuff you'll be able to do. But you have to do it for yourself, not an insurance company or rules made by someone else, that's temporary. Do it for you.

  17. Just a few thoughts. I've never skydived before, I'm too big anyway, just the thought of leaping out of a plane at thousands of feet terrifies me. But the emotional sensation has to be something like what we're experiencing going into surgery. Just like the skydiver, once we take this leap, there's no turning back, so we either do it right or, it's going to be a bad scene. I began this process about a year ago, today my surgery date was confirmed for three weeks from now, and I start the two week pre op diet next week. I know life is going to be different, and I'm prepared for that, but the fear of something going wrong, or finding out a few years from now that this was a bad decision pervade my thoughts. But like the skydiver, if we conquer our fear and land on our feet, then we did it, we did something extraordinary that we thought we could never do. Who knows, if I can conquer my weight challenge, I might even tackle my fear of heights. The sky's the limit (pun intended).

  18. Hi All!!! People can be evil!!! even Love ones!!!! I have type 2 diabetes, kidney issues, liver issues, and I'm 33. I want to LIVE LONGER for my husband and child. I will do this surgery no matter what!! But why do folks feel the need to say

    " Oh you taking the EASY WAY OUT" ERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! That strikes a nerve in the worst way!!!!

    Is it really the easy way...because last I checked being overweight since I was 5 has been difficult! Having any surgery is not a walk at the park....especially recuperating... Having this disease is NOT AT ALL EASY!!!! if LOSING WEIGHT AND EATING HABITS would disappear than fine that would be easy but it's NOT!

    This time around I'm hesitant to tell folks what I'm doing because of the STUPID comments......

    Your thoughts please!!!

    What I find is, most of these people who tell you it's just calories in and calories out, never really struggled with their weight. If they gain 5lbs., it's traumatic and that's their struggle with weight. I have a brother in law I'm not telling until the last moment, he's the most narcisistic person I know. Even if I had a body of Adonis, he would still find the need to express his own vanity. In the end, it's my health not his, if my life improves because I finally faced my weaknesses and made a tough decision, then I reap the rewards and a greater wisdom.

  19. Hello Vincerautmori, I didn't take you the wrong way at all! :) I think I just didn't explain myself very well in my post before. I am just worn down by the process to get to the point of surgery. I basically just want to get on with it. I was extremely excited in the beginning. It was all new. But, over time it has become the norm to head to doctor appointments and such and to think continuously about it. I'm tired of thinking about it all the time. I think that has taken a toll on the excitement. The reality of surgery has set in...this is serious stuff! I have worked thru ....still am....and I have accepted that my life is changing and will continue to change in the coming months. For the better! Absolutely! Its just kind of scary to make a drastic change in the way I eat and live my life.....for 39 yrs I turned to food to get me thru a lot, to protect me, comfort me and to bring pleasure. Are there other things that protect me, comfort me and bring me pleasure? Oh, Absolutely! But food has been a huge part of me and my family life. Its going to change. Giving up food, the way I enjoyed it and used it up to now, is very sad to me. I am not excited about that. I am, however, excited about my future! That is why I am having surgery. :)

    Blazzrr, I feel exactly the same way. I am 3 1/2 weeks away from surgery too...August 11. I am not excited. I used to be. But not anymore. About 3 days ago I went from excited to scared and tired of it all. Its consumed my thoughts for months and months. I completely understand what you are going through. I think its the fact that its approaching fast and reality has sunk in. Its a sad thing to let go of something that was there for us thru the good the bad and the ugly for a very long time.

    I hope this doesn't come across the wrong way, but why are you going though the surgery? To get into the game? Improve health problems? To feel "normal"? It's notlike we're getting rid of a family heirloom, it's something holding us back from living the way we want to or wish to. Think positive, stay the course, good luck.

    I hear you Bobby, I've thought alot about what I'm going to do after a bad day, how I'm going to handle long boring winter days, how different I will feel at family gatherings? The answer keeps coming back the same, I don't know. The emotional eating is the tough part that surgery can't fix, and unfortunately that's our responsibility. I'm hoping the sleeve will handle the appetite and control portions so that I can focus on controlling the head hunger. From what I've read on this site and people I've talked to, things feel pretty natural at around a year post op.

  20. Blazzrr, I feel exactly the same way. I am 3 1/2 weeks away from surgery too...August 11. I am not excited. I used to be. But not anymore. About 3 days ago I went from excited to scared and tired of it all. Its consumed my thoughts for months and months. I completely understand what you are going through. I think its the fact that its approaching fast and reality has sunk in. Its a sad thing to let go of something that was there for us thru the good the bad and the ugly for a very long time.

    I hope this doesn't come across the wrong way, but why are you going though the surgery? To get into the game? Improve health problems? To feel "normal"? It's notlike we're getting rid of a family heirloom, it's something holding us back from living the way we want to or wish to. Think positive, stay the course, good luck.

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