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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by vincereautmori

  1. No I posted this here on purpose. All discussion is welcome, and I have a big curiosity about what other WLS patients eat.

    I just assumed that sleevers and RNY patients also kept track of calories, but maybe that's not true. At any rate I'm still in weight-loss stage, so I am tracking because I was advised by my surgeon to keep my calories to a certain number.

    And most of the time, I do check MyFitnessPal before I eat something. But sometimes, I think something is going to be "healthy", only to find out later that it had more calories than a Whopper!

    There seems to be many variations of diets to follow after surgery, no matter the method (VSG, RNY, LB), my NUT told us not to worry about calories yet. In the early stages she was primarily concerned with Protein and Water, just getting enough of that down is tough enough. One thing that I reflect on, and I suggest as a stark reminder of our dietary habits from before surgery, honestly calculate a week of eating from before, the calories, the fats, the carbs, the Protein. Mine, I was averaging 3,000- 4,000 calories/day, and I could hit days that fats were over 40% of my calories and carbs hit highs of 60%. I'm only 6 weeks out from surgery, my calorie intake is 700-800 cal/day, eventually I guess I'll try to double that by the end of the year, I know I have to be vigilant of the calories and I keep a record of them, but I'm not currently concerned with them since I'm so far from the danger zone.

  2. Before surgery, I would go to a chain restaurant for lunch and order one of the specialty burgers, you know the one, a half pounder with melted cheese dripping down the sides, a slab of bacon nestled on top, some kind of flavored mayo concoction to push the flavor over the top, then to make it "healthy", lettuce, tomatoes and onions for color. Oh wait,, don't forget the pile of fries just in case you were wanting for more. I remember biting into that buger while greasy juices slipped through my. fingers, and chomping into it like it was my last meal, oh and don,t forget the fries, plenty of ketchup too. I remember leaving many a restaurant in a semi food coma and my gut just about to bust. But, I got my moneys worth.

    But now, although I'm only a little more than a month since surgery, I can't even imagine getting more than a bite or two down before the sleeve sent me a warning. I will definitely be concious of wwhat I eat, but I'm begining to trust the sleeve and I can work together to keep me from becoming hypnotized by food that I don't need, probably dont't want, and get very little nutrtion from. So trust your WLS tool, it rally won't let you over eat unless you purposly work at it. Oh, and BTW, hold the fries.

  3. So we get a few people who think surgery is the easy way out, so what? In a year from now when we're leaner, healthier, and we can keep up with our more athletic freinds and family, what then? Do those same people keep saying, "but you took the easy way out", it just gets old. This is a personal journey, only we know the pain of our failed attempts, only we have suffered the effects of our obesity, only we know the internal struggle to make a decision to invade our bodies and modify them in the hopes of gaining health that many people take for advantage. The easy way out? We know it isn't, but we decided to take responsibility for our health problem, unfortunately for our naysayers, there is no surgery for ignorance.

  4. HW= 324 lbs.

    SW= 299 lbs.

    CW= 275 lbs.

    Height= 6'

    Age= 61

    Surgery= 8/19/14

    Better yet, no more diabetic drugs, no more cholesterol drugs, no more CPAP, down 4" in waist size, prior to my weight loss I had an arthritic hip and couldn't walk without unbearable pain, now it's easily bearable and getting better. The sleeve and I are getting along, it's working great, I can't overeat but I still enjoy foods and flavors, and I don't feel constantly hungry. Once I made the decision to go for the sleeve there was no turning back and I don't regret it for a moment.

  5. Don't most hospitals need gastrointestinal surgeons? Do you think they'll bring in someone to cover until they hire a permanent replacement? I can appreciate it's a hard blow to you, but maybe let this shake out a little before losing hope. Hang in there and keep talking to us, we'll keep your spirits up until your solution comes to you.

  6. I was sleeved 8/19 so it's just over a month post op, at 3 weeks I hit the stall and it lasted just over two weeks, now losing again. I really hate the shakes and having to supplement Protein, so I'm trying to get most of my nutrition from food, but balancing the Proteins, some carbs, and low fat, I use Sparkpeople to track calories and I'm averaging about 700- 750 cal/day. I feel the restriction, I just have to eat slow and chew well, I don't get hungry between meals, I feel satisfied at ~1/2 cup. Does that sound high for calories at this point?

  7. I was sleeved 8/19, the stall came right on time at week 3, it just broke, so about 2 weeks. I actually picked up my calories and balanced out carbs and I feel better and starting to lose again. I don't particularly like Protein Shakes and supplements so I'm trying to get my nutrients from food and I've been tolerating everything pretty well, I just have to listen to my new friend and it's going well.

  8. I'm sad to see that forum gone and feel really bad for new DSers who might be in search of some guidance.

    I had my surgery July 8th and used the forum to help guide me along the way.

    The Duodenal Switch is completely different weight loss surgery in how the body absorbs nutrients. It is vitally important to have external support from DS vets to get accurate information. Too many patients have ended up very ill and in the hospital because they followed the recommended diet for Gastric Bypass. If we eat a Low Fat diet we will eventually die.

    So very sad that its gone. It feels like the admins here felt it wasn't a legitimate WLS, when in fact it is growing in popularity due to is success and lack of complications among the compliant and educated.

    I would like to see the DS forum restored if possible.

    Why not go to the top and ask Alex Brecher? Maybe EM him.

  9. Am really getting frustrated here!

    I was sleeved May 6th

    I am down a total of 47 pds

    I have had like three or four stalls

    I work out 2-3 days a week

    I was eating low carb and mostly Protein and wasn't losing anything

    Now I have increased my carbs and it is just inching off

    What is happening!!!! I am so frustrated

    I'd say "slow" is relative, you're losing about 10 lbs./month, that's 120 lbs/year! We knew this wasn't a magic pill when we got into it, right? Have some patience, stay on your program and work with your sleeve and let it help you get to your goal. Sounds like you're doing the right things.

  10. Welcome, that must be frustrating, to have gone through all the tribulations of getting "there", then to slide back. Sorry, I can't offer advice from my vantage point, I'm still a rookie, but maybe post in the veterans forum, a lot more people who been there/done that, who might be able to help. Good Luck.

  11. "Last night i went to Dickie's Bar B Que with my family and ate mostly chicken with a tiny bit of mashed potatoes but I was a little frustrated because it smelled so good but I was feeling stuffed. "

    Hey Mick, why frustrated? You got to enjoy a favorite food, you were sated by a smaller amount than before, so you did your body good, no guilt like before, right? Now it's more about quality than quantity. But I hear you, I'm battling those old demons myself. Keep up the good work.

  12. I don't get the removal of the DS forum. WTF? I am just getting to the point of getting out again on the internet, after my DS on 8/26/14. Was there no announcement or explanation? DS is the ONLY surgery that really works across the board. I wasted 4 years with the Gastric Sleeve and SO many people are headed the same direction. Everyone knows the pendulum is swinging away from VSG and RNY, as both become a very low calorie diet for life!

    What problems led you to revise to DS?

  13. Although adequate Water intake is important regardless of your weight, water is more essential after surgery and while you are rapidly losing weight. There's a lot of chemistry that goes on in your cells and organs, without enough water some of these by products will crystalize so you are prone to gall stones and kidney stones. You are also going through lots of changes as you lose weight, your body is making adjustments and needs plenty of water to keep up, flush out toxins, protect you from Constipation, healthy skin, keep Proteins soluable, and I'm sure many more good reasons. I think the doctors realize it's going to be difficult, at least in the early stages, to drink enough water so they emphasize it to encourage good hydration for healing from surgery and reduce the chances of complications. Sounds like your doing well though, keep it up.


    Youi'll see that some insurance companies have a mandatory waiting period or a mandatory weight loss requirement, so it's common. Why not look at it as a test of your resolve? If it's for you, what's 4 months? Just think, by the end of next year you'll be nearly to your goal, right? From the time of the initial seminar until I was sleeved, it was just over a year for me and I had no waiting period. But once I was committed to it, I was completley on board and there was no turning back. Good Luck!

  15. Yesterday was my 3 months (post op) visit to the Dr. I have lost 50lbs so far..He told me that I can eat normally now ..just i start my meal with Protein then vegetables and carbs comes at last if i can still eat .. thats it! And ofcourse not to forget Water n gym. Now that I have been sticking to the rules the last 3 months ..i feel like am lost now and dunno what to do ...am afraid to screw it up ..Also I want to make the best out of my sleeve and keep it safe for good ..I still have almost 75lbs to lose..am i alone in this feeling ?..I feel like a baby idiot ..any advices or help !

    Lost? You got this far, you were accountable to the doctor, but he doesn't live with you, does he? Have you and the sleeve learned to live with one another? Does it let you know when you're doing something wrong? You just need to keep building confidence, trust the sleeve, and trust yourself, that's a big part of what this year is about. besides, you're almost halfway to your goal in only 3 months! I'm only a month out from surgery, and the sleeve and I are still getting to know one another, It's working and I don't regret it for a moment. Where will I be in 3 months? Hopefully as successful as you. Good Luck Sarah.

  16. I'm not sure about the hospital part of it, but my apnea went away within a few weeks after surgery. My wife says I no longer snore, and I can sleep through the night with only one or two trips to the bathroom, depending on how much Fluid I consume near bedtime. We are both thrilled to get rid of that stupid machine!!! And for any diabetics reading this, my need for insulin and pills went away within a few weeks too! My endocrinologist was ecstatic. He even joked, "Damn! Those bastards are going to run me out of business!" Now, wouldn't that be great?!!

    Same here, only a couple of weeks after surgery I slept without it, no snoring, no running to the bathroom 3-4 times a night, and no more Metformin or statins. Woo Hoo!

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