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Posts posted by vincereautmori

  1. I just got sleeved Monday, so no weight loss yet. My best friend and I had discussed the surgery before-hand, as we both wanted to get sleeved. Her insurance requires 3 months with a dietician, mine didn't, so needles to say I got mine first. After I came home from the hospital, she called to bs about other things then finally said "oh didn't you have surgery? How are you feeling? " as I was telling her she interrupted and said, "yeah, I don't think I'm doing it, I can lose the weight on my own, I don't want to cheat my way to weightloss!" What a sucker punch to the gut! I only said to her you do what you please, and continued the conversation... smh

    YOU know, that she's still in denial, YOU know that she is more likely to fail than to succeed. I guess your freindship between one another is really being tested, YOU are not going to keep people who don't support you in your life. Is your freindship important to her? As you move forward in your journey she will either let you go or try to keep up. The choice is hers, you have already decided where you want to go.

  2. I'm sure this has been asked a thousand times before, and I missed it, so can you vets offer your help again? So, I'm about 4 months out, everything is going well, losing weight at a good rate, I have no dietary issues, I feel great, so what's the prolem? I've only been out to eat about 4X since surgery, 2X for lunch and 2X for dinner, lunch I do OK, I get a sandwich and handle about half the serving, dinner on the other hand........ I'm finding I kind of dine the way I did before, a glass of wine, a salad or Soup, and when the entree comes, I can only eat a few bites and I'm quickly uncomfortable and calling it a night. Very frustrating, my wife and I enjoyed our date nights out but now its almost more trouble than its worth. I really don't want to do the appetizer menu thing, mostly high fat and high carb. I know its a learning curve and I have to discover how to make it an enjoyable experience but does anyone have a suggestion?

  3. I wouldn't say they're jealous because they like to eat they all are obese ... Morbidly obese ...my sister in law had diabetes at 14 .. Now 21 she has to inject insulin. My other sister in law she's 14 and she has cholesterol and high blood pressure . My father in law has both diseases plus liver damage from alcohol abuse . ALTHOUGH my husband is morbid obese he doesn't have any diseases YET..... I think it's because they just want me to fail ... Idk really Myb it's just their personalities. Iam 5'0 205 starting weight 235 I've lost 30 lb in the last month. They notice I know they want to lose weight too because they're always in" diets ".

    Well, there's a lot of history in that family and there's nothing you can do about that. ELI, you take care of yourself, unfortunately these people are not part of your support system, they may not be bad people, but they are not going to help you achieve good health and you know its more than just losing weight. Who knows, you might one day inspire one of them by your success. Plato once said, "Good actions give strength to ourselves and inspire good actions in others."

  4. I ve got and been getting info from here I did start googling like crazy before I had the surgery but I am have to go get a pass at it again. as for the people I live with its my husbands family (in-laws) we live with them because our house got burnt down a year ago we've been trying to get back on our feet since then but it's been hard we bought an old kinda broken down house and fixing it we're almost done I see light at the of the tunnel, as for food it's their house and I can't tell them don't bring junk food ect I do buy my own food and I have been good for the first 3 weeks ( actually scared to try anything new) but this week was horrible and I think it was emotional eating because I miss my own loving caring family. I have a follow up appointment jan 14 I'm ask to see a nutritionist. As for now I'm sit and talk with them and ask them to stop because it really is difficult and I don't think it's funny at all ( they say I took the easy way out ) EASY pffff as if. My husband is so supportive he knows his family are mean and defends me all the time but they don't care what you tell them they laugh it off and make fun of you.

    In your original post you say, "I haven't done anything right", nonsense!, it sounds like you're hanging in there and you have a plan for getting out of your current situation. Great to know your husband supports you too! As for the inlaws, just keep fighting them off, easy way out? Not when you have someone there sabotaging your efforts, is there a reason they want you to fail? No matter, you can conquer their best efforts with a little encouragement from the peanut gallery here. This is about you and your health, you need to heal that hernia and get your body healthy. Keep up the GOOD work, this is going to be a better year for you.

  5. I rant here because my family doesn't understand how hard it is . They know about my surgery but they sit there n make fun of what I can't eat. They waive the food in my face. Iam strong and laugh it off but it kinda wants to make me cry. I don't blame them for what I put in my mouth. I come here for words of encouragement, "tough love" and reminders of why I did this. The words I don't get at home. Thanks all you guys really help.

    Well, its good to hear you're fighting a good fight, I guess we were kind of worried. But be more assertive, this is your health, don't laugh it off and demand some respect for your decision, if they don't understand then make them understand. They won't love you any less for it.

  6. Seriously Iam 1 month out and I still don't get more than 16 oz of Water or more than 30-35 grams of protien its not that I can't I just choose not too idk why I'm eating all the wrong foods I just had chips yesterday I had cake today and cheesecake sooooo much spicy food I used to think I couldn't get all the liquids n protiens in but this week has been bad bad bad n I've eaten a lot of juice so if I can get that much juice in a sitting I can get that Water in idk what to do everyone in this house eats SOOO damn much food FOOD FOOD that's all they do and I give in to temptation I Wish my tummy would hurt with all that bad food but it didn't which makes it 20x harder to sit there n watch ppl ughhhhh so mad at my self ....... Sorry there's no punctuation it a rant.

    So lets pull this apart and see if we can help. At one month out, how much are you eating at a time? Are you only able to tolerate about a half cup or so of food in a sitting? When you eat, do you hit a point when it becomes uncomfortable to eat more? I think most people here will tell you that at 4 weeks post op, we can't handle much food at one time, if you aren't feeling any restriction, you should talk to your surgeon.

    You say you can't get in enough water. Why not? Is it you cannot? If you cannot, you should talk to your surgeon. Water, enough water is vital, if you don't get enough water you can suffer from either dehydration or serious Constipation and either or both can put you back into the hospital.

    You say you only get in 30- 35g protien. Once again, is it cannot? Talk to surgeon? I doubt its cannot because you also say you've indulged in chips and cake, if you can eat junk food, you can choose to eat Protein instead. The sleeve will help you with portion size, but you are responsible for the quality of the calories that you take in.

    As far as being in a house with a lot of food, who's buying it? Who brings it in? Just be sure you're not the enabler, if you were to stop buying the junk food, would there be a lot in the house? If its others and they don't support you, what can you do to succeed in this journey? You have obviously decided to make a change in your life, and you deserve support from your family. Will they support you? If not, where can you get support?

    Anyway, that's my two bits, maybe take a moment in this journey to think about why you went thru this and what your expectations are. Good luck!

  7. A great year tfar! My greatest fears before surgery was that I was going to be giving up so much, I thought I would lose my love of food, I thought I would have to deprive myself at parties and family get togethers, I thought I might become someone different. I had surgery in August and since then things have gotten nothing but better, I'm off all meds but one, I kicked the CPAP to the curb, I feel great, I'm not in constant pain, and I enjoy foods almost as much as before. I've been obese most of my adult life and I didn't know what being "normal" felt like, clothes fit so much better, I can walk and climb, I can bend over and tie my shoes- woo hoo! Doesn't sound like a major milestone to a normal person, but to someone who hasn't seen their toes in quite a few years, it's something to cheer about.

    So, thanks for asking and to everyone who has been on this journey and to those who are ready to begin, here's to a new healthy and active life, best wishes for Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  8. My surgical group calls for 2 week, 3 month, 6 month with bloodwork and finally a year with bloodwork. They said as long as there were no issues and weightloss is on target, see ya in 3 months. If I do develop issues or begin to struggle there are support group meetings I could go to. I hear you though, every month, especially when you're paying for it, that's a hardship and maybe not necessary.

    Best of luck.

    I meant to add, are there support groups nearby? Could be helpful if you need it.

  9. I'm 63 and if not now when? I feel my health has been skating along on the luck of my good familial genes. But last May I watched my dear friend, who was only 53, die of diabetes. That is one cruel ugly disease.

    Anyway I have suffered with my obesity for over 35 yrs. I'm ready and on Dec. 30 my new life will begin. Hold on to your hats, it's going to be a rocky ride.

    And good luck to you dear reader, on your path as well.

    I could tell you the same story Paula, I'm 62 and overweight/obese most of my life, had the surgery in August and already feel 10 years younger. Don't worry, it may be less rocky than you think. Fortunately I've had no issues and my only regret is the same you'll hear again and again.............. why didn't I do this sooner? Good Luck

  10. This thread just proves that many of those overweight/obese people who say "I don't understand why I'm fat! I don't eat THAT much!" are full of it!

    I was one of them, I would often say I don't eat that much, and I'd believe it too! It's part of the disease. Even on diets, I'd think, "I'm cutting back and losing weight", but before I knew it, the weight was coming back on and I'd think I was still watching my diet. What makes us so blind? Wish I knew, I wouldn't have needed surgery.

  11. I'm about 3 1/2 months out and I've only been out to eat a few times, mostly lunch and I just tried dinner. I'm finding it difficult, nothing on kids menu that appeals and at the places we like the appetizers are mostly hi carb hi fat that I'm trying to stay away from. For lunches a half a sandwich does the trick, dinner is going to take me a while. I got a fish dish, it was so so and after about a half a salad, glass of wine, I could only eat a few bites of fish, so I took most of the meal home. I kind of left feeling like its more effort than it was worth.

    Before surgery my wife and I had our once a week date night, neither of us had any problem finding places we liked. Now I look at online menus to get an idea of what I might have at a particular restaurant, but not much sounds appetizing and I have no desire to go. Also, I eat so much slower and I can't eat much, I just don't look forward to dinner out. Should I hope that changes?

    But not so sad, I am feeling better, and a lot healthier, I wouldn't hesitate to do it all over again. I just need to learn not to be food centric, and that's going to take a little time. I still enjoy being out with my wife and freinds, I do enjoy foods and I am motivated to finish this journey. Interestingly, about a couple of months after surgery we went out for lunch and I chose a chicken salad wrap, all I could eat was half and it was more than enough. Before surgery, I could get a foot long sub, a bag of chips, and a tall soda, and an hour later I'd be hungry. I've come a long way.

  12. Good morning! I am looking for help and suggestions. I was sleeved in June 1012. I initially lost 60 lbs down from 250 lbs. The last several months have been tough. I stopped losing and went to see the weight loss center to find out why. they suggested that i up my calories to 1200, keep my Protein up and again suggested that I need to begin exercising more. I was never big on exercise! Well i've increased my calories, and joined a gym go faithfully 3 or 4 days a week, usually 3…and I am gaining weight! I am up 30 lbs and hating it. I am in panic mode. And of course the more i think about it the more i want to eat, just like the old days.

    Any advise. I'm even feeling too down to go back to the weight loss center as I feel like a failure.

    Please help!

    Without knowing a lot more detail, it's hard to know where to help you. Are there any support groups in your area? Check if Bariatric Pal has one nearby, how about a local hospital? You may find spending time with other WLS patients is a great way to debug your problem and get fresh ideas from people who know what you're going through. You have gotten this far, it's just another bump you need to get over, so don't give up.

  13. I'm almost 3 weeks out (19 days) still in puréed food stage. I read a lot of success stories about losing 100 lbs in 6-8 months post surgery.. It's my only dream to reach a 100 lbs loss in those months.. What recommendations for workouts, food (protein/carbs ratio and caloric goal) to reach my goal in this period...

    My SW: 252, CW:240, GW: 143

    I'm 27 yrs old.

    Ah, 27 years old, youthful exuberance. Good for you, you're tackling a problem that could follow you through your whole life and affect the quality of your health. By this point you know this is a process, the physical modifications through surgery and the lifestyle changes in diet and exercise. This is your journey, your experiences will be unique to you, maybe you'll lose 100 lbs. in 6-8 months and maybe more or maybe less. Following your surgeon's and nutritionist's recommendations along with leading a more active life will determine your results. So like everyone has already suggested, let your journey unfold before you at your own rate.

    But I understand your interest in what has worked for others who have gone this route, but remember, what motivates you at 27 yrs. old is going to be different than what motivates me at 62 yrs. old. For me, I'm about 3 months out and very happy with my results. To be honest, I have not gotten into a good exercise habit, that's my struggle, I walk maybe 2-3 times a week. As far as diet, I tracked what I ate the first couple of months and carefully "listened" to my sleeve. Now I just work with it, I get in Proteins first then wait for the sleeve to say stop. I suggest that you get to know one another (you and the sleeve), you're going to be together for the rest of your life. Good luck, you can do it.

  14. Hi old_rn, this is a little from a guys perspective, you said, "I still find myself drawn to the large lady sizes and I haven't gotten but 1 new top." I had to buy a new coat for this winter, so I bought something a couple of sizes smaller (I was into 3XL). So I tried on the new coat and zipped it up the arms and shoulders fit good but along the mid torso to the waist I thought it was a little tight, but my wife said, "that's how clothes are supposed to fit" After so many years just getting clothes that fit around our widest dimensions, we're not used to things fitting our form as they are designed to. Keep that in mind as you travel this journey, its a powerful motivator. You're doing great, keep it up and good luck.

  15. I was sleeved in October 25, 2014. I've only lost 12 lb and have experienced the 3 week stall as well. I am 63 and am a low BMI (31). I'm doing everything right, getting in my Water and Protein, low carbs, and calories are between 500 and 700. I'm exercising too (walking). I guess I'm what you would call a slow loser!

    That's what, about 4 weeks? At 3 lbs./week, I wouldn't call that slow.

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