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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by MammaJamma42

  1. I think it's only natural to start having last minute jitters. I think we all do it - I know I sure did. I was expecting way more pain when I woke up and much more difficulty post-op than I've had. I haven't regretted it for even one moment since I've done it. The only thing I regret is that I waited so dang long to have this surgery! Wish I'd done it years ago when I first heard about it then I could have been healthier so much sooner. Just follow your doctor's orders and take care of yourself and you'll do great. What everyone else has said is right on. And you're not a loser at all! I think it's extremely brave to take such a huge step to take control of the issue now. That is HUGE!! :)

  2. This is the first time in my life I've decided to be honest with people when they ask. I tell them, and I'm actually thrilled when they ask! I'm also being honest with my family and my husband about my weight. I've never, ever, ever, ever confided in anybody about my weight (other than my doctors - not even my husband, and I've been married for 31 years), but I've decided that was just me in a state of denial in a way, and that the only way to really face it and deal with it was by them knowing so they can help hold me accountable. It's actually quite liberating! I'm looking forward to the day when I can tell everyone that I've lost 150 pounds! :)

  3. The band has a 40% failure rate and you are putting a foreign object in you body. Leaking and flipping ports, slipping and eroding band. High chance of something or everything going wrong. If I live long enough to pay the medical bills from my catastrophic life threatening lap band and I need another weight loss surgery, I would consider the sleeve. I wish someone would have told me about this before I got my band, I would have run as fast as my fat little feet would have taken me in the opposite direction.

    I'd like to know where you're getting your statistic of the 40% failure rate. I've never heard or read anything nearly that high.

  4. I had my first fill today - and was pleasantly surprised that it was really no big deal at all. Just felt a little pinch when the needle went in. Otherwise felt nothing at all in the band, and it was really quick! He only put in 1 cc. I had to drink a cup of Water to see how it went down. I had a little gurgling, but not a problem. I'm glad he didn't put in more though, or I think it would be too much maybe. He said most people there do well working up to 4 cc's (in a 10 cc band) in about a year. He had me kind of do a crunch so he could find the port more easily, and then stuck the needle in. I was surprised at where the port is - not as close to the incision as I thought it was! I go back in a month. Good luck to everyone else on their first fills this week! :)

  5. Everything Lisa said - I chewed on lots of Gas-x, sipped Water, and tried to walk a lot. I didn't have gas terribly bad though, so I was lucky. I mostly sat in a recliner that first couple of days (between times of walking around the house). I will also say that popsicles were my saving grace - they were very soothing to me then!

  6. I'm only 4 weeks post-op, so I'm definitely not an expert, but I gotta agree with Hazel on this one. Her logic makes sense to me. If you can afford it, and if it will make you healthier (mentally and physically), and help you maintain long-term weight loss, then go for it, and finally feel good about yourself! :)

  7. Lap band w/plication 7-18-13 2 week post op down 14 pounds 4 week post op visit down a total of 36 pounds down, I did get a fill of 4.4 total 5.4 in band.

    I got the fill because after 1-2 hours after a meal I was hungry again. Had the fill drank Water to make sure I was comfy and I was done probably will not need another fill, no problems whatsoever feeling GREAT and my clothes are baggy!!!!

    That's awesome mpmtz! 36 pounds!! I had my surgery with plication on 7/19, but I'm only down about 24 pounds so far. Can't wait for my first fill on Monday!

  8. I'm doing about the same, Lisa. In fact, I doubt that I'm eating a whole cup because I just can't hold that much. I also have a Protein Shake every morning for Breakfast, and between the Protein Powder that I use and the Protein in the milk, I get 42 grams of protein just from that. I am averaging around 70 grams of protein per day. Maybe I'm not drinking enough Water. The only time I ever have a snack is mid to late afternoon when I'll have a Dannon fit-n-light greek yogurt, and that is 80 calories (and 12 grams of protein). But, the scale still isn't budging. I don't think I've even lost a pound over the last week!

  9. I called my doc and guess what I have 4 CC in my band was banded July 31st and I feel so restricted its ridiculous I hate it. I thought I was suppose to gradually get there not just get there smh. I hate this feeling I can't breath at night I have to use my inhaler at night I feel tight and they don't care they meaning my doc office smh I'm too restricted.

    Ugh!! That sounds horrible!! Hopefully you'll adjust to it soon and won't feel so miserable!

  10. No boo you are not alone no way no how!!! They told me to go back on the Sugar Busters diet...the one I did for Pre op. I lost 10 pounds in 3 weeks and its easy to do. I had surgery 7/11 so I am almost to eating regular food. I think I do have some restriction even with the band just being on my stomach. I can't drink Water fast without having to stop. I was not this way before surgery but as far as food restriction I don't really feel it except if I over eat. I have to stop way before I feel full or else it feels like a bomb going off in my gut and its is miserable!!!! I mean like I think I'm dying bad!!!

    Oh no - that does NOT sound good! I can't really drink anything very fast either - have to kind of sip. And I agree - I think I have some restriction too because I just can't eat very much, really only a fraction of what I used to eat, which is why I think it's kind of discouraging that the scale isn't moving very quickly right now! I was just reading on one of the nutrition boards on here, and someone else had posted about the same thing and several people commented that this is actually pretty common and it's because your body is still healing from the surgery. I guess it takes your body 6-8 weeks to heal completely, and after that first fill, then the weight loss will really kick in. I sure hope so! We just have to hang in there. We can do this! :)

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