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Posts posted by ragdollx19

  1. I have a long term goal of 160(which I may be able to get lower than that which would be awesome), I aim a bit higher to avoid disappointment in myself.

    When I started all of this even losing 75 lbs would feel like a daunting task. By setting small goals I give myself extra time to make them and realize that if I dont make my goal by a certain date thats okay too. But it gives me something to look forward to and aim for. Over the holidays this year I was very focused on getting to my goal and turned down a lot of sweets because I knew January was just around the corner.

  2. Get a copy of your insurance book from your employer or through their web site. Mine did not require a diet but several do. Its individual to each plan. Good luck, even if you HAD to do the diet I promise you will be happy you stayed the course. There is nothing like instant gratification though I KNOW!

  3. The band should not do all the work for you, it should be an aid to help you eat less and that is all. When you eat do you eat solid Protein FIRST and then eat other things? Do you eat things that are "easy" to eat because they are soft or greasy or do you eat things for their nutritional value?

    Work out. Its the same as with your check book, if you dont have enough money you need to lower your bills and increase your income. Well with weight you need to increase your activity and make sure you are not eating too much or the wrong kind of calories.

    Quit complaining that you have only lost 30 lbs and get a regular exercise routine and stick to it. Evaluate what you are really putting into your body by way of calories by using a site like sparkpeople.com to log your intake for a while. You CAN DO THIS but you have to put forth some effort.

  4. Hi David! I didnt know there were really people "from" Casper, WY. I have been trying to get my husband to apply for a job there :frown:

    Use this forum for your support group, it is an awesome place to make sure what you are feeling, eating, and are going through is normal. Welcome to the board you are in for an awesome journey! Be sure to look at the before/after pics thread at the top of this general board it is very inspiring AND take your own pics to add later.

  5. I am sorry for your friend's families loss, how tragic! While we all know the risk is there with any kind of surgery no one really expects their family member to be the one in whatever number, especially for an elective surgery. I honestly believe my chances of being killed in an auto accident on the freeway in Dallas are probably as good or greater than my chances of dying in surgery, yet I drive around this area everyday.

  6. I don't count calories unless I am not losing for a long stretch which knock on wood hasn't happened but once. I eat when I am hungry and don't when I am not. I try to eat healthy foods a majority of the time and occasionally indulge in something absolutely horrible for me (because I am normal and even normal people do that occasionally!) The only time I counted calories was in the first 2-3 weeks after surgery when I was so so tired all the time from not getting enough calories.

  7. I dont think not losing or even gaining in one week is cause for alarm. Some people will not lose for 2-3 weeks and then in one week lose 6 lbs. I know because this happens to me a lot. Also hormones and Water retention can affect it. Everyones body is different and until you give yours time to show some sort of pattern I wouldn't freak out. **Work out** and eat healthy foods and your body will do the rest.

    Keep an eye on your food intake and fill needs too. In the beginning I went in about every 4-6 weeks for a fill until I got to a point that I can eat enough for nutrition but not enough to say eat a cheeseburger.

    If you are hungry and you are sure its not head hunger then EAT just eat things that are good for you, solid Proteins are great Snacks because they keep you full longer.

    And again... work out. Lift weights. Walk. Run. Whatever it is you like to do or can tolerate and DO IT on a consistent basis. You will see a difference!

  8. I wanted to show off something other than my normal monthly pics!

    Before - Mar 07 After Jan 08


    I came on this morning to look at the comments I got back on my pics in the before/after thread and was just weirded out by how "normal" I look in my latest pic. I still have more to lose but am really struggling with what I actually look like now. I have been buying a majority of my clothes at Goodwill and keep coming home with shirts and stuff that are just way too big. My mind cannot accept that I am skinnier. Those of you who have been banded a while does this ever go away or do you always see yourself as the fat person in your mind?

    I dont lack confidence now I just cant see myself for what I really look like.

  9. anytime the skin is broken it's considered a surgery (except for vaccines). So far, I've gone in for 3 fills and one unfill. I'll keep you all posted on what happens with mine. I actually have to call BCBS again for copies of my EOB's because I accidentally threw them out. :rofl:

    You can print the EOB's off line. I do not like using the fepblue.org to print the eobs but the bcbs for your states website is much better looking and in pdf format. you can register with the state bcbs website as well as fepblue.org.

    Thats such BS about the skin being broken. If you get a steroid shot or any other kind of shot its a surgery??

  10. I know this doesnt answer your full question because my BMI was just above 40 so I was not required to have co-morbids.

    (comorbidities), such as:

    (comorbidities), such as:

    · Type 2 diabetes

    · Hypertension (high blood pressure)

    · Heart disease

    · Stroke

    · Breathing difficulties (Sleep Apnea)

    · Cancer

    · Joint problems

    As I said my BMI was above 40 but it is my understanding that FEP BCBS does not require a diet of any kind for anyone. You can check if this was changed by looking at the plan book located online at Announcements

    My paperwork was submitted Thursday and I was approved by Monday. They also paid my claims very quickly. Good luck you have great insurance!

  11. I also have federal BCBS Basic and have to get my fills at a location that are not in network. Because most dr's will not give fills for other dr's patients i have to call BCBS and have them give me an out of network exception.

    Anyway... I dont know if the above changes it at all, I would think not. I dont know what cpt code they use but mine also shows as a "surgery" and they pay all but a $40 co-pay. My daughter just recently had an outpatient surgery and my co-pay to the hospital was also $40.

    My specialist co-pay is only $30. I am even irritated that I have to pay them the $40 because my insurance is paying them $560 and for me to go there as a cash patient I would only pay $150. They are robbing the insurance company and me as far as I am concerned. Charge me my $40 but for crying out loud dont make health care more expensive just because you can get the money from them. And people wonder why an employer would have an exclusion... because it will cost them so much!

    I have had NO problems getting my fills paid for at all. Have you called BCBS yourself?

  12. Go ahead and put a few bites of the carbs on your plate and after you finish your solid Protein and some veggies if you still have room have a bite or two?

    This way you are not denying yourself something you want but its not your main source of calories either. If you really want to work with your band youre gonna have to eat the right things even if the chips and cupcakes look good.

  13. Dont think your band should do all the work for you. Be prepared to get off your butt and work off some of those calories and make muscle out of the body you have destroyed for years.

    Also be prepared to make wise food choices, just because you can eat a tub of icing or bowl of mashed potatoes with a pound of butter doesnt mean you should. Eat solid Protein every day and save the bad foods for rare occasions.

  14. I remember looking at those pics in awe before I got my surgery. Part of me was thinking how amazing the people in them looked, part of me was super excited that I got to have a chance at being a success like them, and then the smallest part of me wondered if I could really do it or if this was going to be like a diet I failed at.

    I am so happy to say it is the best thing I have done for myself. With hard work and dedication I CAN and HAVE been able to do this. Congratts on your band decision and I look forward to seeing your after pics!

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