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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ragdollx19

  1. ragdollx19

    Fill kicked in while on vacation

    That sucks! I am glad it wasnt any worse than it was and you were able to get it taken care of as soon as you got home. How was vacation?
  2. I was not allowed to wear anything, luckily by the time surgery came around it was really light. They have seen it all, but I know it sucks! Good luck!
  3. ragdollx19

    Is this a diet to all of you?

    I dont look at it as a diet. I look at it as I wanted this surgery to help me make some major changes in my health which requires changes in what I eat. The difference is this time I CHOOSE to pick the healthy food because I know if I do I will get results. Before it was a punishment because I wasnt going to stick to it and I wasnt going to keep the weight off anyway. I do not deny myself of all things bad. If I go out to eat on the weekend and want something not so great for me, I eat it. Only now I only eat a little, before I would have eaten 4 times as much of the junk and a lot more often. So no its not a diet to me its using common sense so I can get the weight off and keep it off.
  4. Do you have to get approval by your GP because you have an HMO or were you just trying to go about it the right way? if you dont have an HMO and feel that strongly about getting the lap band start looking for a lap band doctor. Most of them have all of their own testing they require and depending on your medical problems will need copies of your medical records which your GP cannot deny you. I would also think a lap band surgeons office could refer you to a lap band friendly GP so call one of them and explain to them your situation. Good Luck!
  5. ragdollx19

    Why isn't the scale going down?

    How long has it been since you lost any weight, a month, two weeks? According to your ticker you have lost an average of 2.5 lbs a week since your surgery which is really good. You dont have your past data on there so I dont know how much if any of that is pre surgery. I agree with metal band make sure you are eating enough and make sure you are eating protiens. What did you eat yesterday that made up your calories? Are you working out? If not, get moving!! I know my weight loss will be good for a few weeks, then nada for a few more. My weight went down, and then back up 3 lbs for a week and a half. Over the last few days it has magically gone down for a total of 5 lbs. If its a short term period of no weight loss it could just be he normal ups and downs.
  6. I drink a lot of water so usually have a water bottle or even better a disposable cup handy. Doesnt happen too often but when it does I usually have something.
  7. ragdollx19

    May 2007 Banders

    I love the dress Melissa! I agree with your wedding being two months away you will probably have to get it taken in some. What a wonderful problem to have! I had a pretty good weekend. I went hiking which was great fun but very hot towards the end. Yesterday I was hungry all day long. Not head hunger either physical starving hungry. So I ate, I ate healthy but more than I usually do. I am really hoping it was just one of those days and that its not an indication I need another fill. I was able to eat an entire homemade hamburger with two pieces of regular bread this weekend!
  8. ragdollx19

    Sad News

    Have you called your insurance company yourself to see if they cover the lap band without a reason for not having the bypass. I would call them and give them the cpt code for the lap band and ask myself! I am not saying it is the case but there are doctors out there who push for the bypass procedure.
  9. ragdollx19

    May 2007 Banders

    I feel the same way Sue. There is a very large miserable looking woman down the street from me. I see her and my heart just breaks for her. She rides her bike once in a while and has a house full of small children. I wish I could tell her about the lap band! I can just imagine how that would have made me feel if someone had come up to me and suggested I get surgery for obesity though. So I refrain unless its someone I know who more than likely will be the one to ask me all about my surgery and my progress!
  10. ragdollx19

    The Biggest Loser - good or bad?

    While I realize its not realistic that your every day average person could spend that time and dedication to working out I still find the show inspiring. I dont care if they do gain all the weight back plus some, while I am watching the show it makes me want to work out harder and eat better and I will take inspiration any where I can get it! I also enjoy seeing the before and afters as much as I like to look at them on this site.
  11. We demand some new pics!!! You look great! Congratts!
  12. ragdollx19

    Here's A New One. . .MY PORT FLIPPED!!!

    I am so sorry! I guess of all things that could go wrong this one sounds like an easy one to fix. I hope the pain is minimal and you are back on track very soon!
  13. ragdollx19

    Big Con

    Being conned into lasting weight loss is the best scam I have ever had the pleasure to participate in. I am happy I dont waste my money on scam diet pills or special freeze dried foods or any of that.
  14. ragdollx19

    Point A to B - How Long is Process?

    It depends on your insurance. Some require you to jump through a lot of hoops, others do not. The first thing you need to do is call your insurance and verify that they cover the lap band procedure. Ask them if CPT code 43770 is covered on your plan. If they say yes ask them where in your insurance book you can find information related to getting approved for this surgery. Or I am sure they can tell you where to find it on their web site. Good luck and be sure to check out the insurance forum under main lap band forums.
  15. ragdollx19

    May 2007 Banders

    I feel the same way. I wake up every morning feeling like it is Christmas morning. I am sure as the weight loss slows this feeling will lessen or go away but for now I am loving every moment! I did an entire HOUR of ab work yesterday. I think my trainer is trying to kill me. I got on the treadmill and the stair climber (only for 2 min). I think the stair climber could suck me up and spit me out. That thing is evil. There were a few ab excercises where you lay on your back on a bench and lift a huge ball with your feet that I was humiliated because I couldnt do more than 5 of them. My trainer was really nice about it but I just had to flat out tell him I cant do this and I hate that. It made me come back to the reality that I am still a fat out of shape girl with lots of work to do.
  16. ragdollx19

    May 2007 Banders

    Wow Weazer! You have some kind of awesome scale willpower. I think I would freak out if I didnt get on mine every day. If its good to me it encourages me to continue to eat well and go to the gym. If it has no change like the last two weeks almost it still encourages me to get moving and keep eating well. I would die if my batteries in my scale went bad. You are a stronger woman than I!
  17. ragdollx19

    May 2007 Banders

    Melissa - Way to go on the elliptical! I have been doing weight training for an hour at a time and only getting in 10 to 15 minutes of cardio. I think I need to step it up. I cant wait to take my monthly photos this time. I just know there has to be a noticable difference from last month. Thats still almost 3 weeks away but hey its something to work toward!
  18. ragdollx19

    Dog walking problem!

    <p>Halti collars rock! You can buy them at any major pet store. They happen to be on sale at Petco right now. They work because if your dog pulls on the leash it will tighten their mouth closed and dogs hate this. I walked a 110 lb rottweiler on one and she quit pulling me down the street immediately!</p> Coastal Halti Headcollars at PETCO
  19. ragdollx19

    Struggling - How do you do it!?!?!

    Well I have been making it into the gym a lot lately. I hired a personal trainer who is fabulous. i cant wait for my body to get used to this punishment because some times the pain from lifting weights the day before is awful! My scale hasnt been moving in two weeks, I keep telling myself its because I am gaining muscle mass and that the weight will start coming off again soon. I am eating right and working out so come on scale play nice!! Why is it that the boobs are the quickest to go? :eek: I have actually been looking forward to getting to the gym each day. Thanks for all your comments!!
  20. ragdollx19

    May 2007 Banders

    I am 5'6" I carry most of my weight in my hips, thighs, and rear!
  21. ragdollx19

    May 2007 Banders

    Well, It wont be a NSV for me until they actually fit but it made me feel good anyway. A really thin girl at work had a baby about a year ago and said she had some clothes she wore after the baby that she had bought at GAP or somewhere, she asked what size I was in now and I told her 18's and some 16's. She brought me these clothes which are 12's and 14's!! I am not even able to squeeze into them I am sure but it made me feel so good that someone else thinks I will be able to soon. My scale still hasnt moved in a while and my trainer is kicking my rear at the gym so I know with the muscle weight will start coming off too. Way to go on all the NSV's!
  22. ragdollx19

    May banding 2007

    the Specialty Surgery Center of Fort Worth on Precinct Line in Hurst across from Wal Mart does fills with flouro. I am not sure if they have issues with patients banded in Mexico but give them a call. Or call AIGB in the same building and ask them. Good luck!
  23. ragdollx19

    May 2007 Banders

    I had a chocolate chip cookie this weekend, okay 2, and felt really bad over it. I have been using a personal trainer and am so sore every day i can barely do regular house chores. My scale hasnt moved in a few weeks now which really sucks! After reading Sandra's posts I figured out that I am pretty late for my period too. I have always been regular even since getting my band. My husband got the snip snip so unless God has other plans I am likely not pregnant. I am a few weeks late at minimum so maybe its coming and thats why my scale hasnt moved? Things just arent going in the direction I want them to lately! I hate being so impatient!
  24. I tried to have a few bites of my kids nuggets a month or two after surgery and had a horrible sliming episode. I have eaten lean ground beef burgers with wheat buns (bottom only) and not had any issues. I dont know that I would be brave enough to eat a McDonalds burger... and I dont think it would keep me full long. As for fries i dont even bother. Some days I can eat one or two, others one is enough to do me in so its just not worth it! I had a horrible sliming episode at work a few weeks ago and my boss was trying to talk to me. She at least asked if I wasnt feeling well but as she continued talking I could only nod my head in response to her questions. I didnt think she would ever walk away so I could spit!
  25. ragdollx19

    May 2007 Banders

    mine- Thanks for the message yesterday. I know youre right it will pay off but it always makes me doubt myself

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