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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ragdollx19

  1. I just had mine done at Wise Regional Wednesday. It is a really nice hospital with they best nurses anywhere! A really new facility too! Good luck! What Dr r u using?
  2. ragdollx19

    May 2007 Banders

    I had my surgery Wed night and am feeling a whole lot better this morning. My abdomen is so full of gas though it is making breathing uncomfortable. I did the whole pillow under my tummy thing which hurts my port. I just now took some gas-x because I think I am getting to the point that will actually do some good. How much should I be able to drink now? I feel like I have a few sips of anything and I am stuffed. The only thing I have had in the last 3 days is a small amount of water and gatorade. I was going to try some protien drink today but I just dont know how much I will actually be able to drink?
  3. ragdollx19

    May 2007 Banders

    Here I am!! My surgery was delayed a little yesterday and so they didnt get started until after 5:30. I was home by 8:30 which is awesome because the hospital was an hour away from my house. I feel mostly okay today. My upper back is so achey, I am assuming this is from gas pain which hasnt been bad at all yet. My tummy is really swollen today and it hurts where my port is to roll over or get up or down. So mostly I feel much better than I expected I would! I am very tired. Walking across the house wears me out. I am not able to drink much yet. I ate half of a popsicle and was full. Sleeping is horrible, I wish I had a recliner!! I did not have any protien today, it is all I can do to sip some gatorade and water. good luck to those still waiting for surgery!!
  4. ragdollx19

    May 2007 Banders

    Why couldnt they have scheduled my surgery for in the morning? This waiting for the afternoon to get here is killing me. I am so thirsty and hungry. Lastnight I had to put my kids Happy Meals in the trunk so I wouldnt eat their fries. Come on clock tick faster!!!!!
  5. I love this place! i feel the same way. i have my surgery tomorrow and am scared. i have had other surgeries before but they were always in an emergency situation so i didnt have time to think about it. its normal to be nervous and scared when having such a major life change, its also stressfull!! we can do this. good luck tomorrow! if so many people are online posting the day after their surgery thats a good sign for us!
  6. Thanks for the laugh! It is also the night before my surgery and I needed that. Good luck tomorrow! I cant believe it is finally here!!!
  7. ragdollx19

    May 2007 Banders

    kacee- i have a whole fridge full of protien drinks and yogurt ect too. Some of it has been there two weeks! i am glad you are able to relax and keep busy today, i am so jealous of you! i cant seem to concentrate on anything at work so i know it is going to be a long day. luckily i woke up as dh was leaving for work so i should be really tired by the time i get home. good luck! I am just hoping to spend more time at my desk than in the bathroom today.
  8. ragdollx19

    How did people take it?

    Maybe she is scared of how this will affect your relationship? My best firend is overweight also but does not want to have WLS. We have had several conversations about how my surgery will affect our friendship. I would say most of the changes will be great. But it is a little scary when you are comfortable with how a relationship already is. I was concerned my friend would act weird about food around me because this has been something we have enjoyed together. Ultimately we decided this would work out good for her too. You are lucky to have a friend who cares enough to tell you how she really feels! Good Luck!
  9. ragdollx19

    What my mother said

    I am sorry your mom is not offering you the kind of support you would like. All you can do is hold your head up high and be proud of the decision YOU have made for YOUR health. If others cant support that or dont agree with it too bad. You are the one who will live with your decisions not anyone else. Congratts and good luck!
  10. ragdollx19

    May 2007 Banders

    Anyone with surgery tomorrow have their stomach in knots?? I am a nervous wreck and have been sick since yesterday. I am ready for this to be OVER (or rather ready to BEGIN my new life :eek:)!!
  11. My doctors office uses a place called AIGB who handles the preservice stuff for them as well as other doctors in the area. They took my medical history, current weight & measurments and all that so my doctors office could just file for approval. I have BCBS Federal Basic option and was approved in a few days. My BMI was 43 or something though. On page 48 of our plan book it says you must have a BMI of 40 or above OR 35 or above with comorbidities. I think they just have to submit your medical history along with diets and ect you have tried. Look on the internet for your area and see if there are any doctors groups that use a company to handle all of this for them or find someone who has done a Federal BCBS case since they started covering lap band in January. Good luck!!
  12. ragdollx19

    Smoker's please help

    Okay maybe I am just the nay sayer here but if you dont feel ready to quit yet find a Dr who doesnt have that as a requirement. I am a smoker and know that with all the stress I have gone through just leading up to my surgery date and getting all the last minute insurance stuff resolved I couldnt do it without my ciggs. I do want to quit and plan on doing it soon. I just dont plan on doing so until after my surgery.
  13. I am so glad someone else has already asked this. I was considering making a fake name to ask it for fear of being humiliated or not taken seriously! Gag factor rocks
  14. ragdollx19

    May 2007 Banders

    I got a really sweet e-mail from my father in law tonight. I hadnt told him about my surgery because I wasnt really sure how he would feel about it and so was going to wait till it was over. My dh told him on the phone Sunday I guess because e-mailed me wishing me luck and asking to keep him informed. It really made my night to get this e-mail. Good luck to all of you going in tomorrow!! Nimblebean you rock! Thanks for keeping up the calander and let us know how it goes! 2 more days for those of us on the 23rd (well I guess 2 more sleeps is more accurate)! Can you believe we are really doing this!!!!!
  15. ragdollx19

    May 2007 Banders

    cfred- thanks! I called the insurance company today and had them re-verify my outpatient benefits. They said exactly what you said. I dont know how the hospital got the bad information to begin with but I made them call back and re-verify my benefits. I feel a lot better about but wish I could get something in writing. My Dr did agree to let me stay over night if I wanted to but I dont think I will need to now. My surgery is not until 3:30 so I think its going to be a long evening, plus the hour drive home. Oh well. I am just so thankful to have insurance paying for it. Thanks for your responses it takes a lot of stress off of me!
  16. ragdollx19

    May 2007 Banders

    Did you have to pay the hospital 30%? The issue I am having is according to the hospital if I am outpatient I owe 30%. If I am inpatient I only pay $100.00. I have BCBS Federal Basic. What plan are you on? I am so upset and stressed out about this happening so soon to my surgery date I am sick to my stomach. There is no way I can come up with $5k by Wednesday! And I dont understand why if I was approved by the insurance to stay 2 days they wouldnt let me stay for one???
  17. ragdollx19

    May 2007 Banders

    Well, I did all my "nesting" this weekend. I got all but one load of laundry done and my car washed. I am ready to get this done! I am probably going to stay over night due to insurance reasons and am having problems finding the list I saw on this site somewhere with what people took to the hospital. I know generally all I will need is a good Harry Potter book to read when I am not sleeping but would feel better if I could read that list again! I have to tell you if I hadnt been able to read all of the updates from those of you who have gone before me I would be a lot more stressed about surgery coming so quickly! My biggest fear right now is that something freakish happens and I die in surgery. This is so stupid to think this way but my past surgeries have been in emergency situations and never voluntary. I just cant imagine something happening and my kids not having a mother because she was tired of being obese. Sorry I am a bit emotional right now (TOM sucks!!). Best wishes and prayers for those of you going in today for surgery! I will be awaiting your updates!!!
  18. ragdollx19

    People Magazine - 1/2 Their Size Issues

    I used to buy those magazines too although they really didnt help me much. I saw the new one the other day and thought the same thing most of you did. Since when is surgery a gimmick, and even with surgery you still have to work for it or you will gain it back!
  19. delete me mods!! i cant figure out how to contact u!
  20. ragdollx19

    May 2007 Banders

    Happy Friday to everyone! How is everyone's anxiety that is waiting for their surgery date? My surgery is in 5 days and as it approaches I get a little more nervous. I feel like I have so much I want to get done before the big day!
  21. ragdollx19

    TV Show - I Lost It

    I found a new show on Discovery Health Channel called I Lost It! It comes on pretty early in the morning so i TIVO it but its really good. I havent seen any involving the lap band yet but it is about people who lost a lot of weight different ways and they talk about their feelings being fat and the transition. I do see some for gastric bypass, hopefully they have some lap bad! Discovery Health :: TV Listings :: I Lost It!
  22. ragdollx19

    May 2007 Banders

    KK- they sell them at GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, almost any supplement store. They come in all kinds of flavors my favorite is the Alpine Punch. They are more like a juice than anything, but a tad bit thicker. I like them a lot. Since you would use regular water for the boiling water in the jello and putting the isopure in afterward in place of the cold water and putting it in the fridge i dont see how that would affect it? who knows.
  23. ragdollx19

    May 2007 Banders

    Has anyone had surgery while its that time of the month? Unless something happens quick this is looking like a possibility for me. I mean I know they use a catheter how humiliating and gross this will be It never fails for me! Even on my honeymoon this happend! I can tell you it is not fun being stressed about an upcoming surgery, stressed about a pre-op diet, stressed about work, and having PMS. I am a real joy to be around... my poor dh is so wonderful!
  24. ragdollx19

    May 2007 Banders

    Good luck to all of you being banded today! CONGRATTS!!! Welcome SC! I am having mine done the same day. 6 MORE DAYS!!! I finally got my closet cleaned out lastnight, and usually I would throw things away that dont fit NOT this time! I am so excited to look in there and see clothes too small that I will soon fit into. I am going to clean all weekend to keep my mind off of things. I am also getting my netflix movies lined up so I will have some good movies to watch next week.
  25. ragdollx19

    Bummed out and sad

    I would bet if you did a liquid pre-op diet you would lose a lot of the weight need for the lap band approval? Hire a personal trainer to help motivate you. 24 Hour Fitness is having a special on them right now. I can imagine how frustrating it is to be told to lose weight so you can have a surgery to help you do just that but you CAN do this!

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