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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Updates posted by joatsaint

  1. The snooze button is life’s way of saying that waking up sucks.

  2. I love asking little kids what they want to be when they grow up . . . cause, you know . . . I'm still looking for ideas.

  3. Do not do today what you can do tomorrow, but remember to save a little for the day after tomorrow.. Be lazy, Think crazy.

  4. I do my best proofreading after I hit “send”.

  5. I’m definitely not the person you want to put on speaker phone.

  6. Due to the economic crisis and ever increasing price of food, the 5 second rule has now been extended to 10 seconds. 15 if the surface is dry and the food surface is irregular, like popcorn - unless you already licked it.

  7. Finally broke below 250 this evening - 248.6lbs. It's not official yet, gotta see it 2 days in a row. But it feels good just seeing the numbers on the scale.

  8. A bee is willing to end it's own life just to cause you a tiny amount of pain. I can relate to that level of pettiness.

  9. My computer crashed and now all the other computers have slowed down so they can see what's happening.

  10. Why is it that a rabbit only eats vegetables, runs and hops all day, but only lives 5 years...But the tortoise hardly moves and lives over 100 years? :-)

  11. If walking is so good for your health, why isn't the postman immortal?

  12. Is it just me or am I the only one that gets into bed and then realizes I gotta pee! And then wonders if it's worth it just to pee the bed rather than get up. :-P

  13. Does anyone else have a plastic bag filled with other plastic bags in the house? Or is it just me?

  14. Coffee isn't working...Get The Paddles! CLEAR!!!!!!!

  15. Friday morning and I feel like the walking dead. Do zombies feel like this every day? or do they get pumped up for the weekend? I mean, it must get old... biting people as a full time job. :-P

  16. My girlfriend was complaining, "You only hear what you want to hear!" "Thank you," I replied, "I HAVE been working out."

  17. How come you can't capitalize numbers? :-P

  18. I was all, "I SWEAR I'll BURN THIS PLACE TO THE GROUND! YOU HEAR ME?!?" and she was like, "Sir, your straw is in the bag."

  19. Today I am wearing my grumpy pants... and the matching shirt and tie! :-P

  20. Going nuts cause I heard a beep and dodn't know if it was my cell phone, ipod, ipad, Wii, Skype, Facebook, email, Twitter or TV.

  21. Is it just me or do you also have a "People I can't stand" list?

  22. I've reached the aget that my brain has switched from, "I probably shouldn't say that" to "What the hell, let's see what happens."

  23. It only takes a second to show someone how you feel about them - unfortunately, the police call it indecent exposure.

  24. Dear 7-11, instead of selling condoms and novelty items in your restrooms, how about toilet paper that doesn't make your ass bleed? Just a thought.

  25. I not really a fan of Apple products. Mostly because I'm a bigger fan of not being broke.

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