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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Updates posted by joatsaint

  1. Today is Star Wars Day: May the 4th be with you. :-)

    1. chasingadream


      …and also with you…LOL

    2. mt_hi_liner


      Hi joatsaint. Wanted to thank you for the response to my question about hunger after surgery. I have scheduled the surgery for June 19th. Thanks again.

    3. joatsaint


      You're welcome, I'm glad to be of help. I was very nervous and had lots of questions pre-op. Now I'd like to pay if forward for all those that helped me.

  2. Just tried an Atkins Coconut Almond Delight bar - definitely not delightful!

    1. BigGirlPanties


      good to know... not found of coconut much anyway...thanks

    2. joatsaint


      The Russell Stover sugar free coconut candy was much better! More like Mounds candy. Pretty good - if you can tolerate the sugar alcohols.

    3. JacobsMommy


      Agreed! The Atkins Coconut Almond Delight is horrible. I do not care for coconut, but I love their Cashew Trail Mix Bar. Chocolate, cashews, peanuts, raisins, and almonds...yum!!

  3. Finally broke 230lbs :-) 229.2 this morning. Been stuck in the 230's for 3 months.

    1. kll724
    2. GotItDoneInHarlem
    3. Denise73


      Good for you. I bet you won't be stuck in the 220's.

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  4. Life is funny in that the people who demand the most from it very often GET IT.

  5. Celebrated my Surgiversary today by walking 3 miles in the park. :-)

    1. gamergirl


      good for you! and congrats on the surgiversary. WIll you be posting before and after pics?

    2. ribearty
    3. Water Nazi
  6. I am officially NOT the fattest person anymore! And hit a new low today 230lbs. 6 more lbs and I'll be at my high school weight.

    1. carstanger


      Keep up the good work!!!

  7. Whoo Hoo! Finally! The scale started moving after being stuck for 2 weeks. Hit a new low two days in a row - 232lbs

    1. Jdub


      congrats man! Also wanted to let you know enjoying your vids on youtube!

  8. Just finished cleaning up after the Halloween party - we gave out 2000 pieces of candy

  9. Frankensleeve just posted a new video - What is a slider food?

  10. Hit a new low today 234lbs... Hit a new high today 1000 views on my Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/user/Frankensleeve/videos

  11. Created my 1st Vlog entry - How to explain your VSG scars -

  12. Just posted my latest Quick FAQ - What is the honeymoon period?

  13. Still below 240lbs - even after my cheat meal on Sat. Whoot Whoot!

  14. Why I chose the Sleeve over Lap Band or Bypass -

  15. Whoo Hoo! Finally broke below 240lbs for more than 2 days in a row. **Does Happy Dance**

  16. Another 5 Minute Review Russell Stover Sugar Free Pecan Delights http://t.co/ZGyjtScdZg

  17. Found an old pre-op video I made just before surgery. Here I am saying goodbye to 130lbs.

  18. Found an old pre-op video I made just before surgery. Here I am saying goodbye to 130lbs.

  19. Want to make your razor blades last longer?

  20. I finally got around to answering the question, "What was the last straw?"

  21. http://www.youtube.com/user/Frankensleeve/videos Hey guys, I just started a new Youtube channel. If you have time, I could really use some feedback - like it or don't like it. I'd really like to know if I'm doing a good thing or not.
  22. Do you women realize how silly you all look with your clothes on?

  23. I just searching and realized that sometimes Google should just return a message that says "trust me, you don't want to know."

  24. The closer I get to my weight loss goal, the harder I want to exercise.

  25. The higher pitched my "hey!" the greater the chance I don't remember who you are.

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