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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

  1. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Length of time on PPI or other antiacid

    I'm on Pantoprazole also. I'm almost six weeks post op revision, and I have to only take it for three months and then I can discontinue it. I don't want to continue on a PPI any longer than I have to due to their side effects.
  2. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Men are so frustrating!!!!

    I'm trying to understand the situation... I recall some time back you said that your husband didn't want you to lose weight because he likes bigger women. So is it possible that he is becoming slack on housework (purposefully) and this is his way of attempting to sabotage your success or at least throw road blocks in your path to success? He is becoming lazier since you had surgery and are losing weight. I may be wrong, but that's what I feel like might be going on. I have a cousin that had weight loss surgery when her marriage was on the rocks, her ex was former military and had major ptsd and other issues, and to make a long story short, the stress and emotional/mental abuse that he inflicted upon her negatively effected her weight loss. Now she's almost 3 years out and never made it to goal weight.
  3. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Who experienced heartburn or GERD after gastric sleeve?

    I had an EGD and a Fluoroscopy Upper GI with 15 degree head tilt. I had GERD and bile reflux.
  4. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Sleeve to bypass hopefully

    Yeah contact them Monday and advocate for your health, don't let them put you off. I'm not saying your surgeon would do that, but don't back down if they don't seem concerned at first. You need to get the problem corrected, rather than depending on PPI's like Omeprazole, because they have a lot of side effects if you're on them long term. I developed a kidney stone from them, so I know first hand what a pain the whole GERD/PPI situation is. Best wishes!
  5. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Who experienced heartburn or GERD after gastric sleeve?

    You can't fake GERD. I mean there's a number of tests that can detect it via imaging. I developed GERD about six years after surgery. I had all of the tests that proved it so getting approved for revision was easy. I lived with GERD long enough on a double dose of Protonix to develop a kidney stone from overuse of PPI's... who would fake all of that? Not me.
  6. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Sleeve to bypass hopefully

    I'm sorry you're dealing with GERD already! Been there, done that. It's a MISERABLE way to live. And I lived that way for several years. It gets to a point that the best prescription GERD meds can't touch it. Google foods to avoid when you have GERD, there's several: fatty foods, dairy, chocolate, tomatoes, citrus, alcohol, caffeine, carbonated beverages, mint, etc. You may try sleeping propped up or in a recliner, that's what I had to do. I'd say reach out to your surgeon and get prescription reflux meds and see what the surgeon says about how to treat it going forth. Are you okay with revising to bypass? GERD is common after lap band and sleeve since your tummy is operating under a high pressure system. And I know tons of sleeve/band patients have told their stories on here, just as I have. I told my story hoping to help prevent another person from choosing a high pressure weight loss procedure and make a better choice. The lap band permanently altered my esophagus, and I have dysmotility and nerve damage. It caused me to develop GERD along with bile reflux. If I stayed that course I was destined for Barrett's esophagus and possibly esophageal cancer. I hope this reaches at least one person considering the sleeve. I know GERD doesn't happen to everyone who gets a sleeve, but if GERD and revision and another 2 week pre-op diet doesn't sound like something you'd be keen to experience, please reconsider getting a sleeve. It's not the only weight loss surgery option out there. @SleeveDiva2022 I wish you the best and hope you feel better soon!
  7. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Steroids Before Bypass Surgery

    My money is on corticosteroids. OP is female, so that rules out TRT and almost with absolute certainty rules out anabolics, due to OP attempting to lose weight. And you don't have to wean off of NSAIDs.
  8. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Steroids Before Bypass Surgery

    Once upon a time, I was on long term, moderate to high dose, daily steroid therapy. I even had to have an open surgery while taking moderate doses of steroids. I will spare everyone the long, drawn out details, lol. But if you plan on being down to 5 mg, you shouldn't have these issues. I haven't been on steroids for years, but prior to deciding on revision to bypass, I was on Celebrex for years. When I decided to move forward with revision, I stopped Celebrex and gave myself several months to make sure I could function without them, because I knew I would have to stop them since they're a very strong NSAID. And I agree with the others, this is something you need to have a very, very detailed discussion with your surgeon about, and do it as soon as possible and don't wait until the day of surgery. But my question to you is, after your bypass surgery, will you continue steroid therapy or is your doctor planning to wean you off of them for good? They're know to cause ulcers post gastric bypass, along with inhibiting weight loss, and my surgeon said absolutely no oral NSAIDs after surgery, so if I ever do need them it will have to be very infrequently and by injection only. Best wishes!
  9. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Bariatric friendly pain relievers

    Maybe call your team and see what they recommend. Maybe they will call you something in that isn't an opioid or nsaid, but something safe and stronger than Tylenol.
  10. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Bariatric friendly pain relievers

    I take the tincture that you place under your tongue and the topical balm. I don't feel high or any way from it, but it (can) will show up on drug tests.
  11. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Found a new protein drink

    I've heard that the premixed Isopure is really good. I haven't tried them. I did get some unflavored Isopure powder and tried it before surgery in some soup, and I didn't like it at all. That's a lot of protein for a clear protein drink!
  12. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Revisions Appoved

    Congrats! 👏
  13. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Bariatric friendly pain relievers

    Not sure if you can use these with your job or not, but I use CBD oil and topical CBD products, lidocaine cream and tylenol. I really haven't had to use anything like this since my revision, except last week, I got blinded by the sun and missed a step and banged my knee on the concrete walkway, and I was three weeks post op revision at that point and started back at the gym the day before so I was a bit sore, then the fall on top of all of that... the CBD oil took the edge off of the pain. It's supposed to be really good for muscle recovery anyway. Maybe try one of those donut pillows that you sit on? I hope you feel better soon!
  14. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Smart Scales

    Besides the obvious weight and BMI, I watch muscle mass, fat and BMR mostly.
  15. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Tracking App

  16. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    New to group,sleeve 8/16

    Hi and welcome to the forums Michelle! Best wishes on your surgery and journey!
  17. If I were in this situation, I would wait and go through insurance. Spend the time while you wait fixing any habits that would be counterproductive to life post weight loss surgery. Stop eating fast food and focus on healthier foods so you know what to expect after surgery. Look at the year you spend preparing for surgery as an investment, and how you will be more successful if you're not battling food issues. Best wishes!
  18. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Sleeve Post-Op Calorie Intake

    I am right at two weeks post op, and during the liquids phase my paperwork says nothing about calorie goals. My goals are 60 - 90 grams of protein and 64 ounces of liquids. Liquids for me is three, long weeks. Pureed and soft diet stages I have a calorie goal of 650 - 800 calories. Protein and liquid goals are the same as the liquid phase. Full bariatric diet has a calorie goal of 1000 calories for the first six months and 1200 calories from six months onward. Protein and liquid goals are the same as the liquid phase still. Hope this helps.
  19. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Binder? Or shapewear

    I've worn this style for quite a while. I'm short but this may work for you because you can adjust the shoulder straps to make it fit your specific needs.
  20. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Vitamin suggestions liquids are awful [emoji20]

    I think most of them are awful until you get to the point post op that your surgeon allows you to take pills. I take Bariatric Fusion chewables. I can't take vitamins in pill form until three months post op. They're not super terrible, but they're not great either. I just suffer through it, keeping in mind that it's temporal and will pass and soon I can have the pill form.
  21. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Food aps track food diet

    I like this one. https://www.baritastic.com/
  22. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    St Petersburg /Tampa and Area plastic surgeon

    Yay!!! Keep us updated with how your PS journey goes!!
  23. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Surgery Date 7/27/22, New Life in Progress!

    Wow! Talk about perfect timing! I'm assuming that cancerous cells were discovered during an EGD that was done routinely prior to weight loss surgery? It's a good thing you were pursuing weight loss surgery when you did! Best wishes and happy healing!
  24. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Sleep Apnea after surgery

    I had sleep apnea before I had my Lap Band surgery. I was on bipap. I was off my machine within a few weeks, maybe 8 if I remember correctly. I just had revision surgery to bypass 12 days ago and it was pretty cool, as a former sleep apnea patient, I was selected to be in a study about former sleep apnea patients and the effects of anesthesia on them. So I had to wear some electrodes from the moment anesthesia ended for 24 hours. The anesthesiologist heading up the study said I definitely still do not have sleep apnea according to their readings.
  25. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Doubting Whether I Should Proceed

    I think it's good that you have control while on your pre op diet. It indicates that if you choose to go forth with your surgery, you can be very successful. The pre op diet is meant, as others said, to be temporary as a means to shrink your liver so that surgery is safe. A diet that is that low in calories, if maintained long term will only do harm to your metabolism, and slow it down. Weight loss surgery is a way to stop dieting and live a healthy life without harming our metabolisms and bodies. The choice is ultimately yours whether or not to have surgery. And I read your response about the family member that has issue with your choice to look into weight loss surgery. They themselves seem to have "food issues" if they look at food as an "emotional experience" You do what you feel is best for you, because it's your life and you are the one that will live with your decision. Weight loss surgery is very liberating imo. You don't necessarily have to give up anything, (but do follow any guidelines your team has for you ie: soda is one my team doesn't want me having) you eat smaller portions of foods and feel satisfied. Best wishes!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
