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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

  1. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    anybody else have gallbladder issues?

    Yes, it's better to do it before it becomes infected and an emergent case. It's much safer and less risk of complications. Best wishes
  2. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    anybody else have gallbladder issues?

    I agree with what Laura said. I had my gallbladder removed the day after Thanksgiving. I'd been having attacks for a little over a year. I had my wl surgeon do the surgery and she used the Davinci robot. I never had ANY pain post op. She said it was due to the precision of the robot. So if possible, the robot is something you should consider. No gas pain, no incision pain. Easy recovery. Best wishes
  3. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Doc says no more fills

    I don't understand why your doctor would say no more fills, when your band isn't even full. Every person requires different amounts of fill. Everyone's anatomy is different. Plus I've heard of some people finding the Green Zone and later as they lose weight, they lose their restriction as their anatomy changes their stomachs get smaller and so does the band, and then require an additional fill to get their restriction back. And I also know of a man here at bariatric pal that has the 14 cc band and he has 14 cc's in it. I'm only 4 months out and I had my second fill on November 8th and was at 7cc's in a 10 cc band, and I think I was at Green Zone, but I had to be unfilled 3 weeks later for surgery. Ten days out from surgery, my doctor put 6 cc's back into my band, and I will get another fill in a month. So time will truly tell if the 7cc's will keep me optimally restricted.
  4. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Anyone gain muscle similar to fitness model figure?

    Hey Mommy. I can't speak of any sleevers because I have a Lap Band, but I know of a man here that has The Band as well that has done extremely well. Here's a link to his profile, you should look at his before and after pics in his Gallery. It's mind blowing to see his transformation. You would never have known he was once over weight. Best wishes on your journey http://www.bariatricpal.com/gallery/image/44731-gym-time/
  5. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    what the........?

    You have to decide what you want worse, the weight loss or the chocolate. Banders Hell doesn't last forever and just as you probably used will power to make it through your pre op diet, you need to use it to resist unhealthy foods. If you get hungry eat protein, it keeps you full longer and you need protein to help your body heal properly. Also make sure you're getting enough fluids in. As for the chocolate, if it was me I wouldn't bring it into my home if it was a weakness for me. It's much easier to resist foods if you don't bring them home. One thing is for sure though, when your band is properly adjusted to give you restriction, the cravings are much less and more manageable. You can make it through this difficult time, just get your mind in the game. Best wishes
  6. Yes, it goes to show that our surgeons know what they're talking about when they give us guidelines to follow. This is terribly tragic and I hope this post helps us to remember to think before we eat. Thanks for sharing lj
  7. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Im In Hell!

    Also, make sure you're eating Protein first, and you're getting adequate amounts because protein keeps you fuller longer.
  8. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Im In Hell!

    Until your band is filled and gets you to the Green Zone, you will be hungry. Most people don't have any restriction from the Band alone. My surgeon told me that until you get filled and feel restriction, you're working on will power only and if you lose before you make it to the Green Zone, you're doing it on your own. So it's like you're on a restricted quantity of food, with no restriction. It's just something everyone goes through in the beginning, but hang in there it gets better. I'm lucky, my surgeon is very aggressive with fills. So I made it to Green Zone on my second fill. Best wishes
  9. Had a complete unfill on November 29th for surgery. I've lost 3 pounds since then. I'm still shocked that I lost, I thought I would gain. I go tomorrow to get my fill back. I'm so ready to pick up where I left off...

    1. ribearty


      Way to go Angel. Congratulations.

  10. You're welcome! Sometimes the weight comes off all of a sudden, instead of gradually, so you may be pleasantly surprised right before your operation. And it's normal to be scared, but honestly when it's all done and you've recovered, you will wish you'd have done this a lot sooner. Best wishes
  11. 10 pounds is better than 0 pounds. You've done great, why do you hope your surgeon still operates? Did he give you a certain amount of weight to lose before surgery? Mine required me to lose 6 pounds. I had a 2 week pre-op and I was so afraid I wouldn't be able to lose those 6 pounds that I started my pre-op a week early. So I had a 3 week pre-op diet lol. Unless your surgeon gave you a specific number of pounds to lose, don't stress about the numbers, you've done great
  12. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    6 Month Bandaversary 11/21/13

    Happy Bandaversary! Congrats on the amazing weight loss! No doubt you will be at goal by May, you are doing everything right and have a great attitude! Best wishes
  13. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    One Month Photo

    You've come so far already! Keep it up, you're doing awesome
  14. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Happy Birthday Carolinagirl!

    Happy Birthday Carolinagirl! You are one of the most inspiring Banders on this site, I've watched you transform like a beautiful butterfly emerging from their cocoon. You look amazing and you've done wonderfully and have a wonderful outlook, and I enjoy reading your posts, and I wish you the Happiest Birthday ever and many, many more in the future!
  15. My surgeon is aggressive with fills. My first was 5cc's. I could tell a difference. It settled after a while, so I didn't feel as restricted. I got my 2nd fill on November 8th. That one was 2cc's. So I have a total of 7cc's. I feel like at this point I'm at green zone, I'm just waiting to see if this fill settles too, if it does, I will need another fill. I eat 1 cup or less at each meal. No snacking. And I feel satisfied with that amount of food that I eat. So it depends how aggressive your surgeon is with fills. I've read other Banders here say they would only get 1cc or 2cc's per fill and it took longer for them to get to green zone. So it all depends on many factors, every person and their Bands respond differently. Best wishes on your first fill
  16. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Popped Incision Open While Overexerting Myself

    Cheapskate lol. Glad that you went to get it evaluated and treated by your surgeon. Better to be safe than sorry
  17. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Time Saving Smoothie Tip.

    What happened? LOL
  18. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Time Saving Smoothie Tip.

    Sounds great, Terry! I've been doing something similar as well, I came across this recipe for "pumpkin Protein shake Starters" http://bariatricfoodie.blogspot.com/2012/09/pumpkin-protein-shake-starters.html
  19. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Marriage Problems 2 Mo. Out

    First of all... well said Dana and Madam. There's not much that I can add after the previous posts. I will however say, that you married this man 21 years ago, and he was good enough for you then, right?? You are not AVAILABLE to other men, your wedding vows say so. If more people put the effort, and desire into their marriages as they're putting into their affairs outside of marriage, there would be a dramatic decrease in the divorce rate. Society has just made it too easy to give up on marriage. Your spouse isn't giving you the attention you want? Divorce them. Easy enough, right? Respect your spouse and your marriage. Talk to him, seek counseling and set up a date night weekly with your husband. Best wishes
  20. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Too Slow For My Taste

    Hey Fixerupper and welcome Yes as a matter of fact my wls recommends that her patients take a ppi. She said it's needed since the acid stays in the pouch longer. I've never had reflux so I can't comment personally. But my mom had reflux and h pylori (bacteria that causes ulcers) and she was ravenous while she had it too, and as her condition improved, the hunger waned. So I think you have made a very valid point, and it'd be worth speaking to the doctor about too. Best wishes with your Sleeve
  21. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Too Slow For My Taste

    Yes Carole, the mind can play a huge role in some obese peoples cause of why we they are over weight. But it's a cycle, in my opinion. Once you got your band, you had a new tool to work in your favor to fight your obesity. You were probably psyched when you first got it. Ready to conquer your weight. But until you make it to the green zone, it's a trial of faith lol. Because you aren't very restricted and it's more like a diet, which is easy to give up on when we don't see expected results or we have an emotional tragedy thrown our way, we tend to eat more. Like I said, it's a cycle. So until you get your band working optimally, it's difficult to be successful. I got my second fill about 10 days ago, and I'm pretty close to what I'd call the green zone, and what a difference! It's renewed my sense of being able to conquer this beast called obesity. So like Carolina stated, I believe in you. Get your fill and keep getting them until your eating only about a cup of food at each meal and feeling satiated for about 4 hours. Also eat quality foods, that will help your appetite, if you're getting enough Protein, you will stay full longer and it will help your psyche. You can do this, just don't give up on yourself!
  22. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Too Slow For My Taste

    I don't think you will be 'successful' until you get to green zone. That's when the band is working at it's full potential. You've come too far to stop trying now, get back in the saddle now and get a fill asap, before the holidays get here. IMO you putting off a very needed fill, will lead to more weight gain and more regret, which it sounds like you don't need any more of at the moment. But, why would you say you're so hungry and say you're not at green, and say you're not happy with the rate of weight loss you've had and then say you don't want a fill until after Christmas??? Are you just giving yourself some "room" to eat more and eat things that you want that are not as easily eaten with more restriction? I think you need to see your surgeon and let him know how you're feeling. No one wants to see you down on your band and not succeeding. But you really should ask yourself what your motives are cause I'm just puzzled why you wouldn't want a fill now asap. Best wishes.
  23. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Popped Incision Open While Overexerting Myself

    Yeah, definetly see your doctor. I had an incision open up the day I got my sutures removed, and let me tell ya, the after care involved was long (4 months) and I had a nurse come see me everyday to change my bandages (it had to be packed, so it would heal from the inside first) So yeah, don't wait to get it checked. Hope it heals quickly. Best wishes
  24. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Hiccups After Eating?

    Yeah, it's a nice way to find out you've had enough to eat, as opposed to my pre-band days of a carb coma and nap on the sofa lol

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