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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

  1. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Now thinking if canceling surgery 🥺

    So which surgeries does your surgeon perform? Only Sleeve?
  2. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Now thinking if canceling surgery 🥺

    That thread was started by @MiniGastricBypassDude and he's in Europe somewhere. That thread is about his MGB surgery experience. My surgeon doesn't do MGB either. I think it's more popular outside of the US for whatever reason. I'm revising to Gastric Bypass soon.
  3. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Fleur-de-Lis or Panniculectomy?

    You're quite welcome!
  4. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Fleur-de-Lis or Panniculectomy?

    Also Panni's don't involve tightening the musculature. So if you have had kids, and or lost 100+ pounds, chances are you also have a diastasis recti, it just happens with morbid obesity and pregnancy. So in order to get a flat tummy, usually that diastasis recti has to be repaired. Hence why Fleur's are so common for post wls patients.
  5. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Fleur-de-Lis or Panniculectomy?

    This is what my PS told me when I first consulted with her and she's really good at what she does, she's also professor of PS at the local university, so I trusted her advice... she said most women that have lost a lot of weight, like over 100 lbs, usually have saggy skin above the belly button also, so they need a Fleur. If you go with just a "regular" tummy tuck that they do for like a mommy makeover, you will have a tightened lower abdomen, and still be left with saggy skin above the belly button. It will look out of proportion. So she did a Fleur on me. And I'm happy that she did.
  6. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Food Before and After Photos

    Is this dense like a regular bagel? Is it easy to get down?
  7. If they will cover the hiatal hernia repair, if you get a bariatric surgeon to do it, the surgeon might consider removing the band and doing the revision rny at the same time. Since the insurance is paying for the operating room, and all of the anesthesia fees, sometimes it's an easy way to get services done at the same time. Usually the surgeon charges the patient a flat rate that is much cheaper than having the surgery done by itself. If that makes sense...
  8. That's really smart, and I'm happy that they offer complication insurance. I learned something new today, lol.
  9. Jeez, that's just wrong. But I heard the same thing about surgery in Mexico. My friend had a sleeve in Mexico 2 years ago and she told me doctors here would avoid her like the plague if she ever has an issue with her sleeve. The reason she went to Mexico is she has an eating disorder (untreated) and doctors here denied her. She didn't tell me she was having the surgery until she came back from Mexico because she knew I'd give her major grief over it.
  10. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Medical Marijuana Edibles After Gastric Bypass (RnY)

    I just remembered this... I give "full spectrum cbd oil for pets" to my Jack Russell. She gets joint pain which her vet says is the cause of her anxiety. It helps both her pain and anxiety. It's pretty amazing seeing it calm her and help her pain so she can sleep. It tends to happen in the middle of the night, so I sit up with her until she's able to sleep again. I know she's not human, even tho she'd argue that point if she could speak, but it might just help your anxiety also!
  11. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Food Before and After Photos

    Oooh is that apple cider vinegar??? 👀
  12. I see Dr Ashley Mooney.
  13. I had my band removed almost a year ago and I'm in the process of getting a bypass due to GERD. I never had any issues like slippage or erosion. Only the reflux that progressed to GERD. Now my esophagus is permanently altered, so my only choice to fix it is bypass. My surgeon wouldn't do bypass at the same time as band removal because she wanted to give my digestive tract a chance to heal from the GERD. I haven't gained any weight back after it was removed. I've actually lost a bit of weight. I'm weird, I know. 😂 I think it was because I was relying on slider foods because they were easiest to eat due to the acid issues. And now that the band is gone and the acid issues are better, I can eat healthier foods like fruits and veggies that my filled band wouldn't allow. And I have had no issues with insurance. Mine has covered all of my surgeries and will also pay for revision. I'm sorry about your insurance issues. Bariatric surgery should be covered by all insurance just like a heart surgery or knee replacement surgery. Best wishes!
  14. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Food stuck...foamies-ish

    Thanks for explaining it. It's hard to imagine what Bypass will be like, since only experiencing the Band so far.
  15. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Food stuck...foamies-ish

    After reading this post last night and typing about the papaya enzyme, I made my way to the pharmacy this morning to pick up some for after surgery. I feel like I'd have forgotten if I didn't do it today and not have them when I need them. And I haven't had to use this stuff for a couple of years.
  16. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    What NEW things did you eat AFTER the soft diet?

    I dunno, I'm not a vegetarian. But what comes to mind is black bean or veggie burgers, without the bun of course. Quinoa, farro and tempeh are complete proteins and tempeh is lower in carbs than quinoa and farro. Maybe something like this, except with a meat substitute. I've made these before with turkey, they're good. I add fresh pico de gallo instead of jarred salsa. Sorry I'm not more helpful with vegetarian protein sources. https://www.skinnytaste.com/turkey-santa-fe-zucchini-boats/
  17. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Medical Marijuana Edibles After Gastric Bypass (RnY)

    I'd seriously consider the full spectrum tincture. It might help without the undesired side effects. And get it from a reputable source. I order from Lazarus Naturals.
  18. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Medical Marijuana Edibles After Gastric Bypass (RnY)

    I think it depends on which strain you use, if you choose a strain with less thc, you'll probably experience less munchies. The first time I used cbd tincture it gave me the munchies, but I've never experienced it since then and I take it daily. It's not supposed to do that since it has very low thc levels (I use full spectrum tincture) so who knows why it happened. But thankfully it only happened the first time for me. I've never tried MM or any M at all. Probably the only person on earth not to try it, haha. Not sure what you're taking it for (I take it for inflammation due to autoimmune disease) you might want to try full spectrum tincture, you might get the desired benefits without the munchies. Use it sublingually and hold it there for 90 seconds and it absorbs quickly that way.
  19. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Food stuck...foamies-ish

    Yeah the band was a NIGHTMARE. I can't believe I lived with GERD for years because I was afraid to have it removed, afraid I'd gain weight. I haven't, but I'm so ready for RNY so I can resume weight loss.
  20. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Food stuck...foamies-ish

    Well that's good to read. Like I said, I have no experience with strictures, and I'm still learning. I'm always overthinking about things like this. I hope I didn't worry you with that reply. But I do remember when foods would make my pouch angry when I had a band, and it would feel swollen for days, so I'd have to revert to slider type foods for a few days, so maybe this is the same sort of concept. Swollen pouch.
  21. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    food addict I'm not sure

    I guess I'm just confused about your replies. You stated you have no mental issues, but on another thread I read your reply about having bipolar disorder. It's kind of difficult to reply to you when on one thread you admit to a condition, then on another thread you deny having mental issues. We're all here to support each other and discuss the topics surrounding weight loss surgeries. We all want to see each other be successful with weight loss, but it's hard to give support when there's hostility and denial in these threads. We have to be 100% completely honest with ourselves or else we won't be successful. I agree with other posters that have suggested counseling that encompasses not only bipolar/mood issues but also any possible issues with food. It's the best way to ensure that your weight loss surgery is successful. Weight loss surgery is a surgery on your stomach, not your brain. It will not fix any issues going on mentally. Best wishes to you.
  22. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Food stuck...foamies-ish

    Do you think it's possible that it could be a stricture? Remember I'm pre op for RNY so I have no personal exerience with this and I'm still learning about RNY complications, but I've seen @catwoman7 speak of them in these threads. I believe she's said a person is most at risk from surgery to month 3? I'm not sure if I remember that correctly. But check the symptoms of stricture and see if it sounds plausible.
  23. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Any pre op smokers

    Congrats on being a quitter! 🤗
  24. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Food stuck...foamies-ish

    When I had my band, and foods got stuck, I'd chew a papaya enzyme. It has a digestive enzyme called papain and it helps sort of break up the stuck food. It saved me so many times. It might be worth trying. Perhaps get some and have on hand for times such as these. I hope it moves along fast. 😩
  25. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Food Before and After Photos

    Asian Chicken Salad ~ romaine, red cabbage, cilantro, scallions, carrots, mandarins, grilled bourbon chicken, wonton strips and ginger sesame dressing. Spiedino di mare ~ Shrimp and scallops with Italian bread crumbs and romano cheese grilled and topped with lemon butter sauce, served with roasted garlic romano green beans.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
