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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

  1. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    VSG to RNY - Not excited

    You're not excited about a new opportunity to lose the weight that you weren't able to with VSG? Or are you unhappy that your surgeon is recommending RNY instead of DS? My surgeon will only do DS on patients who have out of control diabetes, from what I understand.
  2. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Approved for surgery

    I'm not a medical tourist, but my friend went to Mexico two years ago for VSG because she couldn't qualify here in the US because she has an eating disorder. She went and had the surgery without telling anyone except her husband and kids. So yeah there's a lot of reasons people opt for surgery in Mexico. And no I do not condone what she did. I was upset with her for a while and it's still a tense topic between us, because now she's developed transfer addiction and drinks way too much and neglects her nutrition.
  3. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    < 3 Weeks Until Surgery

    Yes this ^^ Some say they fared far better with protein waters after surgery for a while. Isopure makes some, as does Premier Protein and Gatorade Zero protein is another.
  4. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    liquid diet :( lol

    Hahahaha very good point! 🤣
  5. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    liquid diet :( lol

    Lolol @ telling your surgeon that you're going to add solid protein. I love it. 🤣
  6. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    < 3 Weeks Until Surgery

    It sounds like you're well prepared for your first stage of your post op diet. The only other supplement that some people take for hair health is biotin, that I know of at least. I have no experience with pregnancy after weight loss surgery. I had my son many moons ago when I was at a normal weight, lol. I'm sure you're going to do fabulous on surgery day and thereafter! Just take it day by day and focus on your weight loss and 18 months will sail by! Best wishes!
  7. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    liquid diet :( lol

    I can't "Like" your profile with both the laugh and the sad emoji. I wish I could! Wow they even make you drink prescribed shakes, lol. Do you at least get one protein/veggie meal per day, and two shakes?
  8. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    What do you guys think of this video?

    Lol @ "you guys got to stop worrying about calories, calorie counting does not work" ~ Okay Dr Duc... Not calorie counting was a contributing factor to leading most of us to bariatric surgery. Some of what he says makes sense... increased activity can increase appetite, I agree with that. But not doing weight training until you're on the lower end of the normal BMI spectrum, I don't agree with that. It might not ever happen. Because as Catwoman7 said, statistically not all bariatric patients reach goal. But everyone can benefit from resistance training when they reach maintenance. There's sooooo many opinions out there on how to lose weight and how to build muscle, it can be confusing. You can talk to different doctors, different personal trainers and get a different opinion from each one. Workout while fasting, no, eat before working out, blah blah blah, etc... I think Dr Duc's Covid videos are laughable, and so are some of his bariatric videos. 🤷‍♀️
  9. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Approved for surgery

    Yay!!! 🎉 Congrats! And boo about your poor checking account! 😫
  10. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    I'm overweight!

    Congrats on being a loser! (That's weight loss humor ~ I have to type in now when it's a good natured joke on this forum now) 🤗
  11. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Now thinking if canceling surgery 🥺

    I was going through my insurance requirements for revision surgery. I found it interesting that for something that supposedly rarely happens, it's a documented reason for revision for sleeve to bypass. 🤔
  12. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    1 yr out food

    Well my comment was more of an inside joke to @MiniGastricBypassDude from another thread from a week or two ago. His pic was another opportunity at humor. I guess I need to stop the humor on this site. I made a chat room (it is invite only for bariatric folks) on Discord if anyone is interested in taking the humor there, since Alex isn't going to bring the chat rooms back to this site.
  13. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    1 yr out food

    Let me know how you like the liver pate and foie gras. 😂
  14. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    1 yr out food

    But yes, you're right. If you can consume those foods, they are calorie and nutrient dense, especially for iron.
  15. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    1 yr out food

    I can't eat offal. 🤢🤮
  16. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    1 yr out food

    Yeah I was thinking a smoothie would be a good option. Adding avocado to a smoothie is a healthy, higher calorie option that would work, just like the nut butter recommendation.
  17. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    weight plateau and energy loss

    Does your surgeon prescribe B12 injections? I'm pre op for revision right now but with my program I'll have one every month for the first twelve months in an effort to prevent anemia. Maybe your bariatric vitamins don't contain enough iron for you.
  18. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    1 yr out food

    Two thousand six hundred calories via 36 oz (American sized) slurpable empty calories. Another shameless American invention. 😂
  19. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Now thinking if canceling surgery 🥺

    You had reflux with your band and your surgeon revised you to sleeve? I see your revision was recent. I'm curious if you have reflux still but I assume you're on a PPI so it's too soon to know what happened with the reflux. I'm pretty sure I've seen people on this site that had sleeve with a normal bmi that developed GERD and they had to revise to Bypass to cure the GERD.
  20. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Pre & Post Workout Meals

    Fifteen minutes in a sauna post workout can help prevent some of the muscle soreness.
  21. Yeah it's definitely worth checking into. My bariatric surgeon is Ashley Mooney with TGH.
  22. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Food Before and After Photos

    Yeah that makes sense. I saw chaffles recipes that only used egg whites. I need to experiment for sure!
  23. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Dr Verboonen and surgery question

    @MiniGastricBypassDude This is your jam.
  24. I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡

    Food Before and After Photos

    The recipe sounds like the basic recipe for the chaffles. I've never made them, but I'm planning to make some tomorrow to see how I like them. I don't really like eggs unless they're covered in salsa or there's enough cheese or veggies to drown out the eggy taste. 🤢 So I saw a recipe for chaffles that says if you add a little coconut flour and baking powder they don't taste eggy and have a texture more like traditional waffles.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
