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Posts posted by ginger3151

  1. :sad: Hi All. I had surgery in January of 2007 at WTLSC. I went through the process of having insurance coverage verified by WTLSC. They told me my surgery was covered. So we scheduled surgery. Everything was wonderful until a couple of days ago, when I received a letter from WTLSC saying that my insurance company wanted their money back. After further investigation on my part, I have discovered that WTLSC has billed my insurance company on several occassions for at total of over $130,000.00. Not sure what they are doing. They told me surgery would cost about $25K and my part would be $2800. Just advising everyone to please be careful. I have noticed WTLSC has also changed the wedsite since my surgery - how convenient!! I was not able to find any of the information I was given at the time of surgery.

    I have lost a total of 75 lbs to date!!! :lol: So, it can be done. I need to really get back in the swing of things, cause I haven't had a fill for over 6 months and have noticed my appetite increasing.

    I would love to hear comments. :frown:

  2. I get exercise almost everyday - I walk a mile twice a week and swim a mile twice a week. On the weekends I running around doing errands and housework, so I don't get to the gym. I'm finding in the evenings it takes more food to fill me up, so I think I maybe eating too much. Maybe the next fill will help - - - it's getting very discouraging... another fill, more money!!

  3. I'm usually eating about 1000 calories a day - I am eating about 65 to 70 grams of Protein a day. I use the GC Protein drink 110 calories 18 grams of protein because if I don't do the protein drink, I have a hard time getting all the protein in and I don't want my entire diet to just be protein - I want some veggies and some fruit. I just added the protein drink about 2 weeks ago to see if that would help. I felt I neede to increase the protein. I also have to add fiber cause I have a problem with irregularity - - - I drinking well over 68 oz. of Water a day!

    So please tell me what your typical meals consist of? Could you give me some examples??

  4. For those of you that don't feel any restriction, how much food are you eating at each meal. I'm right there with you and wondering if I'm eating too much? I just don't want to have to be hungry - that's almost worse than not loosing. I eat till I'm full, but is that eating too much, for example, I ate a 4 oz hamburger, about a cup of broccoli and two slices of tomatoes for dinner last night. At 9:00 I felt hungry so I ate a pudding cup(low fat) and a couple of low fat pretzels. I try to talk myself out of eating the snack by drinking more Water or tea, but the hungry feeling wins out!

    I've had 3 fills - I'm at 2-1/2 ccs in a 4 cc band - - -

  5. I seeking assistance, suggestions, instructions - any type of help I can get! I MUST be doing something wrong! I'm not loosing weight. I've changed so much with my eating habits, it's driving me carzy! For example, I now drink a Protein drink every morning (not eating food) I even add fruit to it. I haven't eating Breakfast (food you chew) for a month now. I've been pushing protein at each meal to make sure I'm getting enough. I eat veggies and very little carbs. I'm drinking so much Water I slosh! I'm wondering if I'm eating too much. I eat till I'm full, I don't snack between meals. For dinner I eat my protein, a veggie and maybe a fruit. I will have a snack around 9:00 - it's a low fat snack, Jello, pudding, etc.

    I've had three fills - I'm at 2-1/2 cc's in a 4 cc band! I don't really get hungry between breakfast and lunch - - lunch to dinner is tougher, I do get a little hungry, that's why I'm wondering if I'm eating too much. My protein size at dinner is about 3 to 4 ounces - along with my veggie(s), it about the same for lunch!

    I have to admit, I have a problem with irregularity and have to take a laxative for assistance. :heh: I've now added Benefiber to my daily routine. I'm getting exercise- maybe not enough, but who does? So please help!!!! This is driving me crazy - - I can't figure it out. Is anyone else in the same boat I'm in - - - I feel like I'm up a creek floating along without a paddle!! Can someone throw me a life line???:help: :omg:

  6. Thanks all, I have tried the Benefiber, but have to admit I only did it once or twice a day and wasn't real religious about adding it to my Water. I'm drinking lots of water/fluids so I may need to increase the fiber -- it's getting tough, I'm struggling getting in Protein, fiber, fruit, veggies - If I eat protein first, I can't eat the other stuff. I'm getting really discouraged.

  7. I agree, this forum is for us Bandsters - I guess I'm being selfish, but this is something we are doing for ourselves, for our health and well being. Yes we are changing, but right now it's about us! My husband is supportive for the most part, till he goes and gets chips, or ice cream, etc. and eats in front of me. Or asks if he can have something I've bought for me, i.e. my Protein drink, or low fat Snacks. He praises me when I loose weight and says he's proud of me, but his eating habits make it difficult!!! I think spouses need another forum all for themselves!! Just my opinion.

  8. I eat Wendy's hamburger, lettuce, Tomato, etc. NOT THE BUN. I also eat taco's from Taco Bell - no too much of the shell. I have also had some Wendy's chili and ate the top off a pizza hut pizza. If you push the Protein portion of the meal it's not too bad. I haven't had bread for 4 months. I don't even eat whole wheat!! I do have to admit - I'm Italian, and would kill for a slice of Italian Bread, but I can't get it down - - so I am learning to live without it. I also feel that life is too short to deprive myself of foods that taste good - - there are recipes designed to take the "fat and calories" out of day to day foods, so I look for alternatives!!

    Best of luck!

  9. I maybe wrong, but you all need to focus on the POSITIVE - you have lost the weight, we are able to be active, enjoy life and not feel as bad as you did when you were heavier - - I have to admit I'm not there yet, but every pound I loose is a blessing and my way of getting back to the way I was. I'm sure I'll have to deal with the excess skin, I know that, it's part of loosing weight, but for me when the weight goes, so does the medication, the disgust I feel towards myself and maybe, just maybe my great sense of humor and love of life will come back!! Yea right now I'm so down on myself, that I would change places with any of you!! Sorry - I'm not trying to preach, but I would love to know what it's like to loose 80 to 100 lbs.

  10. :phanvan :think You don't know how I want to relate to what you are saying - - I'm still waiting to tell the difference in my clothes so I can go shopping! I'm down

    about 22 lbs and had to fight for each pound. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the next fill I have (tomorrow) will help! I wanted to be able to buy a new swim suit - we are going to Cancun in June! I hoped to be smaller than I am right now. I can't seem to loose steadily or for that matter at all. So now I'm really going to push the exercise and Protein - -I'm working on a way to make my body to understand that "IT WILL GET SMALLER". I WILL DO THIS!! I just need to stay motivated - it's so easy to find excuses not to exercise, or to say - man I'm too tired to cook tonight. So I'm addressing these issues, like cooking more on the weekend and putting it in the ice box - - or buying more Healthy choice dinners,etc.

    Any suggestions, or recommendations, exercises, meal plans, whatever would be Greatly appreciated!!!

  11. Thanks all - great suggestions, I will try them all. There are days that I just run out of ideas!!!

    Now I just have to recover from my slip this weekend! It was my grand daughter's 2nd birthday Saturday, so I was bad!!! I ate food I shouldn't have like chips, cake and ice cream! By the time we got home, it was too late to cook so I had a burrito from Taco Bell! Sunday we spent the day at the hospital with a sick niece, so my meal plan went out the window again. I recovered a little - I had a Wendy's hamburger(no bun), cottage cheese and a little chili! So now this week I'm going to be good and stick with my meal plan! I'm hoping that my fill tomorrow will help!

    Take Care All!

  12. I had surgery 1/31/07 and have had 2 fills. Thanks for the suggestions. I have bought some Lean Cuizine and health choice dinners; I should remember they are there and bring them for lunch. I've been eating deli meat, cheese, and pineapple cups. Wanted something different so I don't get burn't out.

    One day I had the meat and cheese out of a lunchable! I forgot my lunch and that was all they had that seemed would work!


    Thanks for the suggestions - I'll take any and all.

  13. Hi All

    I am really having a hard time finding what to eat for lunch. I take it with me everyday to work. I do have access to a microwave, so I can warm things.

    My problem is finding the "right foods" to eat. I'm trying desperately to get in all the Protein, fiber, etc. in a day.

    At the same time, I trying to figure out what I need to eat so I start loosing again.

    I will take any and all suggestions. :lol:

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