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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by rbmk14

  1. My doc said 6 weeks for swimming too.:( I love swimming an have a pool at my house so id love to be able to use it but I can't! That's definitely one rule I won't break cuz the nurse told me that the bacteria in the Water is more dangerous to us because its attracted to silicone, so if your incisions aren't completely closed it'll get in and go right for your band! That's what's keeping me obeying their orders and not getting in the water for 6 weeks!

  2. Kbush they told me that these first 6 weeks are for healing but I hope it doesn't take that long to actually heal! Also how many calories are y'all taking in? I had 1000 calories today with Soups, broth, Jello, Popsicles, and juices. The things that had the most calories were the fruit juice and Gatorade so I probably won't have those after this week. It kinda worries me that I had 1000 calories just on liquids though! And I have gotten pretty hungry throughout the day.

  3. Sprinkle I had surgery on Wed 07/10! I haven't driven yet but yesterday I was out for 3-4 hours shopping and running errands with my mom and had no problems. I was only a little sore when I got home, and just iced my incisions a little and didn't even need the pain meds. I have been taking them but I think I'm going to go without today and see how it is! And yes I am young lol I'm 22

  4. My stomach isn't really that swollen but my incisions are all pretty sore so I'm not going to go around feeling for it! I actually have no idea where it is, except I'm guessing it's around the incision with the slightly larger bandaid. I'm day 3 post-op now and had a Protein Shake last night and another one this morning with no problems. Much better than just clear broth!

  5. I'm day 2 post-op too and my doc told me yesterday that it's totally fine to sleep on my side or stomach as long as I'm comfortable. Last night I slept on my side for part of the night and it was comfy once I was on my side, just not when I was getting to my side lol. I sleep the best on my stomach but I don't want to try that just yet!

  6. Sprinkle I was in a lot of pain yesterday too (today is day 2 post-op) but today is much better. I was also given tylenol with codine and though it's helped a little, it hasn't helped that much. I've had an ice pack on almost all the time since I got home yesterday and that has helped the most. I put mine high up on my belly, like right under my bra pretty much and it covers all of my incisions. My incisions themselves aren't really that painful, but the inside is, like my upper abs are really really sore. Try the ice pack! I know some people like heat but I like the ice so I'm not going to change it for now.

  7. I'm 2 days post op and not doing too bad. My belly is pretty sore, especially when I get up after sitting/lying for a while, but other than that I'm good! No gas pain yet, nausea has gone away too. I have also had an ice pack on my belly since I got home from the hospital yesterday afternoon, it's helps a lot! I'm definitely going to be keeping ice on it for awhile. The worst part is that I am feeling hungry!! I did not think I would be hungry this soon, but I definitely am. I woke up early this morning because of hunger pains and have sipped Water and juice but am still hungry. Guess ill just have to tough it out!

  8. I just had my surgery yesterday and so far so good! I got there at 8am and my doctor was running a little late with his first two patients so even though I went into preop at 9 I didn't go back to surgery til 12:30. Doc said the surgery went great, no hernias! I took a little while to recover from anesthesia so I was out I surgery by 1:15 but didn't wake up until about 3:30. They then took me to my room because my insurance requires a 1 night stay, and then had to do the barium swallow test. The test itself wasn't too bad but as soon as I sat up I felt REALLY nauteous and was sure I was going to throw up, though I didn't. I was really upset about that because I kept thinking I was going to hurt the band if I threw up. They gave me zofran before surgery and after surgery, but I still felt sick all day yesterday. That was definitely the worst part. Pain wasn't bad at all, just really sore when I had to move beds, but not even bad when I sat up or went to the bathroom. I had a hard time getting comfortable last night to sleep just because I usually sleep on my side or stomach, but I wasn't really in much pain. This morning the pain started to kick in some more and was given some liquid pain medication at like 8:30, and I hadn't had any since 8 the night before so that seems not too bad to me! I've been up walking with my nurses and doing the breathing thing every hour. My doctor actually just called and said I could be discharged this morning because he thought everything looked good! I've been having no problems sipping Water, apple juice, veggie broth, and help that the hospital gave me and was eating ice chips last night to help with nausea. I'm so excited to start my new life as a bandster!! Good luck to all future bandsters!

  9. That's awesome! I was banded yesterday too! I was super nauseous yesterday so that was the worse part and today I'm just really sore but it's not bad, and no gas pains so far! I'm also still in the hospital due to my insurance and my doc is supposed to be here in a couple hours to check on me and release me this afternoon! I don't know about you but I can't believe I'm actually banded! I've been thinking and planning for so long it seems surreal lol.

  10. Met with Dr. Reilly today for my pre-op and he's super nice! His office staff was also very nice, so maybe they just gave the wrong impression over the phone! I also would have a complaint with True Results though, because they messed up my surgery the first time which is why I had to reschedule with Dr. Reilly 3 weeks later. This morning they also pissed me off when I called them and they told me exactly where to go for my pre-op appointment with Dr. Reilly and when I showed up (to the true results office is where they sent me) I was 25 minutes away from the medical center. I was 30 minutes late for my appointment so I had to wait over an hour to see Dr. Reilly just because he had to fit me in between other people. I'm glad True Results helped me get this surgery and all but I'm ready to be done with their nonsense!

  11. My last day of pre-op is today too! I go into surgery tomorrow morning at around 9:30! I'm very excited. I also had knee surgery (but this past december) and the recovery pain was so bad (plus I couldn't walk for three weeks) that I feel like this one's going to be a breeze. I know it's going to hurt but there's no way it's as bad as that! I'm honestly not nervous at all just ready to get it done and get back to normal!

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