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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by rbmk14

  1. rbmk14

    JUNE 28th!!!!

    I'm the 27th! Heather, every doctor has different guidelines for their pre-op diet so I'm sure you didn't misunderstand him. Mine is 2 shakes and 2 small meals (high protein no carb). And I know some people are on full liquids, and some don't have a pre-op diet at all. It's just up to your doctor!
  2. I'm going through True Results in Houston and am having my surgery next week. I really love everything I've gotten from them so far! I don't know if it would matter because you're self pay, but they did a wonderful job submitting everything to my insurance, getting a response, and scheduling my surgery very quickly. They also were very supportive and patient with all of my questions when I went for my consultation at the downtown office. I'm having my surgery with Dr. Wilkenfeld in Conroe and though I haven't had my surgery yet he and his wife have been awesome so far, as well as his office staff who I've talked to sooo many times on the phone with all of my detailed questions. I can't wait to start living the banded life and think that the staff at True Results will definitely be a huge help with that. I have heard excellent things about all of the surgeons in Houston, though, so I'm sure you'll be in great hands either way!
  3. rbmk14

    Pre-Op Shakes are AWFUL!

    No it was the premixed ones lol I guess we all have different taste buds! I tried my unflavored isopure powder and it's MUCH better! I mixed it with frozen strawberries, peaches, and spinach and it's really good!
  4. rbmk14

    Pre-Op Shakes are AWFUL!

    I am currently drinking the premier protein frosty chocolate and vanilla and they are so nasty! I had to drink them because I didn't get anything else before I started my preop diet but I just got my tub of Isopure unflavored powder in the mail today so I'm about to go to the store to get some frozen berries to mix it with! I'm also allowed sugar free pudding so I thought cheesecake or vanilla pudding would be good with it.
  5. I'm on the 27th as well! Mine was supposed to be on the 28th and just got moved up a day so I'm fine with that. Right now I'm on day 5 of the preop diet and it SUCKS! But I'm not worried about the pain yet, just super excited! I'm being realistic about the parts that I know are going to suck, but I keep thinking that I made it through a way worse surgery in December so I know I can handle this one. Good luck everybody having surgery this week!!
  6. rbmk14

    Knee pop and giving out

    Also Ice ice and more ice! Ice is a knee injuries best friend. I really hope you don't have a serious injury though and it was just a painful pop of the joint! Let us know what happens!
  7. rbmk14

    Knee pop and giving out

    I don't want to freak you out, but you definitely need to go see a doctor as soon as you can. I'm kind of a pro at knee injuries at this point and it's not a fun thing to be a pro at! If you heard your knee pop that is pretty consistent with an ACL tear. That's one of the main things that everyone with an ACL tear will hear followed by instability, especially when doing anything side to side or twisting as that is what the ACL is supposed to keep it from doing. I would go get an MRI on the knee ASAP because after my first ACL tear I put off going to get it fixed and ended up tearing my meniscus as a result because the torn ACL didn't keep my knee from going further than it should. Also until you can get to the doctor definitely hold off of zumba or anything that you need to move laterally for, like tennis or golf or anything. Again, I'm definitely not a doctor but I've torn ACL and meniscus in one knee and ACL, MCL, Meniscus in the other.
  8. rbmk14

    Protein shakes...

    I'm right there with you! Except I started my preop diet a couple days ago cause my surgery is on the 28th! I bought the premier protein and hate both the frosty chocolate and vanilla! The chocolate I couldn't even finish but the vanilla I blended with fruit and ice and I could stomach it, though it was still pretty gross. I just ordered the Isopure unflavored powder so I can mix it with a fruit smoothie and it should be here on Tuesday so that will hopefully be better than the premier protein! You're definitely smart for trying them way before your surgery, I'm stuck with the premier protein for the next couple of days since I'm already into my preop diet!
  9. rbmk14

    Best Protein Shakes

    Just tried to go order my Unjury starter kit but they don't take American Express I guess I'll have to order from Amazon but they don't have the starter kit so I guess I'll just get the unflavored!
  10. rbmk14

    Question about fill

    My doctor charges $75 out of pocket for a fill, but I heard most charge around $100-$115 in my area
  11. rbmk14

    Exercise: When does it get easier?

    This is probably no big deal for most of you but I've started walking recently and at it has actually been kind of difficult to do a mile, mostly because my feet alway s hurt really bad. I just walked this evening though, found a little different way to walk that didn't hurt my feet as bad, and did 2 miles. Again, probably not a big deal to y'all but for me it was awesome! Now I know I can for sure do 2 miles and will push to do more!
  12. rbmk14

    Best Protein Shakes

    I know a bunch of people have said they like the premier protein, especially the frosty chocolate, and they're the ones my doctor recommended, so I bought one case of choc and one of vanilla. I just tried the chocolate one this afternoon for the first time and it was horrible!! I couldn't even finish it. I really really tried to convince myself that it was good but it really wasn't and now I have to drink 3 more and 4 vanillas:( Anybody do anything to make them taste better? My surgery isn't for 3 more weeks so I'll probably finish these and then try the GNC or Unjury ones.
  13. I also am worried about when I start losing weight and people ask me how much I lost. I really don't want to tell people because then they're going to figure out how much I weighed before!
  14. rbmk14

    I have found a new love!

    That's awesome that you guys have found something you really like! I actually hate walking, but can't wait until I'm able to regularly swim laps and bike!
  15. rbmk14

    Wii Fit excerise games

    I also love just dance! I haven't done it in a while but I might start again! It's really fun and yes you're tired afterward but it's still really fun which makes cardio a lot easier for me.
  16. rbmk14


    I'm so sorry that happened to you! I've tried some of their videos in the past and they're great, but I can see how the people might treat you like that. I know a girl who is a coach for beachbody and she's always posting all of her motivational and promotional stuff on facebook, but she also has complained multiple times about "obese people hogging the machines at the gym because everyone knows they're not going to stick with it anyway" and has said a few other negative things. For that reason alone I would not buy anything from them again or have anything to do with it. I'm definitely not saying all of the reps from Beachbody are like this, but it seems that at least a few are, which is more than enough for me!
  17. I don't know if your doc told you this but mine told me the only things you can do to get ride of it are walking and heavier breathing or panting. She said this kind of gas has to be expelled from your lungs so if you walk and are breathing a little heavier it should help. Also keep in mind that I haven't had surgery yet, just relaying some info, so I have no idea if this actually works. Good luck though! Congrats on being banded and not having any temptations!!
  18. I'm kinda bummed about the very minimal alcohol thing as I'm turning 22 next week and have definitely not lived out my partying days yet lol. I know it's a small thing to give up in perspective but it will be annoying not to be able to have a few drinks out with my friends and stuff. Guess I'll always be the DD from now on..
  19. Yeah you should definitely bug them. I'm going through True Results and they put me in touch with the surgeon's office the day after they called me to say I got approved. I had my surgery date the next day! They were totally booked so I book mine at the beginning of may and it had to be the end of June, but at least I got a date!
  20. My surgery is scheduled for June 28, but as soon as I'm allowed I can't wait to get back in the water! I had a phase last summer where I swam laps a few times a week with some friends but the gym I belong to now doesn't have a pool so I might have to find another one. I really love swimming laps but am always embarrassed to be a swim suit in front of all of those people and teenage lifeguards. I'm hoping after I get banded and start losing weight I will feel confident enough to get back in the water! Anybody else use swimming as their main form of cardio? I know walking is really good to start but I can't stand walking in the 100+ degree heat lol.
  21. I've only told my mom, and let her tell my dad and sister, and I'm not planning on telling anyone else in the near future, and my surgery's in a few weeks. My brother's in the dark as he's only 17 and doesn't need to know, though I'll be staying with them for a week after surgery so he can draw his own conclusions. And I only let my mom tell my sister because she's a dietitian so she will be of some use to me lol. I swore my mom to secrecy not to tell anyone else including her friends or our family until and unless I change my mind and tell her otherwise. I also am in college full-time, so I have to take a week off of school, and am telling my professors that I'm having knee surgery again, since I had knee surgery in December so that's not too far fetched. People might suspect something when I lose a lot of weight but unless they ask me outright I'm not going to say anything other than that I'm really watching what I'm eating and working out a lot more. I thought about saying I was going to have my appendix out but having abdominal surgery and then losing a bunch of weight is definitely going to raise some suspicion. I'm not ashamed of my decision at all, but I don't want to have to deal with people's stupid opinions and reactions, especially considering I'm only 21 and very very few people my age would understand.
  22. rbmk14


    That's awesome! Good thing you didn't swim. Idk what your doctor's opinion is, but mine told me that I could swim in my own pool in 4 weeks but anything public has to wait until 6 weeks post-op, which is a bummer since I'm being banded right in the middle of the summer! But she said if any bacteria gets in there it goes right for the silicone in the band and can destroy the whole thing, so I'm not going to risk it!
  23. I haven't met him yet but I will be on Monday for my Pre-Op appointment and my surgery is set for June 28th with him! I'm very excited! I'm also going through True Results. Congrats on starting your journey!!
  24. I just set my surgery date for June 21st last week, so now I'm becoming really motivated to be as prepared as I can before then! I know we're pretty much limited to walking for a while after surgery so I starting walking today with my dog. I have that Endomondo app on my phone that tracks how far/fast I go and I went .78 miles today in about 15 minutes, so I'm okay with that! I really wanted to do a mile today, but it was really hot out, I probably shouldn't go at 1pm in Texas in the summer lol. So what are some other ways y'all got into the routine of working out when you're obviously not in good enough shape to go run a few miles or do crossfit or anything? I actually like going to the gym when I make myself go lol.
  25. I scheduled my surgery for June, but am having to push it back to August just due to school and scheduling issues. I'm motivated to lost some weight in the few months until then, though, and I really want to get a jump start on it, as well as get used to the preop diet. Did anyone do the liquids and 1 meal preop diet before you had to? I was thinking just for one week and then try to eat as healthy as I can and work out before my surgery.

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