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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by LeslieLee

  1. LeslieLee

    Am I Overfilled??

    I am sorry to hear about your problem but really happy to know that Dr. Cobourn was there for you!! What happened? Did he explain why you were not able to get your Water to go down? Were you overfilled?
  2. LeslieLee

    TO... here I come!

    Welcome back Janice!! I am so happy for you. I can't wait to be on the banded side with you! I am glad you got to meet someone you could share the time with while you were there. I am staying at the Novotel. so I don't think I will meet anyone. Did you travel on your own? If so how was it coming back?
  3. LeslieLee

    Life with LeslieLee

    No worry Susan, I am fine with being asked what he does. When there is a war it does not usually end just because the people make peace. The country is torn and ripped. Bombs have been placed, dropped and sometimes just left behind. As well there are all kinds of nasty things like land mines and other explosive devices that have been forgotten and left behind. The country is no longer safe, and people die and are mamed because they have no idea they are walking where there is something that could kill them. My DH is one of the many who go in after and clean up the mess. He has been to many places and now is in Africa. It isn't an easy life but he feels good about what he does. He loves to make the bad things go away. That is what one little boy said to him, "Thank you for making the bad thing go away" I see him about twice a year sometimes three times. Although I am thinking I will be doing some travelling soon as our son is now almost 19 and will be on his own soon. So there you have it!! ps... no George and Gracey this morning either, there were other birds though. I have to look in my book to see what they are. Also there was a Loon Couple... lol that sounds so weird "There were a couple of loons hanging out at the pond this morning!" Aside from Shilo and myself!! Have a great day everyone!
  4. LeslieLee

    Kwalla_girl Says Hello

    Hi there!! I am being banding the day before you by Dr. Cobourn! Nice to meet someone who is having their band at the same time as me! This is a terrific place to be, lots of wonderful like minded people to talk to! -=winks=-
  5. LeslieLee

    Susan's Solemn Silliness

    Right on Susan!! glad to hear you got out, I am just heading out myself here. hoping to see George and Gracey this morning!!
  6. Gotta say I agree with Yoda and Gaffer... stick to the rules for this, it is so important in the big picture. This isn't a short term thing, it is something that is going to be with you for the long haul... lol and speaking from 52 years of hauling my body around.... at 19 you gotta a long way to go baby!!
  7. LeslieLee

    Life with LeslieLee

    WOW, what a day! It is soooooooooo nice out and I am feeling great! I have the patio doors open and the birds are singing their litle hearts out as I type. Started the day off with my walk to the pond.... the walk was great, I had my camera all ready to go but.... sadly there was no sign of George and Gracey.... Yep... I named them...lol now I just hope I can find them again! that is two walks in a row that I have not been able to see them. I decided after I had lunch that I would do some puttering in the yard. lol that turned into full fledged weeding and cleaning the winter mess followed by a lawn mowing! I think I got my exercise today!! Yesterday I went out for thai food with a friend and although I didn't eat as much as I once would have, I did really enjoy it. These are the last few days before pre-op. It was funny I really didn't feel like I wanted to go crazy. lol I kept thinking if I gain I will just have to lose it again. Which I am kind of ok with as I know it will be sometime before I will be eating in what will be my new normal. It was also my 21st anniversary... wow did those years fly by. My DH lives and works in Africa. So when I see him next I am sure he is going to see a difference! I am looking forward to that very much. I did a little shopping too and was very surprised to find a Bianca Nygard jacket that I can wear through the next months. I didn't think they made anything in a plus size. Although it is a small plus size 16 W what ever that is??? An early.... Happy Mothers Day to all the mommies out there!! I hope you have a terrific day!!
  8. LeslieLee

    Ch Ch Ch Ch....Changes!!!

    I second Yoda!!! Thank you for all you do!
  9. LeslieLee

    A Canadian "NSV" Thread

    That is awesome Andrew!! You really are doing great! That little hula girl might be doing belly dancing too!! lol At any rate she sure is moving!
  10. LeslieLee

    Life with LeslieLee

    -=smiles=- yes this is my month and I am already amazed at how fast it is going. This time next week I will be day one of my pre-op. It's hard to believe... it is three weeks until I will be banded. -=shakes head=- no I am not dreaming it is really going to happen. I was talking to my DH and saying how I have these rushes of emotions. I sometimes feel close to tears and think how in some ways it feels safe to be over weight...I have been over weight for so many years now that it is kind of, in an odd way comfortable. As uncomfortable as it really is. As quick as I have that thought it is replaced with excitement at being a new thinner me. I think of all the places I will be able to shop at again. It has been a long time since I could shop at the Bay or Sears... lol or Bootlegger any place where they don't sell plus sizes. I am looking forward to getting into Biannca Nigard and April Cornel ( I think that is the name) I am looking forward to bending over to pick something up and not have a big tummy get in my way. To sitting anywhere I what and so much more. The good thoughts far outweigh the scarey thoughts and I know everything is going to be fine, I guess as has been said so many times here, this is all normal. -=smiles softly=- but even still it is an emotional ride and I am very glad I don't have to stay on this ride for much longer. As for the geese.... well we have had really nasty weather here. Last week I didn't get out to visit them but I did yesterday and I could not find them.... I hope they were just out for breakfast somewhere and didn't get blown away!!!
  11. LeslieLee

    Dizzy (and I am only dyed blonde)

    Hey Susan!! Happy one week anniversary!! Great to hear how happy you are!! Can't wait to join you on the banded side!
  12. LeslieLee

    Doctor's OK?

    Mine too! He was supportive of the procedure. He feels it is a good way to go as it is much simpler than the other.
  13. mmmm Me thinks my waxing services might be in order.... -=insert maniacal laughter here=- Oh yes... I can get those little ear hairs for you in a flash!! Great pics you two!!!
  14. LeslieLee

    TO... here I come!

    All the best to you on your day Janice. Dr. Cobourn is doing my band on the 30th. -=smiles=- Take good care of yourself!!
  15. LeslieLee

    on the news tonight

    Things have got to change... too many people are dying in waiting lines.
  16. Just wanted to say welcome back to all those who have just been banded. It has been a little quiet around here while you were all away having your bands placed. -=smiles=- It is really nice to see you are up and posting, hopefully feeling better and better which each day. I am still counting down the days till I start pre-op. Some days I am very anxious but I come here and read and feel better. Guess I am sayin I missed you all!!
  17. LeslieLee

    Welcome back all the early May banders

    Hi Cat! Welcome back, and hey look at you go!! 18 pounds on the side of the road!! lol good for you! I am sorry to hear about the dizzyness and the nausea, did you have anything for nausea when you had your surgery? I hope that the bouncing back and forth will stop soon and that you will be feeling good very soon! Call me when you feel up to it.
  18. LeslieLee

    Welcome back all the early May banders

    Hi Susan! I am so glad to see you posting again. -=winks=- and happy to read that you seem to be doing great! other than a few little normal adjustments to your band. It seems kind of exciting too. A shole new way of life has started for you! I start optifast on the 16th and yes there are some veggies that I can have with it and as Gaffer did I will also have pickles!! lol fun fun fun! In a way I am eager to get going on it but I will wait as I know it will not be the most fun I have ever had. I am also going to be finding things to do to keep me busy, I have started painting. I just did my downstairs bathroom and I have to say I love it!! It is funny though the colors now days seem to be named after foods! lol or is it just me that notices this. I used expresso for the trim and baseboard and also did the old vanity in it. Then the walls are peanut butter!! lol what a yummy room! Next I am doing the laundry room which is attached to that bathroom. that sound keep me busy and distracted for a bit. Then I am on to cleaning closets out!! Yard sale time! Your diet sounds yummy too. I really enjoy soup! lol I hope that I will still enjoy it after all this beginning stuff. OH and congrats on the 21.2 loss!!! that is awesome!!! and only going to get better!!
  19. LeslieLee

    Argon's Activities

    Way to go!! You deserve new jeans!
  20. LeslieLee

    I am a believer!!!!

    That is Awesome!! Thank you for sharing this here. As one who is yet to be banded I still have moments when I wonder if I am doing the right thing. If it will really help me to get to where I would like to be. It is always good to hear of someone who has made it work for them! Thank you especially right now. Congrats on almost being at your goal!!
  21. -=Huge smiles=- You are doing GREAT!!! Nice ticker!!!
  22. LeslieLee

    Good LUck Robgoblin

    Best wishes to you Rob!!
  23. -=big smiles=- Hi Susan, I have been thinking of you through out the day and wondering how things are going and imagining what you might be doing. I am sure that everything has gone well. I hope that you know you have been missed here today! I am excited to hear about your big day, and hope that you will feel up to taking a peek in here later tomorrow afternoon or evening. Take good care of yourself, and rest in between walking off the gas!! -=winks=-
  24. All the best Mr. Yoda!! I know Mrs. Yoda will take very good care of you!!
  25. LeslieLee

    Ch Ch Ch Ch....Changes!!!

    I am thinkin I agree with you Yoda.... not sure this one is as nice as the other.... hmmmmmm lol this is when being a creature of habit gets tricky!!

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