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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by LeslieLee

  1. LeslieLee

    Wheezy Whispers-AKA September's Goals

    Right on Wheezy!! Let the melting begin!!
  2. LeslieLee

    Dr. Mumford

    LOL oh my god you are too funny!! lol I didn't actually meet Dr Mumford but have heard good things about him and as I did have Dr. Cobourn I do know that the clinic itself is lovely!! I am moving in. The staff is very helpful and I really felt very cared for and still do actually.
  3. LeslieLee

    Random questions

    Hi Doddie, I read something interesting about diet pop this morning. Did you know that if the diet drink has aspartame, aspartame is a appetite stimulant. Therefore although there are few if any calories in a diet pop, it does encourage you to eat. So along with the sometimes issues of getting gas you have to also think about it making you hungry. I got this info from a post to the form form the clinic where I had my band done. Hope that it helps you with your thoughts on drinking pop.
  4. LeslieLee

    Random questions

    Some of mine have fallen off but the ones on the large incision are all there but one. I am just letting them do there thing. I tend to keloid scar so I am hoping that by leaving I might miss out on that kind of scar. So far the small ones that have come off are great! Just a tiny nick.
  5. LeslieLee


    Hi Andree, You should get a package that will come with your Optifast it will explain the diet and what you can have in the way of vegetables. Also Rose is wonderful and very helpful. I would say if you feel the need to clean the house out of food then do it. Make plans that will work for you and make your life easier! I found after a few days I really wasn't all the hungry. I also couldn't clean out the house as I have a son who needs to eat...lol and he can pack it away!! I would just try to remember why you are doing this, and also I tried to lose as much weight as I could before pre-op ,but I did allow myself to have a few of my favorite meals before. It will all come together, you'll see!!
  6. LeslieLee

    And here goes another!

    See you on this side!! Congrats on making the trip!
  7. LeslieLee


    Right on Doddie!! Glad it is working for you so far!! Hopes it continues!!
  8. LeslieLee

    Fellow CANUCKS: User Name origin

    mmm Well mine is my first name and middle name put together.!! very deep huh!
  9. LeslieLee


    Let me know how it works for you both Donna D and Doddie. It is still working for me today very few.
  10. LeslieLee

    May 4th update

    Congrats on your new car!! Jurema You deserve it! and the band!! lol just remember to park at the far end of the parking lot and take the stairs!! lol
  11. LeslieLee


    lol I am so glad to know I am not alone!! acapella (spelling??) burping.... now there is a thought! lol I decided to ponder this thing we do called burping... I thought back to the days of feeding my babies and I remembered a bottle which is I believe still popular, the platex nurser... well in their advertisement they say that babies get less air and so do not suffer with gas and the pain it can bring.... well I thought to myself how can I get less air if I am drinking (which is all I am doing at this point).... here is what I came up with I tried to really concentrate as I drank and I realized that I was breathing all wrong which each swallow...so I tried to make sure that just before I did swallow I exhaled and did not inhale until after I was done.... TA DA!!! It worked!! I have had very little burping today and I am hoping that maybe I have really stumbled on an answer for this. Now I need others to research my theory!! lol breath out swallow breath in lol an easy little exercise and if it works it is another victory NSV. as an added bonus it helps to slow down the drinking/eating
  12. LeslieLee

    4 hours

    Well, it is 4 more hours and I will be on the banded side... I can hardly believe that this journey is truly about to start. It seemed like it was a long time away when I first started and I remember everyone saying it would be here before I knew it and they were so right!! I am of course quite anxious, didn't sleep really well last night my mouth has absolutely no moisture in it at all ...lol but I am ok and I will be fine, I know that. I had a wonderful pre-op visit with Dr. Cobourn and Yes I did get pics with him!! The staff were all terrific and what a wonderful Clinic!! I asked if I could just move in!! lol Rose said there are lots of beds upstairs, -=chuckles=- Dr C said yes but you will get surgery if you are in them...lol I said I guess I will just have to keep moving around!! And hey some of that surgery I might need after this weight loss. Which to date as of yesterday is 22 pounds!! (I will change my ticker later) So Everybody, please keep me in your thoughts at noon today (ontario time) and I will see you on the banded side shortly. Shouldn't take me long to walk on over!!!
  13. LeslieLee

    4 hours

    Thanks Donna D, I am soooooooooooo glad to be hear!! -=now to stop burping, lol=-
  14. LeslieLee

    what to bring to the hotel?

    Hi Andrea, You will need your bullet as you will be staying until the forth of August I believe you said. Dr. Cobourn's patients start having Optifast again. I started having mine on friday after having surgery on wednesday. The day of surgery was Water only then thursday clear, low fat low carb low calorie liquids. Then Friday opti-fast can be added in. One package for me spilt into three servings for the day. That lasts 7-10 days. Yours might be slightly different based on what Dr. C thinks is best. Hope that helps with your question. I also took both gas x strips and chewable tablets. Also found children's liquid tylenol the 2-12 year old one worked well for me for pain. Also they do make a gravol suppository which might be easy to take then the liquid if you are having troubles, but I don't think you will, I sure didn't and that was a fear of mine. Has your package arrived from the clinic yet?
  15. LeslieLee

    Im so happy

    Not sure who you were asking Nume, I am from Edmonton, banded by Dr. Cobourn -=big smile=-
  16. LeslieLee

    Im so happy

    Hi Andrea, Well it sounds like you are all set!! lol and yes just a tad excited as we all are I think. The thought of finally winning at the losing game is HUGE! no pun intended.lol well maybe a little one. Anyone it is all good, I am home now and so glad to have slept in my own bed last night! I believe my surgery and recovery room time was something like this.... Surgery was at about 12:30 12:45 I had a small hernia repair as well and then into recovery which I left at about 4:00 4:30 I really wasn't there all that long. Most of the time was recovery room I don't think surgery was more than an hour. I am just having my first cup of coffee in almost a week...lol wow it is strong than I remember making it...lol There are all kinds of things to do and see, just depends on what you are into. I think you might be able to do a search on tourism there or shopping, theatre and so on. Hope that helps!
  17. Congrats Marcar! Glad to hear you are doing so well!
  18. LeslieLee

    Im so happy

    Way to go Andree!! I am feeling pretty good today! It is Saturday and I had my band put on on Wednesday. Dr Cobourn was /is terrific and so are the staff there. They are all very approachable and so eager to help. The Clinic is lovely (I wanted to move in lol) The best thing I can say is stick to your pre-op and walk as much as you can before and after surgery. Also try to keep yourself regular. I am staying at the Novotel and it has been fine. It is close to the Square One mall so you can shop a bit before your surgery -=winks=- Also I took Andrew's and Janice's advice and used Aerofleet to get from the airport to the hotel and back. Flat rate 34.00 to here. Your day will be here so fast you will be amazed. I know I was! All the best!
  19. LeslieLee

    Grande Prairie, Alberta

    Absolutely!! I would love to meet you in Edmonton in June!!
  20. LeslieLee

    4 hours

    I'm on the banded side!! Thank you everyone for all the good wishes and thoughts. It really means more than I can say here. Things went well, I had a hernia repair as well. -=smiles=- nice to know I don't have to worry about that in the future. The clinic and staff were wonderful! I have been walking around my hotel room trying to get the gas moving. I have had some broth today and wow it was nice to have something warm to sip on. Not to keen on the codiene but.... I have never been one for medications... I did take it though. -=smiles and then makes an yukky face=- I will write more later!! Nice to be on this side finally!!
  21. -=big smiles=- You will do great!! it is just about 24 hours now for me on the banded side. I am up and have even had some wonderful chicken broth! I will be thinking of you tomorrow!!
  22. LeslieLee

    What to bring to hotel

    the bullet is the best thing!! I love mine and have it here in the hotel right now!! ..Tomorrow is my big day, and in a few hours I will be meeting Dr. Cobourn... holy smokes this is all coming together so fast!! I will write more later tonight... gotta love a laptop!
  23. LeslieLee

    what to wear???

    lol well I am trying to pack and wondering just what all to take for after surgery... any thoughts on what works best? I am thinking something lose of course but if anyone can give me hints that would be great... Surgery is wednesday and I don't have to fly back till saturday so not sure if lose pants would work or ????? :help:
  24. LeslieLee


    Well this is it, when I wake up tomorrow morning I will be starting day one of my pre-op diet.... It seemed like this day would never get here and now it is just a few hours away. I just read Mr. Yoda's entry and was so very impressed by his account of what pre-op was like for him. I hope that I too can fight off the temptations. I am feeling a mix of emotion as I start on this new path in my life. Mostly I just want to be thin. I want to bend over to dry my feet after a shower and not have my tummy get in my way. To see the bumps and rolls fade into the curves I know are still there. I am doing optifast, so if anyone has some pointers/recipes they can share to make this next two weeks a little easier PLEASE feel free to add them here!!! This time three weeks from now I will be on the banded side!!! WOW! ps. thank you to everyone here for all the info and hand holding, for reassuring and encouraging. The support here is without a doubt invaluable!!
  25. LeslieLee

    Life with LeslieLee

    Well here it is April 9th and today I booked my flight to Toronto for the 28th of May for surgery on the 30th. I am very excited and thought hey maybe it is time to start a little Leslie thread to celebrate. (lol well not really little yet but I will be smaller soon) I enjoy this site so much and find so many answers to my questions here. The encouragement here is like medicine it just makes me feel better! When ever I feel unsure I come here and read for a bit. I read the thoughts of others who are on the same kind of journey as I am and know that I am making the right choice. The before and after pictures are amazing. I need to learn how to resize my photos so I can start to post mine too. I was thinking earlier that I will be able to wear some of last years summers clothes this year! I should have lost the pounds I found over the winter (who hides those damn things where I can find them?) This week I have had an interesting time... feeling less hungry for some reason and more focused on not gaining anymore before surgery, I lost 5 pounds!! :biggrin1: It feels good to see the numbers going down again and knowing that soon I will have the tool to keep them off. Today I am greatful for learning about the lapband!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
