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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Annabelle12

  1. Annabelle12

    where is everyone???

    I'm in Leesburg, and I work in Chantilly. I'm still on my Mom's insurance (until May), so I'm having to drive back home to North Carolina to be banded. Blah. Wouldn't be so bad, except for going back for all of the pre-op stuff. I'm in the process of doing all of my testing still, so no band for me yet. Hopefully in the next few months! I am also hoping to find a doctor in NoVA that would be willing to do my fills. I'm hoping that my NC doctor will refer me to someone that they have a relationship with, or that they know of, etc. It wouldn't bother me to drive 5 hours for a fill, but I'd like someone local that can do it, as I don't really feel like driving that far if I'm barely able to swallow (if I get too much of a fill)!
  2. Annabelle12

    Male Lapband

    Well that's good to know... I eat in volume (and I'm a woman). At the informational meeting given by my surgeon, there were about 40 people there. About 10 of them were men.
  3. Annabelle12


    I don't have an answer for you but I'm wondering about the same! I'll be home for a few days after surgery so that's not a problem but I have to make a 5 hour drive to get back to where I live now (insurance is through my mom in NC, but I live around DC - gotta go home to get surgery. Boo). Hopefully that'll be doable.
  4. Hello Everyone! I have not had my band yet (going through the process), but I dooo have a couple of questions regarding scars. I scar pretty easily (I have marks on my legs from mosquito bites from when I worked at a camp a few years back if that tells you anything), and I also have stretch marks (obviously). Does anyone have any recommendations for ointment/cream/whatever for scar fading and/or stretch mark fading? I've seen ads for numerous brands but I've never had any experience with any of them and don't know what works vs what doesn't, or if any of them actually work! Also, has anyone started working on fading stretch marks before losing weight? Is this a good idea, or is there any reason to wait until I've lost some weight? Any input is greatly appreciated!
  5. Annabelle12

    Homosexual Liberal Atheists ~ What's UP with that?

    Ah... so because someone doesn't do what's said in the bible, they have no faith? My mother is a lesbian. She, obviously, wasn't always that way, as I'm around. After two husbands who beat the living crap out of her, she's finally happy for the first time in a very long time. Because of such, you're saying that she has no faith? Tell me, why is it so wrong to do what makes you happy? God forbid someone not reproduce in a world that's over-populated as it is. Your thoughts are your thoughts, and that's just dandy. I'm not going to bash you for thinking what you do, but just because something doesn't go with what's in the bible doesn't mean it's wrong. I'm heterosexual, christian by birth (though I've not been to church since the age of seven), and I'm decently liberal. Does this mean that I don't believe in God, or that I live in sin because of it? Maybe to you, but not to most. I think that people should live however they want, and I don't think there's any need for bashing because of it. Do what makes you happy, and don't do what makes you unhappy. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's wrong.
  6. I only skimmed most of the posts... but I got a few spankings as a kid. Not hard, and not mean, but they got they sent the message for sure. I think it's a personal choice, but I'm all for spanking kids if need be. Especially after my drive-thru experience the other day. So I was in the Wendy's drive-thru, and two cars up there was this GIANT SUV and there was a little boy in the back seat, probably about 8-9 years old. They were a car away from the order menu/speaker "thingy" and this kid rolls his window down, climbs OUT of the SUV through the window, runs around the outside of the car for a few minutes, and as mom pulls up to order he jumps up, puts his feet on the window ledge, and climbs on TOP of the SUV while mom is pulling up about 15 feet!!! So, if that wasn't bad enough, mom starts ordering, and the kid jumps down the 8 or so feet from the roof of the car, and starts screaaaaaming into the speaker while mom is trying to order. Her response? "Alex honey, mommy is ordering." (oh. my. god.) The kid's response? "Shut up I'm talking to the lady and I'm getting my TOY (i assume he means in the kids' meal)!" First off, i wanted to SMACK this child... second, mom made no move to even tell her kid to get in the car, let alone enforce any rules. After screaming at the poor woman taking orders, little boy climbed back in the SUV via the open window again, and proceeded to hit his mother on the back of the head with some kind of inflatable toy until pulling up to the window to get food, where they held up the line for another 4 minutes while the kid threw a fit about getting the wrong toy, and then got a new one... sheesh. beat your kid already...
  7. Annabelle12

    Any Younger Bansters Here?

    I'll be 23 in May, and I don't have a surgery date yet, but I'm working on it. I also noticed there weren't many younger people here. I don't mind either way, but it's nice to find a few close in age!
  8. Annabelle12

    getting worried

    I can't really help, as I don't even have a date yet... but good luck with everything. I'm hoping that after surgery, I'm not going to want to eat, which is the point. I think what I'm going to do right before surgery is CLEAR my house of real food. I have a roommate right now but as of May 1, I'll be alone... therefore I'm pretty much not going to have the choice of real food. If you live alone, that might work for you as well. If not, you might just want to remind yourself that you could have some realllllly bad results from trying something other than what's been recommended to you by your doctor. Sorry for the lack of help! Good luck with your surgery and 2 weeks of liquids!
  9. Annabelle12

    I don't want to tell people

    I don't have a date yet either, but my mother knows, as does the rest of my family because I don't feel like I need to keep the fact from them (mind you I'm 22 and my family is a big part of my life). I've told one close friend, mostly because she is overweight as well, and I knew she would be one of a handful of people that would understand and provide support. I'm not ashamed of it, but I don't really think it's something I'm going to freely throw out there when people ask how I'm losing weight. It's a tool, so diet and exercise are a big factor, so I think I'll just stick with that. Just my 2 cents.
  10. Hi guys. I joined not too long ago, and I'm currently waiting for my insurance to start (I had to re-join my mom's plan in order to cover lap band) coverage before I can get started with this. I haven't actually weighed myself in about a year and a half, but I knew I was getting bigger, as I had to move up from a 24 to a 26 in jeans about a month ago. I still, for some reason, thought I was under the 300lb mark. Well... I went today to buy a scale because I figured I should have one. To my shock, I weighed in a little higher than I thought. I'm 5'7" and I'm now at an all time high of 315lbs. That alone was enough to shock me out of any bad eating habits that would normally occur this evening. :faint: I'm pretty disgusted with myself at the moment, mostly for letting myself get this high. I can't wait to get my band, and my goal before getting it is to get back down to 300. Guh. What a downer. I'm sure I'm not the only person that's had a little shock like that. I feel really comfortable on here, and it's nice to be able to discuss weight in an open and friendly atmosphere. Good luck to everyone!
  11. Annabelle12

    May 2007 Banders

    I thiiiiink I'm getting mine in May (though it will be near the end, probably). I'm waiting for my insurance to re-start, as I had to add myself back to my mother's plan in order to be covered for the surgery. So I hope I'll be joining you May guys, but if not, good luck!
  12. Annabelle12

    Care Credit

    I was approved for Care Credit in December for my dog's surgery (she tore both ligaments in her right hind knee). I'm a student (and up to my eyeballs in loans), and just put myself down and I was approved for $2000. I'm not sure if it would've been higher if I had applied for myself, or if it would be that, but it was perfect since her surgery was $1800. Care Credit, usually, gives you 12 months of no interest. I'm trying really darn hard to pay it back before next December so I can manage to pay it off interest-free. The only bad thing I've found is that they will call and call and CALL if you forget a payment. The first month I paid, I sent a rather large lump sum of money, and then was 2 days late for the next month because I had forgotten about it. I got about 9 calls a day from GE (the main company for care credit) until I sent my payment in. Other than that, I think they're great, and it would've been pretty impossible for me to have my dog's leg fixed otherwise. They'll also let you add a co-signer, and I believe when you apply, they ask for the procedure cost if you have one, so your amount may also be based on that, but I'm not sure. Good luck!
  13. Annabelle12


    Hello all. I've been lurking for about a month now. I'm 22 (23 in may), I'm in my last year of college, from NC but I'm in VA for school. I'm being put back on my mom's insurance, as it will cover 80% of the cost, so I'm waiting for that. I'm hoping the wait period before surgery isn't too long, as once school starts again in August, it will be hard to get any time off. I've been reading tons on here, and you guys are very informative! I've been overweight since I can remember, tried every diet in the book, and it just doesn't work! I eat pretty well, and my work requires me to be active. My problem is eating large amounts, even when I'm not hungry. I make smart food choices, I just go overboard. I'm hoping the lapband can help me curb my eating habits. I'm at an all-time high of just under 300lbs at 5'7" and I'm pretty darn tired of everything associated with being overweight. I want to walk my dogs for more than a mile without being dead tired, I want to go out with my friends at night and have fun without worrying about what other people think, and I want to avoid all of the health risks that will be knocking on my door in a matter of years if I don't get my weight under control! Anyway, I think I've rambled quite enough. I look forward to this, and I can't wait to get started. The only thing I'm really thinking about right now is wait time before surgery. Does anyone have experience with BCBS, and their requirements before surgery? Thanks! Danielle
  14. Annabelle12


    I noticed you're a photo teacher? That's one of my majors. Thanks for the info. I know all insurance plans vary but that eases my mind a little!

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