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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by beanie80

  1. I just got my date this morning!! So excited and so scared! I can't believe it is finally happening. I also don't have to be on a liquid diet beforehand.....has anyone else been told this? I kind of want to do one anyways for a day or two, am I nuts? aaahhhh!!!
  2. beanie80

    June 26th!! Anyone else?

    dawalsh~ I'm not on a pre-op diet because my BMI is <35 (barely, but I'm not going to complain!). I have a reduced chance of having a fatty liver. I'm still nervous that maybe I do have fatty liver so I think I'm going to do a day or two of liquid diet beforehand. Just to be safe.
  3. beanie80

    Getting Cold Feet

    You won't know what you are capable of until you try!! If for some reason lap band isn't the right tool for you, at least you can say that you tried it and move on to something else that does work for you. You can do this You can make good, healthy positive choices for your life You deserve this You will never be perfect, but you will keep trying over and over again You will not give up on yourself You can do this!!
  4. I don't have a surgery date yet (should get one next week), but I've been trying really hard to start all the behavioral changes now. I am good with the exercise, eating Protein first, taking my Vitamins but there are a few things I'm struggling with and need some tips. I am having a really hard time not drinking with meals and waiting 30 minutes after to drink. It feels like torture! I always carry my Water bottle with me and am constantly drinking water and thirsty (no, I'm not diabetic). How have you all handled this? I am also struggling to eat slowly. I am super busy in my life right now and I seem to always forget to slow down and remember afterwards and am annoyed with myself. It just seems like meals would take FOREVER and I just want to get them over and done with so I can do something else. Any tips would be appreciated!! Thanks
  5. So I've done everything that needs to be done and even payed for the surgeon.....I'm still waiting for a date! How did it work with you other self pays? when did you get your dates? The waiting is driving me crazy!
  6. beanie80

    ladies only

    Being on your period isn't a problem. Make sure to wash well and 'tidy up' down there in case they need to do an in and out cath. Period blood is def. not the grossest thing nurses see. The doc won't see down there at all.
  7. I am pre-op and have been changing my diet, eating better, cut out all soda and almost all caffeine. I have been feeling good. Today I ate a protein bar for the first time and it has made me feel terrible. Has anyone else had this problem? I feel nauseous and just bad. The fact that I have 3 more protein bars in my pantry makes me want to throw up. Anyone else can't tolerate the protein bars? The drinks don't seem to bother me.
  8. beanie80


    Don't be too hard on yourself! We are all addicts. Alcoholics/drug addicts don't have to consume their drug of choice to survive like we do. Drink lots and lots of fluids and maybe leave the house when the family eats.
  9. I was curious if anyone else had any issues from their endoscopy? I was told I have esophagitis and hemorrhagic gastritis. Not surprising since I'm in grad school. Anyone else had results like this? did they delay your surgery? I had the results sent to my surgeon last Friday and am just waiting for them to call me to schedule my surgery.
  10. I have my psych eval tomorrow along with the GI doc appointment. I'm nervous, please wish me luck!! I just hope they say ok to the endoscopy and my insurance pays for at least part of it!
  11. I was told a similar thing. I was told that I would probably be back getting a sleeve or RNY after failing at lap bad. I really think it depends on what type of person you are. I am very type A and I'm self pay. Why in the world would I even consider letting myself 'cheat' when I have shelled out my savings to get this lap band!? Saying those things to you are just wrong. You will do well, and you will be successful with lap band!
  12. beanie80

    Halfway there!

    I feel you! Once you have made the decision to get lap band it is soooo hard to wait. I've been thinking about it for 2 years and only finally got the nerve to see a surgeon. In 2 weeks I have gotten almost everything required done except the psych visit and the EGD. Best of luck and hopefully these next 3 months fly by!
  13. I am planning on having my band placed in the next month or two. This month I'm moving out of my house and into my sister's house for approx 6 months while I build a new house. I'm packing up my kitchen right now and realized I should probably ask y'all what kitchen must haves should I make sure to bring to my sister's house. I'm not talking food, but rather appliances. I already put my mini food processor in a box to bring to my sister's house along with a little microwave egg thing to make egg whites. What appliances/kitchen helps could you not live without post band placement??
  14. Not in the western part of the state, but Dr. Lindsey Sharp at Rex Bariatrics in Raleigh is great. I also work with him in the hospital and know he is good at what he does. Good luck and Welcome to North Carolina!
  15. I'm self pay for my lap band and I just got a call from the psychologists office where I need to do a pre-op screening. For 2 visits and some test they said it will be $800!! Has anyone else done self pay for the psych pre-op? If so, how much did you pay???
  16. Mrswynter22 are you self pay? If so, call around. I was also told initially that it would be 2 visits and $800. I found a place that is one long visit and $300. If you are doing this through insurance you might just have to suck it up and go to two .
  17. beanie80


    Anyone else scared about putting a forgein object in their bodies?! Maybe it is just the hippie in me, but the thought of having a foreign piece of plastic around the top of my stomach scares me. This fear has only come about the last couple of days. I don't know why. I've been so sure I wanted to be banded, I have all of my appointments set up, and then I started having bad dreams about the band eating through my stomach and killing me. I'm not sure if I'm actually afraid of the surgery itself or I'm subconsciously trying to keep myself from being happy and healthy. I know now that I'm the fat girl with the pretty face and all the pretty friends. That's familiar to me. I'm scared of what will happen when I'm not that person anymore. Anyone else feel this way? have some insight? and yes, I have an appointment with my psychiatrist (not the pre-op one for the surgery) on Monday to talk things through. Just want to hear what y'all have to say. I almost forgot to mention, was anyone else really afraid to fail with lap-band? I'm just worried that it won't work for me and I'll have paid 16k out of pocket for nothing.
  18. Jim when I went to the initial informational meeting I was the smallest person in the room, but also the only one there for lap band. I could feel everyone looking at me like I was crazy. Both the nurse co-ordinator and the surgical scheduler thought I was there for general surgery, not wls. While it did make me feel a bit better about myself, I am 80lbs overweight! Messed up how our society could think that 80 extra lbs (and counting) on a body is not terribly unhealthy and worthy of wls. I know for sure that if I don't get this surgery I will continue to gain weight every single day until it kills me. I love what you say at the end of your comment "WLS has helped me shrink but it has also helped me grow to be more understanding." Looking at your progress you are doing a great job Jim! keep up the good work
  19. beanie80


    I knew you all would help me feel better about it! After reading your posts I'm starting to become excited again. Can't wait for my journey to really begin!
  20. beanie80


    Wellbutrin is a good option to quit smoking but it isn't the only option. There is also Varenicline (Chantix), nicotine patches, gum, hypnosis and many other tools. Wellbutrin is not a great drug for people who have anxiety, but one of the side effects of Wellbutrin is loss of appetite! Talk to your pcp about your options and what is right for you. You don't have to go through it alone! Good Luck!
  21. beanie80


    It is so good to hear from other high anxiety people! I've only had 1 surgery before and it was to remove my gallbladder. I was so sick from the darn thing I probably would have let the doc take it out with a butter knife. I knew 100% I needed that surgery. This one is voluntary..... I'm on 2 different meds for anxiety, but I'm starting to get worried I won't be able to take one after the band is placed. Can you still take meds in a capsule? I am def. going to need some serious anxiety meds that day. Another thing that is bothering me is that my surgery will be performed at the hospital that I work at.....I'm worried people I work with will see me. I'm not ashamed to be getting the lap band, but I want to be able to control who knows about it and don't want the gossip to spread. No, I don't have the choice of another hospital and I know my hospital is safe, clean, and the people who work there are fantastic at what they do. I just want to be able to pick my anesthesiologist and OR nurses!
  22. Hallelujah! Found a psych place willing to do my assessment for $300! It pays to shop around people
  23. I'm happy to have found this thread as it was just what I was looking for. I've been told by several people that I'm not overweight enough for the lap band. My BMI is right below 35, I have no co-morbidities and exercise frequently. I have struggled with my weight my whole life and I'm scared if I don't do this now that I will just get bigger and end up with co-morbidities. How fast have you all lost weight?
  24. beanie80

    Did you ever dislike your band?

    I've seen people use the term PB or PBing, but can someone please explain what that means?
  25. beanie80

    Anxiety Eating pre-surgery

    I am doing the same thing!! I normally eat fairly healthy, but I have been craving pizza and mexican since I decided to go ahead with the surgery. I want it all ! nom nom. I know I will have to get myself together before the surgery though. good luck!

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