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Everything posted by lisacaron

  1. lisacaron

    Family Struggle

    @@amponder Your doc is right about the shakes going right through the band, however in the absence of something good to eat that is packed with Protein a shake is the way to go. Don't always think of "breakfast" as having to eat yogurt or oatmeal or eggs you can have anything. Turkey, chicken, even a nice bit of steak. Improvise and you will find ways to make sure you have what you need. It's hard to keep everyone in the household supportive of us, but even more with spouses who are not on the same page. Perhaps reminding them that you did this for you so you could be healthy and happy and share a long happy life with them as well they will be able to be a bit more understanding. When we tell people they can't or shouldn't have something I know from myself that it only makes me want it that much more in spite of it and the person telling me. So use a bit of psychology here and don't do that. Once in an argument with my Dad who just had quadruple bypass surgery he was fighting with my Mom about having to eat rubber chicken for the rest of his life etc. I told my mother to go out and buy him his bacon and sausage and meatballs and salami and all that stuff and give it to him. Make him a BIG heart attack dinner. So we did and his response..are you trying to kill me? Where's the chicken? That ended that ordeal
  2. I found this topic to be hilarious!! I HATE grocery shopping!! In fact I don't do it! Maybe if it was a "professional" shopper who went out and video'd their haul as a marketing tool but why do that for no reason? We already know that Americans spend too much money on stuff do we need video evidence of that now too:) Sorry it's just like the couponing hoarders that buy vats of soap and toilet paper and every thing that's on sale or has a coupon. Are they feeding or taking care of a hungry nation with all that stuff? If you are so bored why not go back to school and learn something useful if nothing else I'm 100% sure there are ditches that need filling and roads that could use some work. Come on people...get out there and live life food shopping is a necessary evil like taking a poop I don't need to see it or hear about it..but you know that will be next!!
  3. @@amponder don't lose faith you will get there. With the band it takes some time to find that sweet spot and when you get there it takes some time to get used to being there. Trust me I have been where you are and I have been at that sweet spot and back to where you are again from having the band unfilled. I'm finally back at that sweet spot..and trying to remind myself when I'm bored that it's just that and I don't "need" to be eating. It's a learning process...but we will get there!
  4. lisacaron

    Fat People programs

    OK I admit I have Fast Forwarded to the end of this chain and only skimmed the last few pages. Mostly because the topic Liz started about my big fat fabulous life has been on my mind since I saw the show. Whitney is a beautiful girl. She has a pretty face and for the most part I think it's easy for her to be in denial when she looks in a mirror. Her body as big as it is seems well proportioned...that is about all I can say about that. All that said, the fact that we are watching this girl live a life in denial looking for excuses of PCOS to blame and not the amount or choice of food being the reason for her obesity is just sad! Why exploit this lovely girl and not HELP her? Yes you can be fat and happy. I was very fat and very happy in fact at my highest weight I was the happiest in my life at the time. However I was never happy with my weight or my health. My life as a fat lady was a happy one, I knew how to dress and keep myself in style so I didn't think about my weight or what I ate or how much I just did it. When I was upset about something I ate, it was my coping mechanism. Being sick, being a fellow suffer of PCOS,needing major organ removal, feeling like I could not walk from my office to my car without feeling like I was going to have a heart attack in the parking lot...not being able to walk up a flight of stairs or down the hallway without being out of breath all this things made me NOT happy. This girl is talking about her chin hair and chub rub, and not going out because she can't fit in a movie theater seat...yes all these things are reality. You can say yes to life but the reality is that even the handicapped chairs are not meant to hold a 400 or 500 pound person. I was/am a very active fat person I work at 150 mile an hour speed, I dance I work out I do all those things. I admit though as I gained weight those things became a bit less and less as I got older they became harder to do so I did them less and less and got heavier and heavier. I would like to see TLC take this show and bring this lovely girl with the positive attitude who is trying to make the best of her life as it is to see a WLS doctor. Working out and eating right sure that's a start but when you are "craving" (sorry barf reflex here) banana and mayonnaise sandwiches...and eating like no body's business...you need an intervention not more people to enable you by putting you on display on TV. Help this girl, educate this girl her friends and her family. I would love to see some WLS doctors come to meet her some friends who are supportive of a change in her life not enabling her. Most of them could use a bit of intervention as well. Fat people can and are beautiful chubby chasers or no...but it's just not healthy. She does not need to become a Barbi doll but she needs some intervention for her health and to make that smile reality in all areas of life.
  5. lisacaron

    Banders #6

    Happy Monday pals!!! It's freezing raining here in NY after we got about another 4 inches of snow so of course now there is a horrible mess out there and they are expecting an arctic freeze later in the day that is going to make commuting treacherous. I have decided to take a personal day from work and stay home even though of course I am working from home...but at least I can stay snug and warm in my fleece PJ's and keep an eye on my 4 legged children who don't love this weather any more than I do! SuperBowl Sunday was great until my husband made some pigs in blankets (mini hotdogs in cresent rolls) of course these are a favorite and I ate all of three of them and got 100% stuck! That little nub on the end of the hot dog was enough to plug my stoma and cause some really uncomfortable wretching thank goodness we were home in our own house an I should have stuck to my carrots and hummus!! Painful lesson learned by both hubs and myself. He felt so bad that he made them and served them to me...but you know I am a grown woman and I made the choice to put them in my mouth. So today there is that extra special swelling going on and it looks like at least a few days of liquids to rest and relax my poor esphogus, belly and band. The up side of the Super Bowl no matter the winners or losers though I have to say the calls made at the end of the game were sickening and I really feel for the Seattle fans!!! Ken did win the half time score for the football pool I started How is everyone else doing??
  6. lisacaron

    Banders #6

    @@JustWatchMe {{{{{sending you some hugs!!!}}}}} Yes it will all be over and done with soon...but your ex is a real D-bag for forcing you to go through all this! The thing you can secure your Mom about is that no one but the lawyers and the judge need to see those statements or information and it should be kept confidential since she did not marry this person he has no right to know her business! Make sure you secure that with your lawyer and ensure that she shares the information only with the court and protects your mothers right to privacy. Also make sure the lawyer stresses to the judge that you are an in case of emergency signer and not a part of the account. That you don't contribute to it or draw from it as income in any way. Tell your Mom to be nice to you, and supportive of your new life as you are of her. If you weren't supportive of her you would not be on her accounts to begin with. {{{{love to you}}}}
  7. lisacaron

    Banders #6

    So I spent some time at the hair salon yesterday and decided it was time for some exciting change to my blond locks and decided to add in some {{red}} and some {{burgundy}} low lights! It's a bit bold...but it's FUN!!! Boy does my hair dresser love challenges and none of them are pink! I realize that I look pretty darn tired..but hey it was 11 PM I was tired!!
  8. lisacaron

    Band complications, help!

    @@alexis l I hope you can get into the Dr. quickly. In the mean time my friend, move to a liquid diet until then. You want to try and minimize the throwing up and re-flux issue you are having as those things can be very damaging to your internal organs. If you can call the Dr. and let them know you are having this reflux at night and see if they can prescribe some medication for you to take to ease the symptoms and protect your esophagus and stomach. Get a liquid medication if you can so you don't have to swallow the pills. Tums is not going to work you need a prescription medication. Dr. can call that into the pharmacy for you till you can get to the office. As @@KateP said it could be scar tissue causing tightness and/or it could be irritation from food you have eaten, allergy, and now trauma from throwing up and reflux. So take it easy, go on liquids and rest your throat and tummy for a few days till you see the Dr. Please take care of yourself and let us know how you are doing.
  9. lisacaron

    Banders #6

    @@gowalking I want to let you know that I have seen you recently and you look fantastic! You are looking healthy and vibrant and I want to see you stay that way!!! So yes my friend increase the amount of Protein that you are eating. Protein is the only nutrient that your body does not hold on to that you have to replenish every day. Your body will make good use of it and help you to increase your muscle tone and that's what you don't want to loose and once you are at nearly zero % body fat that's what's going to happen. Your muscles are going to start breaking down to support the energy your body is calling for, and your going to slowly feel weak and sickly. So increase that protein!! Add in a bit extra at lunch go from 3-5 oz of chicken or fish. You don't have to go to red meats in high volume but add them in occasionally in high quality like lamb, filet minion etc. Can you tell I have been certified as a nutritionist? If I wanted to go to med school I'd have lots of credits to add toward a degree
  10. lisacaron

    Progress not perfection

    @@amponder you doing great! Slow and steady wins the race is my motto!! When you get a comfortable place that's the time to pump it up just a little. Even if it's for a few minutes and then drop back down. Getting your heart rate up a notch at intervals is a good way to rev up the metabolism. Inclines can be rough on the knees so if you find it's rough drop it down and go a little faster vs higher. Keeping the routine varied will keep your body guessing and keep your metabolism moving. I took this week off...just couldn't handle the gym and the snow but no regrets!
  11. lisacaron

    No butts about it

    @@JustWatchMe I am feeling for you!!! I have heard and seen a co-worker go through this before..very painful she was sitting on a donut ring for weeks and that's what scared me. I had the internal ones done a few years ago during a colonoscopy and your right those didn't hurt at all, no stitching involved. These little buggers are external, they are small but I'm sure that doesn't matter much. Maybe when I"m ready for the TT they can get those too and I can just be in agony all over at once
  12. One of my incisions became infected about 2 weeks after surgery. I am short waisted and so pants and seat belts and desks hit right about that incision site and cause some irritation to the stitches and ultimately cause a bit of an infection. The Dr. removed a stitch that was left behind and the wound was left open to drain and heal. That is the only scar that was wider then the others because of the opening of the stitches. It took a good 4 weeks after to fully heal but I would do it all again in a heart beat.
  13. lisacaron

    No butts about it

    @@JustWatchMe OK now you make me rethink this again....I have had stomach and bowel issues my whole life. However..nothing created the roids until I had my first son. Pushing that little sucker out into the world created a bunch of little annoyances I have had for the last 26 years. Now I'm sure I didn't help by pushing and pushing and not breathing and then taking a deep breath after a push and sucking that little guy right back up instead of OUT. So a few years after I had my last son a Dr. asked me about this operation..and I said I'll think about it since they don't really bother me. Then a co-worker a few years after that had it done and I heard about the painful recovery and I said NOPE with my fat fanny no one is gonna care so why should I they don't bother me. OK well now that the fanny is not so "fat" even though it's still a biggin and it sits on my back I have a very tiny torso so it's all TnA (I know TMI) and now...those little buggers bug me. I recently told hubs I might do this after all...and now...yeah Ima rethinking that thought.
  14. lisacaron

    Banders #6

    @@gowalking Thanks!! We made it through, though I will admit I'm glad the city storm wasn't as bad. I remember a few years ago having to go and dig my father out of the ice cave his cars were covered in. First baby photo's! Amazing the technology we have today!! @@dylanmiles23 I'm sure your going to fashionable no matter what! Pink and purple are a great combo and warm and dry are even better!!!
  15. lisacaron

    Newer You... older habits...

    @@Trace Lynne Thanks this is a great fun post. I am still doing these.. I still default to the handicap stall in the restroom I try to park with more space between me and the car next to the driver-side/or in an end spot to make sure the space isn't too small So this last one with the car happened to me this weekend. It was raining out Saturday night and my husband and I parked in the back side of the parking lot of the movie theater. We went to a fairly early movie at 4:15 and I was so glad we did because when we came out of the movie the theater was PACKED with kids and families and the 20 somethings looking to spend the Saturday night "out" doing something. We walked back to the car and this pick up truck parked on an angle into the spot next to my car. I was royally peeved #1 because the spot was not meant for a truck of that size which is why he bad to park crooked he couldn't make the turn..and second because it left this sliver of space to get into the drivers seat. I was fuming and telling my husband I don't think I will be able to get into the car at all!! Yeah well...I was wrong, and there was more then enough room for me to get in and I was not having to squeeze through. However I was still angry because what if it wasn't me now and it was me then?? This person just had no respect for others and that was obvious but it was an eye opener that I could fit through that sliver of space into my car.
  16. lisacaron

    Banders #6

    We got about 27 inches in my neck of the woods yesterday. Thank goodness we were home and able to keep ahead of it all. Clearing it away about as fast as it was falling just to make getting out the next day (today) easier then it was during the last storm. Even though it's only Wed. I feel like it's been a week in 2 days!! All the "preparation" that went into getting ready for the storm. I'm glad we did it I was worried about power outages but in the end it was mostly not necessary but better safe then sorry right? Here is quick photo of me in my winter gear as I drove with my son in his new car (holding my breath the whole way!) to get gas on Monday morning, and a photo of the puppies out in snow that was way over their heads but still having a great time playing out there in it! Me...sorry your not going to get me to build a snowman!! Maybe a sand castle on a beach somewhere. I do not like snow or winter! Do love snowflakes in the form of diamond jewelry though but that's about it.
  17. lisacaron

    band slip/dilated esophagus

    I had a minor pouch dilation and I had my band unfilled for about 3 weeks. To help the stomach and esophagus return to normal size and to keep from regain I was on a liquid diet for 3 weeks while the band was unfilled and the dilation was able to reset. The trick is to allow the stomach and esophagus to relax and heal a soft easy digestible diet is what's needed. It was not horrible since we do that often when we have fills unfills. It was like being on a pre or post op diet. Listen to you Dr. and what they advise since I did not have a band slip...this could require more invasive intervention. I hope you feel better soon. Please let us know how you are doing.
  18. lisacaron

    Banders #6

    Well my East Coast friends, it's freezing here on the East End of Long Island. The snow is already at about an inch 1/2. I am freezing even in my snow boots. We are pretty well prepared to hunker down for the next couple of days as they are calling for blizzard conditions. Already this morning the wackos are out getting gas and causing problems Snowpocalypse don't cha know! There are no boots to be found thank goodness we have them and we are pretty well set. Stay warm and safe my friends!!!
  19. lisacaron

    I'm not RIGHT, you're not WRONG, WE ARE DIFFERENT.

    Yes!!!! I am!!!
  20. lisacaron

    My experience

    @@christinabryan89 Thank you for sharing your experience! I agree with you 100% many of us let fear of being scolded or being considered a failure keep us from our Dr.'s office and seeking the help and support that we need. Keeping a good open and honest communication with our Dr.'s is paramount to good health and success. Way to go!!!
  21. lisacaron

    I'm not RIGHT, you're not WRONG, WE ARE DIFFERENT.

    @@LipstickLady You know what?!!!!!!!! I just live my life, my way. (Do you hear Frank Sinatra singing?). I might be a WLS patient, a Mother, a Wife, a Daughter, a Woman, a Thinker, a Breather and million other adjectives.....but most of all I am ME!!!!
  22. lisacaron

    My story, sad but true

    @@jennhatten I'm sorry to hear of all the troubles you have been experiencing, and happy for you that you are working your way back toward being healthy. It is good news that your band is in good order and ready to help you on your journey. The first thing I have to tell you is that you need to find another Dr. It is NOT normal for you throw up all the time. You should be able to eat anything and everything. Yes there are some people who experience food intolerance, but that is true for everyone not just WLS or banded patients. You will learn as you go what works and what doesn't and how to modify your life style around those things. The key to eating with the band is practicing good eating mechanics. That does not mean eating soft and mushy foods or living on shakes. Mashed potatoes are not doing anything for you. There is precious little nutrition to be found there. Another key to being healthy is eating healthy, and that includes fruits and vegetables. Now it's true sometimes these items are hard for banded patients to consume. They may have stringy or rough bits that can become trapped in the stoma and cause a bolus that blocks up the stoma stopping food from passing. So these items should be minimized to avoid this, but if you cook vegetables well and eat fruits that you chew well and avoid things that might be difficult to swallow like apple skins etc you will be just fine. Another way to add these nutrients to your diet is by blending them if you need them. The number one nutrient our bodies need is Protein. Protein is not stored in the body for any length of time, so you must replenish it daily. You can do that in the form of eggs, chicken, fish, beef and many other things like Protein Bars and shakes. Not consuming enough protein could be the reason for hair loss and weakness. So my advice.... Find a Dr. that is a band specialist, on that has a nutritionist on site and can help you learn good eating mechanics. For today...start from the very beginning. Go back to pre-band...were you on a pre-op diet? Follow that for a couple of days. Reset, and begin practicing good eating mechanics. Cutting things into tiny pencil eraser sized bites, chew chew chewing the food you eat, taking a minute between bites to allow that bite to pass the band before taking another bite. If you stack up one bite after another this could be the pain or stress you feel as your esophagus works harder to push the stacked up food past the band. Sit down and eat a meal, avoid distractions if possible. Plan your meals in advance and drink lots of Water. In no time you will be back on track and most importantly feeling better!!! Make an appointment with your regular Dr. for some blood work to find out if you are having any deficiency in vitamins/minerals or need any additional supplementation to start get a good chew able Multivitamin. Kick up your heels welcome back on the band wagon!!! Here we go!!!
  23. lisacaron

    Robbed of my Lap Band

    @@GoCubbies79 I'm sorry that you have had to go through so much. The band just like any other surgical device needs to be constantly monitored by both the Dr. and the patient. Your health has you be your number 1 top priority at all times. This is your life my friend, so if you are having pain or not feeling right don't just take the answer of the receptionist or even the Dr.if you know it's not enough, no matter if it's your band, your hip or your head. Only you are living in your body and know how you are feeling. Many of us are shy of our Dr.'s thinking we are failures if we gain a pound or eat the wrong things but we are NOT. The only time we fail is when we fail to care for ourselves and seek help when we need it. The band could have eroded for many many reasons, NSAIDS, reflux, so many reasons. Best to not dwell on it now, but to get well and get strong and healthy again. Once you are well and healthy consult with a few Bariatric Dr.'s to find out if you are eligible or able to revise to the sleeve or bypass. If you are willing I would suggest seeking a therapist about your ordeal and your re-gain and the way you are feeling about it. Your weight big or small should not define who you are or how you treat yourself or allow others to treat you my friend. You are worthy of being healthy and happy and that is a goal to strive for. I wish you all the best and please keep in touch with us and let us know how you are doing!!
  24. lisacaron

    Behavior Modification

    @@SkinnyLaRodgers15 don't beat yourself up pizza happens!!! The band takes time and it changes your habits along the way. We didn't get them over night and eventually we will find our way. @@amponder yes me too! I love the cheese or the very first bite off the tip (which is about all I can handle) but it makes hubby mad. (he's also banded so I don't know what his issue is! lol) Sometimes you just need to have that taste even if it's a lick!!
  25. @@ivyh are you on any kind of medication that might be causing you to gain weight? That would be the first thing I would look into. The second thing is just to get back to band basics I know that works for me when I had to have my band emptied. Just as I was starting to get my fill back the holiday's rolled around!! I try to remember to eat my meals and portions and drink Water (which I am horrible at still!!) I have been doing a bit of research and it seems that when we YoYo we actually change the set point that out body "thinks" it requires for fat and calories. So..the only thing to do is to trick it back into burning again and for me high Protein carb restricted eating helps. Keep in touch and let me know how your doing!! We could all use some extra support getting back and staying on track!

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