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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by rducharme

  1. I am back. Had VGS with Dr Aceves on May 28. I made my real estate post-op drive to Prescott AZ and returned to WPB, FL on June 6. I suspect that I am healing faster than most, or at least faster than I might have expected. I can eat small amounts of cambells chicken rice Soup (the RED can) and greek yogurt without any problems. I burp, fart, and have taken a few "dumps" which might be a bit faster than other patients? I was the first surgery of my day, and I was up and walking around before the second patient was back to his room, and that fast track recovery has sort of continued for ME. I still feel a bit weak, but don't have that ravenous hunger that I used to have. And that is what I really expected of this type of surgery.

  2. I am leaving TONIGHT. So the panic is setting in. Packing bags, and then re-packing. I am only taking 1 carry-on (and I had to pay $25 on Spirit to do that), so I need to pack essentials and buy any forgotten socks or toothpaste etc in Mexicali. Most important of course is passports, wallet with my driver's license and ONE credit card. Also a certain amount of CA$H. Plus camera, phone (with chargers) etc. You know how crazy it is. You think you have EVERYTHING under control, but it is still a mind numbing process. For any other of Dr ACEVES patients who are scheduled at the end of May ? I look forward to meeting you, and walking the halls with. I hear there is a casino across the street from the hospital ?? Maybe we can shuffle across and play the slots ?

  3. Don't lose it where it counts ! More cushion for pushin !!

    'Fatkini' Sells Out! Why the Plus-Size Swimsuit is Summer's Hottest Look

    Who says you have to be a size 2 to wear a bikini? This summer's wildly popular swimsuit is made specifically for fuller figures. One in particular is such a hot commodity, it's selling out even before the official start of swimsuit season. The highly anticipated launch of the collaboration between plus-size blogger Gabi Gregg and retailer Swimsuits For All went off with a bang last week but sputtered as the company failed to keep up with the unexpected demand for Gregg's galaxy-print bikini, a style dubbed the "fatkini."


  4. There is lots of good advice on this board. The doctors here ( discussed on this board) are the cream that has risen to the top. I am having my sleeve surgery in a few days (May 27) by Dr ACEVES. He is probably the most expensive ($8,750) but I had reasons to select him other than cost. You will probably want one of the TJ doctors, and they cost $5-6K and are very qualified. Some even offer financing. The most important thing to do is pick a date within 90 days and just go get it done. Take a dump, or get off the toilet.

  5. Time is getting really close. I will have "sleeve" surgery by Dr ACEVES on May 28. I will be checking in for pre-op on May 27. Is anyone else scheduled for this time window ? I need some "buddies" to aimlessly wander the hospitals halls with. Hopefully our wives will be able to find something to do ? I hear there is a shopping mall close by. There should be good deals on silver jewelry and bottles of Kaluha. I know I will wake up sore, but I hope I am a rapid healer. The tentative check-out is May 30 and I need to drive NE towards Prescott AZ (approx. 6-7 hrs). I think "cross border medicine" is going to be a major part of "affordable" health care ? and moving (from Florida) to Northern AZ will put me within a 1/2 day of Mexican Dental Centers and Pharmacies. Also I might be back for "plastic" work (excess skin) ? The point is that YOU need to take some sort of action as part of a thoughtful plan to manage YOUR future health. Those who are counting on Medi-Care might find their options limited.

  6. I am supposing that the mall would have a hair & nail salon ? I might even try to get a manicure and pedicure ? Maybe they have those little fishes that eat your dead skin. I told her to get a "new do" while we are in Mexico. The Chinese actually have a long history in that area of Mexico. I forget the exact reason, but I think it was left over from the railroad construction days ? So I am not surprised that there is a Chinese restaurant. My wife is actually very small, so I told her to shop for "latina sizes" at the shops. Silver jewelry is usually a good buy in MX. We will be able to buy some ear-rings and arm bands for Christmas gifts. I originally had a plan to get a "tat" saying VSG and the date around my belly button ? But I think I will wait until I have lost my goal weight (100lbs) and my skin has regained some tone.

  7. I will arriving in Mexicali on May 26 (sunday) early afternoon. We are driving over from Mesa AZ (approx. 4.5 hrs) and "walk across" the border. Then we will grab a cab to Hotel Lucerna. Not sure how much energy we will have that evening ? But I am open to suggestions ?? I will be traveling with my wife (a OR nurse from The Philippines) so no "donkey shows" or "bars" LOL :o Monday (May 27) is pre-op (1pm) but even before that we have a tour of www.tridipanel.com.mx That evening I hear it is tradition to go out for a last meal with my fellow sleevers ( Dr Aceves has 3 cases scheduled ) So things will be busy busy. The actual surgery (sleeve) on May 28 by Dr ACEVES will be "relaxing". Just lay back and breath the gas. But during post-op my wife will need to "get out of the hospital and relax". Maybe with the other wives ? Any suggestions on where and what to do ? Just because I have to sip Water and suck on juice pops means she has to ? Any recommends on resturants and shopping ? I already checked with Nina and the "bullfights" are "out of season" So I am open for suggestions by previous visitors to Mexicali ? Hopefully by check-out day (May 30) I will be able to do a few tourist things ?

  8. Remember, the first human heart transplant was done in South Africa. Geography has nothing to do with the natural skills of a surgeon, although the quality of their medical school education probably does. I am having "sleeve" surgery done by Dr Aceves who instructs other surgeons on how to do the procedure for Johnson & Johnson (manufactures some of the specialty instruments). However I might have some worries IF my surgeon was educated in say Somalia ? or Angola. Most of the Mexican surgeons are the cream that has risen to the top.

  9. The giant sucking sound of Mexican Medical Tourism

    By Dana Blankenhorn | April 30, 2010, 7:25 AM PDT



    more +

    atlantic_health_international_hospital_mazatlan1.jpgWhile most headlines about Mexico involve immigration or drugs, there is another giant sucking sound coming from our south.

    That’s the sound of Medical Tourism dollars. (Shown is the Atlantic Health International Hospital in Mazatlan, from the Mexico Buyers Guide blog.)

    Last week the Institute of the Americas hosted a conference in La Jolla, near San Diego, about the topic.

    The Deloitte Center for Medical Solutions predicted a surge in Mexican medical tourism with the end of the recession.

    Many Americans already get their drugs in Mexico — there are 345 pharmacies near the Tijuana border alone — but now we’re talking about real procedures. Baby boomers especially are being targeted.

    The La Jolla Light covered the event, noting that an angioplasty costing up to $80,000 in San Diego could cost one-tenth as much across the border. The reason is the same one fruit pickers use in taking Mexican workers — cost. A nurse who makes $75,000 here may make $12,000 there, and malpractice rates are low, too.

    Of the nearly 1 million Americans who went to Mexico for medical care last year, about half were not Mexican immigrants. UPDATE: The figure from the La Jolla Light article is 952,000 traveling to Mexico for care. The article also notes there are 1 million American retirees now living in Mexico, getting regular care from Mexican doctors.

    A lot of privately-owned hospitals are now being built in Mexico to meet American demand, with state of the art facilities. Medical Tourism Corp. adds that in addition to cost savings, some procedures that are new or not-yet approved in the U.S. are commonplace there.

    The Joint Commission International accredits medical tourism facilities, and Health-Tourism.com lists eight major facilities there that are accredited. The site also offers a price comparison, noting that many common procedures cost 50-75% less there, and the savings on heart operations there are really spectacular.

    I wrote here in 2008 about how Mexican medical tourism was growing more organized, and last year about how companies that self-insure risk are encouraging patients to travel, sharing the savings with them.

    Maybe that giant sucking sound Ross Perot heard years ago was just coming from a dentist’s chair.

  10. I am scheduled to have my sleeve surgery by Dr ACEVES on May 28. I would love to here from any who will be there at that time ? I am not as nervous as I am excited. I know I need to get this surgery. I am 57, still in good health, but 100lbs overweight. Getting this surgery is simply a smart move on my part to live the rest of my life. I am also excited because I am going to combine my surgery trip with a real estate "scouting trip" in northern AZ Prescott / Flagstaff. Given the major questions concerning our health care system ? I think positioning oneself within a half day drive of the "border" for "elective" type medical / dental care is simply a smart move. Medi-Care doesn't even cover ANY dental expense, and even though Medi_care is promised to remain relatively "un-changed" (whatever that means) for ME, it certainly will be a lesser program for my younger wife ( a nurse from The Philippines). Thus, everyone needs to THINK about the (their) medical future ? What, where, how am I going to "protect" my medical care options.

  11. I am curious also ? I have my sleeve May 28 (Dr Aceves) so I will be off the booze for awhile. But I do enjoy a glass of Lambrusco while I watch my TV (True Blood, Dexter, Borgias, Homeland, etc). Wondering if I will be able to sub some wine on the rocks as part of my "liquids" ? or will alcohol cause problems after a couple months post-op ?

  12. By that I mean while I am recovering (Dr Aceves / Almeter Hospital) can I get a shave / haircut in the hospital ? Maybe that means walking down to the lobby area ? or just outside ? Likewise, can I get a manicure / pedicure ? I figure I am going to have some recovery time where there won't be much to do ? So I figure I might as well take advantage of the lower costs for service in Mexicali ? Plus, for a guy getting a hot towel straight razor shave is pure luxury ! You feel "re-born". Also what about a "tat" ? I figure I would get the date, plus maybe a sketch of a scapel blade over my belly button saying VSG. Any other "sinful" suggestions I can do while I am recovering ?

  13. Why did Gov Christie choose a lap-band ? http://www.today.com/health/chris-christies-weight-loss-procedure-doesnt-always-work-6C9823879 Mostly I think it was the "politically correct" choice. Remember "sleeves" are NOT widely available in the USA, and generally are NOT covered under insurance. Saying that, I am sure Gov Christie would NOT have any problem coming up with the cash to have a sleeve done in the USA. So WHY did Gov Christie pick the lap-band ? My guess will be he will have a lot of quick initial success, but the inherent problems of the "band" will eventually cause him to "stall" and re-gain the weight. Trying to "trick" the stomach just doesn't work.

  14. I hope to lose 100lbs, so I assume I will have some "left-over" skin to get rid of. What is the male version of a full "make-over" ? and what is the cost ? I know there is another surgeon (plastic) at the SAME hospital Dr ACEVES uses that specializes in "make-overs". What are the experiences of some of the guys ? What types of surgeries have you had done ? What was the time-frame and what was the cost ?

  15. How long will it be before Gov Christie joins us "sleevesters" in Mexico ? Of course HIS insurance (or political donations)will undoubtablly cover a "band revision" at any of the TOP medical centers in NJ. Of course that assumes the lap band will NOT work (which is often the case)? The "failure" of such a high profile patient will do serious harm to the entire option of having ANY type of weight loss surgery. Personally. I would be VERY interested in the reasons WHY Gov Christie (in consult with both his State physician and his personal doctor) selected the lap band as the best option for HIM ? IMHO he "wimped out". The sleeve just makes KISS sense. The surgeon doesn't touch the hole going in, or out. When you reach the over-weight BMI that Gov Christie has reached ? IMHO you need to "go all in" and have the sleeve. The appealing thought that "someday" you will be able to take the lap band "off" and restrict yourself to healthy eating (in NJ of all places) is a fantasy. You are welcome to be my "surgery buddy" Gov Christie on May 28 with Dr Aceves.

  16. My wife, who is a OR Nurse with over 25 yrs experience is from The Philippines. She also worked in Singapore before she came to The USA (Miami). Now she works at the VA. She has seen surgeons from all over the world. And she says there are three types of good surgeons. The ones who are technically well trained, and the very special ones who were given their hands from GOD. And the real special ones who are BOTH. Since Dr ACEVES is a proctor for Johnson & Johnson (admitally being PAID to train other surgeons to use J & J instruments) I would suggest that he is one of the really special ones. All that being said, my selection of Dr ACEVES had more to do with combining my "surgery vacation" with a real estate "scouting" trip to the Prescott / Flagstaff area of Northern AZ which I have selected as the perfect "relocation spot" given location, weather, and quality of life. Lastly, I think most of the surgeons discussed on this site are well trained. Obviously they have chosen this type of specialty surgery because there is a DEMAND for WLS from a HUGE (no pun intended) from across the border. And I assume most of these surgeons do very well financially. Also I think it is safe to say that the ones frequently mentioned on this site are the ones who have floated to the top. MY surgery will be this month (May 28) with Dr ACEVES.

  17. Feeling a bit guilty this morning, but man those ribs were good !! But that is sort of my point about the "sleeve" vs any of the other surgical choices ?? The "sleeve" just makes KISS sense. You don't touch the opening going IN, and you don't touch the hole going OUT !! You (make that our surgeon) simply reduces the size of our stretched out stomach, without the complications of nutrient non-absorbtion or "dumping syndrome" Who wants a Al Roker moment where he pooped his pants at the White House ? And the Lap Band never did make much sense if you only ate ice cream milk shakes ? And notice the number of band to sleeve surgeries we see ? So we have all choosen to be "sleeved" so we can drink a flat beer and nibble on one or two ribs with our friends once in awhile. It is a tremendous change in our lives and lifestyles, but it is a life worth living. I am not sure a life of eating gerbers is ? But they say you enter life wearing a diaper, and you exit life wearing a diaper ? or you can run with the bulls in Spain ? O-lay

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