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Everything posted by janiebug

  1. janiebug

    Shrinking violets- part 6!!!

    Okay, went to the store and the first thing when I walked in the door was a display with pretzel m&m's. They had my choice of two sizes. I do eat them because I am allergic to peanuts, but in Canada they have a Smarties that are like M&M's that are good and peanut free. Just one of those odd things, now I will see it everywhere!!!
  2. janiebug

    Shrinking violets- part 6!!!

    Hello, I am showered and off to the store to get some more jello. I wish I would post pictures. It really is funny looking. I just wonder if the strawberries will be thawed by the time we eat it. Glad you are back Haydee, it sucks you had to work today!! I am always off on Mondays so this seems like no biggie to me. That is terrible about your sil Michelle. You need to do something nice for you!!!!!!!!!!!!! My mom loved the picture of me and Juan, but she doesn't know Juan so she doesn't want to put him on display, so she said she would just cut him out, I said NO!!!!!!! Isn't that bad Karma? Is there a way that you can get me a photo of just me from that pic Pamela? If you can't no big deal! Alright off to the store...........................
  3. janiebug

    Shrinking violets- part 6!!!

    Mae, I will send you some if you want, we are going into a hot period right now, but can buy some and send them when it cools off some, your close so I know your weather!!
  4. janiebug

    Shrinking violets- part 6!!!

    Mae, I have seen them at all places Michelles' favorite store, the $ store. I made jello for a barbeque tomorrow and screwed it up! I think I am going to take it anyways and just let them laugh. I put in frozen strawberries and the jello set up in an instant, and so it is all chunky looking. I made the pretzel bottom, the white middle, and the strawberry top, and I am not going to throw it out because it doesn't look right, at least that is where I am at right now. I am thinking if I go to the store in the morning and buy some jello and pour it over the other jello it would be almost normal? Or maybe I would screw it up more? I don't know................
  5. janiebug

    Shrinking violets- part 6!!!

    We just had a heavy rain, but I think it passed and hopefully it won't ruin anyone's outdoor plans!! Sort of enjoying a do nothing day. Doing a little of this and that. Going to make a pretzel jello in a little bit, never made it before, we will see.
  6. janiebug

    Shrinking violets- part 6!!!

    This violet is not going anywhere today. I am happy about it!! I miss my Mondays where sometimes I didn't have anything going on, that hasn't happened in a couple months! I guess Haydee is almost out of her third month, I hope her trip was safe and as nice as can be under the circumstances. Michelle, how are YOU??????????? Pamela, I never wake up alive, you are doing GREAT exercising!!! Judy, where are you? Did a firework come and take you away???????????
  7. janiebug

    Shrinking violets- part 6!!!

    Getting ready to get in bed and watch tv. No alarm again tomorrow!!! Nitey nite!!
  8. janiebug

    Shrinking violets- part 6!!!

    Michele, maybe the swedish fish are like the japanese carp, I think they are Japanese anyways, that are jumping into peoples boats on the rivers and knocking them out!! Except being swedish they just jump in the cart!? I did enjoy sleeping late!! I really don't like the alarm waking me up!! Judy, enjoy your weekend!!! Sounds nice!! I hope Haydee and Juan are having a safe trip. Carson, are you okay???????????? How about you Laura????????????????????
  9. janiebug

    Shrinking violets- part 6!!!

    Pamela, one of my customers always talks about QVC, I think she is addicted, seriously, she is an older woman, and tells me about things on there all the time!! THAT IS GREAT ABOUT EXERCISING!!!!!!!!!!!! Michelle, how are you doing!! Alright, off to bed, and I DON'T HAVE TO SET THE ALARM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. janiebug

    Shrinking violets- part 6!!!

    Michelle, we are the same age, and I haven't thought about 50! No one can deny that you have had had rotten year, I hear you about tom, I am pretty lucky that I really don't have a lot of emotional issues with it, just cramps, but I do think that it has a LOT of hormones behind it!! Plus, if you are starting to go through the change then your hormones are screwy too!! But, all that aside, you have every right to feel the way you do!! (Although I don't know about the 50 part!?) Take it easy, relax, get a pedicure, relax, let your kids and hubby wait on you! You deserve a break!!
  11. janiebug

    Shrinking violets- part 6!!!

    Good morning! Again, I got annoying phone calls....... Good for you Pamela for getting up and exercising!! Does Suzanne fly or drive to AZ? How far of a drive is it? Alright, off I go, have a good one everyone!!
  12. janiebug

    Shrinking violets- part 6!!!

    Good morning!! I had a phone call a little after 8:00 a.m. about voting/politics. I am telling you, I was in a deep sleep, I could have slept about another 45 minutes before my alarm went off. Nuisance phone calls should be outlawed!!! Pamela, the pics you sent me on my phone I could not see, could you send them to my email? Everyone have a good day!!!!!!!!!!
  13. janiebug

    Shrinking violets- part 6!!!

    Michelle, tooo funny!!!!!
  14. janiebug

    Shrinking violets- part 6!!!

    Haydee, wish there was something to say to make it better!! WAY TO GO PAMELA!!!! Well this starts a new week, but a short one, I am not working Saturday. Here in Webster we have a big parade, and since the 4th is on a Sunday, the parade is the day before, so I am not working!! Laura are you back? Are you back richer? Oh well off to get ready for work!!
  15. janiebug

    Shrinking violets- part 6!!!

    Had a pretty good day. Why am I watching the Bachelor? I hope you sleep good Judy with thoughts of a pain free and crystal light surgery!!
  16. janiebug

    Shrinking violets- part 6!!!

    Michelle, your kids are growing up, first your daughter on a date, now buying your son his own laundry detergent!! JUDY, THAT MAKES ME SO MAD WHEN PEOPLE SCARE YOU TO DEATH ABOUT SURGERY!!!!! Have fun Pamela, being creative can be fun!!! Swimming sounds like fun too!! GOOD FOR YOU PAMELA FOR WORKING OUT!! I am going to go over to my sisters house and babysit in about an hour, but no swimming. My niece hates the pool. She says, 'I finished' before she even gets in. Judy, really, one of my pet peeves is people telling horror stories about theirs or their friends surgeries. It seems to get much worse in the translation.
  17. janiebug

    Shrinking violets- part 6!!!

    The paperweights that I bought did not sell! I am really surprised. I will wait another week and relist them. I honestly don't think I had them priced too high. I think if anything I might have priced them too low and people might have thought there was something wrong with them? Oh well. Went swimming today at my sisters and it was nice. I thought about Pamela's pool when I was in it. I guess moving my hand around aggravated my thumb and it is really achy tonight. I am going to the ortho next week to make sure I didn't do anything too terrible to it. Who ever would think a thumb could be this much of a pain in the a##! I get so sidetracked............. Okay, off to bed
  18. I am having surgery on the 17th of April in St. Louis at Barnes by Dr. Halpin. I am a little nervous, also having a hernia repair done the same time. Any suggestions or comments will be appreciated. I am female, 43 and have 150 or so pounds to lose. From what little I have read it looks like everyone is successful, but find it very overwhelming not knowing what to read first. Thanks, Jane
  19. janiebug

    Shrinking violets- part 6!!!

    I personally wouldn't have taken the Bobster as an AC/DC fan............
  20. janiebug

    Shrinking violets- part 6!!!

    I bet your kids really tan, the pics I have seen of them look like they have that olive skin that tans so well. It was a disappointing game, but USA played SO well. Somebody has to lose, and they put up a outstanding effort!!! We are going over to my sisters today for my Dads birthday which is tomorrow. We are supposed to swim, but it is supposed to rain. Speaking of Dad's how is your Father in Law Michelle? I bet Bob is a great sermonizer!! Would love to come hear him!! I can't believe he came all the way back from Pam's to do the sermon this morning!! Amazing!!! Tomorrow I am babysitting Anna, she has school in the morning, and then I will go out. She has a autism behavior specialist come and help her out till my sister is done working, but the place ran out of money for June, so they won't let her come back till Thursday!!! Okay I am rambling big time today...................
  21. janiebug

    Shrinking violets- part 6!!!

    I think I read a book by her before and really liked it. Am 'on call' for Anna. Feel sort of bad. I mean my dad will be 77 Monday, shouldn't I go over and help? I am watching the soccer game, great game, but couple questions, how do they get those grass stains out? Why do the medics bundle up like that? Okay off for a while..........
  22. janiebug

    Shrinking violets- part 6!!!

    Wow Judy, that is early!! Off to work and then watching Anna, but if she is being pretty good today I may just come home. Been a long tiring week, it was busier than normal this week, which is good. Have a great day!!
  23. janiebug

    Palm Springs countdown

    Laura and Michelle, too funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. janiebug

    Shrinking violets- part 6!!!

    Each of Michaels children will get 33 million when he they turn 40!?!? Wow!!!
  25. janiebug

    Shrinking violets- part 6!!!

    Good morning! Headache down to a thump. Isn't that the truth about the airlines?? I still love the one about them charging Judy for the seat the most!!! I think that will always be my favorite!!! The new pics of Carson are too cute!! Haydee, will you tell us when you know the sex? I know some people don't tell once they know so it will be a surprise. I bet that is so neat seeing the baby grow. I miss never being pregnant. Oh well off to work.......................

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