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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bushbaby

  1. I am a real oldie... Banded nearly 9 years and had twins 3 years ago... Let me know what cha need!
  2. bushbaby

    Need Help! !

    Btw I have been banded for almost 9 years!
  3. bushbaby

    Need Help! !

    Have you tried weight watchers! It works... I know you think the band should do it all, but it (weightwatchers) helps to keep track... I have had my band and been loving it... But when I stray I go to weight watchers and the gym.
  4. bushbaby

    iPhone app for banders

    I am using ibp app it's free
  5. I am using ibp app it's free

  6. bushbaby

    buddies in wildomar area

    I am in Ontario and work in corona... Been banded for nearly 7 years... What can so to help!
  7. Hello ladies it's gods little gift to let you nourish you baby... I loved it but know that it is short lived... Went back to normal after I gave birth... congrats and good luck...
  8. bushbaby

    Conceiving Multiples

    I am a mommy of b/g twins who are now 2. My pregnancy was normal and I went to 38 weeks and had relatively no issues... BleedIng at 12 weeks which was scary... But even with all that I agree with everyone... Twins is a dangerous thing I was just one of the lucky ones... My girlfriend lost her daughter when her water broke at 26 weeks and her son is fighting to survive... So one at a time is fine... Just take care of yourself an all will be fine.
  9. bushbaby

    Longest Bander?

    I have been banded 6 years no complications and even had twins and lost the weight again...
  10. bushbaby

    Did Ya Know???

    Hey I was getting my taxes done and because I paid for my surgery myself I get to write it off! Yessssss! How I love the lap band! :banana :banana :banana :banana :banana
  11. bushbaby

    Does anyone ever chat live?

    Hey we all post and post and post...Do we ever chat live? If so I feel left out I want to chat with ya'll!
  12. Hi everyone! I just thought we never use the chat room. I would love to chat with anyone. Reading is great but very slow and one sided. So let me know and I will join you in the room. Rica All are welcome:)
  13. i am 32 weeks pregnant with twins... i had not one day of morning sickness...enjoy it there are plenty of other things to worry about...:tongue2:
  14. I was too 20 lbs from goal...but my perspective is a little different...my husband and I went through many challenges to achieve this pregnancy. These twins have brought me 36lbs of joy. It took me two years to loose all but 20lbs from goal... I stopped because one the scale had nothing to do with my looks... no one thought of me as overweight but me...as I am sure it is the same way as you Heather. How proud you should be that you were just 6lbs away from an arbitrary goal and I bet no one thought you needed those 6lbs but you... We as women are too hard on ourselves. I want to applaud your achievement and now you have another that you should focus on... If you lost it the first time, you can and will lose it again... I know I am going to gain another 20lbs at least because each day it seems the twins get bigger... but I lost 110 lbs last time...so what is a measly 64 or 70... when I get to have the most precious thing(s) I could imagine... My own children... Just my 2 cents...
  15. Wow...what insightful ladies you all are... I have been banded since it seems the beginning of time... not really... I have had no problems until now being pregnant... I never made it to my goal weight ( I stopped short by 20 or so pounds...but my focus changed... I was trying to get pregnant and now I am... I hope that my issue (reflux) is due to pregnancy and nothing more... but I am glad to hear all of the other stories. To be informed is the best that we can do... especially for those of us who have already committed to this journey. I hope that all goes well for everyone in the future and after the twins are born I will probably try to loose the baby weight without a fill... will it be possible...who knows...but my never being tight seems to be the answer to my not having problems (referring to myself only) it seems I needed help to push away... that's why I did not have the bypass... I knew I loved food and just needed a push in the right direction... Just my 2 cents
  16. Well I am now into my 5th month and the twins are doing great...no unfill and I can eat still, have gained 36lbs...which Dr. says is normal... big belly yeah! However I am having some liquid come back up at night when I am sleeping...maybe acid refulx...they say it is common with pregnancy... so I am going to ask my Dr. and prob have a unfill asap.
  17. bushbaby

    PG/IVF Question

    I did not test positive until day 9... so keep your fingers crossed... Baby dust to you!
  18. I am due in March if I can make it that long... they say twins come early...:wub:
  19. bushbaby

    PG/IVF Question

    Well honey I can tell you that I knew I was pregnant right away when I went through IUI... It so happens that I am now carring twins... so good luck! Do you feel different than last time?
  20. I have just found out that I am having twins... My restriction (jamie summers I like to call her) has gone on vacation... I can eat and eat and eat... so I am not planning an unfill unless that changes... If it does the little ones come first... those of you who know me this has been a long time and coming (tired for 6 years.) I can't wait until I am a little further and start to show... wow is that me wanting to look fat... YEP!
  21. bushbaby

    Couch to 5K Anyone want to start with me ?

    I did that program two almost three years ago...it works and I loved it...Good luck!
  22. bushbaby

    Mexican Doctors, I don't know!

    I was banded it seems like forever ago by Dr. Rodriguez... no problems lovin life... But I must admit had I known about a Dr in co. doing it for the same price I would have gone to him... Mexico was far for me.
  23. bushbaby

    Anyone have trouble after flying?

    YEP I have had that happen to me many times... I thought I was the only one... since I have to fly often I have only had two fills... its a great time to go on liquids and drop a few lbs...lol
  24. bushbaby

    Are you glad you did it?

    I guess I am what you would call a long termer... YES I would do it again. I love it and even though I have not yet reached goal...mostly because it is easier to just live with the 20 I have left to loose... I absolutly think it was the right choice for me.

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