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Posts posted by burnsun

  1. Signature says most of it all!

    I was banded on July 27th 2004.

    Start weight was 278

    Weight now 163. (115 lost) and 13 more to go to revised goal of 150

    Size 10 or medium on top

    Size 12/14 on bottom (of course that is the current 14 not the 10 year old 14 pair of jeans I want to wear- but no where near fitting yet)

    I am almost 5' 9" (I have grown almost 1" since I lost the weight - but feet got smaller

  2. Well in regards to adoption- I know two of our three times one of the reasons our birth families told us they picked up was that I was overweight. I looked like I knesw what it was like to be discriminated against and that I would be accepting of their little one- no matter what. In relationship to our agency- (all agencies in our state at that time used same form) and it did ask on my doctors form is my weight was stable for past 3 years and would it or any othe r thing preclude me from providing adequate care for a child. ***note same question was on dh form also - and he was 6' 3" and 180 lbs.

    Other than that I wish I could say I had a few fond memories of high school or grade school- but like Teresa- similair story - However I loved my 20 year reunion - I could see all the fatties now!!! Those *&** cheerleaders and such- after a few kids and a couple divorces looke real bad and real old thanks to all those tanning beds- but not ME!!!!

  3. suddenly develop an inability to eat solids?

    Long story short (ok not so short)- trying to sell home for over four years- get a contract and buyer in April, go through all hurdles, give them the property, change the zoning, get everything done, rearrange your life, and etc- they have to move closing date so they can get better interst rate or something (course I lose ours and it will cost 40K mire over the life of our loan and that is not important to them) and I have no other buyer in site and not likely to have anyone else thinking of it till next spring

  4. I would just watch to see if they (the owner) puts up flyers! If they don't care enough to put them up - then they don't want to know. I am happy your animal control came- our would say leave it for the cleaners or put it in the garbage!

  5. It may be the nursing thing! I have days where I have to eat it!!! I solved it with sugar free jelly beans; and small 1/2 cup dishes that I can only put in that much ice cream and I locke the refrigerator (I also use choclate syrup) But sometimes your body might really be asking for something it needs!!!

    My problem is popcorn!! (also the only food I can eat and drink with)

  6. It is really hard for me because I am the "cook" for our family! I try really hard to drink while getting ready and then I spend all the time running around and fussing so no one notices I am not eating. I tried to wait for our traditional liqueor drink till after I did the dishes- but it is my house so I run the show!

    In regards to going out- I get Water before itcomes and drink as much as I can get in- depending on what we are eating will depend on what I do with drinking (Ie- if I am eating mushies only - I might sneak some) but usually drinking while eating makes me PB!

    Please remember - I have four small children so I do usually eat only mushy stuff or stuff I know will not cause a problem- because I can not leave them and run to the bathroom and I can not drag them all there in time either!

  7. Can you shoot a book of Delalra- exercise gadgets (or her or me attempoting to use them) we all need a great laugh! Maybe a another fun book would b e on some nice old lady's hair styles through out her 90 years of life and what it really took to do that (or better yet Delala's hair! I always love your hair shots)

    Actually I think I would love that Penni- I just would really have to find some before photos- I hid a whole lot- as is common for most people) because only the camera and outside world saw m e as heavy- not my eyes! However today my eyes just see wrinkled prune (skinny- but wrinkled)

  8. OK yesterday I had (remeber big sunday brunch)

    before Breakfast

    large glass of grapefruit juice (unsweet) I love grapefruits and have problems at times eating any citrus- but I make my juices (12 oz) with morning medicines


    2 pieces of bacon

    1 dollar size pancake with butter & powdered sugar

    1 bite of my son's little hash brown (baked) - cause he made me littlerally

    4 chuncks of cantalope (1 -2 inch squares)


    1 skim milk chug (2 servings) after a huge Water over 30 minutes)


    10 gold fish crackers- kids had to feed me again (I have four under age 5 who are afraid I am starving)

    11 big grapes


    1 1/2 oz queso fresco (it is crumbly and squissy and fits nicely)

    1/4 of a small tortilla

    salsa as desired

    2 really thin pieces of round steak (less than 1 1/2 oz) *** I made everyone fajitas and quesadillas

    1/4 cup refried Beans

    and sauteed onins and peppers

    large dollop of sour cream

    SNACK (later) me bad with pms!!!! and in need of choclate

    1/cup of ice cream W choclate sauce

    but I am still nursing 1 1/2 kids so I need more fat and slightly more food than most! It is also why I am probably so successful! (I need extra 300-500 cal a day to nurse on top of regular calories- basically Adrian is also sucking my weight off)

    But you are guy- so in the land of unfair thing you also need more calories a day too,

    Most days I can not eat that much. But I do better with consisten loss when I am at between 1200-1500 calories than if I am lower, I also need about 75 mg of Protein

  9. Ok I am almost 5' 9 " ( ahair smaller -I grew over an inch since loosing weight). I am not sure where you find ideal weight. I know the BMI for my height says 130 to 167.5 for the "normal range"/ I really am big boned (and highly dense bones at that from my bone scan). I was just comfused on what is "ideal weight" for my height. Is it a size 10 is it a medium is it 150 lbs is it Callista Flock hardt ----oh like the world I am comfused.

    I also wondered how they "determined ideal weight in all these studies or were they using goal weight or what ever.? I feel like I made 100%- I can say in my adult life I have never been in the "Normal" range so I feel I made a major accomplishment. PS says I have about 15-18 lbs of skin that could go too!!!- But I just wanted to know if I did better than average or if this is the average or whatever!

    I know I would look horrible below 140- I know that. Because I have half the world worried I am going to go anorexic on them (not a problem with Ben & Jerry around though!). I still carry a big booty M on top and Large on bottom but I am very pleased!!!!

  10. OK here is my weird & probablly the dumbest question I have asked so far. (even after a year of banding and 2 years research)

    I think I did it! Today I made my original goal of 164 lbs My BMI is below 25 and I have done better than many and the envy of my mother in law (she is on the 50% track.

    I made my original goal- which was below 165 and below 25 bmi. However I am now slightly readjusting and deciding 150 is where I really want to be and if I stay there for about 6 months with exercise - maybe I will decide I really will spend the $ on me and get some work done on the now starting to sag skin!

    So did I loose 100% or when is 100% of excess body weight going to be? Don't hate me for asking- dh asked me tonight when it was - He feels I have lost a whole person since I got pregnant with Adrian in October 02 (330lbs) to 164 today so what is the answer oh fonts of all band knowlege :sleep

  11. Thirty pounds since Feb is great. Tommorrow is my one year anniversary (and if not for my damm monthly) I would be down 110 lbs in a year. Slow and steady wins the race . I am a few pounds away from goal and really please. It just seems like it is taking forever, however I look back and think- my how quick!!!

    and For the record- I feel I would be about the same place weight wise after 1 year with the bypass, but I would have lost the nursing ability with my little girl and our new little one, I would know if I ever get pregnant again- that it would be harder to loose the baby weight and I would be freaked I was going to get some weird Vitamin deficiency

  12. Don't waste to much money in nursing bras- the first place I lost weight was my breasts!!!!! I went from a 44 d to a 36 B over the year and I had spent a good deal of $$$ on the bras (but I did get a year of used, but I needed great supporst so I had to buy sizes all the way down I will never use. --Well at least good will will bet some nice ones.

    By the way- I nursed my bio kid for almost another year after my surgery- and am nursing my new little one now. I must say as much as you hate those shake-- get it in- it will make you feel fun down. Are you still on the prenatal Vitamins? They have a chewable one!!! I recently found out I needed to go back on them from what I switched to -- needed more Iron. l

  13. Yes- it is punishment for mommy- cause I made her take a nap!!!! You should have seen day two- if you though t day one was bad. SHe is driving me nuts. The new rule is she can not go to sleep till she poops and I put her in her sleeper backwards so at least it is self contained!!!!!!

    She is a cutie when she is not covered with poop!!!!

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