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Posts posted by burnsun

  1. OK- I also had surgery with Dr. Ortiz ( a few days before tina) and we had a terriffic experience. We loved all of it and I am sorry you find this displeasing. Sometimes this culture we american's live in doesn't allow us to look at other costumes or sttitudes without expressing our distate for what is different

    Before you jump-I lived in Mexico (southern Mexico in Tabasco) for a year and half during 1984-1985, I consistently visit and email and snail mail my friends and thouroughly love southern Mexican culture (and it is way more conservative than US or even TJ)

    and I found him to be no more arrogant than any other professional man his age I met when I lived there or that my friends turned into (actually he is a little better than some of my female friends w/professional arrogance & they are Dras. also). He has acheived a whole lot and it is normal and common practice with all of the reasons you stated and SO WHAT!!!!.

    AS IF A WEDDING had anything to do with criteria for surgery.

    In regard to the wedding incident- every one always has a civil ceremony first any where from one week to one month before the "big" church ceremony. And from the ones I have attended of my friends and classmates (same education and $$$ level) it sounds pretty normal to the ones I have attended in Merida, Monterry, Verecruz, Villahermosa, Fronterra & Comocalco and Guadalajarra. I could send you photos on phots of extravagance. But most ended up spending very little in regards to american amount for a wedding (mine was 7K in 1990 and That was very little and I paid for the ugly dresses and shoes for my bridesmaid and travel)

    Generally speaking I also have an adopted child with mexican birth parents and I swear that it is genetic. He has it to and he is only three and is disabled- but he carries himself with the "I AM IMPORTANT- PAY ATTENTION TO ME" attitude and it does serve him well and he gets more attention at preschool and all he does is flash that smile.

    I also have received calls from Dr. M and Dr. O since we got home so I am not concerned about after care. I am planning my return trip for our first fill fo mid september

    I also think Dr. Rumbault is terriffic and if the plane trip was shorter and costed less- that would have been a more realisitic option, but I can get there in one 2 hr 45 min flight if there is a problem so I chose him for his skill and easy access (DH felt this was the most important)

    But both Rumbaul Diaz and Ortiz Langredere were my choices and then it came down to flight options and if in a hurry and a local doctor who would take us on in an emergency (and DR. O was the only they would accept here in STL- sao my choice and I am happy at this time). I did love speaking with Sra. Kuri, but when I finally saved up the $$$ for the second time I could not get the office to call me back they just kept sending me to the facilitator. I didn't want this- so I droped that option.

    Added benefit- I also have the five smallest scares I have ever seen from this operation ant I am only 9 days post op _from looking at all your photos, web sites, etc)

    So I am as satisfied with Dr. O and an avid supporter as you Miss Sue are with your doctor. So why wouldn't this negativity offend myself or others looking at this major decision.

  2. We fly out on the 30th- so we should cross paths around the 29th. We wanted to stay a little longer, but flights were so expensive leaving Sat or Sun (I think that weekend everyone is returning from the boston convention- I gave up on ever understanding airline prices)

    I can't wait to see you.

    Delarla- I lived in southern Mexico for 1 1/2 years (I know and appreciate Mexican Arrogance) he also graduated (or went) Med school with a friend of mine and she says he's the best and would let him operaate on her kids- so he must be the best.

    I actually am so nuerotic that I have a chart of everyone, their Mexican surgeon, how many problems they have and how much weight they have lost. He and Rumbault are tied and Kuri does great (but he seems to have less posters) so he come in second.

    He has a whole lot more graduate bandsters (I think) so they don't post as much on the lists I am on.

  3. Hi!!

    I'm being banded the 27th by Dr. O. & So is my mother-in-law(that is if I don't chicken out- Smart ban*&^& had more than enough scary stories this weekend to give me second & third thoughts)

    And Dr. L' - thread didn't help-

    but after care has been personally handled by me (found a local doc here in STL), though dh thinks I should go to TJ, it will be about the same cost & never will it show up on insurance

    I bought some of those thermocare Patches for the flight home for my shoulders.

    I hope I get to meet you


    ps- I'm the idiot bringing her whole family cause they would die without me at home alone

  4. I am thinking of naming my band "Juanna Portia Control Smith"

    Fot I wanna potion control. However as with each of my children I might have to see it first. To decide if I like it ( the name) or if something else gives it a nickname.

  5. I liked it a whole lot. It didn't give me any new information, but has been invaluable for me to lend to dh and a few others who were interested in finding out about the process and were concerned & confused with other options for wls

    I really would have liked it had it been available when I was looking into it that reading yahoo lists for a year and getting into some really annoying debates and arguements between them members

  6. One Source- Active Kids chewable complete (19 Vitamins & Minerals)

    1 buy th 120 tablets because of three kids (they get 1/2 tablet till age 4)

    it has in %

    Vitamin A 100%

    Vitamin C 167%

    Vitamin D 100% (*** this is the only one that concerns me- a fat soluable and it is also in all our Calcium -or can't be absorbded and in some types milk & yogurt and too much is bad for a pregnant woman's fetus) I need to do more research but all I found have this much

    Vitamin E 100%

    Vitamin K 13%

    Thiamin 107%

    Riboflavin 118%

    Niacin 100%

    B6 113%

    B12 133% (Something I am told all weight loss people need)

    Biotin 15%

    Panthanoic Acid 100%

    Calcium 12% (still will require calcium supplement but all Vitamins have low calcium- calcium in what ever form it is used in supplement is a huge molecule and that is why the pill is so large) Also 600 mg is all that can be absorbed at one time (sometimes I thik it is lower)

    Iron 100%

    Posphorous 5%

    Magnesium 6% (this should be with the calcium supplement too or it can't be absorbed as well - hence not all antacids work for calcium supplements)

    zinc 100%

    Copper 100%

    Manganese 50% (rest should come in with a goog calcium supplement too)

    CHromium 17%

    Molybedium 27%

    Sodium <1%

    Total carbs <1g

    and they don't tast too bad.

    They are not a generic store brand so if you are priveldged not to have Walmart driving all local stores out of busness (but I can't help but go there- I need the prices with kids & self pay and all) the might carry at CVS or other store. But our pediatrition says it the best she has ever seen for a chidlrens chewable (and those are the adult dosage %on the back of the jar)

    My kids think they taste great. I don't think they are horrible- have a little aftertaste of nutrasweet (to much if you want my opinion) but they are officially designed for munchkins

    I also don't think they taste bad

  7. The "One source" Brand has a chewable children's Vitamin that has the adult dosage and information printed on it. It also has minerals. My children's doc says it is the best she has ever seen for them and our doc here says PERFECT!!!

    It is also cheap (3.99 - on salefor 120 tablets & adults only need to take one) And it doesn't taste bad either.

    I did a comparison of all the chewable ones it had by far the best amounts. It only required more folic acid if you are in child bearing age. My doc even said would work if we got pregnant after band with a few small additions (iron/foic & of course calcium)

    I also am using the caltrate 600 +D chewables (I wait till on sale and stock up)

  8. Fo those who really want to know how boring my life is....."penelope Ptstop" os on both the Cartoon Channel and Boomerang (a second cartoon channel) several times a day (and especiallt late night. Usual about 3 am and 6 am cst (I am usually nursinf the baby) but I have seen it at other times. I am a cartoon junkie (I just can't stand that one)

    second. Mistress D' is so right about the Fluid. Former physics teacher. Fluid dynamics is very diffenrent thant balloon with air.

    How ever it is probably like me and air plane. I understand every reason they stay in air, physics, Bernouli, etc; DH works for Boeing and I get the safety talk all the time. But I look at them and swear I don't know why they do not fall out of the sky

    You might also be releasing a whole lot of estrogen (due to high wt loss and it is stores in fat) and it is causing a super munchie attack

    Just my two cents

  9. My mother in law and I are scheduled for banding on the 27th with Dr. Ortiz. I have arranged follow up care here in MO, however I think we may still return to TJ. The costs are about the same, but I love having someone local. He also has problems getting Dr. to treat his patients outside of the city ( even for non bad problems)

    My dh is going with us as well as our three toddlers (not really my favorite plan, but by far the cheapest and dh doesn't do well if I am gone to the store with all three) We have arranged for someone to help with the children there the whole time so I won't have to pick them up, (& two walk pretty well)

    My questiosn are:

    1) anything exciting dh & children & sitter can do w/in walking distance of hotel? (I used to live in mx so taxis scare me!!!!)

    2) did anyone try to get milk at the hotel? Is/are there any stores closeby?

    3) How did you like the restaurants at the hotel. Any food for daddys & children and approximate costs.

    This really wasn't my first choice, but mother in law thought better than me panicing for a whole week, and we are staying longer so I will feel better travling with them on the way home



  10. My mother in law and I are scheduled for banding on the 27th with Dr. Ortiz. I have arranged follow up care here in MO, however I think we may still return to TJ. The costs are about the same, but I love having someone local. He also has problems getting Dr. to treat his patients outside of the city ( even for non bad problems)

    My dh is going with us as well as our three toddlers (not really my favorite plan, but by far the cheapest and dh doesn't do well if I am gone to the store with all three) We have arranged for someone to help with the children there the whole time so I won't have to pick them up, (& two walk pretty well)

    My questiosn are:

  11. Hello-

    My name is Jane and I am looking foward to being banded in about 7 weeks. This has been a long road. I save the dollar up and after 13 years and two adoptions found myself pregant- so the $$$ went to the pregnancy and delivery (no maternoity insurance) and I got a beautiful baby girl and about 50 lbs lighter. (aren't hormnes wonderful)

    Well after a year of breast feeding we are still much lower than when we started the pregnancy and I am ready for surgery.

    I have three beautiful children and a wonderful supportive husband.

    I have been heavy all of my life (ok the part I remember well age 10 and up) I just wish when I was 160 I had thoiught that was cool instead of the end of the world as all those kids in high school said.

    Been reading the boards and and the chat sites for over 2 years now and am very confident with my decision.


PatchAid Vitamin Patches
