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Lady VS

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Lady VS

  1. Lady VS

    Love???? my band!

    No complaints here. I love my band as well
  2. Lady VS

    Question to my veteran lap banders!

    6 lbs is awesome. At this time you will experience a drop off of at least one to two pounds a week. If you get to the point where you stop losing that simply means you've reached a plateau. Very impressive weight loss by the way. Congratulations.
  3. Lady VS

    Question for the lady's!

    I haven't had a cycle in almost 10 years and I have days where I'm hungry all day and then days when I rarely eat. I too feel it's hormonal.
  4. Lady VS

    My story - kinda long

    Such great news. Congratulations to you and continued success.
  5. Lady VS

    Affordable Fill Doctors-Houston Area

    Wow! That's pretty steep. Unfortunately, most doctors out here only see you if they did the surgery. I would just google places and call to find one. You may want to check doctors in Clear Lake as well. Good luck.
  6. Lady VS

    I want more

    Hi there Zoeiyla. I too have a 10 cc band and have or had 7.1 cc. I had those 7.1 ccs since July 2012. I wasn't tight, had my restriction but some time late last year and early this year, I began to have late night coughing, spitting up Water from both my mouth and nose. Those are not normal. I could also feel that I was tighter than before. I don't know what or how it happened but I was really tight. I had a feeling that my stoma was dilated and sure enough, I finally went to the doctor last month and I was totally tight and dilated(in the red zone.) My PA took out 2 ccs so I am at 5.1. I immediately felt better. However, that restriction I once had is now gone. I am eating a little more than usual. I am trying with everything to not eat too much or eat too much of the wrong foods, but because I am more open, I have to admit I have eaten some burger and fries and other foods I hadn't been eating because I was too tight and just didn't really want to eat those things. Now that eating junk is out of my system, I'm back eating as I should and will be going back next week to get a fill. Lord knows I need it. So to answer your question, while being tight does help you to lose, it's not the right way to live because it will cause other problems down the line. You want to be in a comfortable state where you can eat and digest your food properly, sleep well without complications. You have to constantly tell yourself to slow down and chew, chew, chew. After 4 1/2 years of being banded, I still have to tell myself this everyday because I sometimes do forget. That's why I was dilated because I was taking too big of bites of food sometimes and was eating too quickly (work only had a 30 minute lunch). But those conditions have changed and I am taking my time again to eat my food. Sure I'm back to cold food before I'm done but it's a lifestyle that well, I'm used to now and will continue to be as long as my band will allow. Hope this helps. Best wishes to you.
  7. Lady VS

    5 years out

    Great lessons learned. Congratulations
  8. Lady VS

    Getting Unfilled by Choice

    Hi there. I'm sorry that you are experiencing the problems that you are having. Unfortunately, I don't know anything about PCOS or insulin resistance; however, if you are eating as much as you say you are, don't you think you may possibly need just a small fill rather than completely being unfilled? If you are unfilled, you are going to eat even more than you are now. At any rate, I hope it all works out for you.
  9. Lady VS

    Sliders - a word.

    I couldn't agree with you more. When I crave sweets I eat nutella right out the jar. If I eat more than a few lick fulls of the knife, you can best believe I will feel miserable for the next hour or so. The band totally controls our intake. Great post
  10. Lady VS

    Does your band move?

    Yeah, if your doctor did his/her part correctly, your band should not be "moving". If you think you are experiencing your band which is around your stomach moving, then yes as the others have stated, you should see your doctor immediately. Good luck and keep us posted.
  11. Lady VS

    I hope it never goes away

    Just reading through these responses reminded me of how I used to waddle when I walked. To be able to walk normally is something to not take for granted as well as the many other things we all share that were once difficult but aren't any more. So proud of all us.
  12. Lady VS

    4 years later...

    Congratulations and continued success. I'm over 4 years out as well and it is still not easy. We still have to watch what and how much we eat. It is a weekly sometimes daily struggle. Anyway, keep up the great work.
  13. Lady VS

    Anyone in Houston, TX

    Congratulations on starting your journey. Dr. Hollis is AWESOME!!! While I am a bandster, I believe you will be happy with the treatment and placement of your sleeve. TR Houston is a great team of individuals. Good luck on your journey.
  14. Lady VS

    Stalls - no complaints

    Congratulations on 58 lbs. lost. That is an amazing accomplishment in such a short period of time. What I have learned is when the body does lose that amount of weight, we do go into the stall/plateau stage where it is adjusting itself to the recent changes that has taken place. Once it recovers, it will go back into weight-loss mode. In the meantime, just enjoy where you are. Continue to count your calories, change your exercise and foods that you eat as well. When your body is ready, it will start losing weight again. As you know I thought I was done losing weight but after 10 1/2 months of adjusting to the new weight or being stalled, I started losing again and I wasn't even trying. The only thing that changed was walking more. So just be patient and enjoy. Again, congratulations. You look awesome!!!!!!!!
  15. Lady VS

    lap band erosion

    Sorry to hear that especially since it hasn't even been a whole year of you having the band. Wow! Kind regards to you.
  16. Way to go! Congratulations and continued success
  17. Lady VS

    Freakin' feet!?

    I couldn't have said it better myself. Unfortunately, you're going to just have to let the shoes go, Go Walking lol. Go figure. Hahaha I completely understand what you mean about the weight loss. I'm in between shoe and pant sizes as well. I never would have thought that my misses frame I've accepted all my life is a junior size 7. Really????? Continued success
  18. Lady VS

    1 year and 1 month later

    Amazing progress. Congratulations and keep up the good work.
  19. Lady VS

    90lbs lost forever!

    That is wonderful. Congratulations!
  20. Happy 7 yrs. Congratulations
  21. Hello all. I just wanted to give a little encouragement to the newbies out there. Today I am 4 years post op. I am still in love with my band. I have been filled and unfilled, I have pbed. I have gotten stuck and yet I still love my band. It has taken some time but I have learned to live with it as many of my fellow veterans have as well. I have learned what I can eat and what I can't eat with my band. I do drink a little sprite or orange soda every once in a while. I can't stand coke any more which used to be my favorite soda. I can honestly say I haven't had it in over 4 years. What I do drink on the regular is orange juice because I can't eat oranges any more. I can eat apples but I choose to drink apple juice. I still have my coffee every morning and tea every week as well. In regards to foods, well I eat just about anything except pasta that you use for lasagna. I do eat spaghetti every blue moon and I will eat a little mac and cheese only if it's really cheesy. Other than that, I eat bread, rice, etc. I actually had a couple slices of thin crust pizza for supper yesterday. Speaking of supper. I have learned that I can't eat past 8 p.m. If I do, I will fall asleep but in the middle of the night I will start coughing and coughing and then I'll fall back to sleep. Later I will cough some more and eventually water will start coming out of my nose. That will go on until I finally throw up the last whatever that was in my stomach before I went to bed. So that means I have to get in all my food and drink by 7 p.m. 7:30 at the latest. When I do eat before 7, I have no problems. I sleep like a baby. What can I say, my band doesn't want me eating late I can dig that. That was a problem before I was banded that aided in me gaining weight in the first place eating late at night and snacking watching tv. Well I can honestly say those days are definitely over. I do eat chips but only when I crave them. I eat popcorn as well but only when I have a taste for it and that isn't often. My last fill was August 2012 which put me at 7.1 ccs in my 10 cc band. So I will leave you with this final note, don't give up. Don't get discouraged. The weight isn't going to fall off over night, every week, everyday, etc. Stop stressing. Follow your bariatric team's instructions/guidelines because all our bodies and problems within our bodies are different. We all have different medical issues so what works for me may not work for you and vice versa. Sometimes it will but in other cases it won't. If you aren't sure about what's happening in your body, don't be afraid to call your doctor and find out. After all, it is YOUR BODY. Take care everyone and happy holidays. I'm 95 lbs down and loving it.
  22. Lady VS

    I am 4 Years today

    Thank you guys. Continued success to each of you.
  23. Lady VS

    4 year Anniversary

    That's awesome that your friend used Dr. H. Thank you and continued success.
  24. Lady VS

    I am 4 Years today

    Thank you. As long as you follow your doctor's orders/advice, you CAN AND WILL BE SUCCESSFUL. I along with many others here are living proof that the LapBand can and does work. As of today I have lost 99 pounds. NINETY-NINE!!!! Me, with the help of this AWESOME TOOL I am still losing weight after four years and two months post operation. I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!!! Yes I am having a lot of mixed emotions right now because I NEVER thought weight loss was going to be feasible for me after trying over and over and over again. Having this LapBand placed inside of me was one of the best decisions that I have ever made for myself. I can't say that I wish I had it sooner but I will say I'm glad that it happened right when I needed to have it. Timing is everything. We live in a society where everything is rush, rush, rush. Well I'm telling you guys, if you want to lose weight with the LapBand and keep it off forever, you have to be PATIENT and know that the weight is NOT GOING TO COME OFF OVER NIGHT OR NEXT MONTH ETC. It took you time to put the weight on; therefore, it's going to take time to take it off and keep it off but you HAVE TO CONSTANTLY WORK AT IT!!!!! If you should eat something that you've been advised not to eat, don't beat yourself up about it. Enjoy it and then start back over the next day. The only way you fail with the LapBand is by not trying. Staying in contact with your doctor for after care is essential in losing weight. I am between sizes now. I started this journey wearing a size 22 women's and now I am a size 6-8. Me, a single digit. I'm not bragging or boasting so please don't take it that way. I have been in the double digits since junior high school so to be almost 44 years old and in single digit clothing is completely and totally overwhelming for me but I'm excited and happy all at the same time because I am finally where I should be for my short little frame. Continued success all!!!
  25. Lady VS

    13 year Bandiversary!

    Awesome!!!!!!!!!!! Glad to hear that. Congratulations.

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