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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by VickieS

  1. Postop day 4 for me. Carnation Instant Breakfast, and tea that I'm still working on. I walked 20 minutes 1.5 mph and then showered. Sipping on vanilla Protein Shake made with skim milk. Icing my port site which remains tender. I'm returning to work Tuesday, but I am a medical transcription and work from home, so hopefully I'll do fine. How's everyone else doing today?

  2. Ive just been released from the hospital and going home. I have about an hour ride home with my husband. I had an esophageal this morning, was worried they'd hand me a big cup of barium to drink (had it before) no worries mate 1 oz cup of clear liquid no bad taste at all, x-ray a standing up, done and back to my room. Saw my doctor after that, covered all the do's and don'ts, had a little broth and a little tea, IV out, dressed and headed home. Now on to the next phase of my tourney. I'm supposed to walk for twenty minutes after eating three times a day. I believe in my doctor who has been placing lap bands now for seven or eight years and is a general surgeon, great bedside manner, very thorough, great staff and a very well laid plan of information to help me succeed. They gave group support meeting the first Thursday of each month that I have bee attending for the past several month and talking face to face with banded people, everyone I asked "would you do it again, and they all said yes in a heartbeat!!" I'm

    My abdomen is sore which is to be expected after being cut in five places yesterday. I asked for pain meds every time I knew they were available, take the good stuff while its available, don't make it any harder than you have too. For me it's a commitment to myself to follow my instructions to the T so I can make it as easy on myself as possible and I know when I do I will succeed. I've lived by these words for years "nothing in life that's worthwhile comes easy". It will take work, learning and planning, but I want a healthier body and I know now I'm well on my way, band and all, one day at a time!

  3. Happy to say I'm a "banded" woman. Surgery went fine. Surgery was at 9 and I was finally allowed to have 1/2 ounce clear liquid after 4:30. I have to say room temperature chicken broth and tea are the best I remember having in a very long time. The nurse gave me a stack of 1 ounce cups and syringe and I'm measuring exact and timing on my IPhone. Last thing I want to do is get sick. I've been up to the restroom twice with help. Every hour seems a little better than the last. Stay positive ladies, I'm planning on dreaming size 10 tonight. Until later Vickie

  4. Today is day 10 of my Protein Shakes and I'm still plugging away :) My husband and I love the Master Chef show on TV and the baking competition hosted by Jeff Foxworthy. Well, we watched both of them last night and I have to say while the shakes are taking care of the hunger, my eyes saw "all" that food and my brain jumped into gear and said "wow, that looks so good"! I watched them and reminded myself of Monday, July 29, a date on my calendar in my IPhone that says "Regular Diet"! Definitely something to look forward to and after weighing myself again this morning I decided what I'm doing is soooooo worth it, I've lost 13.3 pounds since starting my Protein shakes. Looking forward to Tuesday, day of surgery. Have a great day everyone!

  5. I'm day 6 in my pre-op Protein Shakes. I selected chocolate, vanilla and orange. I had some extracts on hand; coconut, Peanut Butter and peppermint. I really like one scoop of orange and one scoop of vanilla and a couple drops of coconut extract and blend well. I've also tried one scoop chocolate and one scoop of vanilla and added peanut butter extract OR peppermint extract, again, one or two drops. I enjoyed my coffee with Coffeemate Peppermint Mocha before, so the this combination reminds me of that. I found two scoops of chocolate or two scoops of orange alone to be really strong and didn't like it as well as mixing with the vanilla. Anyone else experimented? My surgery is set for Tuesday July 2 and I've spent the afternoon putting my daily plan in my IPhone on my calendar, so I will know glancing at my phone what I can have. I've also really enjoyed sugar free popsicles the last couple days, devoured them like a 5 year old. For those of you who have not started your Protein shakes, for me I'd have to say I have not struggled at all. They are very satisfying and I have not been hungry. Don't get me wrong, when my husband is fixing himself something to eat, the smell of bacon, even hot dogs, smelled soooooooooo good. I just keep telling myself to be patient and keep on keepin on, I can do this! I have also been journeling on My Fitness Pal in an effort to be in the habit of doing so after surgery. Everything we can do in preparation of surgery and after will just make things go smoother for us. Bye for now.

  6. Hello! My name is Vickie and I too am excited! After almost 8 months I finally have a date for surgery! I first attended a lap band seminar late October. I gave them my insurance information and the next day I got a call saying my insurance would cover the surgery but I would have to have six months of meeting monthly with the dietician before they would pay. Because we had a major vacation already planned prior to this, I knew I would not be having surgery until after we returned from vacation. However, my doctors office submitted my claim for final approval and they DENIED it!! That's right denied it. Said my health condition was not "life threatening". Are you kidding me?? Thankfully, the woman at my doctor's office handling this did not give up and my doctor even wrote a letter to my insurance stating how in his professional opinion this was necessary for me. I got a call this week and I am scheduled for July 2nd. I have an appointment Monday to meet for my preoperative appointment with my doctor and the nutritionist and will get my shakes. The office where I go has group support meetings once a month and I have also been attending these meetings and I have learned so much in talking with people who have already had the surgery and are doing well on their journeys. I am so excited and was happy to find this thread to join. July banders we're soon to be!! I know the time now is going to go fast and soon I'll be on my journey and I can't wait. Good luck to us all! I look forward to sharing experiences with you all!

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