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Kristina J.

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Kristina J.

  1. Sherry... dude... I don't even know you and I feel so relieved to hear that!! hahaha Seriously. Those of us that have been down that path and didn't end up with your result have had a really tough road to get back to where you are now. I know it has to be really nerve wracking, but it sounds like your doctor and even more surprisingly your insurance really have your back!! And Surprised... I know this has been a really REALLY hard adjustment for you given the way things happened, but I think once things settle and you get adjusted, you'll be relieved that you didn't have to struggle with the ups and downs of losing the band, then waiting for a revision and the havoc that can wreak on your body. Still thinkin of you!! Hope you're feeling better about things!!
  2. Kristina J.

    Goodbye band!

    Well, and if I have learned anything with my yo yo weight over the years I have learned that inches mean more than the scale sometimes. I would find myself stalling, but still dropping sizes sometimes. Especially with the high Protein intake, we can build muscle as we are dropping fat, so we can be dropping inches even though the scale stays the same! The scale will catch up That sounds a lot like my band. I did start having problems with it last year, but like I said, it's been in since 2006. I initially lost maybe 40 with it in the first 6 months or so, but never was able to really keep it off and try as I might I couldn't get it back off. Last year it started dilating where my stomach was pulling up through my band creating an expanded pouch. To fix it they release all the Fluid, let it heal then slowly refill, but it happened twice. Each time it was unfilled for 3 months to heal and I would just gain again. Just so very frustrating. And I had to have a kind of sudden hysterectomy this year, which while unrelated, meant that I was for sure not having any more kids (part of my decision to get the band in the first place since I was only 18), so I decided to make the change. I have a 3 year old and 1 year old and they deserve a healthy mom! My date is all set for May 11th. Since I wasn't really prepared to do all this just yet, I didn't have my passport in my married name lol so we have to stall a little to get that all in order before we head out. The waiting *might* just kill me, but it's worth it!
  3. Sherry, my dear, I'm going to put this as calm as I can... take it and RUN with it!! There are so many of us who have had horror stories that started like yours. I was banded, I was successful... 100lbs down successful. Then I started having problems. When my band needed to come out I didn't have the sleeve option, it just wasn't really around yet. Oh how I wish it had been. I ended up losing my band and battling insurance for a year to get it back, unsuccessfully, and gaining all my weight back in the meantime. I self paid for a new band, which never worked to get the weight I had regained back off. And here I am now, finally ready financially to self pay yet again for the sleeve revision. If I had a magic wand, I would have gone from my first band to a sleeve and never done this 10 year roller coaster and I would have been HEALTHY this whole time. I know it doesn't seem like the normal path to a sleeve. And honestly, it isn't. But bands are failing. Over and over again, for a lot of people. If I could go back and get insurance approval and revise back when I was 100lbs down, ESP knowing what I know now?! I couldn't have run into that O.R. fast enough! lol Your doctor is right, your body will only lose what you need to lose and then you will plateau... even with the sleeve, you will likely plateau about 10lbs before you'd like to! If you were my sister, I'd be begging you to do this for yourself! Best of luck whatever you choose!!!
  4. Kristina J.

    Goodbye band!

    You just won coolest surgery story I've heard! lol I'm using Dr. F Garcia, so I'm going to ask. I think it would be so cool to keep it. I think I'm as fascinated by it as your 9 year old! I have battled that band since 2006. I had my first one placed in 2003, but I actually got along really well with that one... well, right up until they day it slipped severely! The one they replaced it with in 2006 has been minimal weight loss and tons of problems. I'd love to meet it face to face! I do have the video of that one being implanted. That was pretty neat.
  5. Kristina J.

    Goodbye band!

    Jana... Did they seriously let you keep it?!?! I wanna keep mine!! lol That evil little nugget needs to be pinned to my dart board or something!! hahaha Who was your doctor at MiDoctor? I am going to beg and plead!! hahaha
  6. I'm so sorry for all you went through!! It's so heartbreaking for anyone who thinks that WLS is their answer only to have their health put at such risk!! Sometimes we try so hard to do the right thing and it's really hard to know what that is. I really hope that since you've (clearly) survived that you are making the most of what you've been through. It's great that you're here sharing your story. I think we all need to be aware of the risks that we are opening ourselves up to. I'm not aware of what your complications were, but I do hope that you have healed and are enjoying some success from your traumatic mess of a journey!! I think that anyone going into any kind of surgery, for anything, not just weight loss, needs to weigh the risks of that surgery (both short and long term) with the risks of their condition. Which in a sense is what insurance companies try to do by the numbers, though sometimes, they fail, on both sides of the coin. Someone who really shouldn't be approved, may be, while someone who really needs the help, may be denied. Such is the nature of the beast, if you will. lol I know it can be frustrating dealing with insurance and I know as an employer it can be difficult dealing with the expense of surgeries that you can view as semi-elective or fully-elective that are very costly (WLS and otherwise). The insurance companies requirements exist to protect both us and them. I definitely understand that. For myself, with a 47 BMI and multiple comorbidties, I know, along with my primary care doctor and surgeon that this is the right choice for me, even though my insurance doesn't support it under ANY circumstances, but I do it knowing the risks and even having lived through some of them myself. I think we all need to be very aware of the risks and weigh those against our current and potential health!! No one thinks they'll be that 1% until they are! It's definitely a valid point and something to think about Iggy... and I definitely don't think you're an "evil employer" at all!! I think you've seen the risks first hand and just want people to be darn sure they know what they're getting into and make sure really need it, especially if they're doing it on your dime. I would be lying if I said I didn't take pause at some of the lower BMI's I see on here jumping on the table to lose 50-75lbs. I love that you care and share your story!!! I think we should all be grateful!!
  7. Kristina J.

    Approved!! With a snag :(

    Missy, I know it kinda sucks and if you're like me at ALL, part of the frustration is just being forced to! lol But, when we're fat and especially fat girls, we are at risk for blood clots and I had heard that a ton but was super annoyed when they wanted me to go through that before my original banding even though I was a relatively healthy, active, albiet morbidly obese, freaking EIGHTEEN year old (it was based on one barely increased blood clotting factor and a family history) ... mine was a retrievable one that I only had until I was no longer "obese." Anyway, I thought it was ridiculous, until some 8 years later when I had my second daughter. Leaving out the long story, I was a big fatty again and I was having horrible post-partum headaches. After a couple of doctors visits and an MRI, I found out I had a blood clot... in my BRAIN!! So maybe, they weren't so crazy to demand I protect myself from blood clots back then after all!! lol For my upcoming surgery, my doctor is only requiring injection blood thinners based on consult with my hematologist. But trust me, not having to worry about a PE anymore is a GREAT thing to not have to worry about!! Congratulations on your PHENOMENAL success!!!
  8. Kristina J.

    Pouch dilation?

    JennyBee... Pouch dilation has been my biggest problem with my band. However, it's one of the easier complications to control luckily, as long as you're diligent and careful!! I get horrible reflux with mine as well, and then would start to notice increased portion sizes. The first time mine was pretty bad so I had to have a complete unfill followed by a three month healing period. Dilation happens when we overeat. So, along with nutrition counseling, I slowly started the refill process. If you start to catch the beginning signs at home, a liquid diet for a few days may help to reduce your pouch and allow it to heal back down, but it really should be brought to your doctor's attention whenever you believe you have a pouch dilation as it can easily lead to a severe slip, which is what my doc believes happened with my first band that then had to be surgically removed. But it sounds like you're right on top of it and communicating well with your doc!! Good luck! You look fantastic!
  9. Yeah, it really is all about your comfort level. If it's not something you're comfortable with, then it's worth whatever the price difference!!
  10. My story has been a long 10 year roller coaster ride both in weight and emotion! I was banded at 18 in California. I was just under 250 at 5'1". I had an easy surgery and started losing pretty quickly. After a couple years, I was down almost 100lbs and feeling great until suddenly, in August 2005, I couldn't swallow Water. My band had slipped and badly. I went into surgery the next day to have my band fixed, but due to erosion, it was removed and as the surgeon put it to my parents, he "MAY have punctured my stomach trying to navigate scar tissue, but it was difficult to tell what was a puncture and what was an erosion." I was devastated to put it lightly and spent 9 days in the hospital recovering. Insurance refused to replace the band (despite multiple appeals) because my BMI was too low. My surgeon and I worked through the year on appeals and by June, I had climbed back to my starting weight of 250. We found out in March that when my insurance changed at the beginning of the year, they had made WLS a contract exclusion and we had exhausted our appeals. I decided that if I wanted my band back, I would have to pay for it and began looking into options out of the country. For a bunch of different reasons, I ended up choosing a hospital and surgeon in Mumbai, India. The surgeon in Mumbai told me that my first band was placed so high, that my scar tissue wasn't in his way at all. I now wonder if that is the only reason my first band worked so well. I had a new lap band placed in August 2006 at 269lbs (my highest weight) and went home filled with hope. My hope faded as over the next year I only lost around 40-50lbs or so. Not a small amount of weight, but only half of what I lost the first time and only about a third of what I was hoping for. This band never worked like the first one. By 2012 I was back up to 250. My band has dilated for the 2nd time. I have unfilled, gone through nutrition counseling and slowly refilled twice, both times with the hope that I could do it... but it just isn't working. My current insurance has a contract exclusion as well, and will not remove or revise my band unless it is life threatening. Instead of going through lengthy appeals (since that worked so horribly before), I decided to self pay again. My first thought was just get this band out of me... I just want to be done! I'm tired of being stuck and puking only to end up over eating in the end. But after speaking at length with my primary care, I started to consider revising to the Vertical Sleeve. I've been researching for a few months now and I've officially made up my mind... I'm going for it!! I'm terrified of failure, but I'm more terrified of being unhealthy for the rest of my life and never being the healthy active parent that my daughters deserve. This time I am going with Dr. Fernando Garcia in Tijuana with Ready 4 a Change. His extensive experience with band to sleeve revisions gives me hope. Through verticalsleevetalk.com I have been able to talk to literally hundreds of his patients, so many of whom were previously banded. I have my surgery scheduled for May 11th and I'm fearful that I am starting to get my hopes up that this will be the right path for me. I am hoping that this roller coaster will take one final dip (hopefully at least a 100lb dip lol). My kids need a mom that can keep up with them and I know I can't do that on my own.
  11. Kristina J.

    Get this band out of me... AGAIN!

    Thank you so much. The band definitely served it's purpose in it's life, but I am very much looking forward to moving on to something that will hopefully work better for me! My sister and mother are both very successfully banded. I have seen the great things it can do, heck, that it did for me! lol Just a disappointing situation, but it looks at though I may have found my light at the end of the tunnel.
  12. I definitely agree that the sleeve forums can be a little too "life is wonderful" and need to be taken with a grain of salt. But I do have to say that I am living proof that you can loose 100+ pounds with the band and then have complications and end up having to have revision surgery. (Hell, I believe in the band so much I had it twice!) I think it ALL needs to be taken with a grain of salt. In the end, I think it's important to remember that we are all struggling the same battle and people are always going to be defensive of what works for them. With whatever site you use, make sure and take the time to search the complications forum. I know I am studying that section VERY carefully before my upcoming band to sleeve revision! With that said, had my band not slipped, I was down 100 pounds and loving life! And my mother and sister are both very happily banded and down a combined 120lbs! The band can be wonderfully successful, as can the sleeve... we just have to remember that nothing comes guaranteed. Let's support each other, not tear each other down!
  13. Kristina J.


    This post is a little old now, so I was hoping maybe one (or all) of you ladies had some insight!! I am currently taking adderall to manage my ADD and I think I would go nuts without it. It does effect my appetite now, but not so much that I have shed any of these pre-op pounds I'm carrying around! lol Why can't a medicine ever have that "weight loss" side effect on me?! lol I too am worried about it's effects on my appetite post op. And while it doesn't make me wired at all now, did it start making any of you wired once you started losing? I didn't even think about that until I read this thread! Any info is appreciated!
  14. $10,400 is really reasonable for self pay in the states!!! Plus, how do you beat Vegas?!? Lol I would probably show up a week before surgery For reference, I probably should have mentioned, Dr. Garcia is $4700 which includes everything except airfare to San Diego.
  15. Kristina J.

    Was ready but now terrified!

    Before I had WLS, I was terrified. I don't think I was actually any less terrified when I checked into the hospital or when I was rolled into the OR. But, I did it anyway and I honestly don't know why I didn't run, but I'm glad I didn't, even considering how screwy my journey has been (you can find my story on my profile if you're interested!). I was a food addict and I knew what I was signing on to give up! Imagine if you were an alcoholic and you were signing on to never be able to get drunk again. You wouldn't be doubting your fears, you'd be running for the hills!! We are not just changing our body or our eating habits, we are changing the way we live. For me at least, a lot of my day revolves around getting to my next meal. Eating is social and therapeutic and not least of all necessary process to thrive. We can't quit cold turkey like most addicts. We have to find a way to drink without getting drunk, and I think it's ok to be terrified by that idea. But, I promise you, that this will be easier than you think. And I promise you, that you will love the new you. I promise you that will not miss food like you think you will. And most of all, I promise you will love feeling healthy!!!!
  16. Kristina J.

    3 Months-Pics!

    Oh shut it!!! Excuse NOTHING!!!! You look INCREDIBLE!! What a beautiful bride!!! that makes me tear up!! Nothing like getting to really truly feel beautiful on your wedding day. You can just see it on your face! I know for a lot of us, we felt beautiful... beautiful, but fat! Lol You my dear, are absolutely stunning!!!! Congratulations on such an exciting transformation and of course congrats to your hubby for scoring such a lovely bride!!!
  17. Kristina J.

    Dr. Fernando Garcia

    Good luck ladies!!!! Can't wait to hear how your trips are going!! Those of us who are next in line want a lot of details GOOD LUCK!! We're all thinking of you!!
  18. I know, but oh well. I am just lucky to be at this point! But if his work schedule wasn't in the way, I would be scheduled for April 24th! Lol I told him, "I seriously just posted a thread about how I'm already impatient as it is!!!" Lol I did tell him that if he makes me change the date again, I'm going without him!! Hahaha He said, "I think you mean it!" And I said, "the only thing I have ever said to you with more sincerity was our vows!!!!" hahahahahaha I love that man like crazy, but I'll take my mother in a heartbeat! Lol Are you any closer to getting your date Mama?! Still looking like April?
  19. Kristina J.

    Anyone From India?

    Just saw this thread and I am not Indian, I am actually American born and raised, but just wanted to say hello! I had a lap band surgery in Mumbai in 2006!! It was a wonderful experience. It was my first trip out of the US. Everyone thought I was crazy for choosing Mumbai as an American with no ties to India, when everyone else was choosing Mexico but I was so happy with my choice and loved my surgeon and my hospital!!! It was a wonderful trip and the experience of a lifetime! If any Americans happen across this thread and want information about surgery in India I would be happy to answer any questions you have!! I hate to admit that cost is a factor in my upcoming revision, but such is reality and I just cannot afford to return to Mumbai or I would. I have chosen a very qualified surgeon in Mexico, and am confident with that decision, though I have to admit, if money were no option, I would love to return to India again!!! it was a truly wonderful experience and I felt so safe and exceptionally cared for the whole time! I received superior care to some surgeries I have had here in the US!!! Unfortunately my lap band was unsuccessful but that was no reflection on my surgeon and his skill at all! In fact, I believe the only reason that band failed when my first band worked is because that 2nd band was placed correctly as opposed to my first that was placed too high.
  20. Found out tonight I have to push back to May 11th due to my husband's work schedule!!! I was impatient for May 3rd!!! Hahaha I just have to remember that this has been years in the making (and really a decade of work) and I should be thankful that I have 10 weeks to be sure our passports will arrive without issue... Whatever... I don't even buy the words coming out of my mouth lol Ugh!!!!!!!!
  21. Hahahahahaha That is awesome!!! I love it!!!!
  22. That's pretty awesome!! Maybe that's another way I can kill time, explaining it to her! Hahaha maybe she would understand it more than I think she would. I like the idea of it not being an illness or injury in her eyes. I'll have to gauge it and see if she'd get it or not. Anything to fill the time at this point!!! Hahahaha
  23. I know what you mean about not being able to pick them up! I had to have a hysterectomy back in September (long story short, I couldn't stop bleeding and it was the easiest answer since I couldn't have more kids anyway), and I had to go 6 very strict weeks then too, and it was awful!!! Especially with the 1 year old because she didn't understand!! At least with the 3 year old she understood that "Mommy has an owie!" What are you telling your 3 year old about your surgery? We decided not to explain it all to her obviously since she wont understand it quite yet. We're just telling her that I'm going "to the doctor" and then will say that I "have an owie." And when she gets older I will explain that I had WLS when she was younger.

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