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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by leannel90

  1. So glad to see you creekwood...we'll do this together!!! I have 150 lbs to lose. Is everyone here aware of the site My Fitness Pal? Its a free app and lets you log fitness and calories. Tons of peeps on here have recommended it. Once my surgery is closer...and I'm back from Hawaii...I'm going to give it a try. Are you all starting now or are you going for broke until the pre-op diet? I have to admit I'm going for it until after I'm back from Hawaii...which is April 16th. Then I'm right into the preop diet!! Does anyone else think I'm nuts?

  2. Well' date=' I went to the doctor today. I have been journaling my foods eaten and it quite apparent that it is not volume but sweets that are stopping my weight loss. I had surgery back in August and I have not lost weight since the weight loss I had before and right after the surgery. I continue to learn about my eating problems. I was never a sweet eater and have turned to sweets since I am unable to eat large volumes now. So, with that said, it is good that I know this....now to conquer this need or desire to still eat even when I am full. Logically this makes no sense what so ever, but I don't eat with logic in mind!

    The doctor did not want to do a fill until I have seen the nutritionist. They are both so skinny and I find it hard to believe they can identify at all with what a person like me goes through. His comment to this was that their best resource is to be able to share what other people have found that works. That I believe can be helpful. So, I have made an appointment with them.

    I am going to continue to journal my foods and get the sweets out of my reach. I think I will keep weight watcher type Desserts on hand but try to avoid over eating on them. I pray that I will do this. I, so, admire people who can set their minds to something and stay the course until it is accomplished.

    Thanks to y'all who commented on my post last night. It was very encouraging to check my email this morning and I had 4 of you who had responded. Each response was different and each was helpful. I hope you are doing well on your journey.[/quote']

    I had second thoughts today about even getting the surgery today for this very reason. I keep asking myself " what am I eating this for...what feelings am I trying to avoid?" I wish I knew the answer!!! I read about a lot of success on here which is great. I also keep asking myself what switch flipped in their mind to make this the time that worked? If I knew the answers...I wouldn't consider the surgery quite frankly. Working with a nutritionist and the surgeon and anyone else...such as this forum may be just the trick. Today I asked myself what could possibly happen if I DIDN'T eat that last bite...there are so many worse things than a hunger cramp! My Mom...the wonderful woman that she is...told me today that she feels badly for me because I'm going to feel deprived. Such a sweet thought. I have to ask though...what am I depriving myself of? Years of struggle and tears with 150 lbs of extra weight? Feeling lonely and confused and having a chocolate bar for 3 minutes of happiness? Its just not worth it for me anymore.

    I thank goodness for people like you that share this honestly. At least I'll know more about how tough some days are going to be.

    You're so honest about your struggle and please know that I'm there with you! Thanks for sharing and I'm sending good thoughts your way. Stay honest with yourself and your medical team...this will work! You're trying so hard...and your message today really hit home for me...as you can see by my diatribe.

    Thanks for being you...I appreciate it.

  3. I recently "came out" to everyone at work. My boss was the worse...as I expected. He said that there were so many other ways to lose weight and didn't this seem drastic. I told him that my obesity was far more drastic than this surgery. As far as all the other ways to do this...I've tried them all and only.gained weight. I mentioned as well as he tried.to continue that the decision had been made and the date set. Although people mean well...and.sometimes I have to remember that...I'm doing this for me and no one else. I have only extremely.close friends and family on Facebook and my post said this. " Lapband surgery scheduled for May 7th, 2013. Very excited...I can't wait!" Congrats to all of you...your bravery helps me be brave!!

  4. Hang in there...maybe check with the nutrisionist at the doc tomorrow and see if they can come up with something a little more filling. You'll do okay...everyone on here calls this bandster hell. Perhaps they'll have some great ideas for yah. Concentrate on your successes...whether they're on the scale or not. Things will turn around!

  5. Smoking is going to be a tough one for me too...I really want to try those vapor cigarettes...they sound great! Thanks also for all the info...I gather from several people that the plateaus require an increase in calories...that's very interesting. Its great that you're making healthy high calorie choices too. This might be asking too much...but how are you finding loose skin...especially in your tummy area? Is it shrinking back or do you feel you'll need surgery anywhere?

  6. Smoking is going to be a tough one for me too...I really want to try those vapor cigarettes...they sound great! Thanks also for all the info...I gather from several people that the plateaus require an increase in calories...that's very interesting. Its great that you're making healthy high calorie choices too. This might be asking too much...but how are you finding loose skin...especially in your tummy area?

  7. I booked my vacation to Hawaii for two weeks so I won't have any other days ti take from work. I was honest with the hr department answer got told that I couldn't use sick time for elective surgery. I'm not too worried...my desk jockey position shouldn't cause too many problems. I'm so glad he'll be there with you! It'd be great to get together and it'll help me stay on track if I can help someone else. I'll make sure and tell you everything. I'll find the link and post it for the book.

  8. Man I can't say I blame you for being nervous about the hotel stay...especially after surgery. I was going to recommend that Holiday Inn and suites. We do a lot of our business functions there and they're really great. Is your hubby going to be able to come too? I'm hoping to be back at work by then...I can stop by with ice chips or anything you might need...its five mins from my work!! if you have a blender...pack it with you...sounds like those ice chips are a real saviour. The book is excellent! So much info...

  9. What an amazing book! I finished it in one weekend...it is a BIG book. Tons of information and I would recommend it to anyone that would like a ton of information. I currently have a ton of stickie notes in it...it looks like a university textbook. Has anyone else read this book and what were their thoughts? I love that Alex Brecher wrote it (along with Natalie Stein). Someone who has been through this...and created this web site has to know a few things.

  10. I'm in Indian Head but thankfully my.parents live in Regina so I can stay there. I commute in every day for work anyway. I hope you find somewhere good to stay! I can recommend a few places that are very close to the clinic if you need. The book is amazing...gives you a ton of information on the actual surgery and what you're allowed to eat. I can't believe how much less its going to be. I'm a fast food junkie and I'm also totally in love with diet pop so this should be a real eye opener. Holy its getting real. I go to Hawaii in two weeks and when I get back I literally go on the liquid diet. Quite the shocker to my system I'm sure. I look forward to the consultations too.

  11. Ps...we are literally a week apart but I imagine at the same clinic. How awesome will that be. I'm only a week ahead of you so can tell you how things are going. I just bought the Big Book on the Lap-Band from this website...its truly awesome. More info than I know what to do with!! Makes me a little nervous honestly...but happy with my choice!

  12. I'm here too for May 7th. I love your tag name too...perhaps you can help me whisper my cats into submission...I have two. I'm looking forward to surgery and it'll be nice to know that someone is going through it at the same time as me.

  13. Here in Canada...throughout health insurance will pay for a Tummy Tuck if you've lost more than a hundred pounds. Which I have to lose. It would be better to pay for it...than pay the hundreds of thousands of dollars my obesity would eventually cost the taxpayers. Regardless...no one works this hard to still be disappointed in how they look. I'm hoping to require a tummy tuck...that will mean that I'm healthy and ready to show the real me to everyone. There are some that consider the lapband to be plastic surgery as well. And I really don't care...I will continue to do what's right for me.

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