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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by firefaerie266

  1. zomg, last night I worked out for the first time since...oh high school, probably (6 years or so), and it totally kicked my butt!!

    I did the Power 90 workout with my husband (who was really just there for emotional support, since he's already fit and buff being in the Army). I was only able to do about 80% of the workout, and did some exercises while sitting in a chair, and others I just laughed at while drinking Water because there was no way I'd be able to do them (like the reverse push-up thing that I was suppose to do supporting myself on a chair, with my arms behind my back). I think I did 8 of the most pathetic looking push-ups in the world, and I realized that I'm in desperate need of a yoga mat because of how hard my floor is. I was constantly snapping at "Tony" (the guy in the workout DVD), who I felt was way too happy to be exercising.

    BUT despite all the whining, I DID finish. And I do plan on doing it again tonight (well, doing Cardio tonight, I did "Sculpt" last night). Even though my arms and legs feel like Jello, I'm proud of myself for finishing. I hope that by doing this work out up until my surgery date (which has yet to be decided) that I'll have an easier time when I pick up my exercise again post-op. At least, that's the plan. :)

  2. thanks all, laurigee, I hope you are doing well from your hysterectomy? Usually I'd agree with you all about the pain meds and Constipation but since having my gallbladder out Dec 3rd everything runs thru me now.

    Man, those gallbladders are at it again! lol

    Did you know you can actually still have diarrhea and be constipated at the same time? Kinda like a clogged drain - the Water still slides through, but everything else gets stuck to the sides ;)

    Anyways, I would not worry about a measly 2 lbs in one week. That could be just Water retention! Maybe find some exercises you can do sitting in a comfortable chair or in another position that is comfortable for you because of your injury?

  3. When you say you "can eat a large amount of food" do you mean that a small portion doesn't keep you satiated inbetween meals? Or that you are physically capable of eating a large portion of food? Based on what I've learned so far - the band won't *stop* you from eating a large portion, and you can still eat a huge meal if you put your mind to it. The band just keeps you satisfied for longer on less food. :)

    If you are still hungry inbetween meals and haven't felt that "restriction" yet - then I believe you are in what everyone around here has referred to as "Bandster Hell." And the only thing you can do is eat the reasonably sized portions you are *suppose* to be satisfied with and wait it out until you get a good fill. :/

    I'm sure one of our experienced bandsters will be able to pipe in soon about their diet and weight loss! Good luck!

  4. I think some people just heal better than others. I have a burn on my leg that you can't even see unless you knew *exactly* where to look (and it's pretty big), but my scar from my gall bladder surgery is very obvious on my tummy. So are all my stretch marks from pregnancy. Fortunately I don't care one way or another how they look - but some people can be very insecure about those imperfections. I agree with the frequent moisturizing, but don't be disappointed if it doesn't make a difference for you.

  5. yrs ago, when i was having intense pain, i kept going to the er as it hurt so bad..finally one night, hub told them you are keeping her til you fix her (turns out i needed emergency gallbladder surgery)..like the one poster said, stay on them..its your life and your health.

    Those pesky gall bladders! They seem to cause everyone trouble!

    I agree with the above - keep after your doctors until you get some answers. If the standard tests aren't showing anything, don't hesitate to ask questions and talk about your concerns of cancer.

  6. I give it a 5... lots of gas pains were the worst.

    Oh good, that's manageable! lol I remember the gas pain from my gall bladder surgery...I thought I was dying and didn't want to get out of bed. But the nurse insisted that if I walked it would feel better, and sure enough, a small lap around the room and the pain started to dissipate!

  7. I live on an Army Post and don't like any of the Drs here - so I go an hour away "into town" for all my Dr stuff. I'm so use to driving that far, it doesn't even phase me. I grew up in Houston, TX - so I'm use to driving a lot to get where I need to be. Sure some things were close and easy to get to, but it wasn't unusual to drive an hour or so to get to something on the other side of town (through traffic). :)

  8. You can do it either way. I went to my PCP first and she got me my referral - then the surgeon's office called me and told me that prior to my first appointment I had to attend one of their seminars. So that's what I did last week, and now I'm waiting to schedule my first appointment :)

    I think one of the benefits of going through your PCP first is that you can find a surgeon that is recommended by your doctor and takes your insurance - then you don't have to worry about the annoying process of transferring medical records etc. The 2 doctors already "know" each other and all you have to do is show up for an appointment!

  9. Hi there everyone :) I've been hovering around the forums for a couple weeks now, learning all I can about lapband. I'm really excited to get my first appointment with my surgeon - I already went to one of their information seminars and got the referral from my PCP.

    Anyways, I keep reading that people have doubts about the surgery when they are recovering. Since it's done laparoscopically I just assumed it would be as uncomfortable as having my gallbladder removed. But if people are really wondering why they did this to themselves, surely it must hurt more than that?

    So what would you compare the lapband procedure to, pain wise? On a scale of 1-10 (1 being smallest, 10 being the worst), whats the pain like?

  10. When you say it hurts to swallow, do you mean that your throat/neck hurts? Or that you have difficulty keeping liquids down? If you can't get the liquids in your stomach, I'd call your surgeon - you don't want to get dehydrated. If it's just pain swallowing that could be from being intubated or something else they did during the actual procedure. When I had my gallbladder removed a few months ago I was flat on my back for 2 days because my trachea would start to spasm if I sat upright or inclined for too long (longer than 30 mins). Now that hurt!

  11. I definitely agree with everyone here. The goal of all this is to be healthy, right? That extra 25lbs isn't going to be worth it to lose if by doing so you are harming your body. Hopefully you can get your diet straightened out and start eating an appropriate amount of calories. I hope your heart problem can be fixed and you can start to heal. Good luck!

  12. I'm starting the Power 90 workout series pre-surgery so that I can pick up post surgery and hopefully have an easier time of it while recovering. The one thing I loved about it (haven't started yet - just watched the workouts last night to get an idea) was that they stress going at your own pace. And even if you can't do all of their movements, they have a lot of alternative positions you can try. The important thing though is to just keep moving!

  13. Yep... I just live with it. I have bathroom issues ever since getting my gallbladder out so I just summed it up to be more of the same. I certainly hope I am absorbing some of the Protein I take in before I rub to the bathroom tho....

    Diarrhea is common after gallbladder removal (basically you are now getting digestive juices constantly dripping into your small intestine, which in a lot of people causes things to just pass right on through). Sometimes your body adapts, sometimes it doesn't. After I had mine out this past December I was terrified I'd be in that boat - but if anything I've had firmer poos!

  14. Sucralose will go straight through you! lol Learned this the hard way, many years ago when my family did Atkins - we snacked on Russell Stover chocolate turtles (sugar free) for Valentine's day that year and we were all sick the next day. (Did you know one of those fake sugars is actually used in veterinary medicine as a laxative!)

    I am also somewhat lactose intolerant as well. cheese and such doesn't bother me - but milk can make me very sick, especially if it's the first thing I have in the morning.

    I'd try experimenting with different shakes (some lactose free, some without the fake sugars or with less of them) and see if you can tell a difference.

  15. That is WEIRD. I wonder what it feels like? Is it smooth to the touch, or does it have a texture that you can feel? The blue feathery one looked really pretty!

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