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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by healthny

  1. Noticed some of you have on line weight loss journals -- how exactly did you set that up ??? thanks
  2. healthny

    online weight loss journal

    wow you guys are great, now that's what I call service. Sometimes I wish I could get all my life questions resolved soooooooooo fast :) Thanks for the info.
  3. healthny

    May 2007 Banders

    anyone out there May 8th ????
  4. healthny

    May 2007 Banders

    welcome yodas !! you do belong here and lucky you to have a wife and one that has been through this no less -- I think its awesome. Best wishes
  5. healthny

    May 2007 Banders

    how are we all doing?? are the nerves setting in yet?? I find not thinking too far out is really helpful in keeping the emotions in check. My immediate goals are to line up what I need for surgery and the "dreaded" liquid phase -- I know I have to stop saying it but I don't recall ever going one than one day only on liquid -- which made me really think about a thread Jack posted here entitled is the the food or the eating. With the liquid looming I have come to recognize for me it is definately the eating. -- I am just going take it a day a time and line up some really healthy basic food choices. Here's another hint that might be helpful -- they say the more food choices you have the "hungrier" you become. I am going to try and tackle that phase by pretty consistantly having the same thing for two meals during the day (definately high in protein low in sugar) and one meal with a little more variety. My hope is that if I power pack a "meal drink" I will feel really good mentally and physically - it's the "mind game" that's gonna suck. For, me six weeks, seems like a life time. I am just gonna keep myself as distracted and away from the kitchen as possible. Anyone else got a plan -- please do tell..
  6. Ok wise group, I need your help yet again, half of my program refers to the band/function of creating a "pouch" -- whereas the other half, of the same program, no less, describes the band/function as a "funnel" -- (truthfully it bothers me my program is so divided on how this band/tool functions) so I turn to you -- what do you think??? How best can I and should I think about the function of this new tool ??? How did your doctor describe it to you??? How does INAMED characterize it???:help:
  7. healthny

    "pouch" or "funnel" which is it???

    its not the characterization/name that I am really asking about -- it the mechanical function of the band. When my surgeon described it to me he said it is a tool that simply adjusts the rate at which you take in food that's it. The coordinator/nurse however believes in the pouch/reservior idea and that food must sit on top of the band, so to speak, for it to work. I only ask so that I know how best to think of this tool, not having been banded yet.
  8. One Of My Biggest Fears About Getting The Band Is Post Op Depression. Anyone Talk About It -- Suffer From It?? My Program Just Did A Big Thing About It And Said It Was Fairly Likely One Would Suffer From Some Depression Post Op -- Oh Great One More Thing To Consider --
  9. healthny

    what I wish I had known/done presurgery

    to all those who have responded to this thread a big thank you -- I continue to be motivated, and inspired by all of you. I anxiously await reading this thread everyday and am so greatful that you are sharing your advice and support. My hope is that I too can give back to those who are where I was!!!
  10. healthny

    May 2007 Banders

    cindyluhu- I too am scared about all the changes and what if's post surgery -- can I do this, will I get depressed, how will I feel, etc. etc. etc. One of the only positive things for me this month preop is despite the fact that I'm thinking way toooooooooooooooooooooooooo much about this and life after the surgery and am at times really stressed, the bright light for me has been that I realize I can't turn automatically turn to food to comfort me and maybe, just maybe, that will help me significantly in this whole journey. I get so sad sometimes when I can't turn off all the mental noise about this whole thing. How did this whole "food thing" get to become so emotionally charged for so many of us??? What I am trying to do is just stop thinking so much about post op life -- it will be here soon enough and I will have no choice than to deal with it. I tell myself, if I weren't scared/nervous then I truly should worry. This is a big, brave life changing/defining moment for me and I will be ok. You will too!!! We all will!!!!!!!!!!:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
  11. I just found out this past Tuesday that my surgery is scheduled for May 8th, a mere 4 weeks away and all of a sudden out of nowhere KABOOM, I am having meltdown. I think what's happening is its been such a long time in pre-op band land -- since Sept. 06 -- and rather than continue to complain and/or think out it, I suprisingly, spent this time acknowingly and really working on, for the first time in my life, my "food" issues. I have slowly begun to change my behaviors -- I detoxed off of refined carbs. (which hands down has been the number one hardest, yet by far the most important thing I did -- I just don't crave them anymore in the same way) addressing my inactive lifestlye and most importantly saying yes to life more than I say no. In January 07, I changed my diet completely and have lost 30 lbs so far, I have never felt better in my life, my head is clear, I have alot of energy, I don't have any real physical hunger, bloodwork is great, blood pressure is fine, I feel really healthy, balanced and centered, yah da, yah da, yah da --other than I'm still carrying around an extra 80 lbs. on my 5'3 frame. My dream would be to continue what I'm doing and to lose another 80 pounds total. Its exciting to see the changes in myself on a day to day basis -- it ain't all been easy, but I am certainly having way more good days than bad and I'm taking it one day at a time. The changes in me and the power I am finding in taking control of my life and not simply reaching for -- albeit still thinking somewhat -- about food are so very new and exciting. Sometimes, I find myself weeping tears of joy silently to myself and often telling myself how proud I am -- everday I hold my head just a bit higher. I have only shared my surgery plan with about four people and that was probably out of necessity more than anything else. I've come to recoginze its ultimately not about the food for me its about finding other ways to nourish myself and recognizing my own strength, courage and wisdom. So what's the problem -- I am really kind of angry that all of a sudden I am second guessing myself about having this procedure, as all the what if's are creeping in louder and louder -- are you compromising your health; is it worth the risk; are you giving to much power to a "band"; why can't you take simply take back your power and just plain do it by yourself; etc., etc. etc., I can't turn off all the mental noise. My concern is if I'm starting to feel this way presurgery with good nutrition no less am I going be utterly depressed post surgery with little to no nutrients to keep my mood in check? (oh and did I mention I never had and major illness or surgery before? I know that's gotta be playing a role in this too). Bottom line, while I know it will ultimately be my decision, I wonder did anyone else find themselves in a presurgury panic?? Oh wise group -- care to chime and reassure me that this too is "normal" (or not). I know deep down its now or never for me -- :think
  12. healthny

    May 2007 Banders

    I'm spending this day preparing my presurgery checklists -- just wanted to offer, if you haven't had a chance be sure to check out the section Lap Band FAQs and References especially the thread called Post Op Cheklists and Things to Have Before Surgery. There is a print button. Go through the list and pre plan. (I feel like my program really has prepared me that throughly for the actual surgery, its this forum that has ). I learned and will tomorrow ask for a pain medication prescription presurgery -- so it will be there when you need it, alot of pharmacies need extra time to order liquid meds, who knew.) The one thing I disagree with don't get a manicure or pedicure pre surgery in fact remove all nail polish. You want to go into surgery the way you arrived in the world -- think baby naked. WE CAN DO THIS!!!
  13. healthny

    Anyone being banded in May?

    may bandsters -- there's a thread in the general discussion too for May bansters (if ya didn't see it). anyone May 8th out there?? What are all you guys doing to prepare preop. Can one find and direct me to the thread on what to bring to the hospital -- I can't find it ??? Thanks.
  14. healthny

    911 Per-surgury Panic

    amazingly, I am calming myself down and trying to remember its just a tool !! I can't thank you enough for the reassurance :dance:
  15. first of all congrats!!! you took the first step.. I really enjoyed you sharing the story about Ortiz, I have heard so many good things about him (secretly, I wish he was doing mine). I really can not comment on the post op diet protocol other than its my understanding you must think about this time as HEALING, HEALING, HEALING -- the only goal being as little movement/digestion as possible so the band and stomach properly heal and the band properly places. ( I learned that here :clap2: ) Nothing is more important in my opinion. Don't rush it. (Sure easy for me to say, I'm not there yet -- to be banded on the 8th). In the meantime again know wow you're doing it. I would be interested to here from you any pre-surgury stuff you learned from Ortiz you'd like to share and know what his complete post op diet protocol is. Feel free to PM me if need be in the meantime -- Be well best of luck you got one big support group here take full advantage..
  16. healthny

    Books We Recommend

    Wanted to start a thread of the books we recommed re: health (mind)(body) (nutrition), having powerful influences at this point of our journey. Ok I'll start: the entire YOU series by Michael Roizen and Mehmet C. Oz: YOU THE OWNER'S MANUEL; YOU ON A DIET AND YOU THE SMART PATIENT. My surgury is May 8th and collectively those books have given me so much useful, current info. and empowered me in such a great way!
  17. healthny

    Ummmmmmmm addiction to this site??

    Can only speak for myself, but since I found this site within the last month I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful, smart community at my beckon call. I am absolutely convinced that this forum has prepared me far better than my doctor and/or program has thus far. I take what I need and leave the rest and for that thank you -- not to mention it's calorie free:clap2:
  18. healthny

    May 2007 Banders

    Found out my "date" on tuesday this week (May 8th); immediately called my primary care doc. to update him and keep him in the loop; truthfully, I just wanted to vent some of this nervous energy. Not to mention I love this doc. he is such a compassionate, kind listener. After chatting with him for about 30 minutes, I left feeling so supported and encouraged -- moral of the story, identify and surround yourself with those people and things (aside from food) that just plain make you feel good!! One thing in particular struck me today is I wasn't exactly truthful with him when he said " you know its all about change and you strike me as the kind of person who is adjustable, just think in a year from now you'll be a whole different person" little does he (this handsome thin doc.) know, in the recesses of my soul its the idea of "change" that probably scares me most of all -- I've adopted to this inactive, big body lifestyle for over 40 years -- in order to be success, for me, it's gonna have to be an all inclusive process -- emotional and physical -- and I'm going to have to be honest with myself and others in order to change. On the other hand, I know its time and I am ready and willing to do what it takes to live a richer, deeper life. Anyone else struggling with this idea of "change"??? :messenger3:
  19. congrats!!!! best wishes be well
  20. healthny

    May 2007 Banders

    :clap2: Yippee!! I found the group I was looking for. I found out yesterday I am scheduled for May 8th. Yikes - it has been such a long process thus far. began the orientation for my program in September 06. But rather than complain, I resiged myself to taking baby steps in my lifestyle makeover. Now the actual surgery date and preparing myself for the actual surgery is A#1 priority. I have bought, read and highly recommend the book YOU THE SMART PATIENT by Roizen and Oz; will continue my 1200 calorie diet, will continue to read, read, read and read somemore of this forum and above all have committed to walking at least 30 minutes a day, rain or snow (yes snow is called for this weekend in central NY ). I am excited about the destination but savoring each and every moment of the journey. We can do this!!!! :clap2:
  21. healthny

    Well, heck.

    Ditto. that's what my surgeon said, if i'm in there and I find one, I just fix it -- wow one stop shopping at its best.
  22. I am unsure what the name of the lastest surgical technique is for implating the band, does anyone know? Oh and as long as I got ya, is the band actually stiched in place with part of the stomach "flapped over it"?? And during the healing process (post implant -- first six weeks) the flap/stomach will actually coverover/obsure the band itself anchoring the band in place in effect -- is this true ??
  23. healthny

    I have a DATE!!!!

    Congrats, one more step in the journey.
  24. healthny

    what I wish I had known/done presurgery

    Thank you all for your replies and advice. Very much appreciated! Just found out surgery is scheduled for May 8th. I believe I am very well prepared.
  25. am still preop and increasingly confused about how many band sizes/makers there are? my surgeon uses the INAMED band but won't eleborate on which band he will use in me, told me he won't know which size band I will require until he's "in there". Is this normal???? do I have a choice in the band size and what is the latest greatest info. on the subject, anyone know? is bigger really better??? help ? thanks.

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