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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Fixerupper

  1. Fixerupper

    MAY sleeverss

    May 16. 41 pounds.
  2. Fixerupper

    Ate Red Lobster tonight (pic)

    I always share or just order an appetizer. I do always tip extra though., as if we it's two entrees. I think that's fair since we're taking the servers table from what would otherwise be a higher sale.
  3. Fixerupper

    VSG: status symbol?

    To be clear, I'm not offended. But, the main reason I don't tell people is because my process and experience had been phenomenally easy. I literally want back to work two days post op. I don't want anyone riding into this surgery just based on my experience. People who are morbidly obese know that wls exists. I think it is better for them to follow their own path and do the through research rather than just hear about one persons complication free experience. I don't want that kind of responsibility.
  4. Fixerupper

    May sleevers results so far!

    May 16 finally hit 40 pounds post op today! Woop woop!
  5. Fixerupper

    BCBS of MI PPO? Anyone?

    I have the same insurance. My bmi was not over fifty but I have found then fast and easy to deal with. Who is your doc?
  6. Fixerupper

    Acid and vomiting

    There's a thread going right now on strictures. Take a look at it.
  7. Fixerupper

    Denied...need help

    Have you been scoped? My scope showed esophagitis and gastritis from band issue even though there was nothing wrong with the band. Also even unfilled I kept throwing up all the time and developed terrible acid reflux. With these things my insurance covered due to band rejection. Also the band can slip and go back into place one you are unfilled so they don't catch it. That's what my doc told me at least.
  8. Fixerupper

    He's hitting some spots thats NEVER been hit b4

    Yes. For me too. It was good before but amazing now!
  9. Fixerupper

    What foods can you eat?

    Five years with my lap band/ torture device. You are going to love the sleeve! No more throwing up all the time or constant hunger. At this point I could eat whatever I want but I follow the rule of protein first and generally whatever I thought I wanted after that I really don't want anymore. I know for me with my band I learned to exist on slider foods so I have to be really careful. But eating the good stuff that I missed like fruit is amazing!
  10. Fixerupper

    3 weeks out...at a stall!

    It's the week three stall! Almost universal! Do a search for it here and relax it passes :-)
  11. Fixerupper

    May sleevers! How much have you lost so far?

    May 16. Stuck at 37 post op for almost two weeks now. Definitely not speedy but it's okay.
  12. Fixerupper

    Any regrets?

    Nope. Not one.
  13. It's a nice alternative to the sweet stuff.
  14. Yes it's good. And my doc allowed it right out of the hospital.
  15. Fixerupper

    Mad/Excited all at the same time!

    I was exactly where you are. Last summer I dieted and work my b*** off to get down to a size 16. But by may 16th of this year when I got my sleeve I was right back up to 22. The good news is I have already lost more weight and I am smaller than I was last summer in just 2 months. Don't worry you will be there soon and the sleeve will be the tool that gets you there and beyond!
  16. Yes yes yes! Even when I set an appointment for my sleeve consultation the first person they had me meet with was also a nurse who worked for lap band. Tried to convince me to keep it to get their numbers up despite my years of misery. I told her no way in hell! It was obvious they didn't care about my health, only their bottom line!
  17. Fixerupper

    My Primary Doctor was PISSED

    I had a lot of vitamin deficiencies with my band due to it making me sick all the time. Just got my blood work back two months post op with sleeve and everything is great. People kill me with the permanency argument. I am 100 percent sure I will not wake up one day wishing I could go back to being morbidly obese and pre diabetic.
  18. Fixerupper

    kinda pissed off.

    Ugh I'm so sorry! That is really frustrating!
  19. Fixerupper


    Wow. I'm sorry to hear about your aunt. of course you are scared it's perfectly normal. I had revision surgery too from lapband to the sleeve. I also have my gallbladder removed and a hernia repaired the same day. And like you I get very sick from the anesthesia. I told the anesthesiologist about how badly I react and they gave me medicine through an IV and also a patch behind my ear that helped immensely. I won't lie the first couple of days were rough but by day three I was sitting out at my son's baseball game and on day 4 I was back at my desk job. I'm losing weight better and feel so much healthier than I ever did with my band because I can eat real food and I don't feel hungry all the time. It's nice not to be throwing up all the time of course 2. I just wanted to share that with you good luck in making a decision.
  20. Fixerupper

    Waiting to drink after food

    It's still hard for me after two months. But if I forget I end up with my head in the toilet. I'm learning slowly but surely.
  21. Fixerupper

    Slow Losses

    Hey! I'm a May sleever and were running pretty close. I'm also on par with a number of others in our group. I have realized that often when people are posting huge losses they are including pre op diet loss as well and may have been on that for weeks. We're doing fine!
  22. Fixerupper

    2 part surgery

    It used to be that the sleeve was done commonly as the first part of the duodenal switch, a different type of bypass from rny.
  23. Please report her. She knew what she was saying was inappropriate and did it anyway. She should be written up.
  24. Fixerupper


    I eat them but sometimes they do give me the runs.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
