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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Fixerupper

  1. Fixerupper

    March Surgery Dates

    Just the one before liquids for now.
  2. I just did a quick Google search and it looks like while there are different Kaiser plans, they started covering bariatric surgery sometime in 2012. I found one article from October 2012 and another from May 2012 both discussing it. Also came across this link. http://www.nationalbariatriclink.org/kaiser-permanente-bariatric-insurance-coverage-requirements.html Don't give up hope. It is a long road of approvals and tests for all of us.
  3. Oh no. It's it possible to go ahead and start your supervised diet and switch insurance in the next six months while you do? I don't know if you have open enrollment or anything like that through an employer.
  4. Fixerupper

    March Surgery Dates

    Hey fellow Marchers! So i've decided that although my surgeon is not requiring me to do a pre-op diet I'm going to do one anyway. I just don't think the way I have been eating for the last week or so is what he had in mind ( I need some structure). I am a month out and it looks like some of you did a low carb for a couple of weeks and then shakes for the last two weeks. Is the low carb diet like Atkins where watching fat is not so much an issue but carbs are below 20g a day or is more like south beach with lean proteins, veggies, and low-glycemic fruit like berries? Anyway, hoping some of you can help give me some direction here so I can get myself on track. Surgery is on the 21st so I am a month out now.
  5. As a band to bypass revision I think you are definitely making the right choice. I could tell you so much about the years of misery with my band and damage done by it. Feel free to message me if you want details.
  6. Fixerupper

    Gall bladder attacks

    They are the worst. I thought I was having a heart attack the first time. I have been able to manage mine for a couple of years by recognizing early when it's coming and taking pain meds. Also avoiding high fat and spicy meal. Mine will be removed with my gp. I hope you are able to get through it until your surgery. I've also had to go into the er several times to have them just knock me out.
  7. As I was making my decision this time around I joined RNYtalk, Sleevetalk, and Bandtalk. I looked at the success stories and complications. I have a hiatal hernia, gastritis, and esophogitis from band complications along with horrible reflux that I did not have before the band. This is why I opted for the gp over sleeve because I could see from the forums that reflux was a problem after the sleeve and I am trying to resolve mine. I have a good friend who was sleeved a couple of months ago and is very happy, and another who was sleeved and suffered a life threatening leak. There is a much longer suture / staple line with the sleeve so I understand there is a higher risk of leaks. I have lost and kept off 50 pounds with the band over a five year period and I have lost and regained another 20 multiple times. One of the things my surgeon told me is that the risks associated with gp are now very close to that of gallbladder removal and appendectomy in the hands of an experienced surgeon. That gave me alot of comfort for some reason and helped me make my decision (I have to have my gallbladder removed anyway). You will see on the boards that the band does work for some people. For me, the scar tissue that formed around my band causes me to be too tight even with my band completely unfilled. I didn't cause that problem, the band did. That leads to eventually surviving on what you can which are junky "slider" foods. I have to take responsibility for doing that with my band. But, I would get so hungry that I felt I needed to get something down to my stomach and keep it down. Don't get me wrong. I too am scared of this surgery. But, I am just trying to focus on the positive. I wish you the best of luck in your decision. I know t is difficult. Sorry this is so long. I'm usually just typing from my phone but today I'm on the laptop so I could say more. Feel free to message me if I can be of any help or if you have questions.
  8. I'm a band to bypass revision on March 21. I wish I had listened five years ago when the PA at my surgeons office said you need to have a bypass not the band. I paid for not listening with five years of misery. It works for some people but the numbers are small over the long term. I wish my first wls had been my last. So looking forward to my revision! Best of luck to you.
  9. Welcome. I'm a band to bypass scheduled For March 21. I find there boards to be really helpful.
  10. Fixerupper

    Am i the only one?

    The are so many people here in unloving and unsupportive relationships. The right person is coming who will compliment the person you are becoming now.
  11. Fixerupper

    4 Years Post-Op

    You look amazing! Thanks so much for sharing. Just getting ready to begin this journey and stories like yours are such an inspiration.
  12. I also have fear because I have two little ones and excitement for all of the things we will be able to do together this summer that we haven't been able to before. My surgeon told me the risk levels are now almost equal to gallbladder removal or a appendectomy. That gave me a lot of comfort.
  13. Fixerupper

    March Surgery Dates

    Me too. I could put on a lot of weight before surgery at this rate. My doc doesn't require me to do liquid diet or lose weight before surgery. But somehow I think that has translated in my head to freedom to act a fool! I think I need the doc to put his for down with me and hold me accountable.
  14. Fixerupper

    Band to Bypass Buddy

    Hi Danielle. I just got a date Of March 21. Getting excited! Good luck to you.
  15. Fixerupper

    March Surgery Dates

    Great! Glad to have someone on the same day! I'm in Michigan. What about you?
  16. Fixerupper

    March Surgery Dates

    Could you add me please for March 21? Don't know how to do it myself. Thanks!
  17. Fixerupper

    March 11, 2013

    Hello there! March 21 for me. Can't wait to hear how you guys are doing!
  18. Fixerupper

    March Surgery Dates

    Hello all! Please add me to your group! I'm a band to bypass revision. Just got my date for March 21st! So Glad to have found all of you!
  19. Fixerupper

    Start Over

    Hey. In the same boat. Banded in 08. Fell of the wagon with lots of issues. Now being treated and climbing back on. Really hoping I can keep my band but doc will let me know tomorrow afternoon. I'm ready to do things right this time and be a success story!
  20. Fixerupper

    I have to brag

    Beautiful and motivating!
  21. Fixerupper

    My Lapband Horror Story

    Hello. I so sorry for what you are going through. I thought I'd share a bit of my story with you. I have been banded for five years and miserable for four, until now. I had a surgeon and doctors office that really did not care how I was doing and was so far away that I received almost no post op support. I threw up several times a day almost from the beginning. I told my doctor but he continued to put more fluid in my band each visit. Finally, I insisted upon a barium swallow and he could see that I was telling the truth but said it had nothing to do with the band. I was so frustrated that I never went back and just suffered through each day for years. I also had the severe pain and ended up in the emergency room where I met my new doctor who agreed to take me on. Today my life is amazing with my band still in place. The new doctor sent me to a gastro who scoped me and immediately began medicating me for severe reflux, gastritis, and esophagitis. Once we got that partially under control, my new doc removed all fluid from my band to allow the tissue to heal and now all reflux is gone and I actually still have some restriction. I was noncompliant before because I was so restricted in what I could eat because my band was too tight for me. I drank lots of calories and ate lots of easy to digest junk food. I have to take responsibly for that. I am also responsible for not finding another doctor sooner, not finding a support group, and not joining a group like this sooner. I won't argue the statistics with you but I will say this: if 50 or sixty percent of people succeed with band I'm going to be one of them! It sounds like you have had at least one bad doc and I hope you find a better one. There is hope but I know that defeated feeling. I was all geared up for a gp revision. When my current doc said he could fix things with my band I almost cried because I didn't want it fixed! I wanted it out! But lo and behold he is fixing it and I feel amazing! I don't have to worry about vitamin deficiency, malnutrition etc. But I was vitamin deficient and malnourished. My new doc treated me for that as well. I'm going to keep getting my b12 did because I love the way they make me feel. I'm starting over,fifty pounds lighter, and ready to be a success story. I really hope that you are able to get things figured out.
  22. Fixerupper

    Hello all!

    Hello fellow bandsters! I am new here but not a new bandster. I was banded a little over two years ago and I have lost almost 50 pounds (48). I lost all of my weight in the first 8-12 months. Unfortunately, I was overfilled and couldn't get any real food down so I compensated with the easy slider foods and weight loss stopped. A few days ago I found a new doc who is finally listening to me, removed the fluid from my band, and is treating the resulting complications. I feel awesome and can finally eat healthy food again. I'm relieved too because I really thought I was going to have to lose my band. I really want to do it right this time and joining this group is a part of that. All of the stories are so inspiring! I look forward to chatting with all of you here.
  23. Fixerupper

    New to the group!

    Welcome! I am new too. Good luck to you!

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