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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Fixerupper

  1. Fixerupper

    Help a newbie with TRACKING!

    Do you have a smartphone? The apps will do a lot of the work for you and make it much easier.
  2. Fixerupper

    The goal weight number

    I'm late to this but I just wanted to share that I really appreciated the way that my surgery center came up with a goal weight for me. They did a full body scan including bone density and muscle to fat ratio. They came up with a goal weight range for me between 170 and 177. That is much higher than the goal weight I would have picked for myself and I would like to get down about 20 pounds below that personally. I'm still much earlier out than a lot of you at just 7 weeks and they will do another full body scan as I get later in my process . But this goal weight doesn't feel nearly as arbitrary to me as just the BMI and takes into account the fact that I've got a larger bone build.
  3. Fixerupper

    Weight gain in hospital

    Yes. It really is the fluids. Don't worry. It generally all comes off plus some within the first two weeks. It happens to all of us I think.
  4. Fixerupper

    Are drains necessary?

    Initially my doc said he would use a drain if necessary. I did end up with one because i had a lot of fluid in my abdomen and I was a revision so I think they were also a little more concerned about a possible leak. The drain was not difficult to deal with. I pinned it under my clothes and went on back to work. It was out in a week but it gave me some comfort to be able to see the fluid and to know from the color that there was no infection. I have had zero complications and I lost like 20 pounds in the first two weeks I think partly because the fluid was allowed to drain out.
  5. Fixerupper

    so upset!

    Try to relax. They are probably experienced dealing with your insurance and feel confident that they will get you approved in time. I totally get your frustration though!
  6. Fixerupper

    Can I go to school after 4 days?

    I was back at a desk job on day four but my husband drove me to work and I didn't have to walk that much. I was sore but I want to use my vacation time for a vacation :-) there is Really no way to know ahead of time how you will feel though.
  7. Fixerupper

    Does insurance paid for revision?

    My revision did not require me to start over. It was covered fully and immediately as a medical necessity.
  8. I had one surgery and my recovery was an absolute breeze. I also had gallbladder removed and a hernia repair. I was back at work on day four post op. However my surgeon completely unfilled my band 3 months before my surgery, put me on several medications to calm the acid reflux and a medication for healing the lining of the stomach prior to my surgery. He also required several endoscopies So that he had a better idea of what he was getting into there. I'm really glad I didn't have to do two surgeries he was able to get it done in one but I trusted him and would have trusted whatever decision he thought was best.
  9. Fixerupper

    What if I die?

    I wrote letters to my kids and husband. It's perfectly normal. I am six weeks post now and so happy. It helped new to think that even with complications people almost never ever die and the risk is similar to gallbladder removal and other surgeries.
  10. Unjury chicken soup is good mixed into some Campbells fat free cream of chicken. The syntax nectars are pretty good and I really liked the syntax medical unflavored.
  11. How about some hummus it has a lot of protein. Greek yogurt. Peanut butter. Skin milk if you can handle it. Soft cheese.
  12. Yes don't eat or drink close to lying down. Also ask your doc to increase your ppi dosage or switch you to protonix it is slightly more expensive but it works better for me and my doc said that is true for a lot of people. Reflux can erode your esophagus.
  13. Fixerupper

    Opinion of band to sleeve conversion

    I am six weeks out from revision. My story is the same as Kristina's. Hated my band and love my sleeve. It feels so good to be able to eat real healthy foods again after five years of hell. Down thirty pounds in six weeks . No pre op diet. I did gain in the three months I was completely unfilled. I'm so happy I did this and have had zero problems.
  14. Fixerupper


    Protonix is the only acid reducer that works for me. Without it I feel like I am starving.
  15. Fixerupper


    Sending you a big hug. You will be home and up and about before you know it. Just think of the quality you will add to your life and your child's when you are able to do more and no longer sick from the stupid band.
  16. My reflux was bad before surgery thanks to band issues. I still have it. Doc just put me on protonix because the other meds weren't working. It is helping. Acid makes me feel like I am starving!
  17. Fixerupper

    Suddenly Sad....

    I know I'm hormonal. I cried over a Kermit the frog song last week! My kids were like "are you crying??? " hope you start feeling better soon.
  18. Fixerupper

    Why diesnt my butt hurt!?

    My office is on the 33rd floor and I am usually on the elevator alone so I do full plies all the way up and all the way down. My butt is sore :-). It could just be that you are in good shape already.
  19. Fixerupper

    African American Sleevers

    I just saw this! Thank you so much for your response. I'm gonna try it.
  20. I expressed concern about this to my doc too. He gave me no pre op diet and got me back on real whole foods as quickly as possible post op.
  21. Fixerupper

    Lets be honest...

    Once my docs told me that the risk of death was the same as for gallbladder removal, appendix removal, and a lot of other general surgeries it really calmed my nerves. Especially because I had to have my gallbladder removed anyway. Also there are a handful of people here on vst with a really sarcastic sense of humor. It can be off putting sometimes if you are not the same way but you will get to know who they are. I think people were just joking around with you.
  22. They do it laparoscopically just like the sleeves so there's no cutting open. It does have a function but by the time it starts hurting you in acting up its really not functioning well anymore anyway. I feel so much better and I'm losing weight a great days without the gallbladder. The attacks for me continue to get worse the longer I left it in I'm so glad to have it out.

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