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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by skikyd

  1. <p>I take over 30 health meds and now with the Vitamins it will be so much. Is there anyway to find a Vitamins that has it all. I just started to look and haven't found one yet.</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>I have to crush my vitamins after surgery. but this is what I have</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Calicum Carbonate 600mg two tab a day</p>

    <p>Multivitamins 2 a day after surgery (now I need Iron pills bc the one that my pharmacist gave me have no Iron in them )</p>


    <p>Vitamins D-3 1000iu three caps a day</p>

    <p>B-12 1000mg one a day.</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>I would like to get them all in one pill is that possible ?</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>also Im going to start taking Biotin 5000mcg a day. and also flax seed plus Fiber. </p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>ok going back to topic, is there one pill that will cover for all of the above</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>thank you</p>

    <p> </p>

    My doctor recommended a single complete Vitamin supplement

    Called. Bariatic fusion.

    I'll be on it rest of life. I buy them at hospital pharmacy ( no prescription). $25.00/ month

  2. What is your excercise routine right now? I've been doing 30 minute treadmill with various inclines at 3.5mph or 30 minutes on the excercise bike then 15 minutes of weights for arms and legs then 30 minutes of moderate pace walking on the track.

    I do 3 , 45 minute cross train ( boot camp) type

    Sessions. And then 30-40 min elliptical and or rowing machine 1-2 times / week

  3. <p>This is not weird, just bizarre.<br><br>

    Yesterday, one of my clients told me how "wonderful" I look. She then went on to tell me that she has always been underweight and that her doctor told her that she had to put on pounds (and she is and she did). In turn, I told her she looks wonderful (and she does).<br><br>

    She then started asking me what clothing size I am now (WTF!?!?), what clothing size I was before (WTF-er!?!?!) and what size I would like to be. She accurately guessed that I am a 10 and that I was close to 8s before I could even form a sentence. She asked me what my goal size was or if I was finished losing. I did tell her that I would love to be a 6. She then GRABBED MY WRIST, PULLED UP MY SLEEVE and told me I would look sickly at a size 6. My bones are obviously far too big to ever be a six and I would not look good at all.<br><br>

    She's lucky she's in her late 60s. I don't let ANYONE, including Mr. LSL, grab me without a bit of pain in return. I know she meant well, and it was all a compliment, but it was BIZARRE.</p>

    May be she wanted to swap some clothes with you!

  4. Not a best or worst.... , but most absurd.

    I did not tell my mother I had WLS. I just do not need her push back.

    When I had lost 27 pounds ...... She looked at me, and told me I had gained weight.

    When the weight loss was obvious ( even to her) I said I had a thyroid condition ( which I did) that caused weight loss.

    I had the thyroid tumor removed.

    Now every time I see her she asks. " have you gained your weight back"?

    " you deserve to gain that weight"?

    I answer the weight loss is a gift I do not want to give back.

  5. Maybe not the best or worst.... But the most weird was my surgeon asked me to lose weight before surgery. He said he wanted me to have a FLAT BELLY....


    I have not been a flat belly in about 50 years. I thought to my self....." this MOFO IS CRAZY"

    I lost 40 lbs Pre- op. not a fat belly. ( or even concave LOL)

    3 1/2 months post op...... Almost flat.

    I'm crying tears of joy!

  6. I live near Methuen.

    I do not know any one there.

    I looked into Lowell General and had sleeve at Lahey in Burlington, a " center of Excellence". Everything was I first class.

    My insurance company insisted on a " center of Excellence" ONLY.

    I had a post op cardiac complication. Boy was I glad to be there"

    I would be happy to give more info to you.

  7. I am still loosing. 67 gone ..... 33 to go.

    Back in the gym after a long lay off. Doing a cross train - boot camp type program 4 times/ week. No weights.

    Lots of aerobics, push ups, crunches, etc. it's all good! Sore and winded after each session. It will come.

  8. I am 5'11" (maybe even 6' now that I stand taller with better posture) and my body carries 180-185 well with a bf % of 16. If I go below 180 # then I start to get all the "you are too skinny" remarks from family. My lowest was 170 # and that was too low. This is what I am finding out since my post above.

    I am 5'10". With a goal of 185#.

    Eating right and working out hard.

    33 lbs to go.

  9. I hate to admit it but in 2013 I lost 66 pounds with out exercise.

    66 lbs TOTAL. 40 pre-op. 26 post op.... 3 months.

    post op my rate of weight loss has slowed to less than it should be between 1 to 2 lbs /week.

    Starting today I am ramping up my exercise to add aerobics classes 2-4 time pre week.

    I have 33 pounds to go and I AM GOING FOR IT. NOTHING IS GOING TO STOP ME!

  10. You'll find the whole not drinking while eating then waiting gets easier. Did for me at least. Getting 64 ounces of Water is the only thing now that I *have* to do. <br><br>

    Preop diet sucked big time. Mine was two week of 5 Protein shakes a day. It seems like ancient history when you wake up from the surgery. All those hunger feelings are gone.

    I agree. The eating not drinking is hard but gets easier. I need to remember to note the time I finish eating..... So I know hen to start drinking.

    Sometimes I set the bezel on my watch.

    Getting 64 oz in is still a challenge

  11. Getting anxious for surgery date. I'm 2days into pre-op diet and have to say this is probably the hardest diet I've have ever done its alittle difficult not drinking while eating then waiting 30 mins, but feeling motivated I know this is a long road but the end results should be worth it.


    It will be be ok.

    For me the Pre-op was the easiest part. Tightest rules= fewest choices.

    I admit the eating/. Waiting to drink is difficult. Not actually NECESSARY at Pre-op stage.

  12. When I was on Weight Watchers My "ideal weight" according to them was between 159-179... I am 6 foot tall! When I started my journey back in 2007 I was 430 lbs... I had the lap band surgery... I lost about 150lbs... However I had to have the band removed because of complications last October... I went back up to 300 lbs... I had my sleeve surgery on Sept. 11th! I'm down to 276. I would like to get at least 200lbs and see how I feel... I think that the US weight ideals are crazy low... You should set a short term goal, see how you feel and if you want to go for more- do it! Whatever makes you feel good!

    Forget the weight " charts"

  13. Thanks for all the encouragement, cause of my occupation I'll be off from work for a month, so I won't be able to keep my surgery a secret from coworkers, especially afterwards since we all eat together most of the time.

    I have not shared my surgery with any but a couple of co-workers. Some ask what I am doing which I hone testily reply...high Protein, no Water with meals, low calorie. I was On full fluids when I went back, so I was pretty sure it would be noted, but I was pretty low key, and it just didn't come up. I think lots of people may be interested in the surgery element but I will only discuss it if the conversation is genuine and relevant....not just curiosity...

    That is just my thought...

    The bitch of it is. Nobody notices the first 50 pounds you lose.A friend put it well: " you look normal, like you always did.". :)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
