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Posts posted by Duitsy15

  1. My advice is to measure yourself chest, waist, calves, thighs, arms neck ect. so that when you feel like nothings happening you can remeasure and hopefully see some progress! but i think you're doing great so far. sounds like you really have control over your situation!!

  2. he wanted me to "aggressively move to solids" yeah i thought i was supposed to be on mushy stuff for the second week atleast. i went straght from liquids the first week to solids. they didnt want me having any liquid calories after a week. including yogurt!! i've been fine no real pain or anything i dont think anything has gotten stuck. no puking or anything either.

    my diet is meats cheeses nuts peanutbutter ect. not supposed to really eat fruits or veggies cuz of the carbs.. idk he doesnt give great detailed instructions and i'm a shy person especially when it comes to talking to drs. so i feel kinna lacking in instructions. i mean hes good hes been doing this for 11 or so years and has awards and several practices, i just feel like i'm the only one on here on this diet.

  3. havent had a fill yet. surgery was the 7th of this month..

    So my surgeon has me on a "no" carb diet. which i'm horrible at but i've been serious about it lately.. what doesnt make sense to me is that small quantities high in Protein do not fill me up, (even large quantities of protein doesnt) but if i have a small bowl of Cereal or a piece of pizza (bad i know) it fills me up...so i feel like i am eating much higher calorie amounts on a no carb highhh protein diet than i was when i was being more lenient.. i had alot of protein yesterday and i was still hungry all day.. i'm just frustrated... will this change after i have a fill...? also what are your guys' strategies for being on a low carb/no carb diet?? cuz im floundering..

  4. I certainly went through the fear and anxiety, it was after my surgery. for me i think it was fear of change, but also the fear of failure. i was lucky about the insurance though(i think it is because of how overweight i am). but you hear about people getting denied their first time. i'd say apply again if need be. but i think if you get the surgery u will be so glad you did despite the fear you are going through.

    i really hope everything works out for you!

    im rooting for you! i prolly spelled that wrong.. sorry! :)

  5. i got banded jan 7th so i still remember what that feels like pretty dang well.. yeah my parents started clapping whenever i did my little baby burps cuz it was such an accomplishment :) but i agree with what some other people said, i would walk around alot when the pressure was bad and it helped so much. even though i dont know from experience yet cuz i havnt had my first fill yet i know that it will all be worth it!

    hang in there, you will feel so much better just within the week!

    good luck!

  6. My surgeon told me that it is also fine not to lose any weight during this period too. so i'm sure that what you're going through right now is completely normal. i know how you feel about being afraid to see your surgeon if things arent going perfectly but we shouldnt think like that! I'm sure they are understanding.

    good luck!

  7. Hi everyone.

    so i was wondering if anyone else has been having my problem. today starts my second week on real food so im fairly new to my band. but anyway randomly ill take a bite or two of my meal and i get so nauseous (gagged a few times never puked) I'm wondering why this happens. it doesnt happen everytime i eat something. does it have to do with it being the first thing i've eaten in the day?


  8. thanks hummingbird and mis73 for the encouragement.

    yeah i also have over 200 to lose. but yup.. i just need to be super hard core from now on. i know itll be worth it.. but why am i feeling so fearful... idk its just all new i guess.. like how (cliche i know... but) it really is the first day of the rest of my life and just not knowing is freaking me out.

    Panic-ing aside it's good to know people have gone through the same struggles as me :)

  9. well im glad to hear what i'm feeling about not being full is normal. i just wish i didnt have to wait for a fill!!! how many fills did it take you till you were at the right point? it seems like 4.9 is alot compared to what i've heard from others.

    Did you start out losing pretty slow too?

    yeah thats what i was afraid to hear about the port, but i guess ill worry about it once i get to that point.


  10. Hi everyone. Im amy. I'm 21 years old and i just recently got my band. I've now been on regular foods for a week. I've lost roughly 6 lbs since my surgery. I know it's going to go slowly, but i feel like i should have lost more than that by now. idk. but anyway.

    I'm curious about a few things..

    What type of diets are you on? i'm on a "no" carb diet and will only go to a balanced diet after i'm at my goal. is that what you all are doing too?

    Also even though i can tell a difference with my band with no fill, i can still eat quite a bit with out any consequence (pressure, etc) .. is this normal for people to feel this way before you get a fill?

    Another thing i'm worried about is my port is kind of noticeable.. at least to me, when i lose more n more weight will it stick out even more??

    responses are much appreciated!! :)


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