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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by CA712

  1. CA712

    UPDATES: What's hot & what's not!

    I guess we are not having a chat this weekend; I haven't heard from anyone. I hope everyone is doing well. As you know I am now 5 weeks post op and still have days that I feel like I am dragging ass. I get all my protein in now so I am not sure what is going on. I am at a loss for words. I am not sorry that I have had this surgery but it sure is tough. My hubby still wants to eat out everyday for breakfast and I don't want to go out and now this is causing a problem. He has lost is eating buddy and now he is mad at me. I have not idea what to think.
  2. Skinnyplze, have you told your surgeon or family doctor about how you are feeling? I think that is where I would start first. After 5 weeks post op I do have days that I feel I am in a daze and do not have enough energy. Are you taking all your vitamins? I take 2 multi vitamins a day along with vitamin D, vitamin C and I just starting taking Iron supplements. If I am still feeling this way 3 months post op I am going to request a blood test regarding vitamin levels. I work really hard at getting my protein in each day and believe me I have to work at it. I just started walking everyother day and have joined a gym but I can relate to what you are saying.
  3. CA712

    Any March Sleevers?

    Fluffy62 Thank you so much, you have made my week. I am here for you too and If I can help you thru a hard time I am here for you
  4. I had my surgery 4 weeks ago after 3 years of deciding to go forward with this surgery. This is major surgery and not meant to be taken lightly but have years of yo, yo dietingm wieght watchers, Jenny Craig, LA weight loss and a few others I made the decision to have this surgery. I have had my ups and downs since surgery but slowly I am regaining energy and I am now starting a walking program for myself. I am just taking baby steps. I too have always used food for so many reasons and my social life always around food. I have passed up so many lucheons since my surgery but I don't care I need to do this for myself and if some of my friends don't understand than maybe I need to find new friends. I meet with a few friends at the park and we sit a talk, enjoy each other's company and we really listen to each of us has to say without worrying about food. I will go to the movies and enjoy the movie with a bottle of water instead of a coke. I have joined a bookclub and look for discussion groups on a variety of subjects at local colleges. So there really is lots to do that do not involve food. I realized since my surgery there is no going back, changing my mind I need to move forward without the food being involved as the main attraction. Eating is so enjoyable with freinds and family but it cannot be the center of my world any longer those days are over, I get a little sad about it but when I get on the scale I am happy that I had this surgery.
  5. CA712

    Any March Sleevers?

    It has been 4 weeks since my surgery and I am still trying to get back all my strengh. I never have been one for excerise since I have been so out of shape and too heavy to move. When I did move my knees and feet would hurt too much and I became out of breathe so fast. I know I should have started excerising before this but I just want to be careful that I do not cause any problem with my incions. Well, 6 days ago I decided to take baby steps so I began (don't laugh) walking for 1 minute on my treadmill and did that for 3 days on a row then moved up to 2 minutes my 1st goal is to walk a whole whopping 5 minutes every day. I should reach that goal in a few days from now. I also bought myself stretch bands and started doing leg and knee excerises today. Once I reach my goal of walking 5 minutes each day, I will work up to walking an amazing 10 minutes each day. My ultimate goal is to walk 40 minutes each day. I really am not used to making time for myself so this is all new to me. Just doing something to help me for a change is going to take time so these baby steps are what I need to do. I am so impressed that some of you are already up and walking 30 minutes each day since your March surgeries. I am so proud of all of you for getting out there and moving.
  6. CA712


    SassySenior, I am in the Eastern Standard time Zone. Are we still on or do we need to reschedule? Cheryl
  7. CA712


    Hi SassySenior and southernsoul. How does 7:30 saturday night sound? Let me know and where will I find you on this site? Cheryl
  8. CA712


    So Happy to hear the pc is back from the hospital. Is Saturday evening a good time? Around 7pm, just let me know where to find this chat group and I will be there. Cheryl
  9. Thank you both BBdoodle and worm2872, I appreciate your input. I did go to my gyno today and he gave me a pap test and did a biopsy of my uterus and now I have to get an vaginal utrasound next week. When he gets results he will call me for an appointment. I really think you are right worm that I have been so heavy for so long that by lossing wieght it is now making my hormones go wacky on me. BBdoodle just be happy you did not get this problem. I just really hope it is my wacky hormones causing this problem. I will keep you both posted once I know what is going on. Thank you Ladies. Cheryl
  10. I am 63 years old and I have been having trouble getting all my water in too. Here it is 11;30 pm and I am still trying to get the last 10 oz of water in. My nutrionist told me to add crystal light to my water to help with flavor. Plan water makes me sick. Dehydation is something we all want to avoid and with spring and summer coming on we had better work at this or we will all be passing out. Protein has also been a problem for me, I have always loved Chocolate but the chocolate protein shakes are so nasty that I have learned to get my protein from packaged protein such as protein chicken soup, tomato soup and hot chocolate. I ordered these from American Bariatric Store.com. If you eat too fast you will dump believe me I had the same problem and have learned to slow my eating way down. Sometimes I am so slow that I need to re-heat my protein soup. Good Luck.
  11. I am 3 weeks post op met with my nutrionist today for the 1st time since my surgery and she is starting me on soft foods next week. I have to say that I am so sick and tired of protein shakes and just started yogurt this week. Does anyone else feel the same as I do? There are those who think I have taken the easy way out to lose weight but we all know that is just not the case. I am thankful for the protein shakes, they do take away any hunger but still I am at my witts end.
  12. I was def of vitamin D before my surgery and had been taking 5,000 iu of it for over a year. I had my surgery 3 weeks ago and all I am taking at this point is a B-12 and 2 muti vitamins a day. I am seeing my nutrionist next Tuesday and I am going to request Vitamin D from her. It is really important to keep up with our vitamins. I am really sure I still am low on vitamin D.
  13. CA712

    8 weeks out!

    You look great, what a difference 8 weeks has made. I had my surgery 3 weeks ago, Congratulations again.
  14. CA712

    Any March Sleevers?

    Hello March Sleevers, I am now 3 weeks post op and still on full liquids, I will be seeing my nutrionist next Tuesday so I am thinking that is when she will start adding some items to my current regime. I am hoping that all of you who have already had your surgery are doing well and for those of you still waiting to get your surgery done this month are in a good place mentally. Waiting around is the hardest but March is our month to a new beginning, it is spring time and its our time to bloom into a healthier body and mind. We have Taken this journey together and we are on our way!!! We are each going to have the same surgery and we will share same experiences as well as different situations as we move forward. So, lets help each other out and don't forget to check in on the forum after your surgery and stay connected with the March Sleevers. We all need support along the way. Happy Easter to All, Cheryl
  15. I would call your surgeon and see if you have any additional follow up visits, You had the sleeve and seems to me you would have had one follow up visit a week after surgery, another visit a month or two after surgery as well. Some doctors require a 3 month and 6 month and 1 year visit before you are released but I guess every surgeon is different. You should be on vitamins, 2 multi each day one breakfast and one lunch, B12 and calcium. Not sure why you were not told as someone said it might be an oversight for some reason. Do you have a nutrionist you are working with to go thru this process? Does your surgeon have a nutriionist that he uses for his bariatric patients? Also is there a local support group at the hospital you could attend their once a month meetings. These are just suggestions that might help you.
  16. Hello, I had my surgery on March 11th and was told to wait 7 days before starting my vitamins. I was told to wait and let a little healing start before I start on vitamins
  17. CA712


    Hey Sassy hope you are up and running soon!!!! Cheryl
  18. CA712

    Any March Sleevers?

    I hope you get your surgery and the insurance company approves; Mine looks for BMI over 40 and comorbiltiy issues like: high blood pressure, sleep apnea, diabetics, urinary incontenence, you do not have to have all these issues but if BMI is over 40 and you one or more of these health issues so do not over look anything.
  19. Hello, Just wondering if any Baby Boomers are having their surgery this month. I am having mine March 11th.
  20. Hi Kate, Thank you for your good thoughts, We are all on the mending side of WLS and we will encounter many struggles along the way. Like you, Water has been such a struggle for me. I am told by my nutrionist that this is normal and because our stomach is now smaller you just do not feel there is a need for water. I was told it might take me up to a week to start getting all of my water in and sure enough it has. The most important thing is to NOT get de-hydrated. There have been some folks I have found on a forum who were sent to the emergency room and stayed overnight because of dehyradtion. So I keep track of my water intake, I have a journal that I keep and every 3 hours I will write down how much water I drank in the morning, then I do it again at 4pm and make a last entry at 10pm. I did get pain meds after surgery while I was still in recovery and it really did help big time. All you want to do the first 2 days after surgery is sleep and get pain meds. The day after surgery sometime in the afternoon I was given my usual pain meds but at that time the meds were starting to make me nausiated and I thought I was going to throw-up which is the LAST thing you want to do so the nurse gave me medication to get rid of it. I was surprised how fast it worked and I felt great in just 1 or 2 minutes. Be aware that you will walk ASAP. You will walk at least 4 hours after you wake up even if it is a short walk. this will help you get rid of the pressure of gas and help with circulation. I was on vicodin and it really took care of the pain. The reason why I compared it child birth because the pain reminder me of the 1st stage of labor ( I promise you it is not that bad). And, like having a baby when you first get out of bed there is a heaviness in you stomach so just have a small pillow with you hold it into you stomach for support,( I really helps a lot) I had my surgery last Monday March 11th and today Monday March 18, just one week and the feeling is all gone( it is nothing to fear) you will do just fine, stay positive and ask many questions if you are unsure. I am here for you and it is my previlege to be one of your mentors. I am here for you Kate. God Bless, Cheryl
  21. CA712

    PC FLU

    well I just wanted to let everyone know that I am having my 1st post op visit with my surgeon tomorrow. I will let you know what I find out. Since I am not allowed to drive a car for 2 weeks I am at the mercy of kind family members. I have been staying close to home but ventured out today. Was not too bad just had a little trouble getting in and out of car. The heavy feeling in my stomach everytime I stand and walk is just starting to go away. I must remind myself that slow and steady this the right course for me. I hope everyone is doing well and will miss SassySenior this week.
  22. CA712


    I'm on board!!!!!!!
  23. Wow this conversation is really helpful to me, thank you all for your input. I am 1 week post op and I see my surgeon tomorrow. I am sure he will put me on the scale (THE NASTY SCALE) am I am afraid. Once I do this I am not going to get back on the scale unitl I see my nutritionist at the end of the month. This light cranberry juice I have been drinking I just noticed has 50 Calories, 14 grams sugar and 14gram carbs, I am only allowed 10oz of it a day but boy you really need to keep track of what you are drinking. If I do not drink these 10oz of diet ocean spray I sure do not know what to do since everything else is so tasteless.
  24. Hello to all, This baby boomer had her surgery on Monday March 11th, I am now one week post op. This first week was hard I have been thru so much this past week, the pain, not getting enough water and protein in and that is because I did not feel like eating or drinking. I had to keep telling myself sip, sip, sip and sip again. The 1st few days after surgery are the worst but not any worse than having a baby. This first week I just keep making sure that each day I would do better than I did the day before. Here it is 7 days later and I am happy to say that as of yesterday I was able to get 60 grams of protein in and 60 oz of water so it does get better. I am now walking better and I do not feel like I am in a fog any longer. I have to say that there were a few days that I experienced chills and could not keep warm but that could have been from the surgery and blood thinners I was on. I really need to start getting out and walking soon I will see my surgeon for a 1 week post op visit tomorrow and I will let you know what he says. I have not been on the scale at all, I just want to do what I am suppose to do and hopefully the numbers will follow in do time. I sure hope all of you who are having up coming surgeries just keep a positive mindset and I am doing and keep the neighsayers away from your front door. Just follow you surgeons guidlines to the letter and support is very important. Have a great day folks. Cheryl
  25. CA712

    Any March Sleevers?

    I had my surgery 5 days ago and I am now just starting to feel better so hang in there the 19th is almost here and you are going to be just fine. the first few days are the toughest but it does get better. think of how wonderful you are going to feel in a few months. Blood presure will be better, clothes will fit better and will start to get too big for you. If you are a diabetic you will improve, everything will be better, just walking will be easier. I will keep you in my prayers sugarmoma. God Bless,

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