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Posts posted by kimikat3

  1. I'm so afraid to do this and I have surgery scheduled for March 22.

    I'm afraid because it's a new surgery and there aren't many long term facts about how people fare.

    I'm a little afraid too because I had a panic attack after having my lapband removed. I'd never had one before and I actually had two after that. I don't have them now.

    I'm a broken person though and I need fixing. Pretty much out of other options.

    That's where I am and if it were my heart' date=' I'd have surgery right?

    What are your thoughts?[/quote']

    I think it's natural to be hesitant about going into any surgery that causes a permanent change in your body. If you are not 100% sure about diving into this, or if you are still having doubts if its the right choice for you, perhaps you should wait a while. Once it's done, it's done.

    I had my sleeve done on the 26th of Feb. the first week was VERY difficult for me. Not from a physical aspect, but from the emotional repercussions. I make Breakfast, lunch and dinner for my family. Not being able to indulge in what I was making daily was VERY tough for me. I couldn't even taste it while I was making it! However, I have discovered that my sense of smell has heightened and I now enjoy making meals more than ever. I'm able to take in the aroma of the spices and seasonings... It's almost as good as tasting it (without the guilt) ;)

    I think this whole process really truly has to be a complete lifestyle change. Not to say you will never think about, or miss the food that got you to this point... But it's one of the times that you have to say your good byes and move on from. Some people choose to go back to those food, and eat them in moderation (remember, you won't be able to eat the large meals again, just a small portion of what you use to). I personally have made the decision not to revisit these foods. To me they were my drug. They were addictive and clearly I wasn't able to stop on my own, like I thought I could. I feel that I have been so blessed to have a second chance at this and I will not go back to old habits. That is MY PERSONAL way of handling this.

    Anywho... Just think long an hard before you do this. Everybody has their own experience. Some great and successful and others no so much.

  2. Minnie78

    I was sleeved on the 19th and my scale has also not moved in 7 days. From what I have been reading on here' date=' it seems to happen to alot of people. Some have said it lasts up to 3 weeks. Try not to let it upset you. I am trying not to weigh myself just so I dont get frustrated. The pounds are bound to start falling off eventually.:-)[/quote']

    I think that is a wonderful outlook!!! We have the rest of our lives to work at this. Being obsessed with the numbers scale is an hold habit of mine that I swore I would not carry over after my surgery. As long as I'm doing what I'm suppose to, and I am feeling the benefits of that... Well, then I am succeeding. No number is going to tell me any different! ;)

  3. Minnie78

    I was sleeved on the 19th and my scale has also not moved in 7 days. From what I have been reading on here' date=' it seems to happen to alot of people. Some have said it lasts up to 3 weeks. Try not to let it upset you. I am trying not to weigh myself just so I dont get frustrated. The pounds are bound to start falling off eventually.:-)[/quote']

    I think that is a wonderful outlook!!! We have the rest of our lives to work at this. Being obsessed with the numbers scale is an hold habit of mine that I swore I would not carry over after my surgery. As long as I'm doing what I'm suppose to, and I am feeling the benefits of that... Well, then I am succeeding. No number is going to tell me any different! ;)

  4. I told my mom today' date=' I feel funny. She asked, are you in pain? Nope. Just feel...I don't know what I'm feeling. I'm 6 days post op, and don't know is that a I need to eat feeling? Did I sip to fast? Am I full? I'm thinking that will change when I get to more solid foods because the signals aren't too clear now lol.[/quote']

    I know EXACTLY the feeling that you are referring to!!! I have it as well. I can't decide if its my tummy saying its hungry, if its just processing the fluids or previous "food". If its telling me its hungry, it's going to take a while to adjust to because its nothing like it use to be!

  5. I was sleeved the 25th... I'm Having such a hard time getting all my Protein in.. i have shakes and unflavored Unjury powder that ive tried putting in stuff... it is NOT unflavored and it makes me gag everytime.. so ive been skimping on that... but i do try to get a shake down a day.. but thats only what 25 grams or protein.. <img src='http://www.bariatricpal.com/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' /> frustrated

    I am with you!!! I have struggled with this, and I know it will be easier once we can have food that has protein in it. For now, it's a battle. I ordered some samples of unjury unflavored and mixed HALF of a packet in 24oz of fruit punch crystal light, and it tasted like pure Vitamins. It was horrible!!! :(

    I also had ordered samples of Syntrax Nectors (assorted flavors), I made a blended shake with the double cookie crunch today and I have to say, it's pretty damn good! I have a hard time with the consistency of milk, so products that are "milky" have always been difficult for me to drink. If I had a straw, I would be able to get it down much easier....

  6. Hello! Feeling great! I'm seven days out now (well, I guess right days since its almost midnight) . Had horrible nausea and gas pains for the first couple of days... Not I feel absolutely "normal". My abdominal muscles are still sore, but nothing horrid. Feels like I've been working out my abs hardcore. ;)

    Having difficulty getting in all of my fluids, but I keep pushing along. I did have a pretty big breakdown last night from all of the emotional ups and downs. I have been preparing all meals for my family since surgery and its been a bittersweet duty. I love being able to smell the food and to cook, but as soon as I'm done and they are eating (and I'm not), the reality sets in. I KNOW it's temporary, but never the less, it's hard to deal with.

    Other than that, life has been good. Very grateful that I was able to have this surgery done!

    Tomorrow morning I start on introducing yogurts, sf pudding, cottage cheese, ricotta cheese and sf apple sauce. It will be nice to have a bit of substance to my diet now. ;)

    Thanks for checking on me.

  7. I am definitely going to try the unflavored. I looked up some recipes and one recommendation is to mix it in mayo/miracle whip and then make your chicken' date=' egg, or tuna salads. Lots of possibilities. I had no idea they had unflavored Protein.[/quote']

    I would be curious how that would taste! It's defiantly not "unflavored" as try call it, I mean it is in he sense that its not chocolate or strawberry... But it does have flavor to the taste. Perhaps it disguises better when mixed with other bases than Water and crystal light. I'll have to give it a chance with some skim milk and a banana... That light be might be mighty tasty!

    Keep me posted on your ventures with it! ;)

  8. I like it because I can add it to almost anything so I would say yes. You just have to try and get creative with what you use it with. I did try it with crystal light yesterday and I could not finish it but I make a smoothie with the premiere protien shake' date=' a scoop of unjury, kale, spinach and a tablespoon of Peanut Butter and it is delicious:-)[/quote']

    I guess I need to be more creative with my unflavored Protein... Because I mixed HALF of the sample packet (equal to half a scoop) with my 24 oz r crystal light and it tasted like Vitamins. Yuck! :(

  9. Just ate a few bites of ricotta bake' date=' recipe I found on here and I feel very sick to my stomach, anything I can do to help my self from throwing up?!

    I'm still sore I can't imagine the pain of committing <img src='http://www.bariatricpal.com/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' />[/quote']

    NOOOOO!!!!! I'm soooo lookin forward to ricotta back tomorrow night (my first "dinner" since being sleeved).

  10. I was sleeved in the 25th. I moved to the blended stage today and it hurts so bad. I'm so hungry being in full liquids but egg beaters hurt going down. I used a small fork' date=' chewed until it was nothing left to chew and i ate slow. I'm a little nervous to try it again. I guess I'm going back to full liquids until after my follow up on Friday. How are the rest of you doing? Anybody experiencing gas pains after swallowing?[/quote']

    I was sleeved on the 26th, have been on liquids only. Tomorrow I start to introduce yogurt, cottage cheese, low fat cheese, sf apple sauce and ricotta cheese (soooo looking forward to some ricotta bake!!!) but I can't have eggs of any sort or refried Beans for another week (start on the 14th). Maybe going with smoother soft foods like yogurt, sf puddings, sf apple sauce would be easier to get down for now... ????

  11. Totally get that! I've only been off the liquid diet a few days... Hope it's the newness of it all and a learning curve. I think my surgery center is a great place' date=' but I think I sort of fell through the cracks. I don't even have a goal weight or what they expect me to do (weight loss wise)...[/quote']

    You are NOT alone in your struggles. I am seven days post op and last night had my breaking point. This liquid diet business is for the damn birds. I have been preparing wonderful smelling meals for my family every evening and making Breakfast burritos for my husband in the mornings. I have found that my sense of smell has become insanely sharp! So making all of these meals has become more intense on a daily basis. Last night I make a taco bake recipe that they love and it filled the house with a wonderful aroma of spices! Yesterday I was discouraged and feeing "low". I slept most of the day, didn't drink much Water and had absolutely no Protein intake! After smelling the food at the end of the day, I was a wreck! I sat down and bawled my eyes out. For hours. I KNOW I did my surgery for a reason, and I KNOW it will get easier.. But that doesn't help the current feeling of being lost and frustrated.

    Hang in there. We have all been through the the journey. Everyday is a NEW day! :) however, I do agree with VsgKirk, you may want to meet up with your psychologist or dietitian and review your emotional thoughts/behavior. You don't want to travel down the wrong paths if you can avoid it.


    Good luck with everything!

  12. Man after surgery I have something new to talk about everyday lol. Seriously though I am way too prissy for diarrhea all the time. I get the urge and I just wanna cry cos I'm so grossed out by my body right now. Gas was disturbing enough and now diarrhea?? How do people ever feel sexy after surgery if they are constantly blowing ass and pooping brown Water... Not cool folks.

    Ha!!! Well, look at it as calories out! ;) make sure you don't get dehydrated from it though.

    I'm the complete opposite (and a bit concerned now), I'm seven days post op and haven't had any movement at all!!! Just gas, no urge to go.

  13. Why do y'all use powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury over other brands? I have never tried it but I have used Jay Robb since my first WLS (recommended by surgeon). They have good flavors and high Protein and an unflavored one. I was just wondering how you chose which Protein to use. Lately I have just been drinking muscle milk because I'm so burned out on Protein drinks.

    I just ordered samples packets to give it a try (unflavored only). I also ordered an assortment pack (11 packets) of Syntrax Nectors. The Syntrax has some fruit flavors and some "shake" flavors. I figured being new at this, I need to find a couple protein flavors/mixes that I can tolerate.

    I was a HUGE fan of Premier Protein shakes pre surgery. I would drink them on a daily basis to get use to drinking them after surgery. Unfortunately, they make me gag now. I thought it was the consistency, so I added some Water, I tried drinking it on ice, tried blending it... Nope still couldn't take it down.

    I'm looking forward to trying these new ones out. ;)

  14. I was sleeved Feb 25 (1 wk' date=' 1 day ago) and now that I made it through "hell week" feel like I might survive lol. In the hospital I was nauseous and wobbly and once home I was in pain, my legs swelling and tingling and couldn't get more then a couple tblspns in a day of Water or nourishment. Definitely couldn't stomach the shakes and had trouble finding anything that tasted right. I think my taste buds are finally headed back towards normal now- whew! Hubby was sleeved Dec 17 and sailed through everything with no problem, followed the diet with no problem, very little pain, was riding an exercise bike within a few days- basically the best possible outcome. I on the other hand was the complete opposite. I finally just decided I was going to have to eat a bit outside the norm or I was not going to make it and for me that made me start healing. So for example last night I had 1 oz of salmon mixed with a teeny amount of healthy mayo and this morn i am working my way through a scrambled egg and then will have a couple oz of OJ. Including my 2 wk pre-op diet I've now lost 22 lbs including all that Fluid weight gain from the IV and surgery. Hubby and I both use myfitness pal- easy to use and nice to see the Protein and calorie numbers.

    TMI: My 3rd day I pooped (hey, we all do it, lol) normally but then for the next few days I had diarrhea everytime I managed to eat something. Thankfully that seems to have passed. Maybe it was the Lobster Bisque, lol. I did have trouble bending over to wipe from the belly pain and hubby bought me this stick thing you attach the TP to but it really didn't work. Not worth the 15. Actually he had bought me a bidet attachment thing for the toilet but our toilet wasn't compatible- darn. Twice I wasn't sure I'd wiped well so I made those "shower now" days, lol. I'm a great tooter and happily no sharts <img src='http://www.bariatricpal.com/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    Last night was my 1st night that I was able to sleep in my bed all night without having to move to the recliner. Yes I had a ton of pillows but I made it happen! Still looking forward to being able to curling up on my side for sleep but for now this is good <img src='http://www.bariatricpal.com/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    My first week I had a tummy that would just spam and jump on it's own and an awful pain left of my belly button. That pain I was convinced was from splitting something inside because my 2nd trip to potty in the hospital I bet over a little and coughed and felt something there go POP all the way over to my bellybutton! I told the nurse and I told the surgeon but they didn't seem concerned. That was the pain I thought was going to do me in once I was home because I couldn't stomach the liquid pain med they gave and they told me to take tylenol and couldn't handle more then 1 pill a day at that point. That pain, just today is finally easing up- yay! My other big pain was my left shoulder. I had a (surprise) hiatal hernia repair done also and they said that shoulder pain was from the repair. Today I can breathe and not wince as that pain also is fading away finally. One thing I wished I had known sooner was it's really ok to take Aleve and gosh those pills are TINY and last longer!

    I am finally starting to get my meds and Vitamins in but it's slow going. Still haven't had a day where I got them all in. For me besides Tylenol or Aleve, it's -

    Losartan pill for hypertension,

    Prilosec capsule to protect the tummy,

    Ursodial capsule to control the gallbladder (I do have a tiny gallstone),

    Multivitamin with Iron (2 jumbo chewables daily),

    Calcium Citrade softchews with D3 (4/day),

    and sublingual B12 once a week because I don't want the dreaded intramuscular B12 shots.

    I haven't started exercising yet other then a bit of walking but once I do I will use the exercise bike we have here at home and then move on from there. Hubby goes to Planet Fitness which he says is nice because it's not the kind of place where already fit people go, lol. They do have people there to show you the ropes too and it's only 10 a month and no contract (or 20 and you can use more then 1 location and bring a guest). Unfortunately it's not that close to home. He uses one at lunch near work and on weekends uses one in the next town over. So I was considering Curves for women which is 5 minutes away from home and do their 30 min circuit. My exercise specialist at the weight loss clinic said I could but that he didn't recommend it as a first choice. So I'm not sure.[/quote']

    Okay, first off... From a fellow late Feb sleever (26th) congrats on how far you have come!!! I also had one heck of a time adjusting and have found it getting easier and easier every day.

    Secondly... YOU'VE POOPED ALREADY??? I'm so envious. I have only had gas, but not movements. Not even an urge. Pre-Surgery I constantly was dealing with Constipation issues, and that was a fear if mine post op. I wonder if I need to intro some Miralax to my liquids. I just assume that since I was taking liquids in only, there wasn't anything for me to poop out. Idk...

    Third, I am a member to Planet Fitness as well, and LOVE IT! I think the one thing that I'm going to want that they do not offer are cardio classes (Zumba, Dance...). I want big on classes prior to weight loss because I want comfortable jiggling around in front of everybody. ;) but think I might like them now.

    Anywho... Good luck on the rest if your journey! You have already made it trough the worse part (or so here).

  15. i think your sleeve will survive but kick the guilt to the curb and get on program.

    this is the hardest time...at least for me it was....once i got to even 3 weeks and started eating that ricotta bake...i was good to go. you can do it:)

    I AM SOOOOOO READY FOR THIS RICOTTA BAKE!!! I have been staring at the pic of it since I got home from surgery! I cannot wait to have it Wednesday night!!!

  16. Pizza!? Now you're talkin' crazy ;-)

    Just to chime in - because I can't help it... Kim' date=' I took your question as an innocent one.[/quote']

    I'm glad you did!!! This first week has been been such an emotional roller coaster for me, sometimes I think my thought process is taking a hit because of it.

    I've been making Breakfast, lunch and dinner for my family (since I'm home and not at work this week) and the amazing smell and sight of these foods is killing me! I am counting the days to when I can have something with substance. Jello and sf Popsicles are getting old... :(

  17. So' date=' after day one of Clear Liquids and a 9 hour shift, I stopped by the bank and the guy in front of me in line robbed the place. I was the only other customer there and he yelled and pointed his "weapon" (hand in pocket holding gun or faking a gun) at me. Which lead to me being locked in the building almost 3 hours getting questioned by local forensics to the FBI. Aw, what a day 1. I cant wait to leave for TJ Wednesdsy.[/quote']

    Holy Moses!!! What an event! Great job at not resorting to comfort food from the stress. ;)

  18. There isn't. There are a ton of people that judge things based totally on what its called. Once I had a personal recipe I had entered into MYF that was sort of pizzaesque so I just called it Grace's pizza recipe over there and people saw the term "pizza" and bricks were shat. That's just the way it goes.

    LMAO!!!!! Not pizza!!!! Are you mad crazy!?!?


  19. NO!!!! It still has a taste. Tomorrow I will be 1 week post-op & I have been adding it to my pudding' date=' broth, & yogurt. I definatly changes the taste a little.[/quote']

    I just got some sample packets, but I'm clueless on how much to use? The packet seems like a lot to use all at once. I'm thinking of preparing 24 oz crystal light...

  20. Thank you for your honesty. It is funny how many new sleevers do the same thing' date=' but get upset when their "desires" aren't validated. If we really want to be successful with this deal, we know when we are doing things we shouldn't be doing.

    Again, thanks for your honesty. Really appreciate it.[/quote']

    I think it's almost a denial stage that we "newbies" go through. Hoping to find that silver lining. ;). OF COURSE we all know (or at least, I hope we all know) what is allowed and what is not when it comes to the topic of carbs and sugar.

    I have moments where I catch myself mentally "cheating", but know that I cannot and WILL not do! I actually went to the fridge today and pulled out ingredients to make a sandwich and then realized what the heck I was doing!!! It was such a slip of habit. I felt like such a dummy after I did that!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
