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Posts posted by kimikat3

  1. My surgery was delayed 5 hours yesterday. Made thru just fine. Woke up in recovery in so much pain. It's from the gas' date=' but I have not been able to pass any of it. Iv tried walking but I get dizzy and weak very quickly. They are keeping me another night in the hospital because I can not keep anything down. Not even small sips of Water. Within 5-10 mins I'm throwing it up. Mostly dry heaves, but it's painful and it sucks!!! I'm just so ready to go home <img src='http://www.bariatricpal.com/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' />

    Sleeve Date: March 28, 2013 First Goal 50lbs: July 13, 2013[/quote']

    I was EXACTLY the same way!!!! I was vomiting up everything I ate and dry heaving the whole time I was in the hospital. I was discharged at 3 pm the day after surgery, made it home and vomited/dry heaved that night. Next morning I was fine. They told me my nausea was from the anesthesia and the morphine in my pain pump. I only used my pain pump twice and realized it was contributing to my vomiting.

  2. Hi everyone' date=' I'm at day 3 post OP. I'd like to know if this discomfort when I swallow liquids and stomach/cramping will ever go away??? <img src='http://www.bariatricpal.com/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' /> I was able to drink 50 oz liquid ( chicken broth n water), but am pushing myself to sip more. It just tummy hurts really bad when I swallow liquid. I've been active walking a lot, n passing gas. Also, do you wake up in the middle of the night to walk and sip liquids?? I'm feeling so discouraged.[/quote']

    50 oz!?!? That is awesome to do that so early on!!! I'm a month out and I still can't seem to get enough liquids in! Good for you. Hang in there, everything seems rough in the beginning but it gets much easier over time. ;)

  3. I am almost 4 weeks out and I still love food. "/

    There's an ap called "eat slower" that I use to time My bites. I also use baby utensils to remind me to take smaller bites. I was taking one too many bite until today' date=' I seem to have gotten that under control, taking my time and really evaluating my comfort level between every bite.

    Sometimes I miss just scarfing down with abandon. But that's just stupid thinking. It's food, fuel, not fun.

    Although I plan to have so much fun with pizza one day.[/quote']

    I miss scarfing too! That sounds so lame!!! But it's true. I watch people around me eating and I get so frustrated. HOWEVER... When I see my clothes getting looser in my and my numbers on the scale dropping, I forget all about.... ;)

    I agree that food has become for fuel and not for pleasure. It's sole purpose is being served.

  4. I think what you are experiencing is VERY normal. At a month out' date=' most of us are in some level of ketosis. During this phase, your body secretes acetone, which is in your sweat and mouth ... gross ... I know. Been there, smelled that. So, the taste of food is a bit off, but once you are able to get your carbs up a bit, this will resolve. As far as eating being uncomfortable, it sounds like you are doing everything right, chewing to a mush, eating slower and smaller bites. My guess is that you are taking one bite too many. At this stage, your tummy cannot tell you when you are full. It will come, just not today ... so, if you have been taking in 4 tsp of food, move to 3 tsp. What I did was to put my utensil down in between bites and evaluate how I felt. Yes, some meals took me half an hour to eat those 4 bites, but it was what I needed. Just try stopping well before you have been and perhaps eat more often.[/sub']

    Thanks for the encouraging words. :)

  5. Anyone else having this issue after being sleeved??? I'm a month post op, and I have lost most of my desire to eat.

    Nothing tastes amazing to me after its been chewed to mush... I still can't tell if I'm ever hungry, or my stomach is just digesting... And I always seem to eat one bite too much, leaving me in discomfort after almost every meal.

    I do watch what I eat, I take small bites, chew until there is barely anything left, and eat slow...

    I guess I didn't anticipate on losing the passion for food... I mean, I knew that the obsession would dwindle, but I don't even enjoy it.

    Idk if this is a just a stage... Or something others experience... Idk... Maybe once I'm released to "all foods" I will have a different experience. Right now, I'm still on mushy foods. I pretty much can have everything except raw veggies, breads, pastas, nuts and berries. I'm only able to take in about 4 tsp of whatever I eat per sitting...

  6. Anyone else having this issue after being sleeved??? I'm a month post op, and I have lost most of my desire to eat.

    Nothing tastes amazing to me after its been chewed to mush... I still can't tell if I'm ever hungry, or my stomach is just digesting... And I always seem to eat one bite too much, leaving me in discomfort after almost every meal.

    I do watch what I eat, I take small bites, chew until there is barely anything left, and eat slow...

    I guess I didn't anticipate on losing the passion for food... I mean, I knew that the obsession would dwindle, but I don't even enjoy it.

    Idk if this is a just a stage... Or something others experience... Idk... Maybe once I'm released to "all foods" I will have a different experience. Right now, I'm still on mushy foods. I pretty much can have everything except raw veggies, breads, pastas, nuts and berries. I'm only able to take in about 4 tsp of whatever I eat per sitting...

  7. I eat three meals a day... About 3 oz of chicken, tuna or whatever Protein I'm having plus about an oz of streamed veggies. I usually don't finish it all, but I try to. My Fluid intake varies from day to day still. I'd say I'm averaging about 32-48 oz...

    Ummm... I don't weigh myself. Sounds lame, I know... But pre op I was OBSESSED with the numbers in the scale. It was an unhealthy relationship between me and my scale. Ha! My thought is to weigh every two weeks. Which seems to be working well for me so far.

    Highest weight 225

    Surgery weight 206

    Two week Post Op visit weight: 195

    Tomorrow will be my next weigh in... ;)

  8. I will officially be 1 month post op tomorrow. Feeling great ever since the surgery... im lucky that I had no pain.. no trouble eating or drinking. Im really enjoying me again. I have a long road ahead but im ready for it. Here is my 1 month post op pic... now this does inclue my 2 week preop. I started at 353 and today im 317. Thats 15 from preop and 21since surgery. (Hopefully I will down even more tomorrow) so for the biggens like myself. .. theres hope!!!! Now.. this iant glamor shots.. so excuse my looks hahaha. Look at my butt in the first one.. r u seriouse?!?!?

    Congrats!!! Tomorrow is my one month post op day as well!!! I was telling my friend earlier that it doesn't seem like its been a month, yet it almost feels like its been years! Ha!

    This has been the best decision I have ever made for myself. Wouldn't change it for the world.

    You are looking fabulous!!!!

  9. I'm upset in comparing these before and after pics. The left one is day before surgery and the right is today. My husband made me feel bad. He said he didn't see much of a difference. I haven't been on the scale since 1 week post op. My surgery date was 2-19-2013. At that time I had lost 19 lbs. Do you see a loss or change?dde14

    What!?!? Perhaps your husband doesn't notice it because he sees you daily...??? Idk, but I can definitely see a difference in your before and after photos! You are clearly losing inches!!! Chin up and keep doing what you are doing, because its working for you! ;)

  10. I'm 5 days out' date=' doing well physically, but emotionally, I'm not in a good place. I keep saying, "Why did I do this?!" I cry. I'm scared of the future. AND, this is NOT me. Please tell me this will pass and ill feel "good" soon. I feel like I'm not connected to this world anymore. It's sad and lonely... Help. What did you do to get out of this funk, if you had one?[/quote']

    I was hands down at my all time low around the same time. You have to realize that we went from being able to (over)indulge in our favorite foods, to being on a liquid diet for (sometimes) weeks at a time. And even when you can "eat" again, it's not what you want to eat again. I will say this... It does get easier the further out you get. The first two weeks were the hardest for me. Once you can have soft foods, you realize that you have a whole new appreciation for the simplest foods.

    You have a wonderful support group here... We have allllllll been where you are and have dealt with the same emotions and issues.

    Hang in there... ;)

  11. I just ate an innie piece of pizza!!!! Why do I feel so guilty? <img src='http://www.bariatricpal.com/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' /> I'm 5 weeks out and so far so good. Normally I would ate 5! But I'm scared due to eating the crust.

    I think it's normal to have relapses. It's not like you can fully relapse... Not at this point anyway. I mean, when u think about it... We went through a complete 180 change. From over indulging in our favorite foods to being in complete liquids! Then slowly having the basic foods.. So I think it's kind of natural to want and even try the old stuff that you miss. Not that it's okay to continue to taste or indulge, but I think you'll be just fine. ;)

  12. at Amazon obviously Im not kidding ...rolling my eyes with a finger snap. That's why Im on here asking ppl that have gone through THIS just like you n I.

    From "newbie" to "newbie" beware of asking questions about foods that people consider cheating foods. I got laid into from "rolls eyes" a few weeks back when I asked about frozen yogurt. ;)

    I'll be a month out on Tuesday, an still haven't tied frozen yogurt or even tempted ice cream. I have found sugar free fruit pops to be my saving grace. Ohhh and if you want something creamy, sugar free pudding with a dab sugar free cool whip. Idk if you can have pudding yet, but its a tasty treat when you are craving.

    I will tell you from experience, that the first two weeks were seriously the HARDEST for me. A complete mind f*#k. Hang in there....

  13. This is a touchy subject... In was sleeved because it have an autoimmune disease and have to take nsaids... Now my surgeon says I can never take them. I didn't meet with my surgeon before preop and that was for another 45 seconds. The 6 month preop diet I saw apns... When she told me no nsaids ever I told her I wouldn't be able to have the surgery... She then told me about the sleeve and Medicare just started paying for it... They sent me to my rheumatologist and he approved sleeve only' date=' because you CAN take nsaids after surgery... Funny if you Google it, it shows taking nsaids as a pro of this surgery! Frustrating![/quote']

    I too have RA, and my surgeon told me that if I was going to need to take NSAIDS now and again, to make sure the I am taking Pepcid or Prevacid (spelling???) twice a day. She those medications will help protect my stomach lining against the harshness of the medications.

    It seems that all doctors are different in what they suggest and dot suggest though.

  14. i don't see the reason not to have it they have sugar free fat free options..we have a tool to help us..its not the end of our life we should still enjoy some of our foods but now we are better equipped to handling it. Someone on here said you probably didn't pay for your surgery is that what you had surgery for.. Well I didn't pay for my surgery but my insurance company does that my husband pays for. I had this to help me as no matter what I did the weight didn't come off. I'm not going to deprive myself if I want a half a slice of pizza. IIts not just our food intake that will help with weightloss...going to the gym and living an active lifestyle..its not all about food and if you make it all about food its not good. Go treat yourself to that frozen yogurt' date=' I've found that things I used to like IE coffee..doesn't even taste good anymore...You'll notice that..right now I'm 6 weeks out and my doc has me eating solid food. He has told me try all different foods. He is so happy with my progress..I've lost 32.4 lbs..and I have been sick with bronchitis for almost 2 weeks. There are times when I see people post on here and they almost seem rude..Aren't we here to support each other? I know that's what I'm here, if I wanted rude people in my life I'd walk out my front door I live in NY![/quote']

    Ha!!!! Thank you for the support. I agree with you, our sleeve isn't the end of our lives, it's the beginning!!! I have found that many of the foods that I LOVED before aren't even tempting anymore. Im almost 4 weeks post op, and I can't wait for salads!!! :)

  15. Sorry for the late reply to this - but here we are again. The question asked about the frozen yogurt was just that - a question. There's always got to be someone who launches into a tirade about what THEY feel the proper thing to do may be.

    If the girl is going to get some frozen yogurt then she's gonna get it. No need to attack her decision or make her feel bad for considering it.

    I would suppose that if anyone here feels like they have the superior knowledge or personify the very definition of self control - well they wouldn't have needed a sleeve in the first place. Their knowledge and self control would have prevented them from being overweight at all.

    Thank you! It was an innocent question, as I was new to the surgery and was curious. I didn't have any... And I still haven't. I'm sure someday I will though. ;)

  16. I did this and made the crystal light into like a cream flavor. Not bad. I am 4 days Pre-op and I am gagging with the shakes. Not sure if it's a "head" thing at this point.

    I did it and had the same outcome. Only I could totally taste the Protein, had a Vitamin taste to it. So much for the Protein being "unflavored".

    I too could stomach Protein Shakes after surgery. It was something about the consistency of them that made me want to puke. I ordered a sample pack of protein mixes of Syntrax Nectors, and I have to admit, they are pretty yummy. I've only tried he double cookie crunch and the vanilla wafer ones. I mix them with some ice and skim milk (u could use soy or almond milk). It's like a Oreo cookie milkshake! Very tasty. They also have a fruit punch mix, I have it but haven't tried it yet, thinking that would mix in great with crystal lights fruit punch...

  17. Thanks y'all its been really easy for me to go to the gym after I drop the kids off at school. I am there by 8 am and work out until I can't take it anymore. At the Beginning of my journey I was really sad and didn't think I would loose the weight. But now I know it's only a matter of time.

    I can't wait until my husband sees me' date=' he left 4 days after my surgery.[/quote']

    You are going to have to peel him off of you! ????

  18. I'm not sure I'm understanding your question... Are you asking if you should drink your slushy and eat your nachos together? (Avoid the normal 30minute rule)???

    If that's what your asking, I personally wouldn't, but then again, I'm pretty new in my surgery (2/26). I can see how a trip to the movies would be difficult when it comes to planing your Snacks. I have always had my snack and drink together... That's a big change to switch it around.

    Hopefully a veteran sleever will respond to this! ;)

  19. Mine were super red and itchy. Doc said I'm most likely allergic to dermabond. I did a week of steroids and they are almost completely healed now.

    Did u have steri-strips? Or just dermabond?

    I had steri-strips and my skin was fine while they were on. It was even fine a day or two after I took them off. But then I noticed the itching and redness a couple days after I removed them.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
