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Everything posted by athykay

  1. athykay

    Dr. Eubanks

    The class is at 6:00 I will have to see how work goes Monday. Sometime I don't get out of my office until after that. So I really won't know for sure if I can make until then. I wasn't really sure what the check up was for, so I just called them and they said it is for another fill, if I need it. If not I just call and cancel and see how it goes. They do that so you have a spot if you think you need another fill. Good luck Monday, let me know how everything goes.
  2. athykay

    Why do we fill ??

    Thanks everyone, makes more sense now. I am glad I was not the only one that was confused. Michelle I hope I do as well with my fills as you have. Leatha that link was great I hadn't seen that one. I will just let it do it's thing, luving every minute of it.
  3. athykay

    My Upper GI results.

    Lisa it sounds like good news to me!! Does the lil gassey ever go away?????
  4. athykay

    Dr. Eubanks

    Just a check up to see how I am doing. They have some support groups to that I would love to attend. The next one meets on Monday the 8th. I am seriously thinking about going. When is your fill date Teresa?
  5. athykay

    Why do we fill ??

    I don't know I just don't really understand where it goes. How can the band size change as we loose. It is a hard object right? Only the inside of the band is expandable right? Unless it evaporates or we stretch it out, it doesn't make sense to me. Somebody knock me in the head because I just don't get it. Right now I know how much I can eat. I just don't see how without taking some fluid out how my restriction would change over a period of time. Clueless here!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. This post answers a lot of my questions. I was filled on the 25th and I sure notice a big difference. When I was banded the nutrionist had told me to chew chew. chew. Well I did pretty good I thought, until this fill. I have had to really slow down. I have found that sitting the fork down works pretty good. I still have those times when the food is in my mouth and just wants to go down. I have gaged myself a couple of times trying to catch it before the darn bite goes down. I still don't understand why we would need more fills. Where does the fluid go? How can it be good for a period of time and then be gone? I am so confused on that.
  7. Danyielle, Hi, congratulations on your decision. Where do you live? I was banded in Mexico but recently found out that a doctor very close does the bands for 12k. I am in Washington State.
  8. athykay

    I have had enough loss for one year

    So sorry Penni, that is too much. Hope your walk helps. We also had a year alot like that. First my brother inlaw in December he was 44 then my mother inlaw in March she was 68. It was a rough year. We also are very close to our animals 2 dogs, 3 cats and 4 fish in our outside pond. I would be devastated to lose any of them. Take care, and god bless. So sorry for your loss. Kathy
  9. athykay

    Dr. Eubanks

    Hi Sharby and Teresa, I am doing great since my fill. Hard to get all my protein in but working on it. It has been a big change. I can't eat much and the scale is going down. Not really going to put a number on in until I go back in. I go again Nov. 22nd. Sometimes I think I might be to tight. He said that he thought it was going to be a good fill for me and so far he is right. I have pb'd twice but I had done that a few times before my fill. Dr. Eubanks and his whole staff are wonderfull. I can't believe how great they made me feel. It takes me about a hour or so to get to his office from home and I can't tell you how good that feels knowing that he is that close. Best of luck to both of you, let me know how it goes. Kathy
  10. athykay

    Stranger Danger

    We have all been there at some time or another. I started looking into surgery 2 years ago but gave up because of the people in my life. Then one day I woke up got on the scale, which I hadn't did in awhile. And oh my gosh 280 pounds. I lost it, I couldn't believe that I weighed more than most football players. I went to work and all I could think of was what that scale had said. I cried all day, I mean all day. Everyone at work knew that I had wanted the surgery 2 years before and they all gave me the reasons that I didn't need it, they loved me the way I was, the risk, all the horror stories. My boss and a co-worker said they would work out with me. We joined curves, I went for awhile but no success, you have to watch what you eat and work out. Well I did, I worked out went home and watched the cupboard clean out from the snacks that I ate from it. I watched the desserts and everything else, but I was watching what I ate and exercising. I quit!! I had, had it. Back on the scale 286, I got back on the internet and starting reading more and more about the surgery's. I found a doctor in Mexico and my date was set. My boss who was originally against the surgery 2 yrs before confided in me that she knew that this was something that I really needed to do. And she was there for me if I ever needed her support. I told her that I was concerned about how my family and friends would react. They had all said such negative things in the past. She said Kathy you have to do this for you and no one else. She said the ones that are not supportive are only jealous that you may succeed and be a stronger, healthier person. This is so true, you will know the difference between the ones that truly care and the ones that are just so jealous of your strength to face this. Then I found LapbandTalk and all of you wonderful people, and there was no turning back. Donali answered my first post. Then the daring Delarla (Lisa) who had just had the surgery herself, and there were others. They were all the support that I needed no jealousy here. I would read their letters and show my family to reassure them. That was all they needed too. Just remember it is all about you. The risk of being overweight way out weighs the risk of the surgery. As you always post: It's never too late to become what you might have been. Kathy Dr. Lopez 5/21/2004
  11. athykay

    Any One Up For an Exercise Challenge?

    I have to get on this thread and many others. I need to stay focused. Got me a new fill and ready for the challenges. I walked 3 times last week about a mile each time. This week we are doing 4 nights. 30 minute dance in the morning before I go to work. Hope no one is looking. Neighbors probably think I am having parties early in the morning.
  12. athykay

    weekly scale challenge

    Hi everyone, first week for me. I didn't have one piece of halloween candy all week. The week before is what got me. I shouldn't have bought it until yesterday. After my first fill I am ready for this challenge. Kathy 286 Banded 5/21/04 Fill 10/25/04 Today's weight 245 -41
  13. athykay


    Way to go, thanks for the inspiration. Kathy
  14. athykay

    A New Nsv!!!!!!

    AWESOME!!!!!!!!! That is great. The small things are sometimes the biggest things. I am glad someone else had to ask what NSV meant, I had no clue. Thanks Greg I won't tell!!!! Kathy
  15. athykay

    Junk Food Challenge

    I was really glad when I read this thread. I was doing all the above and thought I was the only one. I couldn't lose anymore weight going back and fourth with about 5 pounds. Candy, chips, cakes, popcorn, all of it went down very easy. And then I was filled on the 25th of October, what a wake up call. Big difference, water was even a little uncomfortable at first. It is better now but for the first couple days I wasn't sure if I was to full. Now I think it is just right. It has really made me stop and think. I guess I just thought I was banded so it was ok to eat whatever I wanted and I would just continue to loose. After all I was banded. I would read all of the threads and just want to cry I wasn't losing and I could no longer fool myself. I knew it was time for a fill but I guess I just thought it should still work on it's own. I wasn't exercising or watching what I was eating. Had I forgot that my band was just a tool? It was just like a car that needs a tune up now and then. My band needed a tune up in fact it needed a complete overhaul. All these years that I have hated my scale when it was really a friend that was just trying to wake me up so that I could see that my band was just a tool. So thank you scale. It took me awhile but I have always liked to sleep late. The junk food is still in the cupboard. I think about it because that is what we do. I am choosing not to eat it because that is what I should do. The band is a tool and I don't know about all of you but I really do need to remember that. We are all going to fall off now and then and that is ok as long as we remember to get back up. We all love good food we just need to make better choices. There is some good alternatives out there. I even found some BAKED CHEETOS they are awesome. Penni you may want to give them a try!!! Thank god we have scales and this web site to be are warnings that we have this great tool and it may need a tune up now and then. This is a great place and I need to come here more often. Support is a great tool and we all need it. So thank you all. Kathy Banded 5/21/2004 Dr. Lopez -36???-42???? :sleep Woke up and had a fill 10/25/2004 -41 :banana :banana :banana :banana :banana
  16. athykay

    My lapband Ad!!!

    Here is the web page for Acrobat Reader for those of you who can't see the picture. http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html
  17. athykay

    My Dad has lukemia

    So sorry for your worries right now, but try to think positive thoughts. The power is amazing. You and your family are in my prayers.
  18. athykay

    Dr. Eubanks

    Teresa he is great you will just love him. I notice a big difference today. Feels good to know that the scale will be going down again soon. I was begining to think I was never going to lose anymore. I can't thank you enough for referring him. Kathy
  19. athykay

    PamRN, Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday, have a great one.
  20. athykay

    Happy Birthday Kathy!!!

    Hi everyone and thank you. Just got home from Portland awhile ago. It went great. They were all so nice, and the doctor was awesome. He got my port on the first try and I barely felt a thing. He put in 1cc he said that was about normal for the first fill. It was great I worried like crazy for nothin. It is going to be so nice to have a Doctor and Nurses that are so close to home that can relate to the band. I was really upset when I found out that they do the surgery here for just a couple thousand more than it cost me in Mexico. But oh well it is over and done. I already notice a difference. It is like I am satisfied again. He said that I could eat normal today just take it real slow. Well he was right I ate half a bowl of vegi soup and a few crackers and I am stuffed. Thanks again Teresa I know you will be very happy. And thanks everyone for the birthday wishes I had a great day. We stayed in Portland last night and shopped and then relaxed in the jaccuzzi tub. Went to the show and saw Shall We Dance, (great movie). I think my hubby was crying, he has gotten so sentimental. I guess that comes with age. :laugh Filled at last Kathy
  21. Next Monday I will be getting my first fill. It can't be soon enough I feel like someone just cut out my band. The last couple of weeks I have experienced hunger. I mean true hunger I thought I lost it. I could eat non stop. And this happened so sudden. It was like one day I woke up and my band was gone. I don't know where it went but I want it back and I want it back now. I really believed that I wouldn't ever feel this way again, and boom there it is. When I first lost it I thought oh it will come back but no not yet. Then I got on the scale and now it is telling lies. What is going on?????? Where is my band????? And who told my scale to lie. Help stolen band and lying scale what am I to do??????? :angry :angry Please tell me someone here as had the same things going on. Kathy
  22. athykay

    A beginner's guide to fills

    Thanks for the post Zoe, Monday I have my first fill and I am very nervous but very ready. This helped so much. Thanks
  23. athykay

    I lost it, who has it??????

    Yes it was suddenly gone. I mean my hunger just kicked into high gear. I feel as if I could eat and eat and never get full. The weird thing is up until I lost it I never really felt hungry. I only ate because I knew I needed too. That is what I miss the most, a satisfied feeling. I sure hope it comes back with my fill Monday. Delara are you serious did you really drink a pitcher of salt water or was that Margaritta's? Marie I have gave that a lot of thought. I may just do that after my fill. Thanks, It is Wednesday only 5 days to go.
  24. athykay

    I lost it, who has it??????

    Well it was up 2 pounds on Monday but back down 1 today so I feel better. But I feel hungry all the time. May 21st 2004 was my surgery date so it has been 5 months so I know that I have been pretty lucky. No great loss in the last 2 months but stayed about the same. Untill this last couple of weeks. I am so ready for a fill. Monday can't get here soon enough. Penni if you have my band please give it back. NOW :devious Thanks a bunch for the clue Delarla. Kathy

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