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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by athykay

  1. athykay

    Is it fill time?

    That is just what I needed to hear. Thanks Donali and Neicy. I wasn't sure if I should get a fill, I just thought since the scale had slowed down that it must be time. Since I am 2 months out I didn't think that I could possibly be a lucky one and have restriction with out a fill. I guess I just needed to hear it from you guys. I am very excited over my weightloss and my health is improving everyday. I love this band and you guys. I can always come here and find the answers that I need. Thanks so much, Kathy
  2. athykay

    Is it fill time?

    I don't know if I need a fill or not. I have been stuck at this weight for a couple of weeks. Sometimes when I eat I feel like it gets stuck, only after a few bites, I could puke if I would let myself. This is usually the first meal of the day. So I quit eating go for a walk and it feels better. Then I don't finish my meal. I can't say that I have truly felt much hunger since my banding. I know that I am eating way less than I did before surgery. But the scale seems to be stuck. I am down 36 sometimes 37 pounds in 8 weeks. I am just afraid if I get a fill that I will have that stuck feeling more often. Also gas, I always have it. When I drink lots of Water it seems to be worse. Any advise? Thanks Kathy Banded May 21st 2004 285/249-250
  3. athykay

    When it goes right

    Great post Alex, I was almost feeling guilty that I have felt so good and better every day. I must say it has been a little scary here lately. But there is good and bad in everything. I have been so busy that I hardly find time to post. But that doesn't mean I don't care what is going on with everyone. When I do find time this is where I come. I want to hear it all, the good the bad and the ugly. We do tend to focus on the bad to often, and we forget all the good that the band has done for many of us. It is such a inspiration to hear all the ways that the band has helped so many. My health is improving everyday, I can fit comfortable in a plane seat, my clothes are baggy, I can see my facial features again, I have way more energy, I actually ran through the woods with my grandson playing good guys and bad guys, and list goes on and on, I am so glad that I came here and learned about this great tool (the Band) from all of you. Thanks again, Kathy
  4. athykay

    new pics...

    You look fantastic, way to go. Thanks for sharing your progress, always a inspiration. Kathy
  5. athykay

    Erosion & loss of restriction

    Hey girl, I think somedays are just going to be different than others. Try not to worry. Your going to be fine. I know your going to be fine! Think positive thoughts. POSITIVE, POSITIVE thoughts coming your way))))))))))))))))))) Kathy
  6. athykay

    Band Repair -Xpost

    Best of luck Leatha I will be thinking of you. Kathy:think
  7. athykay

    OT- Purity test! how pure are YOU

    200-274 You're a social menace. Yep that's me. I really wanted to go straight to hell. I know I will have lots of friends there. LOL Kathy
  8. athykay

    I am back, missed you all!!

    Hey how is everyone. I have been trying to catch up on the post. Oh my what a busy place this is these days. I am home and glad to be. I hated leaving that new grandaughter but I tried to put her in my suitcase but they noticed. Glad to be back, missed you all. Kathy May 21st 2004 285/249 -36
  9. athykay


    Kelly, I have had a total hysterectomy and the nutrionist told me that my weight loss may be slower than some. I just think we are all different. 30 pounds in 3 months is awesome. At least the scale is going down. Tell her to keep up the good work, losing is the goal. Kathy
  10. athykay

    Updated pics -80 lbs

    You look great Leo, thanks for sharing. Kathy:)
  11. athykay

    The baby is here and I am back.

    Janie, We have a new grandaughter too. She was also born on the 26th but our Nevaeh weighed 8lbs 2oz. I also stayed with my daughter and I am home now. Hated to leave don't like that they live 700 miles away. Congratulations being a grandma is the greatest. Kathy
  12. athykay

    Donali's Up and About - kind of :D

    Donali, I am glad for you that it is over now. Maybe the ghost band is working. Take care dear, I'll be looking for your advise as usual. Take care, and have a speedy recovery. Grandma Kathy
  13. Tawnia We are very close, I am in Castle Rock WA. I would love to meet up with you someday. Where did you have surgery and who does your follow up care. I had mine done in Mexico by Dr. Lopez. I am looking for a good fill Dr. and follow up care close to home. Kathy Dr. Lopez April 21 2004 285/250/??? -35
  14. athykay

    Donali, thinking of you...

    Best of luck Donali. I will be thinking of you. Take care and have a speedy recovery. You will do awesome and show us all how it can be done. Our inspiration the Bandless Wonder!!!! (((( Kathy ))))) 5/21/2004 285/ todays weight 250
  15. Grandma is ready just say when. Sounds like too much fun. Are the trouble makers coming? LOL Kathy
  16. Wow I gotta take a grandma break for this. A love connection star and what have you girls been up too? Are you two causing trouble? I have to go and check this stuff out. I love to get in the middle of these kind of things. I didn't realize I was missing so much. So besides the 2 trouble makers how is everyone? Grandma is doing fine. I have had a couple episodes of the golf ball feeling but it is really strange. I don't know why it happens when it does. I don't know if I didn't chew right or if I ate the wrong thing. But I can eat the same thing one day and the next day if I eat it I get the golf ball feeling. Could this be restriction? I haven't had a fill yet. Any advise? Kathy
  17. athykay

    New Grandaughter Nevaeh

    Alex thanks again for fixing the size of Nevaeh. She is so beautiful and we are so glad she is finally here. Today we celebrated our 29th wedding anniversary and I told hubby no gifts we already got one. Now if I can just find a way to sneek her into my suitcase when I have to go home. That is going to be a hard day. Our grandson Jaden and his mom have been living with us untill about a month ago. They now live 15 minutes away. It is going to be very hard to not have Nevaeh and mom close to us. But we will plan many trips. And who knows maybe I can get away with her in the suitcase. LOL Thanks again everyone, I am going to be here for another week so I won't be on the boards much. Busy being grandma and mommy's helper. But I will check in now and again. Take care, hope all is going well for everyone. Kathy :cheeky :cheeky :banana :banana :banana :banana :Bunny :Bunny
  18. Hi everyone, Our new grandaughter Nevaeh was born Saturday at 5:45pm she weighed 8lbs 2oz and she is beautiful. I will try to load a picture hope it works. Mom and baby are doing fine, thanks for all your well wishes. Talk to you soon, Kathy Alex thanks so much, I am using my daughters pc and couldn't figure it out. Please see the picture of Nevaeh posted on Alex's post. Thanks again.
  19. athykay

    Baby by tomorrow!!

    Hey everyone I haven't been on the boards much. I am staying in Reno with my daughter she is going to have our 2 grandchild. Nevaeh is expected to arrive tomorrow. We leave for the hospital in just a just a few. My daughter is going to be induced in the morning, tonight they are putting some kind of pill on her cervix. Maybe that will work. I will let you all know and share pictures when she gets here. Take care everyone and talk to you soon. Kathy
  20. athykay


    tigk29, I know exactly how you feel. I too was told that I should quit smoking but I have been banded now for 5 weeks and yes I am still smoking. Some fellow banders told me that there doc's said try to quit after surgery, one thing at a time. I know as we all do that smoking is not a good choice. But for now it is one that I am choosing to do. When I get my weight down further and am ready to quit I will. I don't really understand how it could affect the band and I have not had any problems so far. I would imagine complications from smoking could happen but so can overeating with the band. I guess it is your preference what you choose to do and not to do. Just my thoughts on the subject. Hope this helps with your decision. Kathy
  21. athykay

    Seeking peace of mind...

    Wow, how this type of thing makes you stop and look. I too have been feeling very uneasy. With all that has been going on. But I knew that the risk was there, when I chose this surgery. I like alot of you probably figured it would not happen to me. Reading the post lets us know that it does happen and it can be one of us. I too am very grateful to have this site to come to. I have learned so much and shared so much with all of you. I am so thankful that we all have a place that we can come and learn, and vent and have a laugh or two. I am only 4 weeks out and down 28 pounds the lightest I have been in at least 2 to 3 years. I am feeling better and better each day. Although I had no real health problems at the time, I knew they were just around the corner. I made my decision to have this surgery based on what a lot of you had to say. As hard as it is that the complications that are going on now. They have always been there, like Donali says if we too have problems we will deal with them. But for now I love my new lease on life. And I would like to thank everyone for sharing their experiences with out them my surgery may have never been. Thanks Donali for the great post, and all the inspiration that you have gaven all of us. I would say that this great tool gave you so much more than weight loss. :) Kathy
  22. athykay

    I'm THAT Special...

    Donali, I am so sorry, thank god they found out before you had more troubles. You do have a lot to be grateful for. Reading your post have always been so informative. I have gotten so much information from you. You are truely a inspiration to all of us. Just keep putting things into perpective. Your weight loss is not a dream it is a reality. You have accomplished what so many of us dream of. When your all healed and can be rebanded we can take donations on your behalf. Maybe we can even auction off Delarla's famous bra. If she can find it. LOL Just want to make you smile. I believe that all things happen for a reason. We don't always understand why at the time but it seems to turn out to be the right thing. This may be one of those times. Just keep adding to your grateful list and things will seem so much brighter. May tomorrow be a much brighter day for you, Kathy
  23. athykay

    news about Lisa (Delarla)

    Thanks for letting us know. I am so glad she is doing well. Say hi to her for me Donali. Tell her I still want that bra. LOL Kathy
  24. Not me I am in Washington State. Just wanted to welcome you to the boards. I am sure there is someone out there that will be able to help you. Best of luck to you and welcome. Kathy
  25. athykay

    Roll Call

    athykay 45 here in Castle Rock, WA. Born and raised in the San Fernando Valley. Married at 16, 3 daughters by the time I was 21. And this month Mike and I will Celebrate 29 years of marriage. We have 1 grandson (Jaden), and a grandaughter (Nevaeh) on the way anyday. A Dalmation (Sara) and 3 cats. Tinker, Tissy and Tessa, 4 fish in the pond. I had my surgery on May 21, 2004 by Dr. Lopez. I am down 25 pounds as of today. It's nice getting to know all about everyone. Thanks for the post Audrey. Great idea. Kathy

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