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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by judybellyband

  1. judybellyband

    Durham region-let's do dinner Apr 29th, '05 at 6:30pm

    Hi everyone, I'm just going to choose IHOP. We can always order eggs, which I like, and they are generally less busy at nights than Golden Coral. They always have tables which they can put together for us. So plan on meeting at IHOP in Durham just to the left side of Krogers and Petco and where to the right is costco & Bath & Beyond located at the opposite end of that strip shopping center. Their address is: IHOP 1821 N Pointe Drive Durham , NC 27705 Phone: (919) 317-4161 When you get there just tell them you are meeting Judy. Also, in order that you can recognize me, here is my picture: http://g3-designs.com/JHF/jhf_profile.htm Look forward to seeing everyone that night. Always, Judy
  2. As a way of introducing myself here, I am going to post my before (24Apr04) and current (24Mar05) pictures. I still have much to go but 11 months has made a huge difference in how I look but even greater results in my good health. I am s-o-o grateful for my lap-band WLS. Always, Judy
  3. judybellyband

    My 20 yr old made my YEAR...

    Oh Paula, Wow, it is such a blessing to have a wonderful son who exspresses his love and care for his wonderful Mom as he did. Your good work as a Mom is blessed for sure..."And God is able to make all grace abound unto you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work" (2 Corinthians 9:8). Always, Judy
  4. judybellyband

    Just my Luck, Back to Mexico

    Dear Vera, I am so deeply sorry. I am praying that this will quickly be behind you and you'll be the better for it. I pray that you will put your trust in the Lord so. . . Show me Your ways, O Lord, and teach me Your paths. Guide me in Your truth and teach me, for You are God my Savior, and my hope is in You all day long (Psalm 25:4--5). Remind me of the benefits that come from believing You and the losses that result from unbelief... "I trust that you will discover that we have not failed the test" (2 Corinthians 13:6).
  5. judybellyband

    Why are YOU Fat?

    Thank-you...I needed this. I have forever wondered, "why me, it's not my fault, I am so tired of being on a diet and the sadness of feelings for being so out of control with my weight". Why am I fat? Maybe it is a virus that just got into my blood stream and has only 3 times in my 52 years of life EVER been in control. Or maybe it really has been all about volume of food, high-fat/high carb foods, no exersice, very little water ever (but 8-10 diet cokes a day) and a stressful busy life. I just now am realizing the difference from feeling hungry and realizing that I am just thirsty. I have learned more about why I have always been fat in this past year than I ever had and I thought I knew it all before I was l banded....ha ;o) The Lord is so good and He has allowed me a second opportunity to have the desires of my heart . . to learn to eat more normal and get toward a normal size. I thank Him everyday for my band and His love to me. Always, Judy
  6. judybellyband

    birmingham bandster

    Hi Shannon, I am from Alabama and often come down to Trussville. For future reference could you share with us Dr. Clements's website information. It's good to know if I should need help. Thank-you.
  7. judybellyband

    anyone out there

    Hi tarheeltalk, It took me a while to post here but I am also from NC. I live in the Greensboro area and yes I had lap-band WLS at Duke. But there are many others in NC doing the procedure. Hope others will join us here. Always, Judy
  8. judybellyband

    getting frustrated not losing

    Hi Monica, I wanted to say to you that I understand and it took my kind but oh s-o-o conservative Dr. a total of 8 fills and 10 months to get to restriction. He was so concern that I not be over filled that I did not loss but 10 lbs durring the worst of it for 6 months. The issue was that he loved & only trusted his fluoroscopy. In other words that which he could "see". He thought that I had restriction verse going by the numbers. I have the larger band and I think it has something to do with it. But if he had just gone by the "numbers" which showed that I was not lossing and not going up in uniform fill volume increaments. So when he was on vacation, I was ginally given a 80% fill level (8cc in my 10cc band) by the PA who had been with me through this process and knew I would come back imediately if there were problems. It was a risk my surgeon, who felt he knew more than me, was unwilling to take. However, since my last fill on 27 Jan, I have lost 12 lbs. I still get hungry and I still have to eat little, excersise much and drink Water even if it hurts in order to lose...but I am telling you, it's like night and day with restriction. So please don't get down. Keep focused on two things. 1st, it's about time not if - you will not fail your band. And secondly, A special verse helped me understand that no matter what, Christ was for me in all things. I want to share it with you. “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus througout all gererations, for ever and ever! Amen.” –Ephesians 4:20-21 May God bless you and give you peace and joy. Always, Judy

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