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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by dirich

  1. In need of some real answers to myself. Went for my 4 of 6 monthly DR visits and have only lost about 7 pounds in this time, she thinks I may not have the want to stick with it after the surgery. It was my GP not the surgeon.......if I can't show more weight loss will my surgeon tell me no,,,,,,,,,insurance nor surgeon have said anything about having to lose weight and I am failing. What if I can't do it, questioning myself after my check in today.........have been walking, gave up soda, trying to not eat junk and that is my weakest point........not going to have surgery until the end of June if everything passes..........really down on myself today, been ready to break into being a crybaby all day......is there anyone out there that didn't know if they could do it but did

  2. I have done all my research on the band and thought that would be my choice. After the info meeting sounds like the bypass would be the better route according to the surgeon. Filled out the papers and will send in tomorrow knowing that I will have to have a 6 month supervised diet........anything you want to warn me about or personal experience. I am not afraid of the surgery so much as the post surgery and what to expect cause I have not spent as much time on this forum or reading about this option. Any input would be great, negative or possitive I am ready for all................

  3. OK so I have my meeting tonight, am getting excited and scared not knowing how I handle this journey when I finally get to start it..........will have a 6 month insurance required supervised diet first, will give me time for all the other pre approval crap I have to do....husband is very supportive but wants to make sure I understand everything that i wil need to change to be successful

    heres to a new start to a better healthy lifestyle, please grant me the power and energy to finish this and feel great

  4. my title about says it all, what if I can't do it...............i really want to but what if I can't stick with it......haven't talked to a DR yet but will on the 19th.........this sounds like it will be the most difficult thing I have ever done....tiny bites, chewing forever, life long changes (how ever much I have left) really doubting myself cause so far I have failed so many diets and most more than 3 or 4 times...mu husband will support me 1000% so that's not an issue

  5. OK I am going to the information meeting for the DR I will most likely choose. This is an advanced specialty care center and I am anxious to attend as I am 95% sure at this point that I want the band. Insurance will cover approx 80% and I will need to do the 6 month monitered diet. Oh well that time will pass even if I do nothing about my weight and I will be closer to my new healthy life style. I will try to get as much info as I can and talk with post banders there as maybe it will help to calm my nerves.

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